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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. Miss Mac

    Pre-op Weight Loss

    I lost 25 pounds on my pre-op diet doing this: Consuming 60 grams of Protein a day....eat protein first at every meal....next eat your veggies, then a small serving of fruit if you are hungry for it. I was limited to 1100 calories. You would be surprised how quickly they add up when you are completely honest with yourself. One of your best pre-op tools will be portion control. You cannot control that which you do not measure. Keep a log of EVERY bite or sip that goes in your mouth to raise your awareness of what you are actually eating. Many of us on the forum use myfitnesspal.com. Do not drink any calories unless it's those Protein shakes recommended by our doctors. If you are sedentary, get up and move around. I wish you good luck and good health.
  2. Miss Mac


    Granola is on my "difficult to tolerate" list.
  3. Miss Mac


    I also follow Leslie Sansone. I have her "Walk Your Belly Flat - 3 mile Walk." It is broken up in three increments of one mile. As a matter of fact, I did one mile this morning in the house.
  4. Today, I am 2 weeks post-op. My guidelines say "Fat free or 1% milk can be included as part of your total fluid intake."
  5. Webhopper...... for a good head start, you could weigh and measure your portions. That was one of my downfalls....a portion was not near what I thought it was. Another thing to consider is Fluid intake. Now that I have to sip throughout the day and not within 30 minutes before or after a meal, I realized that I was probably drinking at least a quart of pop or ice tea with every meal. That alone could stretch out your stomach beyond it's normal range. These are two changes you will have to make eventually, and can be started before you see a bariatric physician. Take care.
  6. My NUT told me that my paper work would be sent to the insurance with my original weigh-in date on my first visit,
  7. Yes Webhopper, do what you have to do to get healthy. I come from a very large family of 300-400 pounders. In July 1994, my mother died at the age of 67 of an aortic abdominal aneurysm - she was 5'2" and weighed 320 pounds. My oldest brother died two months later of a heart attack. He was 6'2" and weighed 420 pounds. My oldest sister had a gastric bypass several years ago at 300+ pounds, and my next youngest sister (300+ pounds) had a lapband last spring. I had a stroke in 2010, and it was just time for me to take charge of my health. I had my sleeve on 12/23/2013. Your family kitchen dynamic felt similar. I wish you happiness and good health.
  8. Miss Mac

    Insecure about myself

    I agree with Carlotta1. My start weight was 235 in August, and I need to lose 100 pounds. I have multiple co-morbities including my spine is collapsing from the extra weight, and I have already had one stroke due to high blood pressure. I just had my sleeve on 12/23/2013, and am at 201.6 this morning. I do not regret it one bit. If you need it, you need it. Do a little research both in your area and Mexico. Good luck with whatever your journey brings, and keep in touch with us here at the forum.
  9. re14768..... I am 5'4'' also, with a starting weight of 235. 2 weeks post op today and down to 201.6 If your surgeon is willing to do it, the he does not think you are too "thin" for WLS. Remember, it's your body, your health, and your decision. Do what you need to do to get healthy and happy. Shut the door on negative nellies.....good luck.
  10. Miss Mac

    Thoroughly unscientific poll

    5'4". When I was in my 20's, I was an anorexic 108. My healthiest adult weight was 135 back in 1985. Doc and I agreed that 135 would be a realistic goal for me, although at 62 years old, a little higher would still be ok.
  11. Miss Mac


    202 for me this morning...I am hot on your trail.
  12. Miss Mac

    Tell me about upper GI

    Mine was endoscopic also. Took a nap, woke up with a slight sore throat, went home.
  13. Miss Mac

    Any pre-ops using My Fitness Pal?

    Sleeved 12/23. I lost 27 pounds on a 4 month pre-op with MFP being by best tool. It really helped to be honest with myself about portion control and what I was actually eating.
  14. Miss Mac

    Merry Christmas to Me!

    Thanks, Indigo...I have to good fortune of being retired with a low drama - long distance family. This way I can recover in peace and quiet. To Maddenam...good luck with your recovery...let us know how you do.
  15. Miss Mac

    Feeling lost

    I am 12 days post op, still in my full liquid/puree stage. Right now, I am sipping on Isopure banana Crème mixed with Crystal Light Banana strawberry pineapple. Tastes pretty good.
  16. After I asked my PCP if I would be a good candidate for weight loss surgery, he referred me to the bariatric clinic at Loyola University. We had been discussing for a while that my back problem was actually a front problem, It was just time to do it if I wanted to ever see any improvement in my health. I am now 12 days post op, and I am already feeling better.
  17. To clarify...my directions say "1/2 cup diluted unsweetened fruit juice (limit to one serving per day" When I took it, it did not cause a problem. No harm, no foul I guess.
  18. Prune juice always does it for me Since surgery 12/23/2013 I have been taking 2 Colace per day, and am putting Benefiber in my beverages. Only once have I resorted to diluted prune juice. It' s all better since stopping the liquid Hydrocodone for post-op pain.
  19. Miss Mac

    How is your sex drive post-op?

    I'm only 11 days post-op, but I am counting on it. If nothing else, I will be more flexible and not so fatigued from hauling this pony I am using for a belt. Plus, my bariatric physician changed my depression med from Sertraline to Buproprion (generic for Wellbutrin). One of the welcome side effects of Wellbutrin is that many people feel more uhhh frisky. I am ok with that.
  20. Miss Mac

    NUT said no Greek yogurt?!?

    My NUT told me to eat Greek Yogurt and to substitute it for other things like mayonnaise. She also wants me to drink low fat milk instead of almond or soy milk. Unless your NUT is going to come to your house to be kitchen monitor, I would just go with what dairy I can keep down, and then just tell her what she wants to hear. In the meantime, I would seek a 2nd opinion from a different NUT.
  21. Miss Mac

    Merry Christmas to Me!

    My plan is similar to yours. Sleeved on the 23rd, came home Christmas Day. I am on full liquids / pureed foods until Sunday, then I can start soft foods on Monday. So far, I have not had any problem with vomiting, dumping or stricture...I have just been eating very carefully. I also have a follow-up appt. on Monday, so I am sure that progression to soft foods will be discussed. My plan calls for two weeks of soft foods, then on to regular food. I ate 1/2 scrambled egg yesterday and did all right. Come Monday, I will probably eat normal kitchen food, run through the blender like mashed potatoes - just not watery like purees. I will also still be cautious about anything very spicey.
  22. Miss Mac

    What to bring?

    CHAPSTICK...Of all the things I packed, Chapstick is the thing I used most.
  23. Miss Mac

    Stuck on whats actually pureed

    My guilty pleasure was spaghetti and meatballs. Nothing on my plan said that I should not have tomatoes, so I took a chance and ate some with ricotta cheese and a sprinkle of parmesan. When I get to soft foods, I will make some the regular way and mush it up. I agree with CrissyRing77 about bananas. The baby food bananas tasted like rotten bananas. When I go back to fresh, I will have to be very careful. Bananas are a slider food for me. I could eat 6 a day pre-op.
  24. Miss Mac

    might be a dumb question, but it's about ice....

    Are you putting them through the blender? I had to stop because it had too many bubbles in it.
  25. Miss Mac


    When I was a teenager I was anemic and anorexic. Down the street was a Mexican neighbor, and twice a week she would mince up some calves liver and make me tacos or tostadas with the liver mixed up in her usual ingredients. That beat having to take B12 shots. She was so good to me. She loaned me her double satin wedding dress made in Mexico City when I got married at 19 years old.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
