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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. I am retired, using BCBS Federal Employee insurance. I had to provide a two year medical history, which highlighted all efforts to monitor and/or control my weight, and a list of all of the weight loss measures and diets I have tried. I had to have bloodwork, EKG, liver ultrasound, an EDG to see if I had any stomach ulcers, a list of any co-morbidities related to being obese, and a BMI over 40. In addition to that I had to have a three month supervised diet with a nutritionist, and a psych evaluation. Once all of that was met, the info was submitted to the insurance, and I was approved in two days. From that point, my sleeve surgery was scheduled and I had my sleeve about two weeks later. All-in-all, from my first visit to the bariatric clinic, the process took from mid-August to late December.
  2. Miss Mac

    1-2 ounces

    When I was first post-op, it took me an hour to drink an 8 ounce cup of Water. Now at 16 months out, I can drink a cup of water in about twenty minutes. It is so much easier to get my fluids in now. I am up to 100 ounces a day.
  3. When Miss Tummy has had enough, I will either have multiple sneezes or get the hiccups.
  4. Between the three month suprvised diet and ten days of protein shakes, I lost 22 pounds.
  5. Miss Mac

    When did you start having sex again

    TMI for the faint of heart....... One month ( but I am old) maybe sooner for you if you are younger. Doggie style worked for me, with pillows supporting my belly. That way there was no weight on me, and the pillows held my belly still so it wouldn't flop around. OH......I love this forum. Happy nookie to you.
  6. If your bariatric team's plan is similar to mine you will be transitioning from soft foods to regular cooked meats and non-starchy veggies in a few days. That made all the difference for me, to be able to taste and enjoy familiar flavors and textures and having a little something to chew. It is a shame how are lives are structured around meals and entertainment that involves meals. Hopefully you will gradually become comfortable with the reality that even before we had our surgeries, our bodies did not need nearly as much food as we were eating to survive, I use the word "food" loosely because I know that most of what I was eating could only be called "edible products' made in a factory. We are constantly bombarded with food porn and lovely enticing advertising telling us how much we would enjoy a greasy Big Mac and fries, a sugary piece of birthday cake, or that big bag of salty pretzles. Did you know that commercial frosting, like what they use is store bakeries is mostly shortening, sugar, and vanilla. Would you sit down and eat a can of shortening? So I finally figured out that all I was missing was grease, sugar, and salt. Since I have been eating real foods (things you can pick, dig, and chase) my health has greatly improved . Now I know what real food taste like and I enjoy it that way. Because I lost a hunk of weight, I am more flexible and can be more involved in my own life. I can even get down on the floor and play with my grandchildren. You will find as time passes and your weight drops, that you have not lost yourself, but are discovering yourself and the potential that you did not know was hiding behind the excess weight that was making you miserable. Why in the world would my 5'4" small framed body need a full plate of buffet food, second helpings of everything laden with salt and butter, plus a dessert or two? Oh, don't forget that I was washing it all down with a quart of soda. Now I can eat three ounces of meat and a small helping of two non-starchy veggies. If I have a dessert later, it will be an apple and not apple pie a la mode, maybe with a second helping of that, too. The amount of food I used to eat was rediculous. I found out that I feel waaaaaay better on less food, and I am not deprived at all. We had a cookout here at our house last summer and I ate 1/2 a grilled burger, a small piece of chicken, some sliced tomato, and some fresh fruit salad later. I passed on the roasted corn, potato chips, and cupcakes, and nobody paid any attention or even cared. Don't be so hard on yourself. As you get further along in your recovery you will develop ways to eat in a group without feeling so conspicuous. Scoot around the internet and find paleo. primal, low carb, Atkins versions of your favorite healthy foods. Unless they are a bunch of crude no-goodnics, your family is not going to hold your mouth open and shove macaroni and cheese down your throat. Make skewers of cheese cubes cherry tomatoes, and a slice of dill or sweet pickle. Get creative and adjust your foods to fit you. For family gatherings, offer to bring something you can eat that they would enjoy, too. For recipes, this forum has a recipes sub-forum. Explore Sparkpeople, Marks Daily Apple, and the World According to Eggface - all great resources. I can drink Water maybe three ounces at a time, then I have to wait a few minutes before I drink some more. I am going through around 100 ounces a day. If you can become a great conversationalist, you can carry the talk while others load their bellies. I don't think you will miss the bloat and reflux all that much. Chin up, now. You will make it through this. We are here to support you.
  7. My bariatric clinic gave me a business card that says, "This person has had surgery and is required by doctor's orders to restrict the quantity and types of food consumed. Please allow her/him to order a smaller portion or make a selection from your children's menu." I carry it with me everywhere I go and no one has balked about it.
  8. Miss Mac

    Oh em geeeeee!

    "Oh, well.........never mind." Gilda Radnor
  9. I can get more fluids down if they are cold. My Water needs a little flavor, even if it is only a splash of lemon juice.
  10. Miss Mac

    First steps

    Make sure you ask your doctor about pain management. I had heard a lot on this forum about painful shoulder gas. I asked my doctor what he does about that. He said that he does indeed inflate the abdominal cavity with CO2 to facilitate the movement of his surgical instruments. Then he said that he extracts as much of the CO2 as possible, before closing up. When I woke up, I had no (as in none, zero, zip, nada) shoulder gas at all, which made my recovery very easy and nearly pain free. It is a crying shame that all surgeons don't do this. The entire experience would be so much better for their patients if they extended that one courtesy.
  11. Miss Mac

    'Bi' the Way!

    Girls, I checked to make sure this wasnot in the Guys Only forum, and it was not. So I will go ahead and respond. I have a daughter who turned 39 this year and I thought for sure that she was just going to be an old maid. She has had a couple of serious relationships with men that did not work out in the long run. She finally realized that her joy was with the companionship of females. She recently moved in with her gal pal and they are engaged to be married. I can hardly wrap my head around that, but I can tell that she is happier and has more peace of mind than she has ever had. She has taught me a lot about not being judgemental, and I am delighted that she is in a nurturing and loving relationship. It is definitely not the path I have taken, but she is living her life in a way that is meaningful to herself. I was also surprised that she had joined the roller derby crowd and has been taking training to be referee. I am so proud of her. She has found her truth and is living it unapologetically.
  12. Miss Mac

    Afraid to start solids

    When I got the "go ahead" for solids, I stopped by Wendy's on the way home from the bariatric clinic and got some chili with cheese. It took me four days to eat it, but it was lovely. I could pretty much tolerate anything that was cooked, moist, and soft. What I could not handle right away was tuna or any fish because of the flakiness. If I came across something that Miss Tummy disagreed with (like steamed cauliflower) I was ill for hours and just did not try that again for awhile.
  13. Miss Mac

    tension at home

    Tell him that if he prefers a BBW, go get one because YOU are going to do what it takes to get healthy. Life is too short to live with a jerk.
  14. Miss Mac

    To Catheter or Not to Catheter?

    They put mine in after I was out cold. They took it out the first thing the next morning and got me up to pee. The only thing I felt was when they pulled it out it - not so bad, over and done.
  15. Miss Mac

    Uncertain futures

    I can't imagine how scary and painful that must be. I hope you receive the comfort and support that you need. Hugs from Miss Mac in Chicago.
  16. I was drinking decaf tea as soon as I came home from the hospital.
  17. The best advice I can give you is to shop the perimeter of the store where the produce, meat, and dairy is. By eliminating edibles made in a factory, you will automatically be reducing carbs, calories, fat, sugar and starches.
  18. Miss Mac


    At 16 days, I was just starting soft food. That means foods with a soft texture that will stay on a spoon, but just barely. Kix would not be it. Plus, I agree about the carbs....they can really slow your roll.
  19. Potato chips. I was in my puree phase, and my boyfriend left his bag of chips in the kitchen. They were talking to me and I listened. I only had a small handful, and I let them get all mushy in my mouth, and they tasted sooooo good. However, Miss Tummy punished me for hours. I learned my lesson.
  20. Miss Mac

    VENT: Caught off guard

    KABOOM! It's a direct hit......she's in the ditch. What a teeny tiny small-minded person she was to say that. I am sorry she stepped on your feelings. Don't give away your power or dignity. Besides........just wait. Karma is a bitch. I
  21. Miss Mac


    For me, the waiting was the hardest part of the game . The surgery and recovery was nothing compared to the waiting. Just like getting on a roller coaster - hold on tight and ride it out.
  22. Miss Mac

    Share your rants about the fashion industry!

    Shoes......pre-op I was a 9 wide. Now that I have lost a considerable amount of weight, I need an 8 1/2 narrow. I can't find 9s or 81/2s of any kind in any store I go into. When I was 9 wide, I still struggled to find those. But if I were a 5 or 6 narrow, I could pick shoes like a bouquet of dandelions. And loafers???? I don't see those in ANY size. It seems like all of the shoes that are not sneakers or flip-flops have 3" - 4" heels. And when did the $9 flats at Payless, Walmart and Target get worth $29?
  23. Sorry, I am old and don't understand all of the text abbreviations and special syntax. What does "this" imply as a response to a thread?
  24. Good for you, Justwatchme. I have thrown two mean ol' rotten ex-husbands to the curb......both wolves in sheep's clothing. For all the aggravation it takes to get out from under an abusive relationship, the peace of mind is worth it. I am proud of you for moving on.

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