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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. Miss Mac


    If she does not know why she was refused, why hasn't she asked her doctor? Trying to figure it out is like fishing without bait. It is no secret here that bariatric surgery exposes the raw dynamics of your relationships. You have to do this for your own health. You definitely will learn what your family, friends and acquaintances think about you. That is not necessarily a bad thing.
  2. Miss Mac

    Name Your Sleeve!

    Mine is Miss Tummy and she is the boss of me.
  3. Just FYI to comment #29, my sleeve cured my GERD, and I had some erosion of my esophagus.
  4. I think that the youngest sleever I have seen on the forum was a 17 year old girl whose mother took her to Mexico.
  5. Steamed cauliflower caused me the greatest amount of pain. I had to wait until I was three months out before I tried it again. Even being nearly two years out, bread and Pasta still sit in my stomach like play-doh, and Miss Tummy will see to it that I am miserable for hours.
  6. Miss Mac

    Ok frustrated

    It's so easy to get tired of being strong. Winston Churchill once said, "If you are going through Hell, keep going." Hanging in there is so worth the effort. Before I got my sleeve, I was on a path to an early grave with many life-threatening obesity related comorbidities, and nearly died in the hospital the month before my sleeve. You will get to the point where the new healthy lifestyle becomes more familiar. Now that I am just six weeks away from being two years out, portion control, Fluid intake, and dietary choices are so automatic that it is like I never ate any other way before. The pre-op and post-op agonies are a distant memory. Even my scars are hard to find, and I know where they are. During the agonies of developing new habits, I had to think of myself as a small child with life-threatening digestive issues, and the only way to keep that child alive was to feed it small amounts, Protein first, drinking Water until my eyeballs float, timing, and portion control. If my actions were to put someone else's life in the balance, I would have no problem making that sacrifice, so why not do it for myself? You are worth the effort, so keep moving one foot after the other until you come out on the other side.
  7. Miss Mac


    Here is a list of comorbidities (additional conditions or diseases) related to obesity which MAY help you in qualifying for weight loss surgery. · Family history of heart disease · Family history of stroke · Family history of diabetes · Family history of heart attacks · Hyperinsulinemia · Diabetes · High blood pressure · Coronary-artery disease · Hypertension · Migraines or headaches directly related to obesity or cranial hypertension · Congestive heart failure · Neoplasia · Dyslipidemia · Anemia · Gallbladder disease · Osteoarthritis · Degenerative arthritis · Degenerative disc · Degenerative joint disease · Recommended joint replacement from specialist · Accelerated degenerative joint disease · Asthma · Repeated pneumonia · Repeated pleurisy · Repeated bronchitis · Lung restriction · Gastroesophageal reflex (GERD) · Excess facial & body hair (Hirsutism) · Rashes · Chronic skin infections · Excess sweating · Frequent yeast infections · Urinary stress incontinence · Menstrual irregularity · Hormonal abnormalities · Polycystic ovaries · Infertility · Carcinoma (breast, colon, uterine cancer) · sleep apnea · Pseudotumor cerebri
  8. Thank goodness that you are grown and do not need her help in making your medical decisions.
  9. Miss Mac

    I apologize

    When I was younger, I just hated the thought of taking medication for anything, but now that I am in my 60's, I get it. You can have better living through chemistry. Even pre-op for my sleeve, my bariatrician put me on Buproprion (generic for Wellbutrin). It not only keeps me from climbing the walls with anxiety and curling up in the dark from depression, it has the pleasant side effects of reduced appetite and increased libido. It's OK to address depression and anxiety with your bariatric team, and it's OK to hang around here and ask questions. Just keep in mind that in an anonymous community like this, opinions and tact will vary. I did not get over 2700 posts by being shy about asking questions and responding to others. I named my sleeve, too. She is "Miss Tummy" and she is the boss of me. I wish you the best. Hang in there.
  10. Miss Mac

    Ketchup and quiche

    And my niece thinks I mix strange things together!
  11. I was eating regular foods at 4 1/2 weeks, just not so much, and way less starchy carbs. Enjoy your trip. The fewer people you tell, the better, especially if your crowd is judgemental and unsupportive. Ben Franklin said, "To whom thy secrets thou doest tell, to him thy freedom thou doest sell."
  12. Miss Mac

    Best federal employee insurance

    Don't you have BC/BS Federal Employee available to you? Now is the time for open enrollment if you want to pick it up. It is the best insurance I have ever had...ever. My requirements were two years of documented medical supervision for my weight, which was easy enough. I just got a print out of my medical records and highlighted my weight, any comments about my weight, and doctor's suggested for follow-up for the recent two year period. I had to have a BMI of 40 or 35+ with co-morbidities. I had to do a three month nutritionist supervised diet also. Once all of that was done with other medical testing my application packet was faxed in. BCBS approved it in two days. My sleeve was done 12/23/2013.
  13. Of all of those things you mentioned, only the pear is real food. The rest are only edible chemical products made in a factory. Your best friends in this battle will planning and preparation. Have healthy acceptable stuff on hand. As much as you personally have control, junk edibles should not even be in your house. Many, many times, deviled or boiled eggs have kept me from going over the edge. I guarantee that you can't sit n the sofa watching a movie and eat a bucket full of boiled eggs! Think of the drive-throughs as McPoisons', Poison King, Poison bell, etc.
  14. Gall bladder problems Reflux Protein drink preferences
  15. Miss Mac

    Incision scars

    In six more weeks, I will pass my two year mark. My biggest sleeve incision is pink, and the other three are hard to find.
  16. Yea, I've gotten burned a couple of times, being called "Goody Two Shoes" for following the plan that came along with the surgery I volunteered for.
  17. Miss Mac

    Doc says no fruit--EVER

    I am allowed fruit. I was only told to not drink my fruit.
  18. Miss Mac

    Giving up

    I don't get it. What are all of these posts coming through this thread today that were not here yesterday? From Null. Height 3'0", weight 666, BMI 361.1 This is not the original poster's name.
  19. Oh, Dear......I can't imagine how you feel. Hugs from Chicago.
  20. Miss Mac

    Giving up

    Thanks. Glad I picked up something useful along the way.
  21. Miss Mac

    Giving up

    Men have been wondering since the beginning of time what the "H" it is that we women want. We don't deserve to all be put in the same bucket any more than you guys do. He is the 411 on what women want. (And it wouldn't hurt to watch the Mel Gibson movie "What Women Want." We want a man who wants a real woman. There are not that many Playboy Bunny Barbie Dolls out there looking for an ordinary guy who chops wood or fixes cars. A real woman comes in all shapes and sizes and has her share of baggage, too. If you are looking for a woman who will take care of you, chances are she is looking for a man who will take care of her, who has a job and a car and does not live with relatives. A woman who smells all girly like daisies and vanilla is looking for a man who has good hygiene and smells good, too. Some women like the shaved rat look, I guess, but there are more of us who want a "manly man" who carries his masculinity with strength and humility. It looks like you have long hair. Well, Willie Nelson does, too, and for an old dude, he is kinda sexy. (I am an old woman, so maybe that's why I think that!) If you want a woman who is soft and gentle, then you need to be gentle too, a man with a slow hand, an easy touch, one who uses his hands for caressing and wiping tears and helping with the dishes - not one who causes harm or despair. A woman who is nurturing will more likely be in the nursing or teaching professions. She may be a single mother with kids, or the cashier at the store. When my man found me (after we both had been thrown away twice) I was supervising housekeepers at an amusement park. Incidentally, we met online, not at work. That's another thing. Don't look for your meat where you get your bread. It's messy. Just sayin'. Are you looking for a pretty young thing? Ben Franklin wrote a letter to a young friend advising him to dally with older women. If you don't like the way she looks, put a basket over her head. In the dark all cats are gray. What I am advising is that since if you have your antennas out for the perfect woman, you are out of luck. By the time you find her, she will be looking for the perfect man. One thing that attracted my man and me is that we were honest and upfront about our personal assets and liabilities, and in nine years' time neither one of us has attempted to change anything about the other. Will you find a mate if you quit looking? Nope. You gotta stay out there and don't give up.
  22. Miss Mac

    Veterans: Sluggish bowels?

    Pain meds and Lyrica slow me down. When I am off them, things move along fine. I do take two magnesium tablets per day and will buy an apple, pear or prune juice if I need help.
  23. Miss Mac

    Hair Loss

    Never did. Don't know why.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
