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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. Miss Mac

    A Victory.

    @@jj7481Like they say a journey is started by the first step. Good for you! My advice would be to ask questions of the surgeon directly. If not with all the people around, at least after the meeting is done. Mainly ask the questions that still have you "on the fence." "Whatever you can do, or dream you can - begin it. For boldness has genius, power and magic in it." Wolfgang von Goethe Here is some motivation: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/219831-what-was-your-final-straw-that-broke-the-camels-back/page-127?hl=%2Bfinal+%2Bstraw#entry4059457
  2. Me too. Shower, not bath.
  3. Miss Mac

    Tai Chi

    I have "Chair Tai Chi" by David Stamps. I had never done Tai Chi prior to getting this video. Much to my surprise, it really is a work-out. Wore me out. It is one of my favorites now.
  4. Miss Mac

    Pre-op weight gain...UGH!

    I did not gain weight pre-op, but I sure struggled. The hardest behaviour change I had to make was learning to let small bits of leftovers go in the garbage. I had to learn how to weigh and measure my portions. I had to learn how to not put enough food on my plate to choke a horse. I had to learn how to not put family sized bowls on the table. I had to learn how to not eat out of the pot. I had to learn to not eat the scraps off of other people's plates when I do the dishes. I had to learn that I am not the family dog, hog, or goat....or whatever animal gets the scraps.
  5. Miss Mac


    My understanding is that calcium interferes with the absorption of Iron. Iron is a mineral and B12 is a Vitamin, but they are often found in the same foods.
  6. Being raised poor where every meal was mostly starch, gravy bread, brown sugar sandwiches, chicken and homemade noodle served as gravy for mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, biscuits, dumplings, etc.... Gained 15 pounds with my first pregnancy / 70 pounds with second. Two lousy way too long marriages and several immobilizing surgeries. Orthopedic issues and neuropathies. Steroids and Lyrica to treat those. Yo-yo dieting since 1978 What convinced me that I needed to do something drastic to lose the weight? A stroke.
  7. Miss Mac

    Home Gym Equipment

    Not too long after weighted hula hoops came out, I bought one. I got bruised so badly, I looked like a lost a cage fight. When I lived in Indianapolis, there was a fitness trail on a wooded acre behind St. Vincent Hospital. Since I don't have one anywhere near me in Chicago, I made one in my back yard. I just go to different points in the yard and do an particular exercise at that place. By the time I gone around the yard a few times, I have completed multiple repetitions of several body weight movements....all with no equipment, plus I get fresh air and a short walk out of it.
  8. Miss Mac

    Not sure why these comments bother me

    It reminds me of the stupid stuff people say at funerals, like, "She looks so natural." Noooooo, people. Thanks for your concern, but I think she looks dead.
  9. There have been several posts with folks asking questions about resources for exercise videos. When I see those, I respond with a few recommendations from my personal collection. Today, I catalogued my videos and am attaching that list to this post, including my own reviews so that it can be found through the search bar. Also, now I can respond with a link instead of trying to remember what I have. MISS MAC'S Exercise Video Collection.docx
  10. Miss Mac

    Home Gym Equipment

    I have a recumbent bike / elliptical that I use every day. I have a 20 pound kettlebell that I can't lift. I have 1,2,5, and 10 pound weights, plus ankle and wrist weights. I have a collection of workout DVDs so that I don't get bored, plus I can work out in my jammies and not have to get dressed to go out to a gym, for which I would have to pay to work out in front of lunks and Barbie Dolls. Here is my list with my personal reviews: MISS MAC’S EXERCISE VIDEO COLLECTION (With Reviews) CHAIR EXERCISES 1. STRONGER SENIORS STRETCH AND STRENGTH (Anne P. Burnell) It’s easy for people with mobility issues. 2. STRONGER SENIORS PILATES (Anne P. Burnell) Pilates based exercises suitable for anyone with limited ability or range of motion issues. 3. EASY CHAIR EXERCISES: PILATES AND CALISTHENICS (Sunshine) Easy to follow beginning level. 4. CHAIR AEROBICS FOR EVERYONE – BEACH PARTY (Ronit Amaya) Circuit training with ‘60’s beach music. Very easy – may be too easy and not much of a workout for some people, but if you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, this might be perfect for you. 5. CHAIR EXERCISES (David Stamps) a. Chair Salsa b. Chair Aerobics c. Chair Tai Chi d. Chair Boxing Trainer David Stamps is easy follow. I use these on “Bad Days” when I can’t do my workouts standing up or sciatica is bothering me. STRETCHES 1. STRETCH, FLEX, AND TONE (GAIM) Slow and relaxed Pilates and Calisthenics that can be done standing or in a sitting in a chair. Helpful for a tight back. 2. CLASSICAL STRETCH (Miranda Esmonde) As seen on her PBS show. Easy but effective. You really get a thorough workout, but she’s so pleasant that you don’t care. It wore me out, but I knew I had put my work in for the day. 3. PILATES FOR WIMPS (Natural Journeys) This is a good basic Pilates workout if you don’t feel like going to the gym. 4. EASY YOGA FOR ARTHRITIS (Peggy Cappy) Increases Mobility. Gentle movements with modifications. STRENGTH AND RESISTANCE 1. FUNCERCISE BOOMERS WORKOUT (with “Sunshine”) Gentle and easy slow paced strength training with light weights. Suitable for seniors and people with poor mobility 2. FIRMING AFTER 50 (Joel Harper) Full body workout – no equipment Three levels of effort; He does the advanced level. A pretty young thing does the medium level. His own mother does the modified level. *Easy to follow and works every muscle in your body. One of my favorites and I use it often. 3. FUNCERCISE RESISTANCE BANDS (with “Sunshine”) Twenty-five simple and easy to do resistance band exercises. CARDIO 1. WALK YOUR BELLY FLAT (Leslie Sansone) This is a calorie burner. Equivalent of three miles done in “one-mile” units that take about twelve minutes each to complete. Can be done outside or even in the house or standing in place if you don’t have much room to workout. (I have only been able to get to one and a half, but my goal is to make it through all three units.) It is still one of my favorites that I use frequently. 2. WHOLE BODY RESISTANCE (former pro wrestler Diamond Dallas Page) Intense Yoga that won’t compromise your masculinity. Remember he was a champion pro wrestler and used this method for his own training. He demonstrates modifications that make it usable for everyone. No lifting, no crunches, no running, no jumping, no equipment! Length of videos vary from three minutes to ninety minutes. a. Body weight resistance – 30 minutes b. Core – 12 minutes c. Balance – 30 minutes d. Strength Builder – 38 minutes for our body parts that break down first: Shoulders, hips, knees, lower back e. Thirteen key moves for body weight resistance – 30 minutes f. Lats and Biceps – 15 minutes g. Below the Belt – 30 minutes h. Breathing – 3 short minutes i. Diamond Cutter – 50 minutes Uses the thirteen moves he utilizes in his own training j. Double Diamond Cutter – 1 hour and 30 minutes – you need stamina k. 3. HIP HOP ABS (Shaun T) Fast Pace Cardio with moves that can be used in the club. Shaun T is easy to follow – makes this fun 4. CIZE (Shaun T) No rating for this yet. I just ordered it and am waiting for delivery, so I will give you the description on the Beach Body website: “The End of Exercize™ is coming! Shaun T’s brand new fitness program is not about doing push-ups or jumping, it’s about moving to the beat, and everyone can do it. You’re about to look forward to working out! Shaun T goes back to his dancing roots and makes losing weight an “experience,” with hot new moves and great music! And if you think you can’t dance, don’t worry. Shaun breaks down the routines, step-by-step, move-by-move, and builds them into a full dance workout. And at the end, you’ll get to CIZE™ IT UP to songs from Shaun’s playlist. You’ll be so focused on mastering the moves that for 35–40 minutes you’ll forget you’re actually burning fat and calories, and getting in the best shape of your life.” “Don’t say you can’t dance, because anyone can dance.” —Shaun T 5. WEIGHTED CARDIO GLOVES (The Firm) Fast paced interval training using boxing moves Including kicks, punches, bob and weave This is an aggressive workout Remember, sweat is fat crying! 6. ZUMBA (Beto Perez) Fun enough, but even more fun with somebody or in a group) Latin steps and rhythms that you can use in the club DANCE EXERCISES 1. DROP IT WITH DANCE (Prevention Magazine) Brief ten-minute Fat-Blasting workouts Jazz, Funk, Hip Hop, and 90’s jam for all levels of skill 2. SWEATIN’ TO THE OLDIES (Richard Simmons) Good if you like 50’s and 60’s music Incorporates aerobic movement with 50’s and 60’s dance moves 3. DANCE OFF THE BELLY FAT (Anchor Bay) Easy enough, low impact, instructor is easy to follow Even the “Belly Blast” section is not too harsh. 4. EXOTIC DANCE WORKOUT (Body Politics) Sexy practice. Classic exotic dance moves taught step by step 5. PUSSYCAT DOLLS (Robin Antin & Nicole Scherzinger) Sexy and fun. Learn moves for “Don’tcha Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me” 6. BOLLYWOOD DANCE WORKOUT (Hemalayaa) Sexy, saucy full-body workout Shimmy and shake Bhangra style This one is kind of fun 7. FAT BLASTING DANCE MIX (Jennifer Galardi) Brief Ten Minute Work-outs Fat burning calorie Meltdown Effective and quick 8. ISLAND GIRL HULA ABS AND BUNS (Natural Journeys) Hula is more of a workout than you would expect. 9. BELLY DANCE FOR BEGINNERS (Natural Journeys) Hot fitness routines to stretch and tone, integrating Pilates Sexy – Learn a new skill. 10. AFRICAN BEAT - LATIN HEAT (Natural Journeys) fusion of Tribal and Latin style dancing You will learn moves you can take to the club. 11. DANCE OFF THE INCHES – SIZZLING SALSA (Anchor Bay) Ten uncomplicated dance moves More fun than work Fat burning fiesta – then you will want a siesta Contents of Classical Stretch Season 8 Discs 1-4 DISC 1: 801 – Stretch All 600 Muscles 802 – Increase Your Energy 803 – Stress Relieving Workout 804 – Firm and Strengthen Your Butt 805 – Balance and Strength 806 – Lose a Pant Size 807 – Elongating Your Muscles 808 – Slenderizing Your Waist DISC 2: 809 – Improve Posture and Energy 810 – Strengthen Hips and Core 811 – Unlock the Spine and Increase Energy 812 – Improve Your Balance 813 – Strengthen Feet and Fingers 814 – Unlock Your Hips 815 – Increase Your Energy DISC 3: 816 – Tone Your Entire Body 817 – Strengthen and Shape Your Legs 818 – Burn Calories and Lose Weight 819 – Tone Abs and Strengthen Legs 820 – Full Body Posture Workout 821 – Strength and Flexibility to the Core 822 – Full Barre Workout to Loosen Hips 823 – Stretch and Strengthen Lower Body DISC 4: 824 – Spine and Abs 825 – Feet and Ankles 826 – Weight Loss and Toning 827 – Stretch and Strengthen Your Hips 828 – Strengthen Your Bones 829 – Improve Posture and Flatten Abs 830 – Strength and Flexibility of the Hips
  11. Among other things, you are in the middle of a "food funeral". I am two years out now, and drink all the Water I want (about 100-120 ounces a day). The only difference is that I just don't drink it all at one time. I can drink a 10 ounce bottle of water every 15 minutes if I wanted to. I can eat anything I want, but what I want has changed. And...I don't eat enough to choke a horse, like I used to. What surprises me how little food the human body needs to survive. Here is a link to a thread about why the rest of us followed through with our surgeries. There are now 1,260 replies. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/219831-what-was-your-final-straw-that-broke-the-camels-back/?hl=%20final%20%20straw
  12. Miss Mac

    Doing too much

    I would say, "you better or I'm coming to get you" but it's a long snowy walk from Chicago.
  13. My Grandma was 37 when my mother was born and 41 when my aunt was born. My mother was 44 when my youngest brother was born. She thought she was going through the change until "the change" started to kick. Surpriiiiiiiise! He just turned 49 himself.
  14. Miss Mac

    That was close

    Congratulations on being able to keep your date. You dodged a bullet on that pre-op diet. I wish you a speedy and uncomplicated recovery.
  15. Miss Mac

    I have a secret - I really do have a blog

    I will check it out.
  16. Miss Mac

    Doing too much

    Assuming they know you just had surgery, you should have been turned around and marched right back in the house. Your job is to make hot chocolate and put fresh socks on high heat in the dryer so that they can warm up their toes quickly when they come back inside. A few years ago, I blew out a knee when shoveling heavy snow. Be careful, and take this nice warm hug from Chicago.
  17. Miss Mac

    Not losing weight

    Sounds like you have already begun your turn-around. Just a few minutes ago, I posted this at the end of my remark: My mantras for 2016 are: Eat Leaner -Train Meaner Get Fit In The Gym - Lose Weight In The Kitchen Hunger Is Not An Emergency Walk Away From The chocolate You have to eliminate excuses and road locks one by one. You'll get there. Please hang around here for support.
  18. Miss Mac

    Loose Skin

    Results depend on your age. The older we get, the less likely it is that our skin will bounce back. Just in case it might do any good, I exfoliate my abdomen every time I shower, then dry it off and rub it down with almond oil. Whether it helps or not, the skin on my belly is as soft as a baby's butt. Going into my third year, I have decided to focus on fitness, and not so much with the numbers. Right now I am eligible for a panni, but I am trying to avoid it. I'll decide at the end of the year after I see what results I get with an aggressive training program. My mantras for 2016 are: Eat Leaner -Train Meaner Get Fit In The Gym - Lose Weight In The Kitchen Hunger Is Not An Emergency Walk Away From The chocolate
  19. I am not sure about your particular situation. Several years ago, I was very ill with what my doctor was treating as bronchitis. On one visit when I went to see him, he was not there so his ARNP did my follow-up exam. She did not agree so much with the doctor and was more thorough with her questions and examination. She knew that my living situation was not good, as I was living in my sister's basement. The NP said that she thought I might have a mold allergy invading my lungs and put me in the hospital.....and not one locally. She sent me to a private hospital about 60 miles away where they are quite familiar with this problem. Being as they weren't sure about exactly what is was, I got put at the end of a vacant hall in isolation. It was VERY serious and impending towards fatal. She saved my life. I said all that to say this: She had the authority to examine patients, write prescriptions and to admit and discharge patients from the hospital. I would guess that your ARNP should pose no problem, but you can't afford to guess. At first opportunity, I would call the insurance and ask for a nurse case manager who can follow your treatment and give you correct information. P.S. I had to move out of my sister's house.
  20. Roast a chicken. Pull the meat off and freeze it for later. Take the carcass with the nibbly bits on it and simmer it in a pot with a couple of carrots, potatoes and pieces of celery: onion and garlic, and black pepper too, if you like it. In about an hour you can take out the veggies and save them for another day. This will leave you with a hearty broth that not only will provide you with needed fluids, but Protein as well....not to mention that warm broth is closer to being a comfort food than cold Water is. Get well, soon - and I mean it!
  21. I got my sleeve at the age of 62. In the first three months alone, my health changed dramatically for the better. Now at two years out, I am healthier and happier now at the age of 64 than I was in my 30's before I was heavy. Although I have orthopedic and post-stoke issues that will never go away, at least I can get past them every day with healthier organs and less weight to carry around. If you dad is around 100 pounds overweight, that is like wearing a newborn calf for a belt. He is so blessed to have someone close to him who would be supportive through this process. Sixty is not too old to get healthier and have a better quality of life.
  22. Miss Mac

    Allergic reaction

    I had four incisions and two of them were itchy and got blisters under the band-aids, even though they used the same steri-strips, glue, and band-aids on all four of them. I used hydrocortisone cream on them. I meant there were blisters under two of them.
  23. Miss Mac

    Medical card

    My surgeon gave me one of those. It looks like a business card and says: "This person has had surgery and is required by doctor's orders to restrict the quantity and types of food eaten. Please allow her/him to order a smaller portion or make a selection from your children's menu."
  24. Miss Mac

    Debbie Downers...

    "Thank you for your sudden concern about my health, but my medical decisions are between my doctor and me. I will not discuss this again. Here is my doctor's number in case you want to call him and tell him that you disagree with his diagnosis."
  25. Miss Mac

    Snow Day Fun

    Gonna be a lot of October babies on the East coast.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
