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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AvaFern

  1. I have noticed occassionally that I end up getting very sick when I go for a long run if I haven't had something like granola or a handful of some form of carb before I go workout. For awhile I was nervous about being outside running so far from my house so I wore a runner's bag which had a baggie of granola and a Gu energy packet. I needed it a few times and after I ate, I was fine. Knock on wood, it hasn't happened in awhile, but I still do worry sometimes that I might get sick. Maybe try carrying something small to eat around with you...in my case I felt well enough to at least get home afterwards without being extremely sick.
  2. AvaFern


    I lost 110 pounds and I've had major plastic surgery (butt lift and thigh lift included) and I still have cellulite on my thighs and my butt. It is largely genetic. My best friend has always been thin and her thighs have cellulite too. Not the most optimistic response, but weight loss alone won't cause cellulite. Sadly enough, weight loss and surgery also don't seem to fix it.
  3. It really doesn't sound like you are doing that horribly. I started at 237 with surgery in September 2013 and by May I was at the same weight-ish that you are. I just could not get under 170. In June I started working out more and by August I had dropped to 157. It was only in April of 2015 that I actually hit goal. It's a process....you just have to keep on keepin' on, or so I tell myself, but moral of my story...you and I have similar stats and similar time frames and I eventually broke out of the same stall you are in. It just takes time and dilligence.
  4. AvaFern

    Remodel in my house helping me lose weight..ha

    Haha, good for you! I'm remodeling a room at the moment, which has involved lugging around a lot of materials and painting, and while I am not blocked off from my fridge, the extra workout certainly hasn't hurt me! I should also have my popcorn ceilings redone- but ohhhh the effort, lol. I'm sure you will love your results!
  5. AvaFern

    Self pay ..what did you do?

    Mine was $19,500...I paid 1/3 cash and put the other 2/3 on a credit card so I could take advantage of the miles. I paid it off a month or two after surgery. I also put all of my plastics procedures on credit cards, again so I could take advantage of all of the miles. I paid them off within a few months of surgery, but I ended up with over 2K in cashback and a bunch of other little benefits. If you have a good credit card and you can pay it off...take advantage of the perks.
  6. AvaFern

    Military mission....

    Sounds like you're doing great! But...what is a soup maker? Lol, I could use one of those. If you bring anything, bring comfortable pajamas for the hospital stay..they make you walk a lot and then your butt isn't hanging out of the gown. Also, Gas-X strips and a heating pad. I was freezing after sugery and the heating pad under my shoulder made the gas pain less awful. Oh..and a night eye mask. It is bright and there are blinky lights everywhere.
  7. AvaFern

    How SAD is this?

    I can appreciate that the BMI chart is problematic because it doesn't take into account a lot of things, however I am right in the middle of my suggested weight and I am by no means a twig. If you are happy at 160, then more power to you, but someone who is my height (5'3) and weighs 125 is not anorexic, bullimic or a twig and there are plenty of people at the low range in the 110 region who simply have a body type that is very small. I am not a really small girl and yet I fit into extra small clothing, which really makes me wonder...how do Asians dress themselves? Our society has gotten to a point where people can be just as rude to small people as they are to big people, and I don't tend to find either extreme acceptable. I used to roll my eyes when a friend of mine who is exactly the same height and weight as I am now complained about having a fat day or cellulite and yet there are plenty of days where I feel a little bloaty and my butt looks like cottage cheese. Just because I weigh within the required BMI does not mean that I am too small and I honestly wouldn't mind weighing about 5 pounds less because I prefer to be smaller. We all have different understanding of what it means to look good at our own size and the only person who has the right to judge us, is us. So, while I don't tend to get offended by comments posted online because I don't think that in the vast majority of circumstances offense is the intended objective, keep in mind it is just as rude to call a woman who is at a healthy weight (as defined by BMI) a twig as it is to call someone who is over the BMI overweight, or fat. I do not know a single woman who wakes up every single day and feels like she is hot. Every single one of us has insecurities, so I believe that if you are thin, if you are average, or if you are fat, it's up to you to be happy in your own skin, not to judge someone else as being anorexic, bullimic, or a pig, simply because of your own preconceptions. Men and society are mean enough to women...there is no need for us to be mean to each other.
  8. AvaFern

    Libido low

    I'm 31 and I really noticed this summer that my libido is kind of dead. At the moment I'm not in a relationship, so I don't particularly care, however at some point I suppose I may need to address the issue if my total lack of interest in sexy time doesn't change.
  9. It took me all of about one major drink of Water to remember to sip. I had major swallowing issues the first few weeks until I started using a straw. I felt like I was swallowing rocks, so the sooner I learned to take tiny sips, the less painful the process was.
  10. AvaFern

    Admission of Failure

    I'm ok with feeling like a diet failure, although calling the surgery a failure tends to encourage strong responses from people. Ultimately though, if the end goal is to be thin, and surgery is what gets you there, are you really a failure? If you start off in life and you want to be a doctor but you can't get past the MCAT, so you take the LSAT instead and you end up being a super successful attorney, are you really a failure just because one means to get to an end goal didn't work out for you? I think you are a failure when you quit, not when you find a different way to accomplish your goals.
  11. AvaFern

    My love for Starbucks!

    Sure, but why? Lol, after you are recovered from surgery, you can still drink coffee. I like a tall, skinny, iced caramel machiatto a few times a week.
  12. AvaFern

    Re: Snacks

    In limited quantities, yes, and on special occassions. Bread tends to make me sick, so I don't eat much of it. You can eat it if you choose to. Minimizing consumption of bread, Pasta, etc, is good for a diet, and with a sleeve it will potentially be a slider that fills you up on carbs instead of Protein. You can eat it though, just don't eat a lot of it. I refused to give up diet coke and I drank it the entire time. I've maintained at goal weight. Diet Coke is bad for you. You should not drink it. Are you able to drink it after the first 2 months of recovery following the sleeve? Yes. Is it any worse for you with a sleeve than without it? No. I love Cookies. I eat them maybe once every few months, I enjoy them, and then I'm good for awhile. You can eat cookies all you want- you just won't lose weight quickly and won't maintain if you're still eating junk. Enjoy them once in a while, and then skip them. The nice thing about the sleeve is that after recovery there is literally nothing you are banned from eating. If you make bad food decisions, you pay for them just like you did before the sleeve. Enjoy a sandwich occassionally, eat a few cookies if you want to, probably don't drink diet coke as much as I do....use your discretion and you will be fine.
  13. AvaFern

    The last supper...

    I had an entire last week, forget one last supper, lol. I think I gained like 6-7 pounds that last week, which I then lost my first week of fluids before sugery. I had cake, Pasta, pizza, Cookies, the list goes on...I feel a litte sick thinking about all of that, but hey, I say enjoy your last supper...you won't get another one where you can really eat things you like (in tiny portions) for a few weeks and optimally you will never be able to eat that much again.
  14. You look fantastic! Enjoy your vacation and rock that new bikini!
  15. AvaFern


    I'm 2 years post op and every once in awhile if I eat something dry too quickly I froth. It's gross, but I've kind of gotten used to it now. It's basically the stomach's way of coating something that it thinks is going to hurt it in goo and then expelling it right back out your mouth as quickly as possible. Oh the joys of a sleeve.
  16. AvaFern

    How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?

    I weigh every single morning right when I get out of bed. This is helpful to me because if for some reason I see a trend that my weight is inching upward, I make the immediate changes in eating that day and everyday until I am back within my acceptable range. As an example, last week I had a few things I probably shouldn't and I woke up a pound over the 2-3 pound fluctuation I give myself. That day I went back to my healthy eating plan, logged everything into MyFitnessPal, and now I am back inside my goal range. I feel like I can really enjoy life when I know that every day I make decisions that keep me in a healthy weight range. I do fluctate sometimes based on sodium, but I am so much saner when I know exactly what I weigh everyday. Sometimes I feel like my clothing is a little tight, or I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror where I feel like I look chunky and I don't freak out over it because I have that nice, quantifiable value on my good old scale and I know that as of a few hours ago I was a weight I find acceptable. The little things don't bug me when I can rely on a solid daily value to gauge my weight.
  17. I'm two years post-op and I can't drink Water like I used to. I can sip, which I do, generally with a straw, to my heart's content. But actually just glugging down a big bottle of water, nope, I barf it right back up and it actually hurts my esophagus.
  18. AvaFern

    Horrified! Labs came back

    Maybe they fed you pot brownies! My roomate in college thought it would be hysterical to not tell me she had made pot roast..literally seasoned our meat dinner with pot. I had never used any form of drugs, so not only did I end up sick, I was paranoid about testing positive for it forever.
  19. AvaFern

    Horrified! Labs came back

    If you're talking about drugs, you're protected under HIPPA. They are not allowed to call your work or the police or it is a violation of the law. Now, your insurance company and your doctor are able to see the results and what they decide to do with the information is up to them, but outside of your medical team, no one else is allowed to see the results. Depending upon which drug you "didn't do", you can always request a second test to confirm your innocence. Or you can just own up to it. Either way, you aren't going to jail or losing your job, although if your job has the option to randomly drug test you, I would consider not doing any more of whatever you're already not doing.
  20. I'm glad that you bolded the part that bariatric surgery patients were not included...I was about to be very depressed, lol.
  21. AvaFern

    Botox Treatment

    I get Botox apparently. Like Knitchik said, you get little red injection site bumps for a few hours and it feels like a bee sting. You have to keep your head upright though so the botox doesn't move for a few hours, but otherwise it's great. It got rid of my forehead wrinkles and it serves as a preventative.
  22. AvaFern


    The trick with salmon is to eat only a few bites, then wait, and eat a few more bites. For me, it slides down quite well, and then I end up eating just a bit too much, and bam barf it all up. I'm two years out, so you'd think I'd have learned by now, but salmon is one of those foods that I absolutely must eat slowly or I get sick, likely because it ends up being so dense once it is actually in your stomach.
  23. Umm, pureed cupcake? BRILLIANT! Hahaha, that never even crossed my mind to try, but it did make me laugh.
  24. Lol, I think that was a good answer and it probably broke the ice. I hope things continue to go well for you two. I don't tell anyone I ate. It is none of their business and short of being in a serious relationship where at some point I may be married to them, I have no intention of ever telling anyone.
  25. AvaFern

    Feeling a bit bummed.

    I had an EKG done before surgery. I tend to have a faster heart rate, even now that I'm thin. Also, I used to give blood when I was around 140-150lbs years before I had my sleeve and my heart rate would go through the roof. Some people call it white lab coat syndrome and it happens when you're at the doctor and your heart rate and your BP go up because you're nervous. I'm not nervous at the doctor or giving blood, I was a paramedic, I love blood, doctors, and gore, lol...but still, even now my heart rate and bp are both elevated when I have them done in a clinical setting. No idea why.

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