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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. Bone broth provides a greater quantity of natural Gelatin, which provides nutrients needed by hair, skin, and nails. Daily broth may have been a contributor to the fact that I did not lose any hair post-op. Bone broth will set like gelatin when it has cooled. Both broth is thicker and has more bits floating around in it. To me, broth is only meat-flavored Water that is better for your recipes than the salty boullioun products from the grocery.
  2. Miss Mac

    "Embrace the stall" they say ...

    I hear ya. I have embraced several stalls, but that one that lasted six months was like hugging a porcupine while sitting on a cactus.
  3. Miss Mac

    Another newbie getting ready for Orbera

    Hi, Candy. Welcome to the forum. I had never heard of this, so I had to look it up to get educated. Keep us informed of how you do. You definitely have my interest.
  4. Realistically, you still have a whole person to lose to get to your goal. Is it possible to take this exam next year so that you can be healthy and fit enough to not have a heart attack? And if you lose another 174 pounds you will probably have excess skin to deal with and may be in the middle of getting plastic surgery. I am in favor of following your dream, but this may be the two year plan instead of the two month plan. Delay is not denial. I wish you good luck and good health. Hugs from Chicago.
  5. Miss Mac

    Bones for bone broth?

    Yes. A store like Walmart Supercenter will not have them because there is no butcher shop. Their meat is trucked in. If you can find a market with a fresh meat butcher, they will have the bones. I have found packaged beef bones shrink-wrapped and displayed with other meat. What my mother used to do was buy beef with the bone still in, like a round steak, and just carve out the bone for Soup. Requiring organic or grass-fed will make your search harder and more expensive.
  6. There is enough content in the recipe t include a scoop of Protein powder. Sine I don't have to share mine, the recipe lasts me for three days......so that one small banana is a tolerable amount of carbs for maintenance if I behave the rest of the day. I use sugar-free syrup. I am going to check out these other recipes mentioned.
  7. When I discovered this recipe, I had to try it. I have not had a pancake in 2 1/2 years. 2 Bananas 3 eggs pinch of baking powder Cinnamon if you like it Put everything in the blender and pulse a few times to break down the bananas. I used coconut oil in my fry pan, but I suppose you could use shortening or vegetable oil. You only need just enough to swipe around a coat the pan. This made 6 four-inch pancakes. You will have a hard time keeping these away from the family.
  8. Miss Mac

    Have I lost my mind?

    I suppose if you have the energy and stamina to support that level of intensity, why not? I lost my mind once. Someone found it a few days later in the gutter.
  9. Miss Mac

    Pre Op and battling anemia

    I used to be anemic. Here is a comment that was within my response on a previous thread: "When I was younger, I had anemia and anorexia. The doctor gave me a B12 shot once a month and insisted that I eat liver twice a week. The only way my mother knew how to cook it was to fry it in a pan with onions. I felt like I was eating my shoe. A Mexican neighbor came to the rescue and would mince the liver and put it in her taco meat and other highly spiced dishes. I could not taste the liver and did not care that it was there. This was all a matter of how the same food was fixed differently by two different cooks." Organ meats are a good source of Iron. So are beef and poultry. I also add fresh spinach in the blender wit my smoothies. The taste of fresh spinach is fairly neutral. I put it in omelets, salads, casseroles, Soups.......a lot of stuff. If I ate sandwiches, I would put it on them, too. I keep hummus on hand as a dip for veggies, because chickpeas are high in iron. I throw those in soups and salads, too. Lentils are another good source. I put those in soups. Other foods are: kidney Beans, black beans, broccoli.....many others. You will find countless lists online, but I trust this one from the Red Cross, because their business is healthy blood: http://www.redcrossblood.org/learn-about-blood/health-and-wellness/iron-rich-foods/
  10. Miss Mac

    Hopes and fears

    While you are making a Pro / Con list, here are 1,258 reasons to put on the Pro side of your list: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/219831-what-was-your-final-straw-that-broke-the-camels-back/?hl=%20final%20%20straw
  11. Miss Mac

    Addicted to weighing

    My bariatrician told me to stop weighing myself so much and put the scale away for a month. I did and gained ten pounds. I am one of those people who needs to weigh every day to stay in touch with how I am doing. On the other hand......in September of 2010 (right after I had moved to a new city), I had a mild stroke. When I went to my new primary doctor a month later, I told him that I was concerned that my blood pressure fluctuates so wildly. He asked me how did I know that it was. I showed him my notebook of what my blood pressure for every hour for that previous month. He told me to not be so overwhelmed by fear of another stroke that I became obsessed with the numbers. He said "how I feel" is a better indicator of how I am doing, and to just measure once a day - maybe even just once a week...........Then he prescribed an anxiety medication for me. When I went in for my first bariatric appointment, the bariatrician changed my med to Buproprion (a form of Wellbutrin) which two years later I am still taking. But I tell you what - I don't fret about much of anything anymore. Regret can't change yesterday and worry can't change tomorrow. Your doctor may just want to prescribe a little something to take the edge off of your anxiety. My family calls it "Better living through chemistry".
  12. At 8 weeks, I was eating around 1/2 cup. At two years, I can eat a cupful if its dense, a little more if it's soupy.
  13. Miss Mac

    Scared and ????

    http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/219831-what-was-your-final-straw-that-broke-the-camels-back/page-125?hl=+last++straw#entry4051747 “Don't be afraid of your fears. They're not there to scare you. They're there to let you know that something is worth it.” ― C. JoyBell C. If you're going through hell, keep going. Winston Churchill “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. ― Paulo Coelho “Scared is what you're feeling. Brave is what you're doing.” ― Emma Donoghue Here are 1255 reasons why we here on the forum took the plunge: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/219831-what-was-your-final-straw-that-broke-the-camels-back/?hl=%20final%20%20straw “Men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire.” ― Dan Brown “There's no shame in fear, my father told me, what matters is how we face it.” George R.R. Martin “Don't be afraid of being scared. To be afraid is a sign of common sense. Only complete idiots are not afraid of anything.” Carlos R Zafón,
  14. Miss Mac

    People Suck!

    People like that are telling you who you are. They are telling you who they are. Hubby didn't defend you??????? Besides, my father-in-law used to say, "Most people are no darn good!"
  15. Miss Mac

    Do i qualify for the surgery ?

    Hello and welcome to the forum. Here are 1, 255 reasons why the rest of us took the leap. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/219831-what-was-your-final-straw-that-broke-the-camels-back/page-125?hl=%2Blast+%2Bstraw#entry4051747
  16. Miss Mac


    I am a mad scientist in the kitchen, so I am going to make my own chickpea flour and check this out. It's only chickpea flour, Water, olive oil and your choice if spice. The only carbs would be from the chickpeas themselves which are high Protein. You apparently can make them as thin or thick or big or small as you want.
  17. Miss Mac

    What can I do with...Avocado?

    Avocado - chocolate Mousse from Rachel Ray http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/giada-de-laurentiis/chocolate-avocado-mousse-recipe.html OK, don't laugh. I tried this and wish that I had known about this in my puree-soft stages. What I did differently: Used artificial sweetener instead of agave, cocoa powder instead of chocolate chips, a scoop of chocolate Protein powder, and I added some plain Greek Yogurt to keep it smooth after adding the Protein Powder. I did not have any raspberries, so I ate it like a parfait layered with lite whip cream. I just threw it together from what was on hand. You could serve this to your unsupportive friends and family, and they would NEVER know the difference if you did not tell them
  18. Miss Mac

    Just starting... again

    Here are 1,255 other reasons to take the plunge: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/219831-what-was-your-final-straw-that-broke-the-camels-back/page-124#entry4047240 "Whatever you can do, or dream you can - begin it! For boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." Wolfgang von Goethe
  19. Miss Mac

    Sex after the sleeve

    Two weeks, but I am old. If I were even a decade younger, I probably could have indulged at one week, but not with any energy on my part - just pleasant availability.
  20. Miss Mac

    Hello! Newbie here!

    My oldest sister had a bypass. My younger sister got a band. I was sleeved. We are in our 60's and are all doing well. Your success will depend upon your commitment. I am in my maintenance forever phase, even though I would like to lose just a few more to keep a bounce-back number that I am comfortable with. At first, I worried about losing as much as possible as quickly as possible. Now, looking back at two years, I realize that this is more about improved health and a better quality of life than it is about numbers. No matter how much you lose, once you get past that first thirty pounds, you will begin to notice a difference in your mobility. Once you get past fifty pounds down, you can expect to feel better and have more energy. Once I got about seventy pounds down, I actually felt like exercising and adding more movement to my day. Follow doctor's orders and stay determined. You will succeed no matter which surgery you have. And yes, there will be discouraging stalls from time to time. Just keep in mind that stalls are like lovers: Your first will probably not be your last. This ride is forever.
  21. Miss Mac

    Hate eating now

    Until I got off some of my meds and pain pills, everything tasted odd to me. It helped to brush my teeth more often. You said: "I use to love food now it seems like I dislike the taste of everything that is good for me. I have started getting nausea from just about anything that I eat. What do some of you eat? I am tired of eggs, do not like meat, salads are ok but no nutrition" It sounds like maybe you were one of those people who was raised on Kraft Mac & cheese, hot dogs, Twinkies, and Pepsi like I was. Until I met my boyfriend 9 1/2 years ago (at the age of 54), my menu was very limited. He has introduced me to so many new foods, some that I had never heard of. I just had to be open to new flavors that I was not familiar with. One thing I noticed post-op is that because I am not loading up on salt, sugar, and grease, I am being exposed to the natural flavors of real food. It has taken some adjusting. But now if I taste something, sweet, salty or fried, I just about choke and can't believe I used to like it. Salads can have lots of nutrition. I have started buying a bag of mixed lettuces and add a bag of fresh spinach (which I thought would be awful, but is actually quite neutral). I chop them up smaller and combine them. For supper tonight, I had a taco salad. It used to be that I would have eaten 3 or 4 tacos from Taco Bell. Sometimes I have a bean salad, or garbanzos with cucumber, onions and tomato with a little low fat Ranch dressing. If I am cautious with the Ranch, then I can benefit from quite a bit of Protein and nutrients. My boyfriend loves to cook, so he keeps made up for me a batch of taco fixins made with ground turkey, onion, garlic, peppers, diced eggplant, diced jicama, tomatoes and spices. It is packed with nutrition, Fiber and and protein, especially when he adds Beans. I usually sprinkle a 1/2 ounce of shredded cheddar on it. Today I included a dollop of real dairy sour cream. The calories don't do much damage because I eat so little. Being creative isn't all that painful when you have a world of resources at your fingertips. Is it just that you are not comfortable with cooking or just don't want to invest in yourself and take the effort? This is what we mean when we say that the bariatric surgery can only take you so far. You have to realize that you are worth the trouble. Learning how to prepare healthy food and learning to like it is actually an act of self-preservation.
  22. If you do go ahead and get your surgery, you certainly will fit into the airplane seat a lot easier. Walking around will be easier with less weight.
  23. Miss Mac

    The truth is, I failed

    Of all the different Protein powders I tried, I found that the Syntrax Nectars blend in better. As a matter of fact, their Grapefruit flavor mixed with Crystal Lite Lemonade tastes EXACTLY like Fresca Soda. I keep that one on hand. Also, I find that when mixed with low-fat milk or almond milk, the vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate flavors are more true. i got to thinkin' and wanted to ask you who prepares the food that you eat, and are they a good cook? When I was younger, I had anemia and anorexia. The doctor gave me a B12 shot once a month and insisted that I eat liver twice a week. The only way my mother knew how to cook it was to fry it in a pan with onions. I felt like I was eating my shoe. A Mexican neighbor came to the rescue and would mince the liver and put it in her taco meat and other highly spiced dishes. I could not taste the liver and did not care that it was there. This was all a matter of how the same food was fixed differently by two different cooks. Mother's range of cooking was limited with basic meat and potatoes, and anything made with noodles, bread or rice. She could make outstanding Desserts, but regular food - not so much. When I met my boyfriend in 2006, he introduced me to many foods that I had never had, and some I had never even heard of. What comes to mind is avocado, sunchokes, asparagus, Hollandaise sauce, crab, zucchini, eggplant, cheeses beside American, cheddar, and mozzarella, yogurt, pistachios....the list goes on and on. If the menu in your home is limited, then it is high time your branch out and explore what else is out there. If there is something you think you would like better if it were prepared differently, speak up. I have always thought that MUST have been some Israelite woman traveling 40 years in the desert with Moses who should have written a cookbook: 101 Ways to Fix Mannah. Men didn't ask for directions back then either!
  24. Miss Mac


    Sorry for the typo. It should read "variety of nutritious". I can spell, but I cannot type.

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