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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AvaFern

  1. AvaFern

    Feeling hurt and empty

    Your friends made me really appreciate my own! I am fortunate in that my closest friends were completely happy to be seen with me when I was fat and when I'm thin. I'm even luckier that my friends are still my friends given the fact that while I was fat I was a social hermit. I felt like I would be embarrassing them by being seen in public with them. I haven't seen some of the people I regularly talk to in probably years because I was so ashamed of going out, and recently when I've started asking if they want to do dinner or go see a movie, every single one of them has been like, yeah totally, let's do it! I saw this poster the other day that applies to me. "The most memorable people in life are those who loved you when you weren't lovable". I wasn't unloveable because I was fat, but rather because I was completely miserable and not much fun to be around, and now that I am a much happier, fun person, the same people who were kind to me when I was a monster, are just as kind to me now. Go for people who love you no matter what, and move away from those who don't. On another note, my friends don't mention my weight loss unless I bring it up, and even my acquaintances- people I see at the gym, people I don't talk to very often, may occassionally compliment me, but very rarely do they make a big deal of it. I have no doubts that there are a few people who are waiting for me to get fat again and will likely laugh at me behind my back, but eh, that's how the world works. They don't have to be called my friends though.
  2. I started at 237, so at 50 pounds I was 187 and really did not see much of a difference. Either way I was still fat, lol. I think I started noticing that I was getting thin when I was around 155ish, but I wasn't really happy with how I looked until right where I am now, at 130. Even then some days, I look in the mirror and I'm like, yuck girl go get on a treadmill. Haha, so yes, to answer your question I think 50 pounds looks differently to different people.
  3. AvaFern

    I'm not RIGHT, you're not WRONG, WE ARE DIFFERENT.

    Hahaha-your post made me laugh. I also drink soda through a straw, graze all day because otherwise I eat too much, too quickly and barf, and weigh myself a few times a day. Sometimes I have a day where most of my calories come from M&M's, I don't workout every day anymore, and I rarely remember to take all, or for that matter any, of my Vitamins.
  4. I am 16 months out and still have this problem. I think I got comfortable with the sleeve at about 10 months out and then gradually I stopped eating slowly. This has now resulted in pretty much instant puking or like others have said, feeling like the food is stuck, which puking is really only what fixes it for me. Eating slowly is something I have to work on too, which is probably bad since I should be used to it by now.
  5. Nope, you will be fine. The single wafer and the very small little bit of wine won't hurt you.
  6. AvaFern

    OMG - It's Back!

    At 51 you probably do not need to worry about ovulation or pregnancy. I would see your doctor though because while generally a period after major weight loss may be nothing, after you have been post-menopausal for three years it could also be a sign of another issue. Better to check it out than wonder about it.
  7. I had an abdominoplasty, and a breast lift and augment, as well as some lipo in various areas done in August. The pain was minimal and recovery was actually better for me than was the sleeve. The recovery is less about pain and more about limited mobility in the sense that I found out exactly how much we use our pectoral muscles when vacuuming and how hard it is to get out bed when you can't use your abs. I was 100%, no more pain or awkwardness at 8 weeks, I was fully back to the gym and all activities at 5.5 weeks, and I was walking around grocery shopping and doing my normal activities within a few days of surgery. You just need to be careful with how much you lift, because the boobies and their new implants, feel really weird doing anything chest-muscle related for a few weeks. I LOVE my plastic surgery results, so if you have the time to take away from work, I say go for it!
  8. AvaFern

    How much weight did you lose?

    I think what the others have said about allowing everyone to make their own choices with judgement is true. I personally would not have gone for surgery if I had 40 pounds to lose or probably even 60 pounds because I've always been able to lose that on my own and the 20K I paid out of pocket for surgery could have been put to other purposes. That being said, I always gained the weight back, so ultimately the sleeve may have been helpful for long term maintenance even if I could have lost weight on my own. I started at 237 and I am now 130, so 107 pounds lost. The lowest I was as an adult over 21 was 137 and at 18 I was around 127. At 31 I am now right around what I weighed when I graduated high school, which I seriously doubt I could maintain without the sleeve. I feel SO much better now that the weight is gone. Not only can I run without my feet swelling up, but I can walk into a room and not feel like everyone is wondering why the fatty is out having fun instead of on a treadmill. Of course people don't really think that, but that's always how I felt. The sleeve has been wonderful for me, and after you have completed your research I imagine it might be quite wonderful for you too.
  9. AvaFern

    Breast Rash

    If the rash is under your breasts, it can be a type of yeast or a type of heat rash. I had this issue during the summer when I was running a lot a few years ago. It was bright red and bumpy and a little itchy. I of course became moderately freaked out because it can be a symptom of a rare form of breast cancer (obviously probably not your problem and it wasn't mine either, lol). With a bit of research I started putting the Dove solid roll on deodorant in that area. I did that for probably two years before my lift and augment this summer and I never once broke out in the rash again. The deodorant helps keep the area dry and prevents any chafing that may also be irritating the skin. Ask your doctor though- it's his job to know what's going on and worst case he can refer you to a dermatologist. Try the deodorant thing though, I swear it was the trick to fix my issue!
  10. AvaFern

    What do you miss?

    Fortunately, I can eat or drink a few sips of most everything, but I miss being able to eat a normal meal like a normal person. It's a little awkward when I'm the only one not eating and very few people know I've had the surgery. I also miss being able to grab a quick meal. Tonight I'm sitting at my desk trying to choke down a chicken sandwich and it's a little frustrating that I've had maybe 1/8 of it and while I feel hungry, I'm also starting to feel sick, which is generally what happens when I eat more than I should. Sometimes I miss being normal, but then i look in the mirror and I see a girl who is now very normal and I wouldn't trade that for a little bit of food.
  11. I went from a tight 38DD at 237 to a 36DDD at 153 and then I had a breast augment and lift, where I ended as a 34DDD which is where I am now at 130. I thought I would lose a ton of the girls, but in reality I lost the fat in them, but the skin was still more than enough to fill up my regular bra. I also buy expensive bras and I literally bought one new one during the time I was losing weight and the old ones fit just fine until I had plastics. Good luck with your recovery!
  12. I started the week before surgery at 237 and weighed 228 the day of surgery. I am 100% certain I would not be where I am at now without the sleeve. It's one thing for me to stay strict on a diet for a few weeks or month and I had lost 90-100 pounds before in the past. The problem is I gain it back as soon as I get comfortable. Now, there is no getting comfortable because I cannot physically eat as much as I used to eat. I am constantly reminded that I can have a few bites and be quite full without having to gorge myself. I do think I could have lost the weight without surgery, I just know I would not have kept it off and it would have involved a lot more misery. When you can't physically eat enough to be fat, it is far more effective than just being on a diet. I say go for it and good luck!
  13. It sounds normal to me. I am 16 months out and I can only tolerate a few bites of anything at a time. For awhile I was concerned that I might end up too thin, although in hindsight I kind of wish I had just enjoyed the time when I couldn't eat anything and enjoyed the associated weight loss. At 10 pounds from goal, I have pretty much stopped losing. I don't eat much, but I'm satisfied with what I do eat and my body seems to be very resistant to losing any more at any reasonably quick rate. Your ticker says you've lost 45 pounds in 7 months, which for your starting weight seems to be pretty normal. If 140 is your goal, worry about adding more calories when you hit it rather than slowing your loss 10 pounds beforehand. I read somewhere that a woman who was maintaining at her goal weight had made one difference in her day between then and when she was losing- a 400 calorie Protein shake, which the recipe sounded a lot more like a milkshake. If I get a milkshake everyday and get to stay skinny, I would be quite happy! Good luck!
  14. AvaFern

    Favorite type of exercise?

    Running, boxing, kickboxing, biking, and swimming. Weights are good for you, I just hate them, lol.
  15. AvaFern

    Advocare Spark?

    I drink two sugar free Red Bulls before Breakfast every morning and I've been just fine. I used Spark for awhile a few years ago and I wasn't a fan of the flavor, but once you are far enough out from surgery to be eating regular food, cafffeine isn't going to hurt you (at least not in my experience and I drink a ton of it). Like BLERDgirl said, check with your nutritionist, although I tend to think she will tell you no just because they aren't going to against the standard surgical orders of no caffeine. Use your judgement. If you feel fine, go for it, if for some reason it makes you feel sick or doesn't sit well, don't drink it.
  16. AvaFern

    Is it weird

    Hahaha, nope, totally get that. I thought it was a little weird though for me when I was so happy to finally feel better after having the flu in November that I didn't care I gained back the three pounds I lost, lol. Feel better soon!
  17. AvaFern

    7 months and a size....what

    Go you! That is so funny that we both just posted the same NSV. You look fantastic!
  18. So, for the longest time I didn't actually know what an NSV was, so one day I finally asked and I was like, ohhhhhh, it would have been helpful to know that earlier in the process! I have based my successes largely on the scale numbers. Getting under 200 was exciting, getting under 137 when I was no longer classified as “overweight” was great, and currently I am floating right above 129, which was my original goal weight. I go from 130-132 and then back to 130 and then back to 131 or 132. It is frustrating, however I am now complaining about weighing, on a bad day, 132 pounds, and that is something I should really be happy about. Past the fact that I have largely focused on scale-victories, in the last week I have realized that I now fit into all of the extra small shirts, even in the juniors section, which has resulted in buying all kinds of stuff I don’t really need, exclusively because I am totally stoked to be an XS (on the top at least). I bought a new pair of those Nike leggings in a size small, which made me ecstatic, but then I found a matching jacket, in an extra small, and it fits perfectly- not like I’m busting out of it like I imagined. I also picked up a sweatshirt that I held up and thought “there is no way this is an adult xs, this wouldn’t fit a child” and yet when I tried it on, not only did it fit, but it was kind of baggy! Given that I am currently annoyed with my lack of scale victory, particularly given I am so close (and yet seemingly so far) from goal, I thought I would share for the first time an NSV and potentially remind myself that feeling good about my size is not something that needs to be purely dictated by the scale.
  19. I had an abdominoplasty, amongst other plastics procedures, and it is AWESOME. I have never had a flat stomach. Even when I was thin, I always had a little fat roll around my lower tummy. I can now wear whatever I want and never worry that my flab is showing. I have gained a huge amount of confidence and I think that if I had a boyfriend who I was with during the whole weight loss process and through plastic surgery, he may have begun to feel a little insecure. I would coddle him a bit and understand now that you're hot, he might not feel as awesome himself, but in the end it is your body and your decision and if he doesn't like it, well then too bad. Trust me, you will LOVE it, and your opinion is the only one that matters. Good luck!
  20. I still average about one good cold a year. I also had the flu this year, which was a blast, but I skipped my usual sinus infection so it still works out to being sick for about 5 days out of the year, generally around the same time. I'm 16 months out now and have had the flu once and a sinus infection literally a few days before I had my sleeve surgery, but that's about it. Hope you feel better soon!
  21. AvaFern

    Random Questions!

    1. coffee? Do many people continue to drink coffee post-op? If so, do you still use creamer, or just milk? I don't really like coffee, but I drink a skinny caramel machiatto from Starbucks when I want a treat. I have no issues with it. If anything it took me awhile to realize that any version of milk that isn't skim makes me sick- I think it's the milk-fat. I avoid creamer mostly because I don't want to get the hot flash puking result that non-skim products tend to cause for me. 2. Smoothies/juicing? How early were you able to make a smoothie with frozen fruit? Or have juice using a juicer? I used to have these after my morning workouts and really enjoyed them. I would get them with veggies and a couple fruits. I drank a pressed juice from Whole Foods about 2 weeks post-op. I don't like smoothies because the sugar in them tends to make me sick, but a juice with more veggies than fruit doesn't bother me at all. 3. Drinking out of straws? Does most people drink out of straws with no problem? Or is it really best to avoid them? Using a straw is the only way I was able to get all of my Fluid, or really any fluid in, especially during the first few weeks. I tried to drink without a straw and it hurt my throat and my chest, so one day I got that pressed juice I mentioned above and before I realized what I had done I drank the whole thing through a straw. I have used straws ever since. The only reason they tell you not to is because for some people it contributes to gas build-up in your stomach. 4. Caffeine? Stay away forever? I don't know if I can do that...at least some tea every now and then. Nope..I start my day with a sugar free Redbull and crank out the caffeine from that point forward. If you can kick the habit, during surgery is a great time to do it because all the narcotics they give you eliminate the caffeine withdrawal symptoms. There's not medical reason you can't have it though after about 6 weeks if not less.
  22. It happens to me when I drink or eat something that has too much sugar. It used to happen a lot right after surgery when I either ate too quickly or ate something that had too much fat or sugar in it, however now at 15 months post-op, the hotflash thing, which for me also includes an increased heart rate and kind of a fluttery feeling, only happens when I eat something with more sugar than my sleeve likes. It goes away in about 20 minutes, followed by feeling really cold, which is potentially the result of the fact that I get sweaty and then my skin is damp, which then makes me cold. It is unpleasant, but not something to be concerned about.
  23. So don't use my example as something that you should work toward or anything because it's not exactly aligned with the strict schedule a lot of people follow. If anything, this will show you that as a veteran, life really is normal again to some extent. I usually have Breakfast around 10am. I eat a Quaker Weight Control oatmeal, mixed with about 2 spoons of granola for crunch, and a cup of sugarfree peaches. I eat maybe 1/3 of that. For lunch I often eat a Panera chili cup, which at about 9 months I could finally eat the entire thing in one sitting without getting sick. Those are pretty much the only things I regularly do. I keep track of everything I eat in MyFitnessPal, so I know where I stand with Protein and calories and such, but there are some days where I'll have fish or chicken for dinner, and some days where I'll have pretzels, because hey, I am a big girl, if I want pretzels for dinner, so be it. I also snack throughout the day. Sometimes a greek yogurt, sometimes Smart Puffs, and sometimes I'll eat a snack bag of Wheat Thins or Ritz crackers. I have no interest in scheduling my food for the rest of my life or always eating grilled chicken and vegetables, so while literally 99% of the time I am well under 1200 calories, there are days every once in a while where I bust right over that limit and pig out for about 1800 calories. I have maintained around the same weight for awhile and I weigh myself everyday so I know if I gain a pound and then I just pay extra attention to what I eat the next day and I am right back where I was. I feel like the sleeve in the first 6 months is all about rules and then after that it's pretty much what you do with it. I can eat my 1200 calories in M&M's if I so please or I can eat it in healthy protein like I should. If once a month I have ice cream and Peanut Butter cups all day, well then good for me, I don't freak out about it or end up on a week long binge like I used to because I know that physically my stomach won't tolerate eating too much of anything bad (it likes to puke if I feed it too much junk) and then I will go back to eating the way I should be because I feel better that way. So...again, don't use me as an example to follow, but just as an example to see that after awhile, you really can eat however you want, it's just up to you what works best for you and your weight loss or maintenance.
  24. If it makes you feel better, I'll tell you what I tell myself when I feel like I'm not losing quickly. Time is going to pass no matter what we do, so while it might take longer than others and you might feel stalled, as long as you are losing even a little bit consistently, eventually you will get to where you are going. I was stuck in the 167-170 range for months and when I finally got past that I got stuck again in the 150's. I have now been in the 130's range for about 2-3 months and I get frustrated when I get on the scale some days. For example, I worked out a lot yesterday and didn't eat much and I gained a few ounces. Logically though I look at my daily weight which I have written down every single day and I can see that I am losing weight, slowly, but still losing. No matter what happens, the next few months are still going to pass, so I can spend them being annoyed that I'm not losing quickly, or enjoying life, doing my thing, and one day realize that I am finally at goal. I really try for the latter of the options, but admittedly, there are days where I feel very irritated with the slow progress of my weight loss. Keep on keepin' on.
  25. I think the experience of plastics has made me totally immodest, lol. I have a health care background so fortunately I recognize that to the doctor, we are really just a slab of naked meat to be nipped and tucked, so I don't care a whole lot that they are seeing me without clothing. I did see some of my before pictures though and I am making the funniest face. Clearly while my mind was telling me that being drawn on while naked was completely normal, my face was making an expression that clearly said I was not totally enjoying the experience, lol. Outside of that another fun experience was when I got home from my abdominoplasty and breast augment/lift, my best friend had to help me get into a compression garment. She's a nurse, so no stranger to naked people high on narcotics, but in hindsight it must have been very funny to try to get a person who could barely stand up without falling on her face into a compression garment that was ungodly tight and hard to get on. Ahh, the things we go through to look good!

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