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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by forgve70x7

  1. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ok, so it's been a very crazy couple of weeks, and it was fun to read everyone's updates from Christmas & New Years!! I do have a huge (for me anyway) NSV to announce. For Christmas, my hubby got me a Hawaiian dress. It's an XL (Not in plus) and I actually got into it and got it zipped. My stomach is still big and it's a little tight in that area, but I couldn't believe that I could actually get into it. I'm also down to 217 which is a total of 51 pounds. I'm so glad to see the scale moving again, and now know that I really need to kick the exercise into gear this month so that I don't put any back on or stop losing again. I turn 29 on the 25th of January, and I"m hoping to hit onderland before then, but the only way that's going to happen is if I exercise, so I really need to get motivated. I did 10 days for the December challenge and really want to make it for the January one. Well, I need to go get my Creative Memories inventory counted for end of year but I'll be back on later. ~Nichole
  2. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet, I actually plateaued from August til October and have been off it, so now I'm losing again. Although now, I've lost 7 pounds in 6 days which I'm happy about because I'm almost to 50 pounds, but I can't eat hardly at all. So, we'll see, I'm going to be talking to the dietitian later today to find out if I need to go in or not. Hope everyone has a great day today. ~Nichole
  3. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    So, I've been reading every day, but haven't had time to respond. I actually got fill number 3 last Friday, but things aren't going well. I think I'm over filled. I sent my dietician an email and after talking to him on the phone yesterday, I have a feeling I'll have another drive to Phoenix on Friday. The thing that sucks is that for my appointment last Friday, I had to do a day trip. I was gone for 12 1/2 hours, drove 600 miles and didn't go anywhere. I think my hubby is going to take sick time to go down with me which will be nice because I did last weeks trek by myself. The good thing is that since Friday I've lost 4 pounds. but at the same time, I know it's not right since I'm hardly getting any food in. I'm even having a hard time getting my water in everyday. Janet, congrats on the news from your Dr. That's awesome!! It's so nice to see everyone doing well, and even those of us who have hit some major plateaus, we are still losing more than we would have without the surgery!! Hope everyone has a good night and I'll chat again soon. ~Nichole
  4. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey everyone...Just checking in. I'm still around, but I'm in the final two weeks of the semester, so I'm trying to get all my back assignments done and in before this next week. I should be able to be on more (during winter break). I've also been working on computer problems yet again, and really think that HP tech support SUCKS!!! Anyways, talk to you all again soon. ~Nichole
  5. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Wow Ruby, I had to laugh when I read your post. First of all, congrats to your hubby for pulling that off. I think that's completely awesome. I used to be a 42H (god given), but in 2005, that was kind of the start of surgery for me as I had a breast reduction done. I was tired of them always being in the way. I'm now a full C cup, and love it so much. As I'm losing weight though, showing cleavage is still something that makes me self-conscience. I spent my whole life just trying to find bras that everything would fit into, and love being able to buy bras in normal stores now. :Banane52: Anyways, hope you all had a good weekend and I'll talk to you all again soon!!
  6. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Distant, I'm not keeping track of the levels and actually forgot who was. All I know is that I'm down for Level 3...but we'll see.
  7. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey everyone...Just a reminder that our exercise challenge for December starts in just a few days!! Aren't you excited? I'm not really, but need to get my butt in gear. :help::help::help: Here's who I have so far, and if you want to join, let me know. Nichole/Forgve70x7 Ruby/Frustrated Janet/IndioGirl55 Karri/salsa1877 Phyl/phyllser allaboutmefl Sunny/sunshine6855 CeCe/cazulay Kari/kirajh Kathy/kathybad Again, let me know if you want to join. I'm thinking if everyone will PM me or email me at forgve70x7@gmail.com when you have exercised, I'll keep it updated on a spreadsheet. They won't let me post a spreadsheet on here, but I can copy it into a word doc. It will be up to you as to if you want to email me everyday or once a week. :clap2::clap2: I'm glad to see everyone is doing well. Tammy, where in Nebraska are you from? I grew up in Omaha, but moved to Northern Arizona in 2005. Talk to you all soon, ~Nichole
  8. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I'm doing good. We've had some problems with our exchange student over the last couple of weeks, but that's ending because he's being moved to a new home hopefully this weekend. We are going to have another student come stay with us for the spring semester so hopefully it will work out better. I did hit a milestone this week, and FINALLY hit the 40 pound mark. So, now I just need to keep it going. I'm not sure I'm going to make the 10 pounds for the challenge though. I have 3 pounds to lose before Thursday. I always forget to login into MSN Messenger. I have too many programs that auto load when I start up my computer, and that's one that I can turn off. I'm always am logged into Google Talk though, but I know that requires a gmail account. Anyways, have fun in NY. I was there 5 years ago this week when my hubby purposed to me at the top of the Empire State Building. We then saw the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade from the middle of Times Square the next day, so it was awesome!! Have a safe trip and log in when you can! We miss seeing you on here, but understand why you aren't on as much. Talk to you soon, ~Nichole
  9. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi Dini!! I think if I remember right you are either here in NY or you're coming very soon. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your vacation. :scared: ~Nichole
  10. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Congrats Salsa!! That's awesome...I hope I'll be joining you sometime in January. I just wanted to share with everyone that I'm FINALLY down 40 pounds. I had that 3 month plateau where I didn't lose anything, and now I'm down 8 pounds since fill #2 on Oct 11. I am going in for fill #3 on Dec 14th though because I want just a little more restriction. NJGrannie, I have not had those problems, but feel for you that you are having to go through this. I really hope that everything works out for you though. Did the Dr say if the lap band would be able to be put back in once the infection is completely gone or will you not ever be able to have it put back in? I'm just curious because I've never heard of this happening. ~Nichole
  11. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Kathy is actually doing this one, but I'm sure she'll see your post and add you to her list. :cool:
  12. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Kathy, I have you down on the list!! :cool: Put me down for level 3. I'm getting fill number 3 on Dec 14th, so I'm being optimistic. ~Nichole
  13. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I completely understand, and if I had to pay for a gym membership, I would have a hard time too. That's one of the advantages of living here on the reservation because we get access to a free gym and free personal trainers. Now if only I would use them.
  14. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    You have it right Sunny...20 days of exercise in December. I'll add you and the others to the list.
  15. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    So here's who I have so far: Nichole/Forgve70x7 Ruby/Frustrated Janet/IndioGirl55 Karri/salsa1877 Phyl/phyllser You all still have plenty of time if you want to join. Here's what I'm thinking I'll do, is each day or week depending on your personal preferences, you can send me a PM when you have done your exercising. I have a table in excel that I will just mark and post every Saturday during the month with the updates. I just figured out though that I'll have to copy it into Word when I post it, but oh well. I've added the Word doc so you can all see what I have. :Banane20: I hope more of us Lucky 7's join in!! ~Nichole Exercise Challenge - Dec 2007.doc
  16. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thanks Indio!! I was pretty happy to see that. Now if I can just lose the last 4 pounds before Thanksgiving...
  17. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I've been needed some inspiration to work out and get to the gym. After reading some of your posts, I think that some others are having the same problem. So, here's what I'm proposing, for the month of December why don't we all shoot for 20 days of working out? That could be cardio or weights, but just so we are all doing something. Let me know what you all think. I would be willing to keep track of it, but just wanted to see if anyone is interested. I finally broke 230 today, so I'm still moving, but it's still slower than I would like. I think I might try to go in for another fill in December, but we'll see. I am setting a mini-goal for myself to hit onderland by January 25th which is my 29th b-day. So, I'm hoping I'll hit it, but I know that exercise is the key. Anyways, let me know what you all think. ~Nichole
  18. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    So, I had a friend's wedding last night, and let me just say I had a blast. I did have a glass of wine with dinner, but then I had 3 drinks at the bar afterwards. I have not been out that late in a long time. It was also great because I'm here in Omaha without my hubby and saw some friends from high school. One of them was a guy friend who told me that he had never looked at my a$$ so much. It was a great compliment. Now I just need to work the 3 white russians off that I had. I can tell you though that I haven't had any alcohol for about 8 months, so needless to say, it hit me pretty hard!! But, I had a GREAT TIME. On Friday, the bride-to-be and I went shopping because I needed a new pair of dress pants for the wedding as mine were so big that they looked horrible. We went to Dress Barn and they had their holiday dresses out. I decided to try on a couple and picked up an 18 & 20 to try on. The 20 was way too big, and the 18 fit well, but a little big in a couple areas. My friend told me to hold on and she went to the rack and grabbed a 16 and it fit. I was so surprised, and almost bought it, but I couldn't justify spending that kind of money on a dress I wouldn't be able to wear at home. I was super excited though because it's been over 11 years (since the start of my senior year) that I was able to fit into a 16. Jeans are still another story, but that will come with time, I just couldn't believe it. So, talking about mini goals, I think I'm doing well on the Thanksgiving challenge. Before I left, I was down to 230 (5 pounds for the challenge), which I might add is the same weight as my hubby, so sometime in the next two weeks I should weigh less than him for the first time ever. My other mini goal (since I can see it now) is to get to onderland. I'd love to be there by my b-day on Jan 25th, and now I really do think I'll be able to hit that goal. So, put me down for another 10 pounds between Thanksgiving & Christmas. I'm so glad I have you guys as you truly do understand what I'm feeling and how excited I am with the little things!! I hope you all had great weekends, and I'll check back soon. ~Nichole
  19. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Way to go CeCe. That's awesome!! I'm hoping to be there by my b-day at the end of January and as of right now I have 30 pounds to go. I'm so happy for you though!! :whoo::whoo::clap2::clap2::whoo::whoo::clap2::clap2::whoo::whoo::clap2::clap2::whoo::whoo:
  20. forgve70x7

    Blue Cross Blue Shield AZ PPO

    I had full coverage for surgery and fills with the BCBS Federal Employee plan. I'm not sure what the PPO offers, but check the booklet that you should be able to get from your employer or BCBS. Mine specifically said that it covered restrictive and combination procedures. I had the lap band done in July and my total out of pocket has been less than $2000. If you want to, you can sent me a PM or email me at forgve70x7@gmail.com and I'll answer more of your questions. ~Nichole
  21. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    That means I'm down 4 pounds for the challenge. I think someone else is a head of me though. I'm just excited to be losing again because I've been plateaued for almost 3 months. I also forgot to tell you guys that A.F. is making her visit anytime in the next couple of days, so who knows what I'll be next week!!
  22. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    So, I'm super excited because I've dropped 6 pounds now since my fill on 10/11. And my BMI is finally under 40!! I just wanted to share this with my friends who would be excited because other people just don't get as excited.
  23. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    CC, If you are working out and gaining muscle, it is possible that you may plateau or gain a few pounds. Where you should see a difference though is how your clothes are fitting. You should be losing fat and gaining muscle in areas where we shouldn't have the fat. Keep your head up and just keep working!! We'll all get there eventually, it just takes more work for some of us than others. ~Nichole
  24. forgve70x7

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri, Welcome and feel free to join in our conversations whenever you feel like it!! We do like to talk about anything and everything. :boink:

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