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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. I have to take the Bariatric Advantage AE stinka** horse pills Vitamins, which get hung up in my throat, and I cannot hold enough fluids in my tummy when trying to get them down. So, I tried cutting them in 1/4 and could not swallow them because of the sharp edges. So, I got out a mortar and pestle that was a holiday gift years ago and crush the tablets with that. Even though they are alledgedly berry flavored, I doubt it. What I ended up doing was mixing them in strawberry or cherry sugar-free Jello Water, and drink that while exercising since I am more thirsty and therefore more like to drink it all. I just have to remember to not take calcium chews within a short time of my bariatric vitamins. Used to be, I would take fish-oil capsules every day. Miss Tummy does not like them and gives them back very quickly. Even though I am not a big fan of seafood, I try to eat tuna salad three or four days a week, and salmon patties or a baked filet of something once in a while.
  2. That is what cracks me up about small-minded people who think that weight loss surgery is an easy way out. It is work - a lot of hard work - and math - and research - and drama. I am 9 1/2 months out and have weighed and calulated and measured and logged and exercised every day and still hit stalls. My most recent stall has been over three months, and I do not want to be done while still forty pounds from goal. So.....Two days ago, I pulled my original pre-op materials out of storage and decided to go back to the written suggestions on post-op phase IV. I may (ok, WILL) have to give up my late-night hot chocolate because even the sugar-free cocoa mixes, and the lite whip cream, and the sugar-free chocloate syrup have enough collective calories to contribute to my stall. Well, double ding dang darn, the rest of this weight will come off some way some how, even if I have to cut it off the front with a plastic butter knife from my three year old granddaughter's dolly tea set.. I know with my knower that this ol' gal ain't done yet.
  3. Miss Mac

    Goal weight is still overweight!?!?!?

    I determined my goal weight, not by the charts, but by what my weight was when I was my healthiest.
  4. Miss Mac

    What am I missing?

    As my grandma used to say, "If it ain't all......it's enough"! It looks like you have been paying attention. Here's to a new you - Clink!
  5. Miss Mac

    My Last Winter Being FAT!

    My one year is coming up two days before Christmas. I may night be quite to goal by then, but I will be darn close! I have the cutest dark wash denim short-waisted embroidered jacket that I bought just before I gained an extra 50 pounds (post-op of an orthopedic surgery). I got it out of storage the other day, and it still had the tags on it. I very cautiously put on, thinking that it still wasn't going to close over my belly. Surprise........it was too big! You will have many non-surgical victories (SNVs around here) that will blow your mind. I think most everyone expects clothes fitting better or being able to cross their legs, but another one is that your body's internal systems with thank you for the improved nutrition and a bit of exercise. You will actually start to feel better. May many happy NSVs come your way.
  6. Welcome cindyt. I have a question first, before I start spewing up daisies and puppies with my usual upbeat answers: Do you have control over the shopping and cooking at your house? Your situation will have an effect one way or the other on how you manage the food and bev that go into your new tummy.
  7. Miss Mac

    Getting colds?

    Less for me....no cold, no sniffles, no flu. Might be the extra Vitamins, nutrients, and Protein that I wasn't getting in my previous life pre-op.
  8. Miss Mac

    Protein help!

    I like the Isopure powders because they have 50 grams per serving. I like Syntrax (23 grams per serving) because they dissolve easier and have more flavors. I like unjury (23 grams per serving) because they have the chicken flavor for broths and Soups, and an unflavored that you can pop into home recipes. Celebrate Vanilla Cake Batter is my best varorite hands down. One serving is 25 grams. I add some extra vanilla and apacket of monk fruit sweetener and make it with almond milk. Also BariatricChoice,com has all kinds of bariatric foods and drink mixes (and RTUs). They also have Protein chips, Snacks, and power bars.
  9. Miss Mac

    Feeling so discouraged

    1. Second opinion 2. I was taking Vitamins befor surgery. Now I just take better ones. 3. I do not have chronic diarrhea. Most days I am just fine in that respect. 4. Give yourself a headstart. Here are some actions that seem to be pretty common across the board with our bariatric physicians, and are especially helpful in the pre-op phase to get us used to being more mindful of our diets: * Eat way more Protein (60 grams minimum, 80 is better) and way fewer carbs (like WAY fewer carbs, as in 50 or less, 30 is better) * If you must have dessert, an apple will do less damage than apple pie * There are plenty of non-starchy veggies you can eat. * Weigh and measure your food to get an idea of how much you are really eating. * Drink Water (and other non-caloric beverages) until your eyeballs float * Eat smaller bites (practice with toddler utensils) * Chew until you are worn out with chewing * Get up and move around, shake that thing, go outside, walk walk walk, start incorporating some exercise into your day All of these will help, and are all a variation of what we will be doing the rest of our lives. I used to work in a hospital's food service department, and the director thought that low carb diets, like Atkins, were just horrible. So I asked her what she thought I could do to lose weight, and she said eat fewer carbs, more lean protein, and get some exercise. Same difference, eh?
  10. I have been using monk fruit sweetener, which I get at Aldi's. It is natural and does not have the licorice taste that Stevia has.
  11. Miss Mac

    Jeans or a dress?

    I don't know, but I kinda like your "after" picture in skinny jeans, high heels to arch your back and stick out your booty, and a fitted jacket to emphasize the girls. I hope I look that good when I get closer to goal.
  12. Miss Mac

    Food melt down

    My boyfriend is a gift, and is very supportive of me. I told him that if I get mean or hayeful, he should send me back to my daughters!
  13. Miss Mac

    Do you make a shopping list?

    Since I have mobility issues, my boyfriend (who is also the cook in the house) does the marketing. He is very supportive and has my back, so nothing comes in the house that would be an issue for me. As I run out of staples, I add it to the fridge list. If I think of something new I want to test for tolerance with my sleeve, we discuss the best way to prepare it, then he shops accordingly.
  14. I had to provide documentation for two years of medical weight loss attempts and three months of a closely monitored specific program with a bariatric nutritionist. For the first part, my primary doctor ran a copy of my medical records for the previous two years, and I highlighted every mention of my weight and his recommendations for various diet changes. For the second part, the bariatric clinic has a nutritionist on board, and I had regular monthly visists (3) which she documented. That was good enough.
  15. Miss Mac

    Size zero - har!

    0x, 1x, 2x, 3x........would 0x be a euphemism for size large???? I'm confused. People on here all the time say that are like 175 pounds and wearing a size 6 or 8 for example. The last time I weighed my goal weight (135 - OK, granted it was in 1982), I was wearing a size ten. I know at some point I will have to quit buying clothes on-line and go into a bricks and mortar store and actually try something on. It's just one more post-op challenge to mess with my head.
  16. Yeah, don't overbuy. I am nine months out and still have enough whey Protein mix for another year.
  17. Miss Mac

    Am I the only one with Diarrhea?

    At 9 1/2 months out I stll seem to be alternating between diarrhea and constipation - having a hard time finding the balance. So glad I am retired. I cannot imagine going through bariatric surgery and having to go to work, or raise kidlets at home, or having to do both and be expected to pull it together. To those of you in that position: you are my heroes.
  18. Same emotional battlefield here. My one year is coming up in December and I am thankfully sixty-five pounds lighter and in better health overall. But it seems like no matter how big I am, I am not as big as I think I am. You know, I guess I will just keep working it. I have no intention of losing ground. The only pressure I feel is what I put on myself. I have the feeling that even when I reach goal, I will still be beating myself up for something. This is not only a physical journey, it is very much an emotional journey as well. I know with my knower that when I come out the other side of this dark cocoon of a tunnel, I will be a lovely happy butterfly enjoying the freedom of not being held down by 100 extra pounds. Cowgirljane, thatnks for your comment. You always cheer me up!
  19. Miss Mac

    Love Yourself Through Your Struggles

    Well, here I am thinking when I ought to be sleeping. I have been beating myself up all day because I had yet another week (ten in a row now) with no movement on the scale. What a revolting development this is! Your post has kindly reminded me that I need to love and accept myself. Thanks
  20. Just for the record.....I had my gallbladder out (it ruptured) when I was 21 years old. That was in 1973 when the surgeons still cut you half in two and nothing was being done laparascopically yet. (and phones hung on the wall, music was still vinyl even though 8 track cassetts were new technology, women were just learning how to pump their own gas, and cars did not have to have seat belts) I have not missed it at all, and have gotten along well (digestively)without it. So, at whatever point you may have yours removed, I would bet money that thirty years from now, it would not have made a negative impact on your overall health.
  21. Miss Mac

    Just getting started...

    Welcome to the forum. You will find many people here who absolutley rock. For the most part responses are supportive. Opinions and tact vary, but you can glean what is helpful and disregard the rest. No need to take anything personally. When you ask questions, you definitely will hear from all of our different upbringings and life experiences. That is what makes Bariatricpal.com such a gift. It seems like most of us have had someone who asks us why we don't just eat less and exercise more because they know someone who knows someone who had horrible complications with bariatric surgery. The don't have much of a response when we ask back if they know anyone who knows anyone who had a successful weight loss and improved quality of life because of bariatric surgery. Those who have always been thin really do not have a clue about how hard we struggle. I wish you the best outcome for your surgey. You have come to the right place for support.
  22. WLS stands for Weight Loss Surgery. You will find other texting abreviations on the forum. Another is NSV which is a NonSurgical Victory, such as being able to tie your own shoes, someone you haven't seen for a while doesn't recognize you, being able to cross your legs....happy stuff like that. You will also see the term "Onderland" which stands for 199, meaning that your weight is finally below 200 pounds. I have had to look up many text abreviations and street slang terms in an on-line urban dictionary to be able to keep, but it helps me stay current.
  23. Miss Mac

    A SIP?!?!?

    Yep....about a tablespoon - just enough to say I did.
  24. Well, it might be worth considering. I do know already that I sleep much better when the bedroom is cool (66-68 degrees) more so that when the bedroom is warmer (like in the summer and the air conditioner is not on. Hmmmmm, maybe even a walk in the crisp autumn air might be helpful beyond just being good exercise.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
