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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. Maybe if twenty of them are Water.
  2. Miss Mac

    OK Ladies, kinda embarrasing question for you all

    Did not shave. Was not shaved. Had a catheter. Subject of shaving never came up. My sleeve was my 12th surgery and only twice was I shaved.......traumatically when I was 14 and had my appendix out.....horrifying for a young girl, and again at age 17 when I had a lower abdominal exploratory with a bikini cut. I even had two vertical c-sections and was not shaved.
  3. Miss Mac

    I'm not a garbage pail

    I can either throw it out or tape it to my hips.
  4. Syntrax Nectars come in several fruit flavors. This is just one place you can get them: http://www.mybariatricpantry.com/Syntrax_Nectar_Protein_s/4.htm
  5. Miss Mac

    Fat Shaming Husband...so hurt

    Like I try to tell our newbies, opinions and tact will vary....but we mean well.
  6. Miss Mac

    Honest Opinions Needed -- photo included

    The black and white one makes you look like a tall drink of water.......love it!
  7. Miss Mac

    Fat Shaming Husband...so hurt

    As the survivor of two badly abusive marriages, I feel for you. I was raised methi-bapti-presby-costal, which means we moved a lot and my parents dragged us to whatever church was on the next corner. I was raised to believe that a good Christian woman was of secondary (or no) importance to her husband who was the head of the household whom no one dared disagree with or there was literally hell to pay. I was raised to believe that if you didn't like it, you were to pray and stay. I "prayed and stayed" for 23 years with my first husband who cheated on me prolifically and brought home someone else's germs every week-end. He called me names and told me I was too ugly to live. One day I was watching Oprah (this was back in 1993) and she had a woman guest on who had written a book on domestic abuse. That was the first time I had heard, "Instead of asking yourself..... I love him why does he treat me this way? start asking yourself.....Why would I love someone who treats me this way?" That woman set me free, and gave me the courage to separate myself from a horrible man who constantly drove my self worth into the ground. I had "prayed and stayed" until he put me at risk for AIDS. My church upbringing was preventing me from seeing the red flags that would have saved me from dangerous men. My second marriage was to a psychopath who hid his mental illness very well until after the ceremony. Again, I "prayed and stayed" for ten years until he hit me and threatened to kill me. I did contact a women's shelter, and they helped me to realize that there were indeed ways to get out safely even if I did not immediately see a means of support. You don't have to perpetuate a mistake. If you want to consider this from a Christian perspective, you need to realize that obedience and submission are not the same thing. Obedience is for small children, draft animals, and slaves. Submission is a voluntary, willing, emotional investment for a mutual harmonious household which comes from a loving relationship that is properly maintained through patience, kindness and longsuffering. Even the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 had a life of her own. She kept her family well-cared for, she made belts and fabric items to sell in the marketplace, she even bought and sold real-estate....all while having babies and tending a garden. Her husband respected her, not ridiculed her for what he perceived as imperfections. I agree that you need to contact a women's shelter or the Domestic Violence Hotline to get a professional opinion from a legal, not religious perspective. Sorry, but your marriage is not based on love - it is based on him controlling you so that his own selfish needs are met. This is a one-sided relationship. What's in it for him?????Everything. What's in it for you???? Nothing. Please get well and then get some help....some way - some how. Visit us often for support.
  8. Miss Mac

    Any sleevers over 60?

    I am 64 now , but had my sleeve at age 62. I have done well, and despite orthopedic and post-stroke issues that will never go away, am otherwise healthier than I have been since my 20's. Losing weight has taken a lot of stress of my knee replacements and has improved my posture. Although I am no gym rat, I can exercise daily. My digestion is 1,000% better, my mood is lifted, and I even feel sexier (an outcome I was not expecting). My sleeve has given me a better quality of life and I just plain feel better.
  9. Can anybody tell me if there is a way to attach a document on a response to a post?
  10. Miss Mac

    How to attach

    Thanks...that helps a lot. Oh I forgot to ask this: How do you post an update?
  11. Miss Mac

    Pregnancy post VSG

    Not related to bariatric surgery, but my mother was 44 (almost 45) when she had my youngest brother. Her mother was 41 when she was born and 39 when my aunt was born. Grandma was an old maid and did not even get married until she was 37.
  12. Miss Mac

    Starting an exercise routine

    Leslie Sansone's Walk Your Belly Flat is my favorite in my collection: Here are the rest with my critique: MISS MAC’S EXERCISE VIDEO COLLECTION (With Reviews) CHAIR EXERCISES 1. STRONGER SENIORS STRETCH AND STRENGTH (Anne P. Burnell) It’s easy for people with mobility issues. 2. STRONGER SENIORS PILATES (Anne P. Burnell) Pilates based exercises suitable for anyone with limited ability or range of motion issues. 3. EASY CHAIR EXERCISES: PILATES AND CALISTHENICS (Sunshine) Easy to follow beginning level. 4. CHAIR AEROBICS FOR EVERYONE – BEACH PARTY (Ronit Amaya) Circuit training with ‘60’s beach music. Very easy – may be too easy and not much of a workout for some people, but if you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, this might be perfect for you. 5. CHAIR EXERCISES (David Stamps) a. Chair Salsa b. Chair Aerobics c. Chair Tai Chi d. Chair Boxing Trainer David Stamps is easy follow. I use these on “Bad Days” when I can’t do my workouts standing up or sciatica is bothering me. STRETCHES 1. STRETCH, FLEX, AND TONE (GAIM) Slow and relaxed Pilates and Calisthenics that can be done standing or in a sitting in a chair. Helpful for a tight back. 2. CLASSICAL STRETCH (Miranda Esmonde) As seen on her PBS show. Easy but effective. You really get a thorough workout, but she’s so pleasant that you don’t care. It wore me out, but I knew I had put my work in for the day. 3. PILATES FOR WIMPS (Natural Journeys) This is a good basic Pilates workout if you don’t feel like going to the gym. 4. EASY YOGA FOR ARTHRITIS (Peggy Cappy) Increases Mobility. Gentle movements with modifications. STRENGTH AND RESISTANCE 1. FUNCERCISE BOOMERS WORKOUT (with “Sunshine”) Gentle and easy slow paced strength training with light weights. Suitable for seniors and people with poor mobility 2. FIRMING AFTER 50 (Joel Harper) Full body workout – no equipment Three levels of effort; He does the advanced level. A pretty young thing does the medium level. His own mother does the modified level. *Easy to follow and works every muscle in your body. One of my favorites and I use it often. 3. FUNCERCISE RESISTANCE BANDS (with “Sunshine”) Twenty-five simple and easy to do resistance band exercises. CARDIO 1. WALK YOUR BELLY FLAT (Leslie Sansone) This is a calorie burner. Equivalent of three miles done in “one-mile” units that take about twelve minutes each to complete. Can be done outside or even in the house or standing in place if you don’t have much room to workout. (I have only been able to get to one and a half, but my goal is to make it through all three units.) It is still one of my favorites that I use frequently. 2. WHOLE BODY RESISTANCE (former pro wrestler Diamond Dallas Page) Intense Yoga that won’t compromise your masculinity. Remember he was a champion pro wrestler and used this method for his own training. He demonstrates modifications that make it usable for everyone. No lifting, no crunches, no running, no jumping, no equipment! Length of videos vary from three minutes to ninety minutes. a. Body weight resistance – 30 minutes b. Core – 12 minutes c. Balance – 30 minutes d. Strength Builder – 38 minutes for our body parts that break down first: Shoulders, hips, knees, lower back e. Thirteen key moves for body weight resistance – 30 minutes f. Lats and Biceps – 15 minutes g. Below the Belt – 30 minutes h. Breathing – 3 short minutes i. Diamond Cutter – 50 minutes Uses the thirteen moves he utilizes in his own training j. Double Diamond Cutter – 1 hour and 30 minutes – you need stamina 3. HIP HOP ABS (Shaun T) Fast Pace Cardio with moves that can be used in the club. Shaun T is easy to follow – makes this fun 4. CIZE (Shaun T) I just tried it for the first time today (1/17/2016) and attempted the first and easiest routine in the set, and couldn’t keep up. It is for 25 minutes and I fizzled out at 7 minutes. I like Shaun T’s approach and actually had fun for those seven minutes, so I will consider this to be my personal mountain to climb. I am not giving up. This is the description on the Beach Body website: “The End of Exercize™ is coming! Shaun T’s brand new fitness program is not about doing push-ups or jumping, it’s about moving to the beat, and everyone can do it. You’re about to look forward to working out! Shaun T goes back to his dancing roots and makes losing weight an “experience,” with hot new moves and great music! And if you think you can’t dance, don’t worry. Shaun breaks down the routines, step-by-step, move-by-move, and builds them into a full dance workout. And at the end, you’ll get to CIZE™ IT UP to songs from Shaun’s playlist. You’ll be so focused on mastering the moves that for 35–40 minutes you’ll forget you’re actually burning fat and calories, and getting in the best shape of your life.” “Don’t say you can’t dance, because anyone can dance.” —Shaun T 5. WEIGHTED CARDIO GLOVES (The Firm) Fast paced interval training using boxing moves Including kicks, punches, bob and weave This is an aggressive workout Remember, sweat is fat crying! 6. ZUMBA (Beto Perez) Fun enough, but even more fun with somebody or in a group) Latin steps and rhythms that you can use in the club DANCE EXERCISES 1. DROP IT WITH DANCE (Prevention Magazine) Brief ten-minute Fat-Blasting workouts Jazz, Funk, Hip Hop, and 90’s jam for all levels of skill 2. SWEATIN’ TO THE OLDIES (Richard Simmons) Good if you like 50’s and 60’s music Incorporates aerobic movement with 50’s and 60’s dance moves 3. DANCE OFF THE BELLY FAT (Anchor Bay) Easy enough, low impact, instructor is easy to follow Even the “Belly Blast” section is not too harsh. 4. EXOTIC DANCE WORKOUT (Body Politics) Sexy practice. Classic exotic dance moves taught step by step 5. PUSSYCAT DOLLS (Robin Antin & Nicole Scherzinger) Sexy and fun. Learn moves for “Don’tcha Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me” 6. BOLLYWOOD DANCE WORKOUT (Hemalayaa) Sexy, saucy full-body workout Shimmy and shake Bhangra style This one is kind of fun 7. FAT BLASTING DANCE MIX (Jennifer Galardi) Brief Ten Minute Work-outs Fat burning calorie Meltdown Effective and quick 8. ISLAND GIRL HULA ABS AND BUNS (Natural Journeys) Hula is more of a workout than you would expect. 9. BELLY DANCE FOR BEGINNERS (Natural Journeys) Hot fitness routines to stretch and tone, integrating Pilates Sexy – Learn a new skill. 10. AFRICAN BEAT - LATIN HEAT (Natural Journeys) fusion of Tribal and Latin style dancing You will learn moves you can take to the club. 11. DANCE OFF THE INCHES – SIZZLING SALSA (Anchor Bay) Ten uncomplicated dance moves More fun than work - Fat burning fiesta – then you will want a siesta OTHER I had Mr. Gym’s COUCH POTATO exercise video, but was not impressed. This one got thrown out. I used to have Billy Blanks Tai Bo, but my doctor said it was too much impact on my arthritic joints. However, it is an intense way to exercise and learn self-defense at the same time. If you can’t afford to buy videos, look online. There are so many on You Tube for free that I can’t even count that high. Contents of Classical Stretch Season 8 Discs 1-4 DISC 1: 801 – Stretch All 600 Muscles 802 – Increase Your Energy 803 – Stress Relieving Workout 804 – Firm and Strengthen Your Butt 805 – Balance and Strength 806 – Lose a Pant Size 807 – Elongating Your Muscles 808 – Slenderizing Your Waist DISC 2: 809 – Improve Posture and Energy 810 – Strengthen Hips and Core 811 – Unlock the Spine and Increase Energy 812 – Improve Your Balance 813 – Strengthen Feet and Fingers 814 – Unlock Your Hips 815 – Increase Your Energy DISC 3: 816 – Tone Your Entire Body 817 – Strengthen and Shape Your Legs 818 – Burn Calories and Lose Weight 819 – Tone Abs and Strengthen Legs 820 – Full Body Posture Workout 821 – Strength and Flexibility to the Core 822 – Full Barre Workout to Loosen Hips 823 – Stretch and Strengthen Lower Body DISC 4: 824 – Spine and Abs 825 – Feet and Ankles 826 – Weight Loss and Toning 827 – Stretch and Strengthen Your Hips 828 – Strengthen Your Bones 829 – Improve Posture and Flatten Abs 830 – Strength and Flexibility of the Hips
  13. Miss Mac

    Noisy Tummy?

    My tummy sounded like a dinosaur fight for months.
  14. Miss Mac

    The TRUTH of getting VSG in Mexico

    Many times, what we see in the negative posts about Mexico is that the poster knows someone whose cousin heard of someone whose sister read about someone who went to some unnamed clinic in unnamed city with unnamed doctor and had complications. I have read many posts on this forum about our bariatric brothers and sisters who went to Mexico and had no trouble at all........about the same as folks who get their surgery done in the states. I don't recall in the last two years of anybody being vilified for getting their surgery done in Europe or elsewhere. It's just easy to pick on Mexico, I guess. And no, I'm not from Mexico. I was born in Wisconsin.
  15. Congratulations! Just hang on tight; it's a wild ride!
  16. Miss Mac

    The Ex's

    Have you discussed alternating travel for together time, or is he always expecting you to make the traveling effort?
  17. Miss Mac

    Bras? HELP

    I went to a foundation shop run by grown mature women who understood the body-morphing that comes with substantial weight loss. I bought the two most expensive bras I ever had, but they fit the best, too. Those $8 bras from Walmart just aren't sufficient anymore. I figured that I worked so hard at this that I deserved the indulgence.
  18. Miss Mac

    Psych Eval

    My psych eval was a conversation that lasted about a half hour. She asked about: my family history of obesity how I thought I became obese did I understand the specifics of the surgery I was having did I think I could follow instructions from my team did I have a supportive family could I manage negative comments and resistance just stuff like that......there were no questions about mental illness, sexual history, did I hate my mother, etc. The process was painless.
  19. Miss Mac

    Protein & Water Concerns

    I don't know how this sentence got omitted, but I eat 1/4 cup of steamed veggies with my dinner.
  20. Miss Mac

    Protein & Water Concerns

    Isn't it ironic that I could drink a 2 litre of Pepsi with a meal and another at bedtime (with chips or pizza) but I had to train myself to drink that much Water in a 24 hour period? My routine now is to drink a 10 oz cup of green tea (with ginger, tumeric and lemon) with my morning meds and supplements. That takes me about twenty minutes. Then I drink 10 oz. of water before my morning exercise. After exercise I drink 10 ounces of a Protein shake. If I use milk and a little yogurt, that is 30+ grams of protein right there. When that is finished, I wait 1/2 hour and eat Breakfast. Even just one egg with a little cheese on it is 10 grams of protein. Often I make a one egg omelet with some sauteed peppers, onions and mushrooms. Between breakfast and lunch I have a piece of fruit and another 10 oz of water. So far, that is 40 ounces of Fluid and 40 grams of protein, and it's only lunch time. If I have a cup of chili with Beans and cheese for lunch that's 20 grams of protein. Between lunch and dinner, I will have 10 oz of water or sugar free cranberry juice. If I want a snack between those two meals, I might have a handful if nuts or a boiled egg for another 7 grams of protein. For dinner, I will have 2 ounces of meat and later have another 10 oz of water, tea, or Crystal Lite Lemonade. If I feel the need for a bedtime snack, I might have carrot and celery sticks with some yogurt ranch dip, which will give me another 3 grams of protein. Sometimes its a tablespoon of Peanut Butter and 1/3 of a banana. Before I go to bed, I will have another 10 oz of water or a cup of sugar-free hot chocolate. I keep two 10 oz bottles of water by the bed, so that if I wake up to go to the bathroom, I will sip so long as I am up anyway. If I get unbearably hungry, I eat some sugar-free Jello which I keep made up in the fridge. So, within a 24 hour period, this example totals 84 grams of protein and 90 ounces of fluids. Plus the Jello counts as a fluid. 10 oz is my measure because that is how much is in our water bottles and it's also the size of my tea cup. It can be done, but yes, it does take some preparation and effort to juggle it all
  21. Miss Mac

    New Here

    Welcome to the forum. Visit as often as you like. Keep in mind that opinions and tact will vary, but we mean well.
  22. Miss Mac

    Shortning Stages

    Here is a video to remind you of how brutalized your stomach really is. Please be patient. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=gastric+sleeve+video&&view=detail&mid=4309D3101079D2F74FE94309D3101079D2F74FE9&FORM=VRDGAR
  23. Miss Mac


    I remember this from when I had a C-Section in 1976. When I came to, I was mimicking along to the sounds of the heart monitor.
  24. Miss Mac

    Compression Garments

    I can't answer your garment question, but I can help with the search function. Go to the search bar and type in COMPRESSION. Now, to the right of the search box is a real faint teeny tiny arrow that points downward. Hit that, and you will see a drop-down menu. The first option is TOPICS. I hit that and got one result, which was your post. The second option is FORUMS. When I hit that one, I got 1,000 results. Just make sure when you search that you have the FORUMS option open. You will get much better results.
  25. Miss Mac


    Going in.....food. Coming out......food. Just think of the anesthesia as a nice nap. They do all the work while you get to sleep.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
