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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. I went to all of my follow-ups with the Bariatrician, Nutritionist, and Psych through to my two-year point in December. There was nothing they did there that my primary doctor could not have handled. As a matter of fact, my two week appointment got cancelled because of blizzard conditions, so my primary saw me a week later. Unless you have complications, your primary may be an option for follow-ups in a pinch.
  2. Miss Mac

    Five and a half years out

    Keep in touch. It seems like every day there are concerns that pop up that only veterans with at least a year under their belt can answer.
  3. Miss Mac

    I hope you don't end up looking gaunt...

    Me taut and me taut and me taut and me tunk and me tunk and me tunk......... If he does call for a second date, you might give it a go, just to see how he accommodates your new lifestyle now that he knows. He may surprise you. If it doesn't go well and you have to bail, then it's his loss. As Steve Harvey would say.......make him try to impress you......you hold the keys to the cookie jar. Act Like a Lady - Think Like a Man is a good read, and I wish that book had been available when I was a teenager. I think every woman should read it.
  4. Miss Mac

    Three years today

    You are the perfect example of why we do this and put up with the inconvenience of getting to where we are. But, all of our previous health issues were inconvenient too - and expensive. Thank you for sharing your story. It is vital to the well-being of newcomers for us veterans to share our milestones along the way. Hugs from Chicago.
  5. Here you go......comment #4. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/358648-need-a-healthy-snack/?hl=%2Bmicrowave#entry4046572
  6. Miss Mac

    Back to Running

    You wore me out, too. If nothing else, you got in a steady workout with both aerobics from the puttering around and resistance from carrying stuff all over the place. It all sounds like a labor of love.
  7. Miss Mac

    EGD before surgery

    Well all of these tests are for a reason. They help our doctors eliminate avoidable complications. They have saved a few lives on this forum by discovering potentially serious conditions. A month before my surgery, I went to the ER for really bad pain in my back and abdomen, so much so that I could not stand up straight. I was stuck where I could not lay down or sit or straighten up. At first the doctors thought I would have to have some ruptured discs repaired and I even talked to a spine surgeon. They did a CT scan of my abdomen and found out that I had ischemic colitis. I was in the hospital for eight days. My primary doctor told me later he thought he was going to lose me or I at least would have undergone a colostomy to save my life if the antibiotics had not helped in time. Here is my point: If I had not had the CT for my back, I would not have known that I was about to die in a few days. If that issue had not been revealed before my sleeve surgery, any little nick on my bowels would have spread infection throughout my abdomen. So count your blessings that even if there is an issue, that is one less problem that could have been a complication. I know waiting for surgery day is the hardest part of this process, but be patient. It will come in due time. Just get well first. Hugs from Chicago.
  8. What a difference! Congratulations.
  9. When you log in, you will find your name at the top of the page. Click on that. In the drop down menu click Profile. In drop down menu click Settings. On that page click Edit Profile. That should let you in to tweak your information. Welcome to the forum. Opinions and tact will vary....so take what you need and disregard the rest. If you post frequently for a while, it will get you out of that low number curse. Hugs from Chicago.
  10. Miss Mac

    Liquid Diet?

    I had ten days of pre-op liquids.
  11. Miss Mac

    Soft Foods

    Fix them something healthy and put a small portion in the blender with some broth to break it down. Say they're having beef stew - you can have beef smoosh.
  12. Miss Mac

    Sisters's "Concerned" Speech! LOL

    i come from a family of 300lb-400lb people. My brother died at the age of 47 of a heart attack at the weight of 420 lbs. My mother died not much older than I am now of an abdominal aortic aneurysm - she weighed over 300 lbs and was 5'2" At my highest weight of 235, I was still the "Barbie Doll" of the family. So, I would tend to agree that just as much as the Hollywood crowd has lost sight of normal with all those size 2 people wishing they were size 00, so has the rest of our country has distorted the concept of what obese is. My guess is that your sister's perception has been confounded by her human environment. Just stand your ground and get as healthy as you want to get.
  13. The last thing I won was a Cubs patio tent, and I am a White Sox fan! I ended up giving it to a co-worker. Since I came onto this site in August of 2013, I have only missed checking in on the two days I was in the hospital getting sleeved.
  14. Miss Mac

    Problem with Elliptical Machine

    Well, since you probably like having legs and knees, I would suggest you do see an orthopedist, or at least your primary physician. I have many orthopedic issues, some caused by spinal discs pressing on nerves. I am officially diagnosed as a high fall risk and am well aware of what damage a hard fall can do. One thing you don't want to do is dismiss your symptoms or self diagnose. I hope you get a resolution to your situation. Twice I have fallen in the bathroom and hit my head on the tub and gone out like a light. There was a bariatric brother on here about two years ago who said he got dizzy and fell in the living room, breaking his jaw on the edge of a coffee table. Please take care.
  15. Miss Mac

    Liquid Protein

    I was given a couple of those Protein shots at the hospital. Blech!!!!!!! Worse than if I made it from liverwurst cough syrup......at that was the peach flavor.
  16. It seems like our instructions vary somewhat from doctor to doctor, but there are four concepts that are common among us. 1) Drink Water until your eyeballs float. 2) Don't eat anything made in a factory. 3) You cannot control that which you do not measure. 4) Move your body. Don't become part of the sofa. Welcome aboard. It's a wild ride.
  17. I am two years out. I have been stalled for over six months, but I am very close to goal. My health has continued to improve all along. Going into my third year, I am concentrating more on fitness instead of the scale and focusing on strength training. From month six to seven I stalled for four weeks. Apparently 1,000 calories will be maintenence for me. Overall, I can't complain.
  18. Miss Mac

    Bone broth?

    I have it on hand as much as possible. Roast a chicken. Pick off what you want for meals. Put the carcass in that crockpot with carrots, celery, onion, garlic if you like it, black pepper. Crock it all night. Wake up in the morning with some very healthy bone broth. Eat the veggies or save them for soup. From a bone-in pot roast or other beef bones (you can buy just the bones from the butcher at the supermarket) follow the same procedure as for the chicken bones. Next time you bake a ham, save the bones and do the same thing. I have not tried this with fish.
  19. Miss Mac

    having difficulty

    Congratulations on a great start. Think of the money that you spend on unhealthy factory edibles (I can't call them food). Do you want it to be Your money or Their money?????
  20. Mine was submitted the day after my last required appointment. My insurance approved it two days later.
  21. I gained 12 pounds in the hospital from IV fluids. It took me two weeks to lose that, and the I hit the dreaded third week stall. I was nearly a month out before my weight drop was noticeable. Hang in there, kiddo. I agree - progress is progress.
  22. Miss Mac

    What can I do with...Avocado?

    I've done that meat and cheese wrap concept.....yes it is delicious.Just this week I made a cold salad with chickpeas, cherry tomatoes cut in half, diced carrots, diced celery, a little minced garlic and avocado. I used to use a lot of Ranch Dressing on my salads, but now I just rub the bowl with it before adding my salad. You probably need to be three - six months out to freely eat raw veggies.
  23. I get my supplements at Walgreens, watching for the Buy One - Get One sales. I get a generic Vitamin for Women over 50, because it has extra B Vitamins in it. The only other one I am buying right now is the sublingual B12, which tastes not so bad. I am two years out and my last bloodwork in December was outstanding.
  24. Miss Mac

    Sleeve or Bypass?

    Some people don't get the sleeve for fear of significant reflux. However, I am two years post op and have not had that problem at all, even though I was expecting it. The only time I notice anything is if I wake up empty in the middle of the night and Miss Tummy starts griping about it. So, I just take an Omeprozole (a PPI to reduce stomach acid) and go back to sleep. Oh, by the way - she is still the boss of me.
  25. Miss Mac

    Biggest Loser

    I am surprised that they don't have more heart attacks and strokes on that show, from the "in your face" drill sergeant method of training. Or.........maybe they do, and we don't ever hear of the contestants who faint or die on them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
