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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. No - was not told that. It is good information to have. Thanks.
  2. Miss Mac


    I was facing an early death like my mother, without my sleeve. I do not regret it at all. The weight I have lost to date has already made a profound difference in my mobility. There are risks in everything.
  3. Miss Mac

    Exercise Question

    At six weeks post-op my team has me at 800 calories, 70 grams Protein.... I alternate strength training with cardio days, and take Sunday as an exercise day off. Whether I like it or not, our bodies are meant to move, not sit, so I make myself do it.
  4. Miss Mac

    Few Questions

  5. Miss Mac

    Calories & protein per day?

    Six weeks out. My plan calls for 3 meals and 2 Snacks per day. 70 grams Protein and 800 calories +-. No more than 1/3 cup and 2 tablespoons at any time. No fluids 30 minutes before or after eating. So, I make my protein the 1/3 cup and my veggie the 2 tablespoons. Fruit shows up as 1 snack, and dairy as 1 snack. It's working in spite of the fact that I also had the dreaded third week stall, which thankfully I am coming out of finally. The main ingredients in all of this are persistence, patience, and exercise.
  6. Miss Mac

    I'm eating like a prisoner on death row

    Southside White Sox Fan here..........yeah it's funny about the Chicago cut - when you tell people they look at you like WHUT? And then you have to explain. Congratulations on the decision to get healthy with a sleeve. 15 days????? Man oh man, good luck with that....it's a daring feat of strength and fortitude that pays off grandly on the other side. Wishing you good health and happiness.
  7. One thing I learned as a survivor of domestic violence is that a person can get so used to the abuse that they start abusing themselves. That correlates to how strangers treat us, too.<br /><br />Just because they were small minded green meanies does not mean that you have to isolate yourself and withdraw from a full life. Embrace yourself as you are and be bold. Wishing you good luck and good health. Hopefully as you lose the weight that is holding you down in body and spirit you will be able to help someone else along the way.
  8. i had to drop the food Network and other food shows cold turkey....I mean I had to drop them like a hot potato...I mean I used to watch them all like I was coo coo for Cocoa Puffs. O K this analogy clearly isn't working. But what I am trying to say is that the commercials are tempting enough. Sounds like you might be a pretty good cook. Let's face it. You are still going to have to eat for the rest of your life. And since you are the cook, you can control the ingredients. Just remember...Taste everything - eat nothing if you are the cook. Portion control will be your best friend going forward.
  9. When I first started my program last September at 235 pounds, I was housebound with post-stroke balance issues (which my pendulous overhanging 53" belly made worse) and limitations due to osteoarthritis and complications from joint replacements. On the worst of days, I tried to do some kind of exercise, even if it was chair exercises or Pilates on my bed. My stamina was poor. Now, at 42 pounds down, I can do a 12 minute one mile speed walk video (in house) before Breakfast and an additional exercise session later in the day....and I am strength training every other day! My energy is not great every day, but at six weeks post-op, I will take the improvements as they come. But today, I was able to venture away from my rolling walker during my video, and actually JOGGED down the hallway. Unbelievable. This sleeve is so worth it.
  10. Miss Mac

    recovering from gallbladder removal

    Had my gallbladder removed in 1973 and the age of 21. I have not missed it. It took a long time to heal because that was back when they cut you half in two. So hopefully yours was laparoscopic and you will be bored and ready to roar in no time.
  11. Welcome to the forum. You will find honesty and encouragement here.
  12. Miss Mac

    Not bragging but.....

    About failing the sleeve after six months....that's bizarre. My surgeon told me to expect my loss of 100 pounds to take about a year. He would like to see me lose 10% per month, which is 10 pounds. So far I have lost 42 pounds since starting my supervised program last September. That's 42 pounds that I would not have lost otherwise. So, don't let his comment about six months stress you out. EVERY pound you lose is a victory.
  13. Miss Mac

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Count me in then.
  14. Miss Mac

    60+ sleevers please help

    Mokee, I am 62 and about 6 weeks out post-op and understand the difficulty with exercise. If you can afford no other DVD, get Lelsie Sansones' Walk Your Belly Flat. It has three one-mile walks that can be done in your house in your jammies....no gym, no equipment, no going out in all kinds of weather. On bad days, I have my walker handy, and on really bad days I go through the movements sitting down. Each mile takes about 12 minutes, and it can be done standing in place if need be. From a chair you can fake your way through strength training with or without hand weights, or diddly-bop along with cardio workouts or just move to the music (like nobody's watching). Hope this helps.
  15. Miss Mac

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Interested. What all does this involve aside from recording weekly weight statistics?
  16. Blue shoes, shiny baubles from your ears, bracelets. Sounds like the full neck and lacy fabric will be enough for your neck area. A picture's worth a thousand words show us with the dress on.
  17. For Real????? You look mahvelous, Dahling.
  18. Miss Mac

    Body shifting....

    Yeah..belly will be the last to go. One time when I lost a bunch of weight, I got down to 135 pounds, which would have been nice except that I still had a belly. I just had become a smaller version of the same body. This time I am working out with weights and getting at least an hour of exercise every day. I hope it helps with the distribution of weight.
  19. At six weeks out, I am sleeping better than I have for 30 years. I think that is in part due to losing 42 pounds of insulation on the pre-op and post-op parts of my program so far. There are no more hot flashes to wake me up every 15 minutes and I don't wake myself up from snoring. That also helps to keep me out of the kitchen at night, because I am sleeping. I guess that qualifies as another Non scale Victory for you to look forward to. You will be alright...our new tummies gurgle and belch a lot in the beginning, then taper off. Good luck with your recovery.
  20. Miss Mac

    Not bragging but.....

    Six weeks out now, and I have enjoyed a textbook recovery. Being retired helps, because I can rest when I feel like it. No problem with shoulder gas, incisions are healing nicely, not much trouble with digestion. I did sleep my first three nights home in my lift recliner. The only thing bugging me right now is a plateau that is frustrating. I have noticed that I shiver instead of constantly overheating, but I read that shivering is a metabolism booster. I still get gurgling that sounds like a sinking battleship, but usually when I am drinking something. I am glad that you are having a great recovery, too. My heart aches for those who have had a hard time of it.
  21. At HHS.gov (U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services)there is a Health Information Privacy page that outlines your specific rights to examine your medical records. It might be interesting to see if your provider made any notations in your file about refusing service to you.
  22. Chronic pain was one of my co-morbidities that helped me qualify for surgery. I receive treatment all year long for chronic pain issues. For your situation....I don't get it either.
  23. t is the DREADED THREE WEEK STALL, which very few of us have escaped. Your body is making adjustments.
  24. My Isopure and Syntrax drinks are on my recommended list and count towards my liquid for the day. I put unjury chocolate Splender in my warm cocoa mix, but only to 130 degrees. Then I add some lite whipped cream. Same for the chicken and Unflavored varieties. Whatever I add them to, I don't go over 130 degrees. Also, I make my Protein into a paste with Water first, then add the rest of my liquid (kind of like the process for pan gravy). AND I strain it before I pour it into my drinking container. I put strawberry Unjury in Crystal Lite Lemonade.
  25. My surgeon had me do one week of liquids, even though the materials I was given said two weeks. He said it was because I had 100 pounds to lose instead of 200, and that I had done well on my 3 month supervised diet (23 pounds). He also had an ultrasound done of my liver to estimate the size and position. I agree with the others that a liquid diet of any duration will help prepare you for post-op living. Wishing you good luck and good health.

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