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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. Yes. I was loosey goosey until I got on to soft foods. Then I had a total reverse to the worst constipation I have ever had in my life. It was like pushing a watermelon through a straw. Be prepared for it by having Miralax, stool softeners, Smooth Move Tea.....whatever on hand. You can find many links to that topic on this forum.
  2. Oh, I forgot to mention that anything you do while you are between jobs should be considered as "Resume Bait" So, don't just sit idle, even if you have to volunteer for something. It will look better on your resume than a block of idle time.
  3. Well, you don't have to like your work to take pride in your work. I am retired now, but got laid off a couple of times over the years, and fired once for being "too nice," My policy always was - if I can't do what I want to do, I do what I can do. So, I guess what I am saying is that you should make a list of your transferrable skills and maybe look for something entirely different from what you were doing.
  4. Miss Mac

    Approved BCBS FEP

    Congratulations! BCBS FEP approved mine in two days, too. I am retired now, but carry it as a secondary to Medicare. It is the best insurance I have ever had ever.
  5. Well, if the flank is the fleshy part of your body, between the lowest rib and your hip bone, what good is a chest x-ray? My first thought was kidneys, but I am not a medical professional of any kind. I hope you can find a doctor who can resolve this for you.
  6. Miss Mac

    The Gas Topic?

    The less starch and sugar I eat, the less I fart. My worst culprits are cabbage, brussel sprouts, onion......that stuff. My sleeve relieved me of chronic diverticulitis and other gastro intestinal issues, so for me the situation is much better. I am more subject to old lady walking farts.
  7. This is perfectly normal. You are about to take a step that will forever change your life. Just think about how your health will be a year from now if you do not have the surgery, then think about what your health could be a year from now if you do have the surgery. When I need motivated, I go back to this thread: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/219831-what-was-your-final-straw-that-broke-the-camels-back/page-112#entry3922023 It reminds me of why I took the leap myself.
  8. Miss Mac

    Help with anger issues

    When I got my sleeve 24 months ago, I told my hubbyman that if I got mean, he should send me back to my family.
  9. My oldest sister had a gastric bypass in 1995 (21 years ago) add has not gotten any kind of cancer.....rather it cured her of several maladies typical to obesity. Bypasses have been around since the 1950's where the first one was performed at the University of Minnesota.
  10. Well, you certainly don't want to get little bits caught in your staple line. I tested tolerance to nuts at six weeks, but at two years,I still have not even attempted popcorn. Popcorn is a slider food for me - one that I could easily lose control of and eat unconsciously until I throw up. Just remember that nuts and popcorn have calories which can easily slow your roll.
  11. Miss Mac

    Surprisingly clueless people

    Although most medical schools offer nutrition courses, in 2009 only 1/4 of US medical schools required their med students to take nutrition classes. Years ago I was working in a hospital cafeteria and went on the Atkins Diet. I successfully lost fifty pounds in a short amount of time, and the head of Nutrition at the hospital thought that was just horrible of me to take on such a controversial diet. So, I asked her what she recommended, and get this.......she said to eliminate sugary and starchy foods from my diet, and eat more Protein and green veggies! Duh! That IS the Atkins Diet.
  12. Miss Mac

    Too skinny?

    Thank goodness you don't have to go to a committee of friends, neighbors, and relatives to determine your medical care. Give them your doctor's phone number and tell them to "Call my doctor right away and tell him that you disagree with his diagnosis." Tell them, "I appreciate your sudden concern for my health and welfare, but this something I must do for myself. It would be nice to have your support, but it is not necessary for my success." Don't give away your power. You are a grown woman who can make intelligent adult decisions about her own medical care. Don't do like I did and wait until you have a stroke.
  13. At one year I had a swallow test test done. Miss Tummy showed up real clear, about the size of a small banana.
  14. Miss Mac

    Tortillas and chips?

    The last time I went to a Mexican restaurant, I had the insides of a chicken fajita. I would pass on the chips because of the salt, grease, and calories. Miss Tummy could not handle salsa until about six months, and at two years out I still can't tolerate jalapenos very well.
  15. Miss Mac

    Acid stomach

    I was taking Omeprazole prior to surgery because of other gastro-intestinal issues. Now that I am two years out, I still keep some (40 mg) on hand, but only take it as needed. Sometimes during the night I will wake up with a little reflux because Miss Tummy is empty. Omeprazole is adequate for my situation.
  16. Miss Mac


    As in Human Resources and courts, the one with the most documentation wins.
  17. Miss Mac

    Peanut Butter

    My biggest problem with experimenting with peanut butter was the fact that I can not drink enough water to wash it down and it gets hung up in my throat.
  18. Miss Mac

    How long on clear liquids?

    The two days I was in the hospital, I was on clear liquids. As soon as I got home on day three I started full liquids. Soft foods were a week out and regular foods were at one month.
  19. My post-op diet is technically paleo/primal with primarily Protein and as many non-starchy veggies I can handle. I am allowed one serving of fruit per day, and dairy and wheat products are limited. My basic concept is to not eat anything made in a factory.
  20. Miss Mac

    Just a few words

    I am sorry to hear about your loss and am also concerned that you only posted two other times in two years, when you could have gathered support from the bariatric community. We have our fair share of bariatric brothers and sisters who have had disheartening complications, and they come back to support others who newly experience the same. Since you do not want to hear of anyone's success or that we even have good days, it makes me think that your anger is displaced. Rather than be angry at us, you should be angry at the hack of a doctor who botched your daughter's surgery. Since he is dead, maybe it's not too late to sue the hospital. Those lawyers that you don't pay unless they win your case are everywhere, and they don't take on a case they think they can't win.
  21. Miss Mac

    Belly Dance

    Surprisingly, me. I may be old, but I have 32 videos of different styles of exercise, including belly dance, hula, Bollywood, and Pussycat Dolls. My favorite soundtrack on my MP3 that I wear when walking or doing weights is the soundtrack from Burlesque.
  22. So......if you have never had a physical, does that mean that you have never been to a doctor or hospital or had any kind of surgery at all? My physical exam involved blood pressure, heart rate, weight, height, measurements of neck, upper arm, bust, waist, hips, thigh, calf and ankles. There were questions about my medical history, family medical history, and why surgery - why now? I did the original orientation online. The first visit I met with the bariatrician and nutritionist. On the second visit I met with the surgeon and the psychologist.
  23. Miss Mac


    I got mine from www.mybariatricpantry.com
  24. Scientific principle: You cannot control that which you do not measure. Also, stalls are like lovers. Your first will probably not be your last.
  25. Miss Mac

    Night Sweats?!?!?!?

    Anesthesia and pain meds make me sweat.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
