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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AvaFern

  1. I'm all for lying to protect your privacy, but you need to make sure that it is a sustainable lie. Miss Mac makes a valid point that you by embellishing the story you may be losing credibility and if you actually need your gallbladder removed, that's going to be hard to explain. I simply told no one about my surgery until afterwards and then I told my three best friends, however I have had to dance around the issue a few times because I can't eat much and periodically end up barfing. Since you can't really go back in time, I suggest you stick with your story, or as Miss Mac suggested, say it is an exploratory surgery. From this point forward, don't bring it up again and downplay it as much as possible. Good luck with your procedure!
  2. I tend to think 115 is a little pushy. I am 5'2 and I'm maintaining at 130. It's a normal, healthy weight, and I don't feel like I have enough fat to get down to 115. Ultimately though, it doesn't hurt to humor your doctor. Just smile and nod and keep losing weight. If you get to 140 and you're happy, work on a maintenance plan. If you get to 140 and you feel like you can keep losing, go for it. In the end, the goal is whatever healthy weight you are happy at. If your surgeon and you differ by 20-25 pounds, it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of it all. By the time you are at a point where you and your doctor's different opinions about your goal weight are really relevant to whether you stop losing weight or keep losing weight, you will likely be so happy with the results that you won't care about arguing with him. Good luck!
  3. AvaFern

    Drinking Sodas with sleeve?

    I drink soda every single day...diet cherry pepsi...mmmm, YUM. It doesn't bother my stomach at all. My doctor told me to lay off the soda and caffeine for the first two months and then if I could drink it if it didn't cause gas pain. There was no sleeve-related medical reason that I couldn't have it and while soda is bad for you, so are a lot of other things, most of which are not made any worse just because we only have 20% of a stomach. I figure I don't smoke, don't do drugs, rarely eat junk food, and rarely drink alcohol....if diet soda is my weakness, I'm pretty happy that's the one I have!
  4. AvaFern


    I had a UTI from a catheter after a plastics procedure that was hell on earth for a few days. It took two different antibiotics to clear it up, but I was good to go pretty quickly. You will be too...as soon as the antibiotics start working, you'll feel all better.
  5. My list is long, but today I just realized another one to add to it... I can eat in public and not be self-conscious about it. I've been stuck in this class all week and I am starving all day, so I just started snacking during class, which technically is allowed. When I was fat I would never have done that because I would have felt like everyone was looking at me and judging the fat girl who just HAD to eat all the way through class. Today I was talking with another woman about the fact that the worst part of class for me is that I can't eat all the time, and she laughs and goes "oh that must be why you are so tiny- I've heard that when you snack all day you tend to be thin". I wanted to hug that wonderful woman for calling me tiny, but the experience made me aware again of something that is very different for me now that I am a "normal" size.
  6. AvaFern

    Tummy Tuck Scheduled for May 21

    I had my first plastics procedure at 11 months out, but I scheduled it at 9 months out. If your current weight is 119 pounds (go you! I cannot for the life of me get under 130) then you are more than ready for plastics. I read a study that showed that people who had plastics after a weight loss surgery were less likely to regain than those who did not. I LOVE my new stomach (and my new boobs, new arms, and new thighs) but my stomach is the thing that consistently amazes me. How can MY stomach be so flat and hard?! I am glad I didn't wait any longer before I had surgery and I hope you find it to be as awesome as I have.
  7. In terms of loose skin, I never had considered plastic surgery until I thought it might be fun to have new boobs. I had always wanted fake boobs because they are so firm and perky and mine, even when I was large, look a lot more like udders than they did anything sexy. When I went for the consult for my breasts, I liked the doctor so much I researched an abdominoplasty and randomly decided to get both procedures done. I have never had a flat stomach. Even when I was thin, which was every other year or so, I always had a tummy, so it was either spanx or I couldn't wear a lot of tight things. I was SO happy with my abdominoplasty procedure that I almost forget how thrilled I was with my new boobs! It felt so fantastic to just throw on a pair of pants and a tight shirt, or a tight dress and not worry that my tummy pooch might show. After that, I decided that plastic surgery is the bees' knees and I had a groin incision thigh lift and a brachioplasty. I'm kind of shallow so I was concerned about the scars on my arms. I am happy with the results on that procedure for the most part, but at my final procedure later this month (a posterior body lift and auto buttox augmentation) we're going to fix my thighs a bit. I am 100% sure I will still not like how I look in a bathing suit or naked. I am never going to be the woman that a man proudly stands next to while she is wearing an itty bitty bikini on some beach. I am however the woman that now looks damn good in just about every type of clothing and for me, the price of plastics made that feeling worth it. So...when I got my sleeve, plastics was not even something I had thought of to think about, and it only came up when I was about 30 pounds from goal and randomly decided I wanted new boobs. I am very happy with the work that I have had done, and yet there are still times I stand in front of the mirror and I'm ashamed of the scars on my arms that people can see if I don't do a good job with makeup on them, I'm worried that a guy might see me naked and think...holy CRAP she has had some work done, and I am bummed that all the money I spent is still not going to make me attractive in a bathing suit. No matter what I do, I will never be hot and that makes me sad. Ultimately I didn't like myself a whole lot when I was fat and even after thousands of dollars in plastics, I still don't like myself a whole lot now, but it is a whole lot easier to fake it when 99% of the time that people see you you are dressed in clothing where you look fantastic. So I guess the shorter version of my post is that plastics didn't make me like myself, it didn't make me hot, but it sure gave me the confidence I need to fake it. Good luck to you in your sleeve journey!
  8. When I had my surgery I did the entire thing by myself. I stayed in the hospital for the required three days, I drove my butt to the hospital and home from the hospital and then I took care of myself 100% when I got home. If you don't have kids that need a parent around, you really don't need your husband. If you're leery about driving yourself home, you can have a friend pick you up from the hospital and take you home. Physically you do not need anyone to do this surgery, although I imagine emotionally having your husband there would be nice. If I was you I would tell my husband to stay with his mother and do exactly what I did, except maybe with the exclusion of having a friend drive you home. If you want surgery, get surgery and get it on the date you have planned. Imagine how awesome your husband will think you are when he finds out you are fully capable of handling this entirely on your own...I bet he comes running right home to you and you don't have to play the needy card once.
  9. AvaFern

    One Year Out .. Want TT & BBL

    Congrats! You look great! Past that, your body is yours and yours alone- do with it what you want. I had plastics at 11 months post op, then again at 14 months and my last procedure is next month at 16 months out. My first procedure was the TT and lift/ augment and wow, hello- plastic surgery rocks!! I like my new boobs, but I've never in my entire life had a hard, flat stomach. It has been almost 6 months now since I had it done and every single day I am ecstatic that I did. It is so awesome to be able to wear a dress and not worry that my stomach pudge is visible and it is really nice that I can wear shirts without a big supportive bra. If you can afford surgery and you want it- go for it. Your family will either get on board or get over it. Either way..you win.
  10. Your husband is a tool who is likely an extremely insecure man who is afraid that when you lose weight you will no longer be attracted to him. His defense mechanism is pushing you away so that when you eventually realize that he is not the catch you once thought he was, it won't be as difficult for him. Any man who can say that to you during this very difficult point in your life is not a man worth keeping around. I would let him know that you absolutely understand his position, and if he doesn't want to be the husband you deserve, then he certainly knows how to use the front door on his way out of your life.
  11. AvaFern

    had a hard time finding this forum again...whew!

    Your online dating experiences sound a little like mine, except I'm 31, lol- so age doesn't matter much when it comes to creeps! In January I started using the dating apps and I am about to delete all of them. Outside of the fact that you get a few hundred messages from men who would never have the nerve to approach you in public, apparently being online means they think they can continue to message you when you ignore them. I have blocked several people who have insisted on blowing up my apps with constant messages...why won't you date me, you would like me if you gave me a chance, answer me, hi, hi, hi...it is seriously a lesson in the massive desperation that is in the online dating world. I have been so seriously skeeved out by the volume of stalkers that as soon as I get a hint someone is a creep, I block them right away. I did meet one guy for dinner who was actually a really nice person, just a bit lacking in maturity, and we still text regularly, but other than that I have found no value in online dating. I have met the men I have had the best relationships with in activities that I did for myself. So..you like horseback riding, are there any events in your area that you can go to? I read in another post of yours that you enjoy going out for dinner and drinks, so maybe there are events in your area like those painting classes at a bar where you could meet someone? Take a yoga class, try spinning, sign up for a group hike or group ride..do what makes you happy and men who are like you will ideally be doing the same thing. Then voila, you not only expanded your own horizons and had a great time doing it, but you met someone who by default already has something in common with you. Worst case you have a good time and meet no one, best case, you meet Mr. Wonderful. So...that's my advice. Good luck!
  12. I felt like I was swallowing rocks for weeks after surgery. I had a hard time getting in enough Fluid until I started drinking with a straw. I accidentally drank an entire cup of juice that came with a straw at about 2 weeks out and I almost instantly started feeling better. I still drink with a straw and I'm 16 months post-op. The only reason they tell you not to use a straw is because for some people it can cause gas pain- there's no medical reason why you can't use it and for a lot of people it completely eliminates the misery of drinking, especially the first few weeks.
  13. I have my abdominoplasty done at 11 months post-op. I've been very happy with my results. Having a tight, flat, hard stomach is fabulous!
  14. AvaFern

    Just paid$$$

    @Elode @@Mybestme I know there was a post in the plastics group awhile ago about costs, although I can't find it now. My costs were: Breast Lift and Augment- $8K Abdominoplasty- $12K Arm Lift- $8k Groin Incision Thigh Lift- $7k Posterior Body Lift- $8k Lipo- Each area $1800 Usually they give you a multiple procedure discount as well. For example, my first procedure was boobs, stomach, and lipo on three areas, which is $25K, but I only paid 20K for the first surgery. After that they deducted about a grand each time. So when I factor in the cost of my sleeve, which was 18K, my new body cost me 61K- which didn't seem like anywhere near that ridiculous of a number before I sat here and added it all up. I am suddenly feeling motivated to go for a run or something, geez. A good place to get a better idea about costs is realself.com You can look at results too.
  15. AvaFern

    Just paid$$$

    Yay! I remember the day I paid for my sleeve surgery. I actually just finished paying for my last plastics procedure last week, which was also pretty exciting. Good luck to you!
  16. Who cares what she thinks? You get your sleeve tomorrow! You can be the person that shows your PCP that all of her preconceptions are wrong and in doing so make it much easier for her other patients who are just like you and are equally frustrated by her lack of education on the matter.
  17. Try drinking with a straw. The only reason they tell you not to is that it causes gas pain in some people. I wasn't getting enough Fluid either until I accidentally drank an entire cup of juice with a straw about two weeks after surgery. No gas pain, and I felt SO much better. I am 16 months out and I still drink with a straw. It eliminates the unpleasant feeling that you have immediately after surgery when you drink fluid without a straw and helps you get in plenty of fluid when otherwise you may have issues.
  18. AvaFern

    Ah, the old back handed compliment!

    I also tend to feel annoyed when people go "OMG you lost like half of yourself" or "wow you look so good now" (yes I know I was ugly before) or "how much have you lost" and then they keep pushing you for an actual number. The vast majority of these people are good people and I don't think they mean to be offensive. I personally would never say something like that, but I also know what it's like to be on the receiving end. Most people that have said things like that to me were people who have never been overweight and likely don't realize they are being grossly insensitive. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt, be polite, and cringe on the inside.
  19. AvaFern

    Piercings and surgery

    Depending on the piercings you have, you can put them right back in after surgery and they shouldn't close in the 45 minutes of the procedure (unless you have a toungue ring- my toungue closed fast when I took it out a few years ago). I had a belly button ring which we took out right before surgery and the nurses put back in for me right after surgery. Just a thought...
  20. I can understand your fear that getting a sleeve will make you a failure. Like LL said..I'd rather be a failure at the weight I am now than the weight I was before! I am 16 months out and I'm within a pound of goal, where I have been for a few months. I chose to only tell my three best friends because I am acutely aware that everyone else will think I am a cheating failure for having to have my stomach cut out to lose weight. I don't entirely disagree with them, but on the same hand, I also don't care. I am now thin, healthy, and happy...and hey, if it means I failed at traditional weight loss and I was a cheater, well, I'm cool with that.
  21. AvaFern

    What irritates your sleeve?

    I am 16 months out and my sleeve pretty much hates everything to some extent. For the most part I can have literally a bite or two of anything, but after that any fats or sugars lead to barfing pretty quickly. As long as I eat very small bites and very small amounts, I can tolerate breads, rice, and sometimes chicken. My sleeve has decided it hates most forms of fish (although tuna in the can seems to be ok) as well as steak. The only things that my sleeve will almost always tolerate is turkey chili from Panera, most low fat crackers, most tomato-based Soups, and most broth based soups (as long as there is no cheese, like French Onion soup). I don't really mind that I have a picky sleeve- it keeps me from eating things that I shouldn't and I feel like as of this point I would likely be eating small amounts of bad food again, so puking near instantly serves as a good deterrent.
  22. AvaFern

    Rant ????????????

    Ooh, I would have ripped that student to pieces and I would have made sure to do it in front of the doctor. I was a student in medical offices when I was younger and I likely made my fair share of stupid comments, but I think the lessons I learned the most are when someone put me in my place. I hope I wasn't as rude as the woman in your office because I would also hope I would never make uneducated statements like that, but damn...I'd be pretty annoyed if I was you!
  23. I wore a big pajama top, a pair of big (but snug around the waist so they don't fall down) capris, and a cotton sports bra. I knew I wouldn't be comfortable in just a hospital gown because I was afraid I would be drugged and end up flashing people. So the soft pajama capris made sure no one got any accidental naked images, the pajama top was just more comfortable than the hospital gown, and the sports bra was because they like you to walk around a lot and I knew I wouldn't be comfortable walking up and down the hallway if my boobs were flopping all over the place. A comfortable sports bra shouldn't rub your incision too much. I also brought fuzzy socks with grippies- my version was way more comfortable than theirs. Ultimately, I had a robe, changes of clothing, and a bunch of other stuff, but in the end I changed into my pajamas a few hours after surgery and didn't put anything new on until I got home 3 days later.
  24. AvaFern

    Fitness Goals?

    I was lucky in that along with my love of food, I always had a love of fitness as well. At my heaviest, I had a hard time being active. My feet would swell up and I just didn't have the energy. At where I am now, which is roughly 107 pounds less than my highest, I am comfortable with all forms of fitness. For the most part I can go into any class and keep up with the others, which was my goal. I wanted to be able to walk into any new gym and be able to complete the exercises in any class. I can do that now, and while I'm not the fastest or the strongest, I am generally happy to be participating in fitness related activities.

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