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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. Miss Mac

    Having a hard time

    Oh man, I tried mashed cauliflower in my pureed phase and thought someone was trying to pull my ribs out of my chest. I am at two months now, and I am not eating cauliflower for a long time. I did best with yogurt, eggs, and pureed Soups....everyone's tolerances are so different. A lot of people cannot go back to eggs, but they are my "go to".
  2. I also was sidelined by DDD, and had ACDF surgery 2/14/2013. My sleeve surgery was 12//23/2013. I have lost 48 pounds from pre-op to now. For the last three years, I have had a lumbar epidural every three months. I was able to go five months this time, and just had my shot last Wednesday. The previous one was September. The staff at the pain clinic did not recognize me. So, I was pleased that the weight loss is starting to make a difference. I am hoping another 50 pounds will help me put off L5/S1 surgery for a long time. Aside from less back pain, my balance and posture are so much better without so much pendulous belly pulling me forward. My primary said that my back problem was a front problem! I also can mobilize so much easier, and roll over in the bed easier. Now I am exercising every day and doing strength training 2X a week to videos here at home. Trust me, the surgery will help you pull out of the medical quagmire you are in. You have come to the right place for support. Good luck with your surgery and recovery.
  3. Yesterday, as I was getting dressed for a doctors appointment, I noticed that my favorite comfortable pants (my yoga pants - whole 'nother story - love, love, love yoga pants) were dangerously close to falling off my hips.....which was not the case just last week while stalling. Also, my favorite blouse just felt sloppy. So, I put something else on, which ALSO felt strangely loose, but was not in danger of causing a social embarrassment. When I went to put my coat on, it very clearly felt like a stranger's coat. So then, I went to my storage closet and pulled out a wool coat that my boyfriend had bought me three years (and 50 extra pounds ago on my already obese body) for my birthday. It was still in the dry cleaner's bag from when I sorrowfully retired it when I could not button it up anymore. Cautiously I put it on, and buttoned it up - with room to spare! OMG - how could my body change so drastically in one week, when I had just come out of an exasperating stall? This morning, as I am getting ready for another closet flush, I have figured it out.......my body has been changing all along. I just could not see it because of my fatty fathead mindset. This sleeve thing and diligent exercise are doing their work even if the scale tells a different non-parallel story. That heavy 53" belly that was throwing my balance and posture off, is finally shape shifting and shrinking. Today, my mind is catching up with this amazing transformation that is happening to my earthly container. Oh yeah, and get this......The aforementioned appointment was at the pain clinic. I have been going there every three months for three years to get lumbar epidural steroid injections for sciatica. Yesterday, as I was getting positioned on the table, as the doctor is going through the patient ID process, he looks at me, and then my paperwork, and asks if they sent in the right paperwork. Have you been here before? They had to make sure, because they can't just give these injections to anyone, right? What is was, was that they did not recognize me. I explained it was for three reasons. 1. I was a redhead every other time I have been in there, but I am about to go through a drastic hair loss event and decided to quit keeping up with my birth red, and just embrace the gray of my mature years as the new hair comes back in. 2. It has been 5 months since I have been in because I had weight loss surgery and my discs have behaved a little longer this time. 3. I have lost 46 pounds and my face is way thinner. (When all is said and done, I will have to replaced my drivers license picture) Needless to say, I am stoked today. The sleeve has been so worth the inconvenience of having to treat my body and life like the precious gifts they are. Deny myself limitless carbs or deny myself inflammation and misery????? The choices are getting easier day by day. What a journey this is!!! It is not just about weight loss. I am discovering a whole new inside me who has been hiding behind a veil of fat and fear of rejection. Did you see the news story yesterday about the woman who was expecting triplets, and when delivery time came, there was a fourth baby who had totally escaped both x-rays and sonogram? It was hiding behind the other three fetuses in the womb. That's as good an analogy as any, I guess. I suppose a lot of us have just been hiding behind our issues and insecurities and are just now coming into or own as the people we are meant to be. Folks, I am just so happy today. What a revelation and huge step in my progress.
  4. My niece emailed this little item about friends. I don't know the source, but I thought it was worth sharing. Look on this post for a download titled Real Friends.
  5. Here are my midway pics. The ones in my purple shirt are from last August before I started my program. Gastric sleeve was 12/23/2013 The pics in my brown top and black pants are from my halfway point at minus 49 pounds / 51 to go, Taken on 2/23/2014, exactly two months post op. Belly is still resisting, although 3" smaller, but you can tell that my face, arms, and chest and thighs are smaller And I am starting to get ribs and a waist. The wedding picture shows you how thin I was in 1970 (108 pounds on my wedding day). Look at those too thin bony arms! My goal weight is 135.
  6. Miss Mac

    What am i doing wrong?

    My capacity is 1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons, which I guess is about 1/2 cup. I can't imagine eating more than that without my new tummy exploding back into my mouth. Like the others have said, eat small (baby spoon) bites, and eat them slowly to give that new tummy time to respond. You will get that tupperware burp or a big yawn or a hiccup or something. Miss Tummy will talk to you if you listen to it. You cannot eat at the same pace and volume of your old tummy. And really, I think your family is insensitive to expect you to navigate eating in a restaurant with all the sights and smells. I think most of the rest of us were also advised to withhold beverages 1/2 hour either side of eating, and then only sipping gradually....no big chugs like we used to. And I don't think I have ever disagreed with Madam Reverie on this forum. She is spot on, once again. Your doctor just severed 80%-85% of your stomach and jerked it out of your body. You will do damaged if you are not pro-active about your own care. If you measure 1/2 cup of food and eat that....walk away from the rest. I have a rule to measure, and then never eat the last bite. Good luck with your recovery.
  7. Miss Mac

    Pureed Question

    Any meat or veg that my man was eating, and we put it in the food processor with some broth. My morning go to was scrambled eggs. I had my first Wendy's chili the day the doc said I could move on to solids......on the way home from the doctor's office - couldn't wait.
  8. For me it was 80%. My nutritionist said that my food volume is somewhere around 1//3 cup plus two tablespoons, and that is pretty much where my tupperware burp kicks in.
  9. Fiddleman, I am 8 weeks out and doing strength training and modified cardio in the house. You sound like a perfect candidate for Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint website. Tons of advice for both beginners, advancing and the retiring athletes. His program is largely non equipment and body weight with some dumbells / kettlebells as an option. Completely affordable and do-able. Variety is based on wherever your imagination can take you. Once this lousy Chicago winter breaks into spring, I am gone to find a park with a hill so I can walk and lunge uphill, do push ups against trees, pull ups on the monkey bars....you know - take this show outside. I am getting a serious case of post-op cabin fever. In anticipation, I even bought a pair of Vibram five-finger shoes for barefoot walking with some traction. I found them on clearance at Travelcountry.com. Vibram's site is expensive. Who knew I would turn into an outside granny gym rat?
  10. Atkins has been very good to me twice, and then I soon as I ate that first potato, it was all over and the weight quickly came back. So I know this time that carbs have to be let out of their cage on an extremely limited basis for me. Recently I have become familiar with the concepts of the Primal Blueprint, which is very similar to the Caveman approach to eating and exercise. Since I am already post-op low carb out of necessity, Primal is not such a stretch. One adjustment that I have had to make since my total calories are limited to 800, is to let green Beans and tomatoes become my fruit most of the time. Probably when I get to goal I can re-examine the whole plan for maintenance. The exercise program makes a lot of sense too, and it is something I can do. You can check it out at primalblueprint.com.
  11. Miss Mac

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Today's weight is 188.
  12. Ten pounds in 17 days sounds pretty darn good to me. We all get in a hurry to reach our goal, but our bodies have a way of pacing us own their own. You can expect to have stop and go with your weight loss from here on it. Just follow doctors orders and take good care of yourself. I don't think we even have the luxury of cheat days now. We all did this to save our lives. You have made the biggest step by following through with the surgery. Good luck with your recovery. You will be flushing out your closet before you know it.
  13. At two months out, I do not have gas problems now. The only belching I get is that Tupperware burp when my tummy tells me to stop eating / drinking. I did not have a tube, so sorry I cannot answer that one for you.
  14. Miss Mac

    FAQs or Help?

    Oops, I should clarify. I meant to ask is there an FAQ or help menu for technical things concerning this website / forum? I cannot find a way to retrieve or edit my post from today concerning my update pictures. In one pose there is an abstract piece of artwork on the wall behind me, but I did not think of it until I pulled up my post. Like the Rorschach ink blots the interpretation of it may vary from charming to disgusting. How I can I pull back or edit that post?
  15. Seriously folks, does this site have FAQs or a HELP menu anywhere???????
  16. Sorry about art in background of pics. How can I retrieve a post????????????
  17. Miss Mac


    Hey Puddinpie....there's a bunch of us around here. I am a retired federal employee living in Alsip on the south side, I had my surgery at Loyola University Medical Center two days before Christmas. DR. Chand did my surgery. There were no complications and my recovery and weight loss are going well. Where is your surgery going to be?.
  18. Miss Mac

    average weight loss...

    I did well with the pre-op diet (lost 23 pounds in 3 months). Day of surgery 12/23/2013 weight was 212. Four weeks weight was 197 (so, 15 pounds). Had a 2 week stall at week four. Just finished month two with another 11 pounds down. Total to date - 49 pounds with another 51 to go. I am stoked that at two months post op I am halfway already, I do not regret this surgery at all.
  19. My hospital did not provide Bari-bears to its WLS patients, so I bought one of my own on-line. They are a good sized teddy bear with a hard back. It can be held against your belly when you cough or sneeze, and I also used mine for an arm rest for my IV arm. Really any teddy bear would do, or a firm small pillow. For home, I bought a pair of white skinny jeans in size 14. There is a funny thread on this forum about the inherent naughtiness of white skinny jeans. I started out at 22/24 and am doing my second closet flush tomorrow to bring out my 16s. So my 14s are not too far in the future. The non-scale victories are coming along quicker now. It does get better,
  20. Just walk on past the soul suckers. A year or so from now, the joke will be on them.
  21. Miss Mac

    bitter sweet

    Just gently suggesting to go as low carb as you can.......no junk.......hydrate...try to time it so you have a good hearty BM before your appointment (might be worth close to a pound on its own!)
  22. Miss Mac

    Sex question

    Not given a limit - just waited a week.
  23. My hospital does not release surgery patients to a cab. I agree with the previous post that you would best be served by having someone to advocate for you and look out for your best interests. This procedure is not a manicure. It is very serious life-changing major surgery with unpredictable variables. True also, that you will need someone to haul stuff around for you and catch you if you get woosey, since anesthetics and pain killers are involved. I would not wish it on anyone to go through this alone. I hope you can find someone to help you out.
  24. Miss Mac

    Sleeve weight loss times?

    My program materials say that 18 months is within the normal range of losing 60+% of what you are going to lose. However, at my nutrition visit yesterday it was mentioned that 10% a month is a reasonable goal to reach for. I was to to not be disappointed if it takes a year to lose 100 pounds Everybody is different. Compliance, circumstance, emotions, illness, plateaus, exercise results....lots of things factor in.

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