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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. My man and I are having a little contest. When my weight finally dips below his weight (which is healthy for his height and age), then we will have a non-food celebration of some sort. The good news is, I am within a pound or two of that point on the scale!
  2. I was allowed to start light weights (Max 5 pounds) at 4 weeks. I am at 2 months now and the incisions have healed nicely, though still very pink. Wednesday, I was able to lay on my belly for 15 minutes for a spinal procedure. I am fully exercising at will....no problems other than keeping the weights low.
  3. That's an outstanding weight loss! Have you been running or hitting the treadmill? If so, you could be pounding your heels which can lead to plantar fasciitis. (You could try Vibram Five Finger Shoes - I just bought a pair for walking barefoot in my back yard and in the park. They make several kinds for running, athletics, and walking. Expensive, but I got mine on clearance from TravelCountry.com. I have neuropathy problems in my legs and feet. I take Lyrica and my Vitamin D levels are monitored by the neurologist and my PCP and the Bariatric physician. The connection to D levels and neuropathy is well documented.
  4. Miss Mac

    The need to chew...

    That's the same progression schedule that I had, Bobbie McGee, so it was about 3 1/2 weeks for me. I went straight from the doctor's office to Wendy's and ate Chili with cheese (about 1/3 of the container) and 4 of my boyfriend's french fries. Oh man, that tasted so good. No more fries since then....I am pretty strict with my low carb diet limitations. Not only do I like chewing now, I like the flavor of something in my mouth. When no more calories are allowed for the day, I will go with a sugar free popsicle or sugar free hot chocolate with some lite whip cream.
  5. Halfway there. I started my program in late August 2013, at 5'4" and 235 pounds, with a goal weight of 135 because that was the adult weight at which I was the healthiest. With that 53" belly you could see that's where a good half of that weight was. Just look at my before pictures. At 48 pounds down, I am halfway there, but I will admit that most of the lost weight is from my upper body. Here's the thing....I am fighting this fat as hard as a 62 year old woman with post-stroke and osteo-arthritis challenges can. I exercise EVERY day, and if I don't feel like it, then I do modified exercises. Two days a week strength training and hips/buns/thighs/abs, five days a week aerobic exercise, and EVERY day walking a mile, even if it is in the house or standing at my walker. There will be no bat wings for me. So, the boobies are holding on for dear life - I imagine toning up my pecs is helping with that. The belly, well, it is down 3" and has shifted downward. Hope against hope, I am exfoliating every other shower and rubbing in almond oil to keep the skin cells active and soft. If nothing else, i will have a saggy SOFT belly. But if I have to become a senior citizen body builder to run interference against flab, then I guess I will do that. I am just gonna fight it kicking and screaming up to the last pound. I am actually starting to see a waist, and I felt ribs last night. One thing I have learned as I go, is that worrying about skin and hair is not getting me anywhere, so I will just keep following doctor's orders and deal with the rest of this as it comes up.
  6. I had to drop carbs and cheese to rev up my pre-op loss. Maybe just try not to eat anything that comes from a factory - you won't starve.
  7. Miss Mac

    Protein Isolates

    For something made with milk, I like Unjury Chocolate Splendor. For something made with water or Crystal Lite, I like the Syntrax Nectars.
  8. Miss Mac

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Bea, I don't understand the technology behind all this Cloud stuff. My starting weight today is 189. My goal for six weeks is 180. What else am I supposed to do???????? I don't get it.
  9. Miss Mac

    dec 2012 sleevers

    Sleeved 12/23/2013 (I am one of those people who has to lose ONLY 100 pounds) For those of you who feel that our journey is less noble because we were not even larger, keep in mind that our co-morbidities are life threatening and painful, too. I have already had one stroke and my spine is degenerating and will not hold that extra 100 pounds anymore. I only say that because there have been a couple of recent comments in the forum inferring that we do not deserve access to this surgery. We need to be less judgemental and more supportive of sleeve brothers and sisters, especially since so many do not get encouragement at home. Pre-op weight 235 pounds (I am 5'4") Day of surgery weight 208 pounds Day of discharge weight 212 pounds Current weight 2/16/2014 - 189 pounds So far from the beginning, I have lost 46 pounds from my head, arms, and boobs. My belly still looks disgusting and has shifted south, but has gone from 53 inches to 50 inches, so I will accept that as progress. I am eating regular foods O K, but still cannot tolerate cabbage and cauliflower. Most days I am eating around 700 - 800 calories. It is challenging to get in 64 ounces of Water and 70 grams of Protein, but I come close. Except for a nerve pain issue not associated with the surgery: I am feeling a lot better sleeping much better do not make so many frequent trips to the bathroom exercise is easier and I can exercise longer I can move around easier and clip my own toenails I can roll over in bed easier Reflux is 80% better Hot flashes and night sweats are gone Have doctor appointment with primary doctor on 2/17, and expect to drop Metformin, Lipitor, Wellbutrin Blood pressure is rapidly improving - may drop that 3 drug cocktail, too. Saturday after exercise, it was 102/62. I have had one closet flush, going from size 22 to a snug 18. In about 10 pounds more, I will have another closet flush to 14/16, hoping to get into those sassy size 14 white jeans that are on standby. So, overall, my quality of life is improving......I'm glad I did it!
  10. Miss Mac

    I said NO chocolates!

    We just need to keep in mind that when we ask for advice on the forum, we are going to get all kinds of advice from people who have had all kinds of background and life experience. My comment on "why would you love someone who treats you this way" comes from the place of domestic violence. I had to escape in the middle of the night from a psychopath who kept six loaded guns in the house. His abuse started with diet sabotage and unkind comments, and escalated to physical abuse and death threats from there. I do believe that most diet sabotage is probably NOT intentional and we must train or households and workplaces to be more observant of what we can safely eat. I am just sayin' that at some point, an unrepentant reprobate saboteur needs to be confronted. That said, hopefully this works out for you.
  11. Miss Mac

    I said NO chocolates!

    Weight loss surgery can change relationships as well as our minds and bodies. Put this on the back burner. You may need it later: Instead of thinking "I love him, so why does he treat me this way?" ........start thinking "Why would I love someone who treats me this way?"
  12. Well, I suppose if I were in your position, I would take what I am allowed to have, and politely decline everything except maybe Water. For sure, someone is going to ask what is up, and you could just tell them it's doctor's orders and you prefer not to discuss it, but you did not want to miss the event and the fellowship. No doubt, someone is going to say they will pray for you - and that's o k , just tell them you appreciate it.....then change the subject.
  13. Miss Mac

    you are eating too few calories.

    My program is very similar too Madam Reverie's except for my Protein requirement at 70 grams. It is nearly Paleo. If I can catch it or pick it, I can eat it - protein first. Nothing made in a factory except I can have one Protein shake a day. I have been getting that same message from myfitnesspal every day since I started my pre-op last September. Oh well.
  14. When your hair started to thin out, did your eyebrows thin out, too? I haven't started to thin out yet, but am curious. Was the hair thinning bad enough for a turban or wig?
  15. Before I called the bariatric clinic, I read the benefit plan provided by my insurer, which said that they do cover weight loss surgery but not plastics. When I made that first call to the clininc to set up an appointment, I was told that the insurance coordinator would confirm how much my plan covered. I got a call back with an appointment date. After I completed all of my plan requirements (3 month nutrition and medical tests) all the data was faxed to my insurer for final approval. It was approved in two days along with a guarantee of five nights stay at the hospital. Surgery was three weeks later with two night stay- so in all, it took four months from first call to surgery date.
  16. Miss Mac

    When did you stop?

    My NUT told me I could have one a day....more than that could slow down weight loss. I had purchase quite a variety of brands in both the powder form and RTU. My favorite has turned out to be unjury chocolate Splendor in 1% or 2% milk. Tastes just like good ole' chocolate milk.
  17. Just think of it as a nap, and when you wake up, you will be on the road to the new you. If the pain is bad, it is temporary. For many of us, there was little pain, not much. I had no shoulder gas at all. For others, there were challenges, but they will have great advice for you as you come up with questions and concerns. My best advice aside from get up and walk around, is that you may be more comfortable sleeping in a recliner for a few nights. It will make it easier to get up and down without pulling on your abdomen. Take care. We are here to encourage you.
  18. Miss Mac

    I must share...

    Congratulations...that's awesome! I have my size 14 white jeans waiting in the closet, but I have to get to those 16's first. Good for you. Keep up the good work!
  19. I asked my primary doctor if he thought I was a good candidate for a lap band. I had not even heard of VSG. He gave me a referral to the Bariatric Clinic at Loyola University, so I contacted them. They explained my options and advised that I would be a good candidate for the sleeve.
  20. Miss Mac

    I feel like a liar

    1. You don't have to lie, but you don't have to tell everything you know. 2. I am retired from healthcare environmental services management, and I know from experience that the HIPPA laws are a joke. Medical staff does discuss your business everywhere, including the cafeteria line and the elevator. Also, they have no regard for the HIPPA privacy laws for their co-workers either. Except for the FMLA coordinator in HR - nobody has any right to know your private stuff. And you can tell people just that your weight loss is a personal concern which you choose not to discuss.
  21. Miss Mac

    Who Are You?

    Miss Mac here, My name is Shirley. I share Danielle's love of history. Last year I too up the mantle of family genealogist and use that hobby to keep me out of trouble. My ancestry through a recent DNA investigation is ancient stone builder / Viking, which explains the red hair. Because of Ancestry.com and is international records data base and family documentation, I have been able to document our descent through Mary Boleyn, the Bassanos and Laniers (royal court musicians), John Vassall (the builder of the Mayflower), John McCulloch (who harbored reformer John Knox at Barholm Castle), along with many others present at Jamestown, Salem, and Plymouth as well as Richard Morgan who sold land to two of George Washington's brothers - Lawrence and Samuel - and was in the first group of settlers to live across the Potomac in the Shenandoah Valley of West Virginia. My McCullough ancestors met up with the Morgans in pioneer Kentucky after valiently fighting in the American Revolution and associated with Danielle Boone and fought in many of the battles to defend pioneer forts. Studying family history has given me a fresh purpose for life and perspective of whose shoulders we stand on. My sleeve will let me live long enough to keep at it and leave a full legacy for my grandchildren. I think my favorite family story is that of Paul Revere's horse. I have a family cousin connection to the Larkin family who loaned Paul Revere a horse detained by the British and they kept the horse which was never returned to the family. That's my passion - genealogy.
  22. Started at 64" tall and 53" around and getting rounder. Lost 43 pounds so far, but it sure is a lot of work. That's OK. I volunteered for this.
  23. Miss Mac


    I have a stash of sugar free lollipops, but some folks get loose stools from sugar free candy. Whatever you do, DO NOT EAT SUGAR FREE GUMMY BEARS!!!!!!!!! Look up the thread. You will be horrified and amused at the same time. You have been warned.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
