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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About CarryOn7

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 10/24/1976

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  1. CarryOn7

    Finally In The 50Lbs Lost Category :-)

    You go girl!!! That awesome! We are all in this together! Big high five!!! ✋
  2. CarryOn7

    Finally In The 50Lbs Lost Category :-)

    I actually had the sleeve done. It's been just over 2 months. My tummy is so loud it woke me up. I think it's still my body getting use to its self.
  3. I love all the picture post! I just wish I could. I'm just over 40lbs lost since surgery & just over 50 since post op. I hate that I look in the mirror & still see a 300lbs woman. I can tell I'm losing but my stomach area is still holding onto the crap/fat... It'll leave just not as fast as I would like. Yay to almost 50 lbs since surgery!!! Nothing else I have done has ever done this...
  4. CarryOn7

    kicked off of a fair ride....

    I'm so sorry! I hate when I walks into a place & have to judge. Ok can that hold me... Will I fit.... I'm losing but I still do that. Sadly I think I always will. Since surgery I've list just over 40lbs. Pre-op I've lost just over 50. I still feel the same. With my work I walked into an appointment & started sweating. I hate that I still see myself at 300+ lbs. I'm not where I want to be. But I am smaller!
  5. CarryOn7

    Finally In The 50Lbs Lost Category :-)

    I maybe slow. But I'm losing!! Although my stomach had been making weird sounds today. well this morning. It sounds like the ghost shows... Has anyone had weird noises? It's kinda funny where my kids & I watch ghost shows..
  6. CarryOn7

    Finally In The 50Lbs Lost Category :-)

    Yes to all that's hit 50!!! I'm so close I can taste it!!
  7. Walk away, When my family has those types of things I go in my room & shut the door, I do my best to distract myself. Good Luck! It will be worth it to stay strong!
  8. CarryOn7

    Mental Hunger?

    One think that annoys me about food. It shouldn't, but it does. On Facebook, all my friends that post pictures of their meals, or their check-ins on restaurants. It use to be nothing, but now I notice it more, a lot more! Oh well. Gotta deal with the obvious. I haven't watched him for awhile but Dr Phil says food is some peoples drug of choice, & when they are trying to diet or just eat right, it's everywhere! No avoiding it. We just have to find good alternatives. We also have a great tool, that will help the process.
  9. CarryOn7

    Mental Hunger?

    Pinterest has some great recipes there. So glad that we have a tool like that to use.
  10. CarryOn7

    Week 3 Post-Op

    It's been a long week, my head is making me crazy with cravings of things. I think it has something to do with the body's hormones & it's adjusting to the lack of calories it's use to. my emotions have been all over the place, I have felt faint, weak & shaky. I am guessing it'a the body fat's fight to stay. I am hoping it comes to an end soon. On a different note, I got my fitbit. I love it. it's not fully what I was hoping it would be, but it's better than some of the other things, a couple of the people that got their sleeves around the same time we are all friends with it, I think as I get more active it will become a lot better. it's nice where it sync's up with your smartphone & my fitness pal, for the diet tracking aspect. the main reason I got it was so I could wear it in the pool at the gym. Go figure the day I get it the pool at the gym goes out & won't be back up till next week. Oh well, I have been walking up a storm, daily goal is 10,000 steps. pretty much on your feet when your not working. I guess that's the key though. Funny food things, I realized tonight that my go to, "safe" Sleeve friendly staple food is, oddly enough, Bean's:- black, red, navy, garbanzo basically any canned beans, just not Green I've had all kinds of things, hummus, refried, soup's, chili, (fake) backed beans, & (fake) BBQ. everyday this week, I've had beans for 1-2 meals. oddly I would maybe eat beans once a week, to once every other week. The plus side is not eating very much they don't have the side effect they use to. I guess Beans are my new eggs... eggs make me sick. I have tried 3 different ways. YUCK, I use to love eggs, had them almost daily. now. they almost make me puke. I'll give it a month & try them again. Oh well, life goes on & things will work them self out, the sleeve is a huge learning curve. good luck to everyone with it.
  11. CarryOn7

    Mental Hunger?

    All the time. I just try to focus on other stuff. I hope it goes away.
  12. Thanks for the input. Still unsure what I'm going to do, but this helps a lot.
  13. I am 2 weeks Post-Op.. I asked my surgeon what his take was on Flu shots, (cuz I hate sickness.) he said it was my call. I've had 3 Flu Shots in my Adult life & all have made me violently ill & did not work for the flu cuz those years i was sicker than sick. that being said I don't want to get sick. I normally take airborne but I only like the drink, it's fizzy (can't have it) the other one you have to take 4 just to get the same effect. (& I don't htink it's as good) what is everyones take on what they think is best to do.
  14. CarryOn7

    Week 2 Post-Op Continued....

    I have figured for this week it will be easier to eat 1 meal of pureed, at least for a few days. it take a lot of time away from drinking water & protein drinks. I never thought Pureed food would be so complicated. I tired to work out a menu & tried to put it into fitness pal & it just didn't work with the protein, I need, I personally would rather drink the protein then mix it into pureed food. it is defiantly a learning curve, plus the time it takes to not drink before the meal & after the meal. I will just have to get really creative & figure this out. I'm pretty sure once I figure this out I can use the same format for the rest of the food stages. then hopefully it will be a habit for life. just have to plan & prepare. Now if you told me I was going to do this much prep a year ago for food I would LAUGH!! Yesterday I ordered more Nectar Unflavored protein, Nectar Fuzzy Navel, it's only 10 grams protein but it's good in a quick pinch for extra protein. I also ordered me a Fitbit Flex. after some research to figure out what to get to help motivate me. this seems like something I will use. hopefully I can get back into the habit of wearing one, I have a heart rate watch about 10 years ago & loved it, then my kids got a hold of it & well if you have kids you know how that goes. Tomorrow morning starts my going back to the gym! Yeah! I'm so looking forward to it!! I got cleared for Submersion! so Water Aerobics Here I come. the ladies in my class have no idea what I have done or where I have been. so I am sure tomorrow will be a bunch of questions. but bring it on, not sure what I am going to say just yet. I still don't think it's anyones business. My Dr. said as long as I have a bottle of water by the pool & listen to my body. I am so in love with going to the pool it makes the world just disappear. that reminds me I have to set my alarm earlier. Hopefully I can figure out what works for me rather quickly, next week everything gets back to full busy mode. To all hopefully you all have a great journey as we figure out this thing called Life!
  15. CarryOn7

    Week 2 Post-Op

    Ugh not as fun, I got my woman garbage & I retain a lot of water. so I had to try to step up my water intake to compensate. At least its almost over. I had a rough week in dealing with that, but as of today I am cleared puree food! Hallelujah!!! I am normally not a Hummus fan, but that was some great food. Dinner tonight was low fat refried beans, a bit of guacamole, a bit of salsa & a touch of sour cream. in total it was maybe 2oz. but it was good. now it's to introduce the other pureed foods, I bought some baby food, for days when I have to run, sounds bad but when your hungry, you never know. I figure I will keep eating the soups where I have a freezer full & as they told me today 1-2 protein drinks a day for a very long time. which is fine by me. makes it easier. He said to drag a bottle of water everywhere, when people start eating they forget to get water in & get dehydrated. I usually do any way. now I'll be checking my urine again to make sure today I am a long way away from my goal of 64oz I maybe have 30. so I will be drinking, drinking, drinking... in sips, sips, sips.....

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