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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. Oh, I forgot this: When I got a Press Gainey survey from the hopsital, I mentioned her comment and her name. Hopefully she will learn to not second-guess a doctor's diagnosis and quit commenting on a patient's reason for taking certain tests. Geeze Louize.
  2. Surprisingly, I got that comment from the technician who did my pre-op ekg at the hospital. I told her "That's interesting. Maybe you should call the director of the bariatric clinic (same doctor who was my surgeon and who teaches bariatric and robotic surgery at the same hospital) and tell him you disagree with his diagnosis." That shut her up!
  3. Miss Mac

    1st appointment questions

    With my first surgeon's appointment, I asked him what he does for pain management, especially for the accumulated CO2 that builds up in the shoulder post-op causing a lot of grief. He said that he extracts as much as possible. Consequently, I did not get the painful shoulder gas. I also asked things like how many incisions will I have and where will they be. I had a list of 17 questions, but I don't remember them all now.
  4. Miss Mac

    My sleeve is angry

    Foods need to be moist, for sure, epecially meat. I was still at around 1/2 cup total food volume through my third month post-op. At nine months out, I haven't even tried salad greens yet. Early on, Miss Tummy and I had a disagreement over whether or not I should eat cauliflower with cheese. Four miserable hours later, Miss Tummy won that argument and gave my cauliflower back to me, You will have to reintroduce foods slowly and pay attention to what your new stomach is telling you. Don't think of this as having a smaller stomach....think of this as having a new stomach that you don't know what the hell it likes, and you are going to have to figure it out by trial and error. Be gentle, and keep portions small until you and your stomach come to an understanding. In this game, your stomach makes all of the rules. Don't give up the fight. You are in this to win it. You have no choice.
  5. Miss Mac


    Post-op, I was pretty restless for while, but by the time that first 30 pounds came off, I was sleeping much better. There were fewer bathroom trips in the middle of the night (I was waking up and going every 20-30 minutes). As I started losing, the bed started feeling bigger. I was able to roll over more easily, too. Now, I can sleep for six hours at a time if my neuropathies are calm. If the are acting up (in spite of taking Lyrica) and disrupting my sleep, then I will take Walgreen's Sleep Aid mini-caplets. It takes about 1/2 hour to get to work, but results in better sleep. I used to take Nyquil Nighttime until it started burning my throat when I developed GERD and esopagus problems. But that Nyquil, man......it works so fast that you gotta take take stuff while sitting on the edge of the bed. If you take it in the bathroom, you will be sleeping on the floor.
  6. At one month I was just starting regular food. If I would have traveled at that time, I would have been more concerned about fatigue. I agree about heavy luggage. Just make sure you have rolling luggage, and your shoulder bag needs to be light.
  7. Miss Mac

    Need some clarity

    The blood work will alert the doctor to any conditions he needs to be aware of. For example, if your platelets are too large, you may be a bleeder, annd he would know to be prepared to compensate for that. It wil tell the doctor if you are anemic or have low Iron, and need extra iron post-op....stuff like that. The Endoscopy will let the doctor see inside your stomach so that he is aware of any soreness or developing ulcers. The ultrasound on your liver will tell the doctor if your liver is enlarged or extra fatty, two conditions that must be considered. This makes it even more important to endure the "liver shrinking" pre-op liquid diet. An enlarged liver will get in the way during surgery and may even be cause to delay surgery until the condition is addressed. Some people had to have a cardiac stress test to make sure there heart is healthy enough to support a successful surgery. The doctor is just looking for input into how your body will respond to the surgery. So, I agree that you should engage the process, because if any of the results delays your bariatric surgery, you will be healthier for it and in better condition for when surgery day actually comes. The sleep study will help qualify you for surgery, as it is a co-morbidity. the test will also tell you if you should have been sleeping with a CPAP anyway. Doctor's should be better at informing their patients about why they call for certain tests.
  8. Miss Mac

    Need some feedback

    My biggest incision bothered me for a couple of weeks, but the smaller ones were just itchy. I had some problems with the Protein shakes: bloating, gas , constipation. When I don't use them, those issues go away. Also gas-x strips helped with the gas.
  9. Miss Mac

    Vasovagal Syncope ( Fainting ) episode

    I just discovered this thread. The subject matter (Syncope) really concerns me. I am nine months post-op, and on August 25, 2014, I was sick all day.......no fever, but puking and whistling shi*s time after time. Into the wee hours of the 26th, I had made yet another mad rush to the bathroom. So.......I did the necessary bodily functions, got up , put myself back together, felt whooshy, but turned around to wash my hands.... and passed out and hit my head on the bathtub. I was unconcious on the floor for almost a full hour. I tried to call out for my boyfriend, but the bathroom door was shut, and he was sound asleep with the air conditioner on. So, when I finally got up, I got back on the pot for round two. Once again the universe was spinning. I stood up, pulled myself together and passed out and hit my head on the bathtub again. This time I was out for an hour and a half. When I became alert enough to stand up I went to bed and fell aseep exhausted. Yes, I know that if you are present when someone has a concussion, you are supposed to keep them from falling asleep, but I was so tired. I slept for six hours straight before waking up. My boyfriend was unaware of my condition and got up and went to work. Later that evening I was talking to my daughter who is a healthcare professional. As an occupational therapist she travels to the homes of patients to teach people how to recover from a stroke, accident, or catastrophic illness. She told me that I should have called an ambulance. Well, my PCP is closed on Tuesday, so I called on Wednesday, and I did not get a reply until after supper. He told me to go the the ER anyway to get checked out. They did admit me and took a CT scan of my brain and then a images of my hips (because I was complaining of a sore hip and had a big bruise. They were concerned that I may have fractures my hip. (Turned out to be a deep bruise to the bone) Well, they kept me overnight for observation and to pump six bags of fluids and electrolites into my system. The diagnosis: Syncope I had to wear an event monitor for 30 days. Well, I have done my time, sent the monitor back to the provider. I have an appointment later thus month to see the cardiologist for followup. OMG I hope it was just dehydration. When the cardiologist came into my hospital room, she mentioned the vagus nerve, and said that she will be working in cooperation with my PCP to start eliminating possibilies. It's past bedtime, so that's it for this respone. Now I will be thinkin' when I ought to be sleepin'.........darn it.
  10. After I had my right knee replacement in 2007, I gained 35 pounds very quickly from lack of exercise. After I had my left knee replaced in 2011, I gained another 15 pounds. I don't recommend getting both knees done at the same time, unless the doctor can guarantee outstanding pain management. It will be all you can do to just think, roll out of bed, eat, and get yourself to the bathroom. Secondly, you will need support from your family or someone who is strong enough to help you out of bed for a few days. Ask for the best physical therapist, or your range of motion will be awkwardly limited. One advantage to getting them done at the same time is that you will have only one recovery period. Get pain meds and take them, especially until you have the staples removed. I was living alone in a small apartment and although I had friends and family within commuting distance, but they had their own lives to live. That means unless someone popped in to check on me, I had to be stable enough to ambulate and care for myself. Two years after my 2011 surgery I decided to start an exercise program. What I did was order a variety of exercise DVDs to give myself some variety. With other orthopedic issues and two janky knees, I found that these were my favorites because they are low impact and can be done in a chair or laying on the bed. They are available on Amazon. 1. Exercises for the Bedridden and Physically Challenging, with David Stamps (he is well qualified and is easy on the eyes) 2. Chair Aerobics for Everyone - Chair Salsa, with David Stamps 3. Chair Aerobics for Everyone - Chair Tai Chi, with David Stamps 4. Chair Aerobics for Everyone - Chair Boxing, with David Stamps (a strong favorite for me) 5. Chair Aerobics for Everyone - Circuit Training Beach Party, with Ronit Amaya. 6. Stronger Seniors - Chair Exercise Program, (core fitness, which is a Pilates-based program) with Anne Pringle Burnell. 7. Stronger Seniors-Stretch and Strength, with Anne Pringle Burnell 8. Firming After 50, with Joel Harper (Brother of Bob Harper on Biggest Loser) Another strong favorite because he has his mother do a modified version, and I can keep up with her, It has both upper and lower body workouts plus some ab work that can be done in the bed. 9. Walk Your Belly Flat, with Leslie Sansone. On orthopedic "bad Days" I do this one standing in place in my walker. Otherwise, I can follow along in place, close to the TV. 10. Easy Yoga for Arthritis with Peggy Cappy. This is gentle yoga with modifications for different abilities, and includes meditation. 11. Fun Resistance Bands - Calisthenics and Pilates for the physically challenged, with Sunshine. (yep - that's her name) 12. Boomers' Workout, with Sunshine. This includes light weights to strengthen, tone, and firm. 13. Easy Chair Exercises, with Sunshine. Good for arthritis and osteoporosis My Salsa, Hula, Hip-Hop Abs, Bollywood, and Pussycat Dolls would be a bit much when balance and coordination are compromised. So, all of that said to say this: If you must follow through with bi-lateral knee replacements, be prepared to have to ask for help, and do exercise every day as soon as you are able. It may be that a short walk will be all you can do until you get some stamina. As soon as you are post-op, bring us your questions. I am sure there are several of us in the forum who have had a joint replacement and can comiserate with you, and can lift you up with practial answers to your orthopedic concerns. These exercise programs would also be good for hip replacements, too. I wish you good luck and good health.
  11. Miss Mac


    Stalls are like lovers. Your first will probably not be your last.
  12. I haven't seen this article on here for a while, so I thought it was time to post it for newer people. It is from Nichole Nicholes who is a Sparkpeople blogger. We all have those days that we don't want to work out even though we know weshould. When you need a little motivation, look no further. Here are 100 reasons you shouldn't skip your workout today. Print, save, pin or "like" this post so you'll have easy access to it on the days you need it most. 100 Reasons to Exercise Now Because it makes you feel confident Because it helps you get stronger Because exercise helps combat depression Because you'll feel proud of yourself Because you have goals you want to reach Because you'll feel bad if you don't Because you want to move forward, not backward Because it burns more calories than not working out Because it improves your heart health Because you want a great butt Because it prevents diabetes Because you want to be a good example to your kids Because you want to feel good in your clothes Because it reduces your risk of cancer Because your body was made to move Because you want to be an athlete Because you want to look better Because it lifts your mood Because you want to stand taller Because it reduces back pain Because it feels good Because it makes you feel accomplished Because you spend most of your day on your butt Because swimsuit season is always coming Because strong is the new skinny Because dieting only works so much Because it strengthens your bones, too Because it helps you lose weight Because it allows you to eat more food Because it's the best way to spend "me" time Because it helps you de-stress Because it's cheaper than therapy Because you want a strong core Because you want to take care for yourself Because you take pride in your body Because it strengthens your legs Because it helps your clothes fit better Because you want to push yourself Because you are capable of more than you ever imagined Because moving your body feels good Because it keeps your mind sharp Because it helps you beat belly bloat Because it helps you sleep better at night Because it gives you energy Because you want to stay healthy as you age Because you want to look younger Because you want toned arms Because it improves your balance Because it burns off last night's dessert Because it boosts your immune system Because sweat is sexy Because you want to live longer Because you want to get better at your game Because you want to catch someone's eye Because exercisers earn more money Because you're more likely to eat better when you exercise Because you want to shave time off your running pace Because you want to breathe easier Because you want to see the scale drop Because exercise improves your sex life Because you are worth it Because being fit makes everything in life better Because you promised yourself that you would Because you deserve a better life Because it'll help you drink more Water Because you want to do real push-ups Because it reduces your health care costs Because you'll miss fewer days of work Because you want to create a new future for yourself Because it'll help you like what you see in the mirror Because it makes clothing shopping more fun Because you want to look and feel incredible Because exercising can be fun Because it'll give your skin a glow Because it's a good way to spend time with your friends Because it'll help you prevent the middle-age spread Because it reduces your blood pressure Because you don't want to let yourself go Because you don't want to squeeze into an airplane or rollercoaster seat Because it strengthens your spirit Because it's a cheap way to entertain yourself Because you'll be able to reward yourself Because you need a reason to wear those new workout clothes Because you're tired of being tired Because not working out is not going to get you very far Because it's a great way to spend time outside Because you made a commitment to yourself Because you're tired of starting over Because there will always be another wedding, vacation or reunion Because you're not a quitter Because it improves your cholesterol Because it boosts your metabolism Because it prevents age-related muscle loss Because if you can do this, you can do anything Because a fit body is a healthy body Because it beats sitting on the couch Because everyone has at least 10 minutes to spare Because you want to be stronger than your excuses Because not working out isn't working out for you Because the only workout you ever regret is the one you skip
  13. For two nonconsective days a week I do strength training: one day with free weights, and the other with body weight resistance. 15 minutes upper / 15 minutes lower ?). Every day: I walk 1 mile (+/-) equivalent, to exercise dvd with Leslie Sasson(sp?). This takes about 1/2 hour for me since sometimes I use my walker. Six days a week, I put on some music and dance like nobody's watching. 30 minutes I have a variety (over 30) exercise DVDs including Richard Simmons, Hip Hop Abs, Hula, Salsa, Bollywood, Pussycat Dolls, Zumba..... Crazy. Even though my form sucks, I am trying to make fun out of this. That is for good days when I am able to move around a bit. On other days (when my orthopedic issues are unbearable and I am medicated enough to make life worth living) I will use my bedridden exercise dvd, or one of my chair exercise DVDs for seniors. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. And remember, sweat is fat crying.
  14. Miss Mac

    ARRRGGGGHHHHH! my mother #$)&(*U#)(*

    To answer #9Grammy: To start a new message, go to the top of this page Click on Gastric Sleeve Forums Click on My Gastric Sleeve Journey Tell Your Story Go to bottom of paragraph, click Tell Your Story
  15. Miss Mac

    ARRRGGGGHHHHH! my mother #$)&(*U#)(*

    My mom passed away too soon, when she was not much older than I am now. She was 5'2" and weighed 320 pounds and suffered an abdominal aortic aneurysm. I know with my knower that if sleeve gastrectomies were available back then in 1992, she would have had one, and be supportive of mine. However, she was a crazy-maker in so many "mom-ish" ways. I did not mind going to visit as an adult, but was glad to live far enough away that I could still have my privacy, but near enough that I could get there in a couple of hours if there was an important reason for me to be there. My grown daughters live within a hour from me, but I try not to interfere with their day-to-day affairs. Yours is a good case of "the less she knows, the less she has to worry about". My mom had that policy with my grandma, so I guess what goes around comes around.
  16. Miss Mac

    Workout bruises.. Not clumsiness?!

    Outer part of my upper arms.......thought it was cellulite. Hmmmmmmmm.
  17. Miss Mac

    Skin Breakdown

    My bariatric physician has me using Gold Bond Medicated Powder.
  18. Miss Mac

    Lap band vs gastric sleeve

    I chose the sleeve because I did not want my digestive system rerouted, and I did not want a port.
  19. Miss Mac


    hair loss is such a crap shoot. Biotin is either a gift from God or expensive pee. I was one of the fortunate few who did not have hair loss beyond a few extra strays around the house. My program required 80 grams of Protein, 80 ounces of non-caloric fluids, and 800-1200 calories. I bout Nature's Bounty Biotin 10,000 mcg twice a day. I don't know if that is why, but I was prepared for it just in case. All you can do is expect the worst and hope for the best. Biotin may be the best thing you ever bought.....or not.
  20. Miss Mac

    Food panic attack

    Many of us who are post-op had what are called "food funerals" where we said good-bye one last time to something that we thought we would particularly miss in the surgical afterlife. The good new is that sometimes one's tastebuds and desire for certain foods are altered by surgery. At nine months out, I still eat what I want, but what I want has changed. My body's internal systems are thriving on healthy food and daily nutrients. The last thing I want is soda pop, Twinkies and potato chips and greasy calzones. Going through the phases of pre-op and post "deprivation" helped me to appreciate the value of proper nutrition and portion control. You can get through this and live to tell about it. sugar free Jello got me over several bumps where I just wanted to eat my fingers. I agree with Emtabulous that maybe you might want to forego the Food Network for a while. You can do this, and you will live to tell about it. Good luck.
  21. Can UHC assign you a case manager who can be your "go to" so that you talk to the same person every time you call?
  22. Well, I wouldn't wish this stuff on anyone, but once in a while I bring out my National Insitute of Health's co-morbitidies list of conditions that insurance companies consider. Maybe you have some of these other conditions that the insurance company "forgot" to mention may qualify you for weight loss surgery.Obesity Comorbidities To follow is a list of comorbidities (additional conditions or diseases) related to obesity which may help you in qualifying for weight loss surgery. Family history of heart disease Family history of stroke Family history of diabetes Family history of heart attacks Hyperinsulinemia Diabetes High blood pressure Coronary-artery disease Hypertension Migraines or headaches directly related to obesity or cranial hypertension Congestive heart failure Neoplasia Dyslipidemia Anemia Gallbladder disease Osteoarthritis Degenerative arthritis Degenerative disc Degenerative joint disease Recommended joint replacement from specialist Accelerated degenerative joint disease Asthma Repeated pneumonia Repeated pleurisy Repeated bronchitis Lung restriction Gastroesophageal reflex (GERD) Excess facial & body hair (Hirsutism) Rashes Chronic skin infections Excess sweating Frequent yeast infections Urinary stress incontinence Menstrual irregularity Hormonal abnormalities Polycystic ovaries Infertility Carcinoma (breast, colon, uterine cancer) sleep apnea Pseudotumor cerebri Depression Psychological/sexual dysfunction Social discrimination Premature death in the immediate family
  23. Forgot to mention about the incicions burning. For me, it was just part of the healing process, and mine were itchy for quite a while. However, if an incision looks hot and infected, it's worth calling the doc.
  24. Don't mean to alarm you, but you asked for opinions from folks who are not bariatric physicians, but who otherwise know some stuff about some other stuff, so here is where my experience comes in. If the pain feels like some one stabbed you with a Samurai sword under your right shoulder blade and is twisting that blade deeper and deeper until you want to scream bloody murder it may be your gallbladder. Gallbladders are unfriendly when they are irritated and ignored. You do not want an angry gallbladder to burst....oh no no no. Or it could be gas. I said all of that to say this. If it doesn't resolve soon - call you doctor. If it gets worse, don't wait for the doctor - go to the E R.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
