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Posts posted by spunkyirishpunk

  1. I was initially very ashamed and had no plans to tell anyone, not even my own brighter. I came to realize as my surgery date continues to get closer that it doesn't matter what other people think. I am doing this for myself, to create a better version of me, and people are either with me or they're not. If they're not then I don't really need to have them in my life. I was extremely ashamed to tell my training coach at the gym. I am a BIG gym rat, I got 4x a week and intern/work there. I eat clean but the weight hasn't come off for me for what ever reason. I was very surprised at how supportive he and all my clients have been with the news of me having this surgery. They are all very happy for me, and feel this is the right step because they see how hard I work.

    You are doing this for yourself and that's all that matters. You have to be ready to make the personal decision of whether or not to tell people. You don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to, and you always have the community on here to reach out to :)

  2. I'm right there with ya girl! Today was my day 1 of liquid diet. Protein Shakes, broth, Jello, sugar-free popsicles, and Water. I did this once before for 4 days to see what it was like. The worst is the first 2 days. It's all about getting in tune with your mind and body. When I did it the first time it was really getting my head into this, my body adapted quickly and I was able to realize when I was and wasn't truly hungry. It was more my mind going "YOU CRAZY PSYCHO FEED ME!" lol Message me anytime :)

  3. Some people unfortunately will just never understand, and you know what its their loss. You don't have to justify your reasons to anyone. You are doing this for the most important reason there is - YOU ! You're doing this to make yourself a better version of the person you are right now and that's all that matters.

    I was very worried about discussing my surgery with my job as well as my training coach at the gym. Not to mention the clients I help train as an intern. I am very fortunate to have an outpouring of support.

  4. I work at PetSmart as a bather so I regularly handle 50lbs+ very rarely do I get small dogs. I'm figuring with healing time I'll be out of my physically demanding position for roughly 2-3 weeks. I'm currently struggling with do I tell my store manager I'm having surgery and will need 2-3 weeks off, or would it be better to have a family member call the morning of my surgery and say I had to have emergency surgery? I don't believe in being dishonest but I have been at this job for less than 1 year, and with being short handed just don't know how willing they'd be to let me have the time off. Thoughts?

  5. My name is Kat, I'm 26 years old, and have battled my weight my entire life. I have tried everything possible to get the weight off ~ dr supervised weight loss programs, personal trainers, laxatives, exercised like crazy, nutrisystem, fat camp, weight watchers. It all worked for a brief period but then it all came back. I have finally reached the point where I am ready to do this. It's time for me to come first. I'm tired of the dirty looks from people when I'm out. You know the look, that look you get when a persons face says "Oh my god how can they be out in public and look like that." Do any of them ever think about the persons story? I know the answer is no. I know I shouldn't let the dirty looks get to me but it does, I'm not gonna lie. If these people only knew that I do eat right, and I train my ass off but still can't get results maybe they'd change their minds. I'm sure looking at me they would never think I've completed 3 Tough Mudders....by myself. It's a 12 mile obstacle course run, with 20-25 obstacles along the way.

    My dream is to get off this weight that is holding my back from my ultimate dream of being a personal trainer and owning my own gym.

    I want to be able to do things at the gym I can't do like a handstand, or even just be able to do 10 regular pushups. I know this is going to change my life, and I'm excited, scared, and nervous all at once.

    I'm ready for my new life to start....

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