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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. If you must go and have no one who will intervene on your behalf, then start monitoring the crap they all eat and then expound relentlessly on your new found knowledge of human nutrition......then bite off a big ol' piece of cheese and enjoy it. Then give them your doctor's number so that they can call him/her to complain about your post-op plan. It is ok to get mad, especially when they are being rude to you. They are not thinking about your feelings or bothered that they are humiliating you.......so you have Miss Mac's permission to have that grown-up hissy fit. Even Jesus turned over a few tables when people pushed his buttons.
  2. Miss Mac

    Rash on bottom of stomach

    Not that, but I got blisters where my bandaids were on two of my incisions, but not the other two...go figure.
  3. Become the family genealogist for your generation. Ever since I retired, this is what has kept me out of trouble.
  4. Miss Mac

    Im so sick of passive aggressive people.

    Congratulations on your surgery and your pending divorce. The peace of mind you get will be priceless. I got a divorce in 2005 and had to move very far away out of his lazy zone to get him and his family off my back.
  5. Miss Mac


    Popcorn is on my "not easily tolerated" list.
  6. Miss Mac


    A few bites was all I could eat for a long time. I started out with a recommendation of 1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons, but some days, even that was a bit much. Even now at nearly a year, a cup is too much. And to think I used to eat a full plate of food and go back for seconds!
  7. Miss Mac

    Artificial Sweeteners?

    My surgery was on 12/23/2013. I feel like I have given up every vice there was, except there was no way that I was giving up artificial sweeteners. Any coincidence that I have been on a plateau for nearly six months and the minute I finally give up sweeteners, the weight started falling off again????? I am convinced.
  8. Miss Mac

    Im so torn on what to do.

    Here is a link to a thread about NSV's, those little non-surgical victories that help you feel like bariatric surgery is worth the angst and inconvenience. Maybe it will help you decide. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/195065-you-know-you-lost-weight-when/page-21?hl=%2Bnsv#entry3548506
  9. Don't say another word to her about it, and then go do what you want. By the way, does Miss Friend have weight issues herself and will be left in the dust if you get healthy? Or is she an itty bitty thing who never ever had a weight problem? Either way, it sounds like she doesn't get you. Your need to be healthy is more important than her need to have such a strong influence on your decisions. Go get healthy and happy, dear.
  10. Miss Mac

    Is this wrong? Workplace fun!

    Are we related????????
  11. If there is an FAQ page, I have never been able to find it. I think an FAQ page that is clearly visible from the forums page would help hold back the redundancy of the same few questions that all newbies have coming into this. I know that when I came into the forum one year ago this month, I needed to know stuff and was not yet familiar with how to get around the site....not to mention that there are still older folks who might not be all that familiar with how to search a site.
  12. About the hospital carb thing.........there is a certain hospital that I refuse to be admitted to anymore (rhymes with Saint Schmargaret's in NW Indiana) that puts this hideous gravy on everything.....every thing. And I have never been in a hospital yet that can get a diet plan correct over the week-end.
  13. Miss Mac

    BCBS Federal- clock begins!

    For me it was only two days!
  14. Had a stroke. That put things in perspective real fast.
  15. Some of the Protein powders come in huge containers. I way overbought and after one year still have six open ones left, and that is after I threw out several that I just couldn't handle anymore. They all come quickly enough, and if you run out, you can always get some at the grocery, GNC, or pharmacy until you reorder.
  16. 12/23/2013 235-172 Down 63 pounds. Not as much as I wanted, but let's see what the next year brings. I am still a work in progress. My waist has gone down from 53" to 42". I have had three closet flushes from a very round 22/24 or 3x to 12/14/16 or Large depending on make and cut. NSV's I am in my first pair of jeans with a zipper in four decades. i can trim my own toenails I can cross my legs. I can wear socks that are not diabetic. My shoes are way too big. My calves actually look pretty darn hot for 63. A year ago, I was still very weak from a stroke (one of the seminal events that convinced me I needed weight loss surgery) In this past year, I have progressed from not being able to lift anything or even open a jar, to one pound weights, to two pound weights, to five pound weights....and last week for the first time...ta da...ten pound weights. And that is on a 3x a week schedule. A year ago, this couch potato was growing roots through the floor. Now I can lift the mattress to tuck in the sheets and I can open my own jars, thank you. I still have balance issues and always will, but my walking endurance has improved from two minutes once a day with support to thirty minutes with support - or close surroundings - twice a day. I have gone from no upper arm strength to being able to do twenty pushups from the second stairstep (cannot get up and down easily from the floor due to a botched knee replacement). Me? Pushups? Who knew? A surprising result was that even at my age of 63 years and one day, I am feeling sexy again, and my man loves my confidence and lack of inhibition. We are both looking forward to those white skinny jeans the next size down and just waiting in the closet. That is when I will post my next picture. I am waiting on those jeans. Although some people get off of blood pressure meds right away, my primary wants to wait until my weight is comfortably below my stroke weight of 185, and 172 just isn't it yet. However, I am no longer pre-diabetic. A specialist that I see only occassionally, did not recognize me the last time I was in his office. He thought the nurse had brought the wrong patient's file into the room. Sweet!
  17. A pickle is not an apple and a band is not a sleeve. Many insurance companies require a 3-6 month medically supervised diet before they will approve any kind of bariatric surgery. This might be just the plan for you. There are many of us here on the forum who have lost 20-30 pounds or more, just on the pre-op diet. You might be one of those people who could go the distance just with a supervised program and may be able to skip the bothersome details of surgery altogether. If nothing else, you could get a headstart on surgery by doing a pre-op diet first. In the meantime, eat lots of Protein, some veggies, a little fruit, cut starchy carbs, and drink Water until your eyeballs float.........don't become part of the sofa.
  18. Miss Mac

    As I'm eating my...

    Same here. Waited about six months. Now I eat nuts occassionallly with no problem....just chew well as with everything else.
  19. Miss Mac

    Frightening day

    Just before I retired from supervising housekeepers in a VA hospital, I came in to work at 7 am and the hospital had just come off of a lockdown, but the presence of federal officers was heavy. What had happened was that a distraught veteran was upset about something and thought he would shoot up the ER. We had a couple of housekeepers who were in the unit when that happened and then had to clean up his blood after he was subdued. I am so glad that you and yours are safe.
  20. Miss Mac

    BBQ Sauce Recipe

    I have been told, but have not seen it, that Splenda makes a brown sugar flavored product, too. That would be interesting in this recipe for folks who prefer brown sugar. I will try this either way.
  21. Miss Mac

    Sugar Free Jell-O Cream Cheese Dessert

    My mom used to make this with cottage cheese. That must be why I can't stand cottage cheese!!!!
  22. OK, so Drew Carey is not a gal, but he is still funny even though he lost a whole peson.
  23. You don't need to worry about not being funny anymore. Did Lisa Lampanelli quit being funny after her surgery? Look at other female commediennes who are not openly struggling with their weight: Kathy Griffin, Amy Schumer (nice curves and she's not thin), Maria Banford, Margaret Cho (she lost weight), Michelle Collins, Whitney Cummings, Ellen DeGeneres, Tina Fey, Kathlene Madigan, Amy Poehler, the beloved Joan Rivers, Sarah Silverman, Wanda Sykes, the late Gilda Radnor, Drew Carey (had weight loss surgery) and back in the day we had Lucille Ball and Carol Burnette......these are just a few I am familiar with. This list only goes to show that you do not have to have your life at risk with obesity in order to be funny. Your humor isn't coming from fat cells - there can't be any science that backs that up. Your humor comes from your heart....and since this isn't heart surgery, you should still be plenty funny even when you are healthier! I hope other folks on the forum can answer your other questions; I just wanted to encourage you on this issue. I wish you good luck and good health.
  24. Mine hurt there off and on for about a month.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
