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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. Miss Mac

    Project Runway, Fashion, and Plus Sizes

    Necks were always my problem, too. I have narrow shoulders and always had to wear camisoles under my tops to keep from exposing myself.
  2. Miss Mac

    Mexican Restaurant

    We had our annual end-of-summer cookout for the family last year and several people commented that I only ate half a burger patty with cheese and a couple of cherry tomatoes. Later I had a sugar free, gluten-free, flavor free, joyless vegan cupcake. Mt pre-school granddaughters ate more than I did.
  3. Miss Mac

    Start dieting before surgery?

    My team started me on a three-month pre-op diet with habits similar to what I would need post-op. The basics were still Protein first, then veg, one serving of fruit per day, fiercely reduced starchs and don't eat anything made in a factory. It's totally do-able. We just don't want to. My biggest problem was that my taste buds wanted to run the show instead of my brain. I was alrady an "expert" on nutrition, as many of us were from decades of dieting. Looking back now, I can't believe the enormous quantity of food I could eat in a day, like every meal was Thanksgiving. The pre-op diet and ten days of liquid diet gave me a headstart of 23 pounds down before my surgery. Your team may not have been clear on the timing of your dietary changes, but they are not being mean. It is standard for the course. Treat your taste buds like a petulent child. Me mommy - you kid. You can do this! You are in good company.
  4. Miss Mac


    I would think Salsa would burn more calories. Zoomba would give you a good start because it teaches you basic steps for several latin dances.
  5. I did not have any unusual hair loss at all, but it's a crap shoot as to why. I took 20,000 mcg of Biotin every day (two 10,000mcg tablets from Walgreens), got in 60-80 grams of Protein, plenty of Water, and had sugar free Jello or bone broth Soup everyday (for the gelatin). I was prepared mentally for the hair loss and was quite surprised that it never happened, especially since I am older and post-menopause. Go figure.
  6. Miss Mac

    My Guy LIKES big Women...

    My boyfriend is a gift from God. He rescued me after I had been thrown away and divorced twice. I was big when he found me and gained fifty more pounds after two knee replacements. He has been very supportive with my weight loss because he wants me to be around for a long time. I agree with him that "meat is for the man and bone is for the dog". I have also been anorexic and was not healthy then either. So, I think I am close to my goal weight now, which even by bariatric doctor adjusted up twenty pounds from what I had planned on originally. The balance I am looking for is size "healthy". He appreciates that I am more flexible and have more energy, and the Wellbutrin helps with keeping my libido up and running at 63.
  7. Miss Mac

    Restless Leg Syndrome

    I find that I have RLS the worst if I take any pain med or sleep aid at bedtime. Tylenol PM is the worst for me. I was on The Bariatric Advantage AE, but they are huge horse pills and leave a nasty aftertaste. I switched to a multi with Iron and have excellent nutrient values in my blood work. Another change I made was to take my Wellbutrin and Vitamin first thing in the morning.
  8. I am probaly 80% paleo/primal, but do make a couple of concessions. One is that because I am pushing 64 and have spinal and orthopedic issues, an aggressive exercise program with intermittant high intensity is just downright painful. At my doctor's suggestion I did buy a recumbant bike/elliptical and work in stretches every morning. With post-stroke balance and perception issues I am way more sedentary than I would be because I am a high fall risk and have ended up in the hospital because of falling. That just means than I am barely burning up the 1,000 calories a day that is my limit at 20 months out. My second concession is dietary. My bariatric physician still pushes 80 grams of Protein daily to include eggs and dairy. Primal eating discourages Beans, legumes and dairy, but the bariatric doctor says I need those as a good source of protein. My primary doctor says to eat a variety of meat, but not pork. Primal/paleo encourages fresh fruit, but the bariatric doctor says to only eat one serving a day because of the sugar. Primary doctor wants me to eat several servings of non-starchy fruit only. Bariatric doctor says I can have slice of whole grain bread daily. Primary doctor says I should be eating oatmeal most days and no bread. Primal suggestion is to avoid grains altogether. I find that with Miss Tummy in charge, I barely have room for ANY fruits or veggies after I eat my requirement of protein first. The constipation wasn't worth it. Small tummy or not, I don't think humans are meant to live on just meat and Water. So, I find myself pulled in five directions at once: 1. What my taste buds and flavor memeories want 2. What my bariatric team wants 3. What my primary doctor wants. 4. What is recommended from paleo/primal nutritionists. 5. What my Mediterranean chef boyfriend suggests from a lifetime of raising a Type I diabetic son. Geeze Louize......this is so confusing. I have given up sugar, sweeteners, colas and bubbly beverages, salt, grains, starchy veggies, most dairy, and anything made in a factory. I do eat eggs and meat of all kinds - including bacon. I use regular dairy butter, but have cut back 90% on milk and cheese. Peanut Butter is the devil only because I could eat a whole jar on a spoon without adult supervision! I might have two slices of bread all week. I guess that I am officially a Mediterranean-Primal-Paleo-Non-Standard American Diet-"Upside Down food Pyramid" kind of person. I have tried the 5:2 plan, but have dizzy issues when my calories dip below 800. So, I find that even after bariatric surgery and losing the equivalent of wearing a pony for a belt, I am STILL grasping for that magic formula that will balance nutrition, exercise, and healthy weight management. This all makes my poor brain so tired. T.I.R.E.D.
  9. Miss Mac


    We waited a couple of weeks and then were cautious not to put any pressure on my belly.
  10. Miss Mac


    I had glue and streri-stips. The strips started coming off at about three weeks, but the glue residue was stubborn I used all kinds of oily things including almond oil, lotion, olive oil, butter, Peanut Butter (only because I used it to get gum out if my kids' hair when they were little). I finally gave up and got out the Goo-Gone from our cleaning supples. I figured if it gets tar off of carpet, maybe it would work on surgical glue. Yep. That did the trick.
  11. Miss Mac

    Nail polish?

    Something similar here. I was told that one way they can observe if you are getting enough oxygen is to see what color your fingertips are. Nail polish would hinder that observation.
  12. When they put the IV in, you will feel a little prick. (My first ex-husband was a little prick!). Then just let them give you a nice nap. When you wake up, you will have your new tummy.
  13. Miss Mac

    Obsessed with weighing in... HELP?

    As usual with many topics, we are on both sides of the fence. I actually agree 100% with AvaFern. Whe I had my 18 month follow-up recently, the doctor told me to put that scale away and only get it out once a month. So, I did that and gained four pounds. Well, the scale is back out again, and I check my weight every morning, then make adjustments if necessary. I take the scientific approach that says, "You cannot control that which you do not measure."
  14. Miss Mac


    That seems like a long time. My insurance approved my surgery two working days after I finished my pre-op program. BCBS Federal Employee
  15. Even though they may not pay for WLS, check to see if they will pay for an evaluation by a podiatrist or orthopedist.
  16. Miss Mac

    Pureed foods, really?

    I got bored with baby food real fast, so I took whatever meat and veg my boyfriend was having and put that in the blender with some broth.
  17. First, Google the consequences of eating one large meal a day instead of speading out your nutrition. After you have bariatric surgery, it will be imperitive to eat small meals and sip instead of chug your liquids. Secondly, think about how your health will be a year from now if you do not have surgery. Then consider where your health will be a year from now if you DO have the surgery. Third, there won't be any pitchers of beer, but I suppose you can be a sippy taste tester.
  18. Miss Mac

    Lifting dilemma

    If you popped any internal stitches or busted a gusset, you would be in serious pain.
  19. Miss Mac

    How did you know?

    I did it for my health. At 62, I had many co-morbidities including two knee replacements and 17 herniated discs. It was the stroke that did me in and pushed me to follow through with bariatric surgery. I got sleeved in December of 2013 and actually have had a very nice, uncomplicated recovery. My goal was to lose 100 pounds from 235 to 135, but my doctor is ok with where I am at now, bouncing around 150. I still don't have a lot of energy, but my overall health is waaaaaay better, and I have more good days than bad. Before surgery I had GERD, but not anymore. I had chronic diverticulitis, and six weeks prior to my sleeve, I was in the hospital deathly ill with ischemic colitis. My doctor told me later that he thought he was going to lose me. I have not had any further bowel issues at all since getting my sleeve.
  20. Miss Mac

    Ignorant bi#@h

    Look at the reviews for sugar-free Gummy Bears on Amazon......and then give her some in the morning. She will have cramps and diarrhea in a few hours, probably in time to ruin her car.
  21. Miss Mac

    Am I overeating?

    I was advised that I should not prolong a meal past thirty minutes. After that, the food is cold anyway. If I have a few bites left, I either have to put it in the fridge, throw it away, or tape it directly to my hips, because that is where it's going if I eat it.
  22. Miss Mac

    Hair loss

    Sometimes when you post, it will disappear after the first person responds. This happened a few days ago when someone asked about connecting with anyone from New Hampshire. I live in Chicago now, I did spend a few years in the area she was talking about, so I responded. Within an hour the entire post was buried somewhere and I never did find it again. To answer your question, I was sleeved 12/23/2013 and did not have any hair loss at all.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
