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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by chattykathywlc

  1. chattykathywlc

    Nausea. 4 mo postop

    I too get nauseated when I eat, only sometimes though. I noticed it is bad if I eat something that has a lot of fat in it. Tonight I tried a few pieces of a Bloomin Onion. I was soooo sick, couldnt even eat my soup for dinner. Everything I saw and smelled made me sick. I wanted to leave but it was my son's birthday dinner so I sat through dinner. Feel better now, but that was not fun. I had my sleeve on 9/12/13
  2. chattykathywlc

    Band to sleeve tomorrow!

    I also had my band removal with sleeve revision the same day. I'm so happy! I am on soft foods now. Good luck!
  3. I also had the lapband about 5 1/2 years ago. I started having problems about 2 years ago. Finally, on 9/12 I got it out with a sleeve revision. I cant really help you in the area of insurance because I was self pay with the band and because I was having problems, Kaiser took mine out and did the sleeve revision. I too returned to work quickly after the band. I think on about day 6 or 7. No way could I do it this time. Remember this is a more extensive surgery. I am 2 weeks out and almost feel normal, but feel fatigued and no stamina. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the liquid diet. I get to start soft foods tomorrow! YAY. Anyhow, Im an RN and I do a lot of lifting, bending, pushing, walking for 12 hours straight. NO WAY could I do that at this point. I don't return to work till 10/14. Good luck to you and don't rush your recovery.
  4. My Dr prescribed Prilosec to start first day home and take for 6 months every day. 2nd day home I was having a lot of acid reflux so I chewed a rolaids anit-gas/antacid. Did wonders, Dr said it was ok too. Good luck.
  5. chattykathywlc

    Tummy tuck before and after photos

    wow AWESOME results! Congrats! How long are you off of work? I'm an RN so I lift and bend pretty much all day. My Dr put me off for 4 weeks after sleeve. This looks like a much harder recovery? Good luck!
  6. Hi I had my band out with sleeve revision on 9/12/13. In the recovery room I developed a large baseball sized hematoma at the site of my port removal. They put pressure and ice on it so it subsided some and my blood counts were ok, meaning I didnt lose too much blood. My question is this. Has anyone else had this happen? I now have a hard lump about the size of a bar of soap at the site. My Dr says it should reabsorb. How long does it take. Its really annoying and now that Im losing some belly fat, it kind of sticks out. Yuck. Thanks, Kathy
  7. chattykathywlc

    Nuts, seeds, berries, greens

    I go to Kaiser and feel they are very comprehensive. Here is a link to their eating plan, hope it helps! http://xnet.kp.org/misg/bariatrics/after.html
  8. chattykathywlc

    Medication, Vitamins after sleeve?

    I just converted from lapband to sleeve on Thurs 9/12/13. Here are my Dr's recommendations. Always take Protein first-need 60-75 Grams daily No Advil, Motrin, Aleve ever again Start the following immediately after surgery. Multivitamin/mineral supplement chewable or liquid-must include at least 18mg Iron, selenium, copper and zinc. they recommend Bariatric Advantage but I tried these with my band and coudnt stand them so I bought Centrum Complete. 1/day (I couldnt start these till day 4) Vitamin D 2000 IU/day-may already be in Multivitamin and calcium so check. B-12 1000mcg 1 tab/3x's week B1 50mcg 1 tab 3x/week and Iron with vit C if you Dr recommends Then after a month start calcium citrate 500mg 3x/day I will have all my labs followed and levels checked and we will alter accordingly but I presume I will take a multivit and calcium for life. Good luck
  9. chattykathywlc

    Band to sleeve tomorrow!

    I had my band taken out on 9/12/13 with sleeve revision. This recovery is much easier than my band. Maybe because I stayed overnight this time and they had me on pain and nausea meds IV. But a big thing I'm happy about is no more lump in my chest or food feeling stuck (I guess I should say liquids cuz Im not on food yet).
  10. I had my lapband out and got my sleeve on 9/12/13 Im having a difficult time getting in all of my Isopure. they want me to take 1 1/2 bottles per day. I have found that ice chips work pretty well which is funny because after my band only warm fluids worked well. Also, my Dr wants me to take 3 chewable vitamins each day. I cant fathom getting even one down today. Will try tomorrow.
  11. When I had my lapband and lost 80 lbs, I didnt tell most co-workers and many family members for the first 7-8 months, then I didnt care!!
  12. When I had my lapband and lost 80 lbs, I didnt tell most co-workers and many family members for the first 7-8 months, then I didnt care!!
  13. chattykathywlc

    I'm having some trouble

    could you be pregnant? My exact early symptoms!
  14. chattykathywlc


  15. chattykathywlc


    From the album: chattykathywlc

  16. Mine is 9/12 also in West Los Angeles. Where are you?
  17. chattykathywlc

    Sleeve or lapband?

    Thank you for your post. I am having my lapband out with conversion to sleeve on 9/12. I am so tired of the feeling of food stuck and always being stressed out about what will go down and what wont with the band. Not to mention getting up from meals to puke even when eating slowly and chewing a lot. I look forward to feeling the food go to my stomach also. I was so worried that the sensation would be the same with the sleeve. In researching this I don't think that will be a problem!!
  18. So happy that I found this thread. I had my lapband in 1/2008. Did well and lost 70+lbs. but at the 2 year mark started having more problems. I am so tired of not knowing whether a meal will go down or stay down. I have changed to Kaiser and they plan to take out the band and convert to sleeve same day 9/12/13. I pray he can do it all it one surgery. I love hearing that people dont suffer with PB's, sliming or pain with eating. I used to say pain is a good motivator not to eat, but can't do that forever. Can't wait to get back on the losing track!
  19. Hi everyone! Im so glad I found this site. I am having my lap band removed (2008) and converting to sleeve. My surgery date is 9-12-13. Im scared but super excited. I almost backed out but am now committed and ready to go! Nice to meet you all!! Kathy

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