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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by hunter5410

  1. Howdy!

    :whoo:I am a newbie, three weeks post op. I have lost 22 pounds from my start of the liquid diet and 16 pounds since surgery. I have only gotten ill once when I wolfed down a few gulps of a bkft burrito. I have found that if I chew slowly I can eat almost anything. Dry meat, hard breads, flour tortillas are a no-no for me. I jogged three miles non stop the other day which was a milestone.

    I have been eating too much since moving to more solid foods and I am hopeful my first fill will help curb my enthusiasm at the table. I go in for the fill in ten days. My cardiologist has already removed one of my three blood pressure meds. It was running 113/56 last week.

    Lap band has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I wouldn't trade it for anything.



  2. Hi,

    I have just gotten a surgery date of July 17. It has taken over a year to get to this point. Now, I am really nervous. I don't know about the liquid diet? ? I was also told I would need to take a Protein Drink and a chewable Multi-Vitamin every day forever. I need your help, advice and encouragement!

    Any ideas on liquid meals??? Is there a better Protein Drink? Do you drink these as your Breakfast? I feel really lost and can use some advice.


    Hunter in Texas:omg:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
