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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by crowsnestmama

  1. crowsnestmama

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    My nut said not to worry about calories, concentrate on 60-80grams protein. Keeping sugar and carbs low. I'm training for a mini triathlon and this was her advice.
  2. crowsnestmama

    August sleevers progress

    I think I have to quit setting time relational goals, every time I do my body is like "psych!!!" So, do I have a goal (or ten)? Yep. Are they to be met in a certain time frame....I'd really like to, but I don't truly believe it's possible. BUT, I do know that I am working this program, and that I AM going to lose this weight, maybe not in MY time frame (possibly due to PCOS) but I WILL lose it.
  3. crowsnestmama

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    This was my run today This was incline bike. One tired girlie today hoping for a little scale movement. All protein and fluids in for a change.
  4. Ugh. Feeling a touch guilty, and naughty. We had "Thanksgiving Dinner" with my son, who leaves Nov. 3 for boot camp. I ate 2oz turkey, 4 green beans in bacon, one small bite of mashed potatoes with gravy, maybe four cranberries from homemade sauce.....and a really big bite of strawberry rhubarb pie. Ugh. And it made me HUNGRY. I feel like I failed (I know I didn't), but some days, some circumstances become too much. Blah!
  5. crowsnestmama

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Last couple of days have been tough. I know it's an endurance building thing, and I've not ran back to back days in over a year. So, the mind game is still winning...but every day that I go I am one step closer to beating it! Have a blessed day everyone!!!
  6. crowsnestmama

    I'm doing too much and nobody cares!

    I had a melt down one day and said that everyone acts like I'm super woman, I just had major surgery, I'm working two jobs AND trying to do things at home for 4 kids and hubby....I am NOT super woman!!! Can I get a little bit of help around here and maybe just once feel like someone cares enough to try and take care of ME for a change?!? It helped for about 3 days, lol. But man did those 3 days feel good!
  7. crowsnestmama

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Treadmill running is not really my friend, but this is WY and outdoor running will be a thing of the past all too soon. So, I tried it today. Ran 42 minutes straight! Ran 51.08 minutes (with a 5 minute warm-up and another 5 minute cool down). 3.19 miles and 156 floors climbed. This is the longest time running ever! I never slowed down? Until cool down. (kind of disappointed I couldn't go that next .28 to reach the 5k at a run, but tomorrow is another day). I started at 3.8mph, advanced to 4.0, then 4.2 and kept it steady there. Started at 1.5% incline, backed it off at 37 minutes to 1.0, then .5, then 0 for the last minute of the run. It's all a mind game, and it has always beaten me, but dang it, the time is coming when I will be winning!!! lol! Sorry for the long post, I'm just really excited!
  8. crowsnestmama

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    I confess: 1. I am scared that I will fail at this. 2. I eat too much that isn't on the approved list (tortilla chips, Hershey's, cake, brownie, white bread). Granted, I eat a bite or very small amount, but it scares me that I can't seem to control myself. 3. I get weirded out when I don't lose for a few days, wondering if it's over. 4. I'm tired of living in fear, but I don't know if in tired enough yet, or what it will take. 5. I still can't look in a mirror. When I do, all I see is fat and ugly. I really wish I could believe differently. 6. I am afraid I've already ruined my kids, especially my girls in regard to their own body images. 7. I'm afraid of transference addictions. *sigh, long, sad list.
  9. crowsnestmama

    I KNEW IT! :p

  10. crowsnestmama

    Does shoe size change?

    I bought new knee high boots yesterday, 9 weeks out. I went from an 11 to a 9, in a brand that runs small. Totally freaked me out!
  11. crowsnestmama

    Protein supplements

    Absolutely, if you can add it to a food/drink, do it. Be careful that the temp of the food/drink is below 120 degrees though or it will deactivate the protein.
  12. Cons: there is a point that I reached on the full liquid stage that I just hated life. I accerated soft food by one day, and felt so much better! This process is a huge mind game, sometimes I win, sometimes I eat a little of what I shouldn't. But it isn't the same as before. It's one bite, instead of a whole thing. (Cake) The pros far outweigh any con I could come up with though.
  13. crowsnestmama


    I was 6 weeks out and tried the rainbow roll. I ate 6 of the ten slices, probably one too many. Loved it though. No issue other than a little too full.
  14. crowsnestmama

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    The longer you stick with the program, the faster you will be able to run...it's weird but true.
  15. crowsnestmama

    August Sleevers?

    I think the less you have to lose, the slower it is. However, with this tool, it will also help not put the weight back on. I'm 9 weeks out and have lost 30lbs as of this am, 189.8. My last preop weight was 219.8. I understand the frustration, I have come to realize that even though I thought it would go faster, that would not have been as healthy for me. I certainly didn't put all the weight on in 9 weeks, I can't expect it to come off that quick either. Also, as ladies we have other issues that contribute to our Weightloss/stalls (or hormones). Over time I hope that you will be able to see the benefits of this new tool, and be able to work this program to your best advantage.
  16. crowsnestmama

    August Sleevers?

    Milestone!!! HW: 248 (2010) First pre-op appt in May: 236 Surgery am weight: 219.8 CW:189.8 30lbs since surgery 8/12!! Whoop!
  17. crowsnestmama

    August Sleevers?

    Mine comes and goes. Right now the thirst is pretty much gone. Contributing factors for me are a sinus cold, whose drainage has affected my stomach. Can't eat much either. Ugh.
  18. Big ole piece of cake, with nasty thick icing. Pretzels. Fried wontons. All in the last hour. Frig!!! Earlier, cheese sandwich crackers. Not my day. Tomorrow will be better.
  19. crowsnestmama

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Ha! THIS is your fantasy life?!? Girl, we need to talk!!! Lol!!!
  20. crowsnestmama

    It's the little things......

    I can run! Maybe not fast but this girl did a 5k today!!!! I have an actual elbow, and my collar bones are starting to make themselves known! I am happy!

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