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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. Miss Mac

    Puree need more protein

    At that stage I could not tolerate baby food because of its blandess and lack of seasonings. My boyfriend (who has extraordinary kitchen skills and cooks Mediterranian style because he is from Malta) would just take what he prepared for his meals (minus carb heavy ingredients like bread) and put some in the blender with real chicken broth, Water, or milk to thin it out. He would also add some Protein powder in a compatible flavor. Just this evening we took some ricotta cheese and blended it up with an 85% chocolate bar, and a package of chocolate pudding mix. This is one of those foods that will mask the flavor of my pulverized Bariatric Advantage AE stinka** horse pill Vitamins. The bleder and food processor have been used way more since my surgery.
  2. Miss Mac

    Holiday Challenge!

    Starting weight 174 Goal 159 I have been on a three month plateau. I really need to get past the 160's.
  3. Miss Mac

    Is This The End?

    Lower esauphagus and stomach inflammation did not delay my surgery at all. The surgery itself helped solve the issue because the largest part of the stomach irritation was cut away. Plus the new way of eating helped resove GERD. I have not had reflux even once since I got my sleeve last December.
  4. Miss Mac

    Two year anniversary today.

    RJ - You are due for some good days in a row. Congratulations for setting such an earnest example for the rest of us to chug on through this process. May your next two years bring you better health and happiness. If you get tired of being strong, you know where to come for encouragement.
  5. Miss Mac

    Variation in liquid stage times

    1. clear liquids in hospital 2. full liquids as soon as I got home 3. purees at 10 days 4. soft at 21 days 5. whole foods (but not raw) at 4 1/2 weeks 6. raw foods at 3 months
  6. Miss Mac

    Motivational changes early on

    Maybe change your perspective. Instead of looking at this as behaviours you can't indulge anymore, look at the changes as new behaviours that will help you achieve a better quality of life than the one you are going to have if you do not make any changes.
  7. Miss Mac

    Extended Plateau

    Close. I lost about 20 pounds pre-op, and then gained 12 of it back from fluids in the hospital. It took me two weeks to lose that, and then I was into the third week stall. It wasn't until the fourth week that I started losing again.
  8. I got that co-morbidities list from the National Institute of Health, an organization that functions with government sanction (NIH.GOV)
  9. Miss Mac

    Venting about bad news

    So, apparently he does not like to do revisions on anyone. I would take that as a not so subtle hint that perhaps he shouldn't be doing revisions anyway. My suggestion would be to check out that other doctor further away. You are worth the extra effort.
  10. My bariatric clinic used my first weigh-in weight when the papers were submitted four months later. Here are some other conditions which may help you qualify for weight loss surgery: Obesity Comorbidities To follow is a list of comorbidities (additional conditions or diseases) related to obesity which may help you in qualifying for weight loss surgery. Family history of heart disease Family history of stroke Family history of diabetes Family history of heart attacks Hyperinsulinemia Diabetes High blood pressure Coronary-artery disease Hypertension Migraines or headaches directly related to obesity or cranial hypertension Congestive heart failure Neoplasia Dyslipidemia Anemia Gallbladder disease Osteoarthritis Degenerative arthritis Degenerative disc Degenerative joint disease Recommended joint replacement from specialist Accelerated degenerative joint disease Asthma Repeated pneumonia Repeated pleurisy Repeated bronchitis Lung restriction Gastroesophageal reflex (GERD) Excess facial & body hair (Hirsutism) Rashes Chronic skin infections Excess sweating Frequent yeast infections Urinary stress incontinence Menstrual irregularity Hormonal abnormalities Polycystic ovaries Infertility Carcinoma (breast, colon, uterine cancer) sleep apnea Pseudotumor cerebri Depression Psychological/sexual dysfunction Social discrimination Premature death in the immediate family
  11. Watch out for CareCredit, too. I got burned by them several years ago when I had to get dentures. They resold the loan, and it got sold, and that one got sold, etc...... It got to the point that a $1500 bill which I had paid down to $900 eventually turned into $3500. These people finally quit relentlessly bothering me after my Power of Attorney told them that I had a stroke and was on disability. My interest rate with them was something like 21%. I know they are still in business because I saw their sign in a window last month.
  12. Miss Mac

    Abdominal work outs

    Light weights (5 lbs each hand) at one month, abs at 6 weeks.
  13. Miss Mac


    For me, pre-op was much worse than post-op. However, you can use this time to start practicing the good habits you will need once you go post-op. I am so glad I already was accustomed to small bites, high Protein, separating eating from drinking, etc. All of that waiting made sense once I was home from the hospital. Six months is going to drrrrrrrag out until a couple of days before your surgery, and then it will fly by about the time you hit panic mode. At least you have all of your bariatric brothers and sisters here for moral support and practical encouragement.
  14. Miss Mac

    Any Suggestions?

    I am doing all the usual exercises, but don't notice any improvement yet. Well wait.....I do think the flat butt is better than the two cats in a sack that I did have back there!
  15. Miss Mac

    Celebrate protein powder?

    I have tried the vanilla Cake Batter flavor. It is all right and mixes well. My only objection is that it takes twice as much product as unjury, Isopure, and Syntrax to get the 25 grams of Protein.
  16. Miss Mac

    I can't sleep..

    Is this your first surgery you ever had?
  17. Miss Mac

    What would you do?

    Last year, I had my sleeve on December 23, and came home on Christmas day. My daughters did the holiday thing with their significant others' families. Then on New Years, my gentleman friend and I hosted the grandkids at our home in the afternoon. That way, my kids and grandkids got their Christmas holiday and I got my peace and quite and broth and Jello. Plus, the little ones enjoyed that second round of presents. It worked out well for everyone. For Christmas dinner for just me and my man, we celebrated two week-ends before. It was my last full meal before I started my pre-op liquid diet.
  18. Yes. Here is how I solved it. If I want a cold shake, I still warm up about half of my liquid and mix the Protein powder into that. Do not exceed 140 degrees. Make it warm like the temp of baby bath Water. Take the mixed powder and liquid, and strain it. Then add the rest of your cold liquid and a couple of ice cubes. Syntrax mixes the best, but this works for unjury and Isopure powders, too.
  19. Sounds like you are enjoying a textbook recovery. Just brace yourself for that third week stall. It is normal, too.
  20. Miss Mac

    Funny non-scale victory

    Other NSVs to watch out for, that maybe you aren't expecting: Your shoes will start to feel sloppy big, and your bed will feel like it got bigger.
  21. Miss Mac

    Drinking while eating

    You could personalize your problem by giving your new stomach a name. Mine is Miss Tummy, and she is the boss of me. Believe me, if she does not like something...she gives it right back or makes me suffer at least four hours. My own well-being depends on how I take care of her.
  22. A hundred extra pounds IS an issue. My spine started to collapse (17 ruptured discs that need repair) because it cannot keep carrying the weight. Good for you that you have decided to take this first step. How did you appointment go?
  23. Miss Mac

    Screwed up

    We had very few trick or treaters here in Chicago because of temps in the low 40's and 50 mph winds. So, the candy bowl sat by the front door all night and Saturday morning I was have mini-Snickers bars for Breakfast. Knowing that I couldn't do that all darn day, I asked my boyfriend to put the candy away where I could not find it - and then please just take it to work the next day. With that done, it was easier to get back on track right away.
  24. You'll be tired, so just make sure you get plenty of sleep at home. You will do much better than if you were a lumberjack, so just don't be lifting any stacks of books. Then when you have the Christmas and New Year's holidays you can rest some more. That means let someone else do the hoiday prep around your house. This is your year to take it easy for a couple of weeks,
  25. Me, too. I found an article on gustatory rhinitis. here it is: http://www.myweightlosssurgeryblog.com/2011/06/27/why-a-runny-nose-and-sneezing-may-signal-overeating/.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
