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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. Miss Mac

    legs legs legs!

    I have lost 55 pounds, but mostly face, boobs, and arms. My belly is down some but the shape-shifting makes it hard to decide what size I am. My feet are way thinner, so I guess I am holding the other 50 pounds in my now drooping belly and thighs.
  2. I had mine done at Loyola University Medical Center 12/23/2013.. Dr. Chand developed the Bariatric program for the Cleveland Clinic, and then came to Loyola a couple of years ago. He developed the Bariatric program here and teaches Bariatric, Laparoscopic, and Robotic Surgery for Loyola University. I knew when I learned all of that, that I would be in good hands. I have done well with no complications and the hospital staff was outstanding. I am a retired hospital housekeeping supervisor and I can tell you that my room was SPOTLESS! Also, it was a private room. I loved that detail.
  3. cabbage soup diet Dolly Parton Diet Weight Watchers Richard Simmons Atkins 3 times Fasting for days on end South Beach etc etc etc
  4. Miss Mac


    Years ago, I had the Billy Blanks kickboxing video. I really enjoyed it and used it frquently, but due to increasing arthritis (I was in my early 50's - I am 62 now) my doctor said to knock it off. Now that I am on this Sleeve journey, I work with a chair boxing video more appropriate to my physical challenges. I agree that boxing even without the kicking can give you quite a hearty workout. And yes, it is fun.
  5. Miss Mac

    Any feedback on BariatricChoice.com?

    Oh, I forgot The biscotti: tried it in three flavors. I did not like them crunchy, but they were quite allright dunked in tea. Pretzles: Meh!
  6. Miss Mac


    It's great to be off to a running start. Congratulations!
  7. My go-to for experimental shakes is Vanilla Cake Batter by Celebrate Bariatric Products. I bought it online. I also throw in a little extra vanilla and sweetener to suit my taste. Yesterday I used it for a Protein shake with mixed berries. I think you have inspired me to try one with banana and some dark chocolate. Hmmmmm.
  8. Miss Mac

    Courthouse wedding, reception later?

    My first wedding (I was 19 he was 20) was a moderate whoop-de-do in a Methodist Church with a wedding singer, flowers everywhere, and a reception in a hugh room with a grand fireplace and a receiving line and all of that jolly rot. I wish I could have done the hippies in the park thing, but parents..right? My second wedding (age 44) was with a JP in a lovely wedding park behind the court house. We had the reception back at home. On a rainy day they would perform weddings in the Archive/Library...a lovely room. My youngest daughter had a small wedding with just a handful of people) under the Tiffany dome of the Cultural Center in downtown Chicago. The cost was minimal. I say, do what you want, dear. It's all about you two and the surroundings do not matter. Get married in the supermarket if that's where you met!
  9. Miss Mac

    Any feedback on BariatricChoice.com?

    Their customer service and delivery were outstanding. I have tried several of the Protein bars. There were none that I didn't like, but my favorites were Rocky Road, the chocolate Graham, and the Lemon Bar. The Soups were just OK, but I used them up. I would take the broccoli Soup and put some steamed broccoli in it. I have some of the Vegetarian Joe and the chicken Noodle Mixes which I have not tried yet. My boyfriend will be on a business trip for three days, so I will try those later this week. My favorite beverage mix was the Cranberry Grape which I put in sugar free cranberry juice instead of Water. I have found that Protein Drink mixes dissolve better in lukewarm liquid. and then I strain that and either warm it up hotter or put ice in it. The Ranch chips, pizza Chips, and cheese Nips were good enough to pass for a snack. I bought a bunch to have on hand for trips out and about. I also tried a dark chocolate cinnamon crunchy snack that I thought was good. I overbought on protein drink mixes from unjury, Syntrax, and Isopure, so I have not tried any BC drink mixes. So yeah, I would buy their stuff again. As a matter of fact, I am building an order today which will include trying the various Cookies. Given the amazing variety that Bariatric Choice has, I am sure that you will find something you like.
  10. Miss Mac

    Not doing well at all :(

    Elaine , Dear...........I am picking up on a couple of things, here. One is that you are having a nice gentle recovery so far, but number two is that you are not taking advantage of it. My doc moved me through the process quickly...soft foods at two weeks and regular but well chewed food at 3 1/2 weeks. But the differences are that you are having issues with volume and with poor choices. I hope you follow up on that reference to the eating disorders doctor so that you can get some clinical help. Obviously, you're here to ask for advice based on our experiences, so here I go. One of the first and easiest actions you can take is to eat your Protein first. I guarantee that you cannot eat as much roast chicken as you can crisps, but the chicken has nutrients to help your stomach heal. The second thing is that you should not go where the junk is. If it is in your house because you live with unsympatheic people, the you will just have to walk away. I tell myself ALL OF THE TIME things like "Walk away from the cookies" or "Walk away from the ice cream section" Just having positive head talk helps me to fight the sabatoge head talk. So....talking to myself is better than ignoring the fact that some pretty serious surgery has taken place. Fill your refrigerator with fresh whole foods that did not come from a factory. Eat more yogurt. Batch cook one day a week to have healthy options available all week. Buy cheese that you can cut or eat in one ounce pieces. Boil a dozen eggs. Do whatever you have to do to make nutritious options available. If you take a lunch to work, pack enough for those cravings that hit every time you pass a McDonalds. Instead of pulling in for an Egg McMuffin, you will have some bacon or a boiled egg in your lunch bag, and you can grab that. If I want something sweet, I will have a sugar free lollipop. I bought them in five-pound bags from Candy.com. I also buy bars of dark chocolate and put them in the freezer. When I want something sweet, I crack a piece off and eat it with a fruit flavored Tic Tac. My other sweet treat surprisingly is cherry tomatoes. You can reach down inside to the clever you that is hiding out, and plan your eating for a few days at a time. I think that planning can be your new best friend for success. If you plan for your protein and your fluids first, then hopefully you will feel fuller so that you can control your volume of food better. Just as you hopefully would not give a toddler everything it wants to eat regardless of whether or not it would be harmful, you need to be your own parent and ensure your own health and vitality. Plan rewards for yourself at every five pounds your lose. Let it be a book or an item of jewelry or small gadget for the kitchen, or a piece of clothing in a smaller size or a plant for the garden....whatever. Just don't let it be food rewards. I do wish you good luck and good health.
  11. Miss Mac

    Cant get out of the 80's !

    Me too. 185-180 took seven weeks. Now that I have it 179, it looks like every pound is going to be a hard-fought battle of its own. Oh well.....keep at it.
  12. Miss Mac

    medical bracelets for Sleevers?

    I bought one for post-stroke that had a thumb drive for complete medical information. An ambulance driver and a hospital admissions clerk both told me after a later medical event that they are not allowed to put outside drives into their system as a precaution for computer viruses, so I just keep a card in my wallet.
  13. The list I had for the three-month diet had quite a variety of products that I could use for one daily Meal Replacement. When the ten day liver shrinking phase began I had to choose from: Carnation No Sugar Added, Atkins Advantage, Boost Glucose Controlled, and High Protein Slimfast. My Nutritionist said it was because of specific values of nutrients and minerals. Now that I am past four months post-op, I still have to have one shake a day to help reach 80 grams of protein. For this it is totally my own choice, but it has to be a whey protein product.
  14. Miss Mac

    Kids meal and wine

    We rarely eat out anyway because my significant other is Mediterranean and an awesome chef of that cuisine. But we have already discussed that when I reach goal, we will go to Red Lobster to Celebrate. I think I will do what you did...a kid's meal, a cheddar bay biscuit, and a glass of wine. It will be my first liquor in eight years, and my first bread in over two years. Oh boy! Thanks for a good idea, I will take about 3/4 of it home.
  15. Miss Mac

    Chocolate Protein "Fudge"

    This looks do-able. I have been looking for an excuse to incorprate coconut oil into something. I use coconut milk and coconut Water for shakes sometimes, but I definitley want to try this. Thanks. Yum.
  16. Miss Mac

    Hair loss

    I just passed my four-month mark, and my doctor said it is my turn to start watching the drain. She increased my Protein requirement from 70 grams to 80, but also reminded me that some hair loss is inevitable.
  17. Miss Mac


    Ii way overbought many kinds to have variety, but my go-to is unjury chocolate 100 calories per scoop with 8 Oz of Vanilla Almond Milk which adds another 35 calories. Milk has 140 calories per cup, so I don't drink it so much. If I want dairy Protein, I will eat a little yogurt or cheese. My other favorite is Syntrax nectar Grapefruit. I mix one scoop (100 calories) with 8 oz of Crystal Lite Lemonade. It tastes just like Fresca without the bubbles. I tried several ready to drink like Atkins Advantage and Supreme, among others, but they tasted metalic to me.
  18. Miss Mac

    burning feet

    I don't have that problem, but do have burning neuropathies in other places. Are you diabetic or have a B12 deficiency? If your doctor trys to prescribe Gabpentin, ask if you can have Lyrica instead. Gabpentin is about as effective as Tic Tacs, Lyrica gives me decent relief after the dosage was eventually increased to 100 milligrams 3X a day. I hope you can find some relief soon.
  19. Miss Mac


    Only my big incision (where they took my stomach out) hurt intermittantly for about a month. It would be fine most of the day, but every once in a while it would give me a reminder that there were tools moving all around inside my belly. At one month the doctor let go back to strength training with a limit of five pound weights. I was allowed to shower after the third day with the tapes exposed. They finally peeled off around week three. It took the scabs a while longer to finish up.
  20. Miss Mac


    12/23/2013.....I have 4.
  21. Is it further to New York or by train? What's the difference between an orange? Magician44, your question doesn't really have an answer because we are all so very individual. Just rest assured that it will come off in time. Be patient and let yourself heal. In the meantime, follow your program as best you can. I have lost 55 pounds, but not in my four months.....that includes weeks of pre-op. But the number is going down in spurts, so I will accept that.
  22. Miss Mac

    struggling trying hit calories

    I am four months out, and on days I feel that I have eaten too much, I still am at around 800 calories. I am recommended to be at 800-1200, but it may be a while before Miss Tummy is ready. I am not worried. I feel good and have decent energy most days. My average bounces around between 600 and 800.
  23. Athletic as you want to be, go to Marksdailyapple.com for additional wisdom. There's is a low-carb / paleo website with a bend toward fitness concerns.
  24. Miss Mac


    I do what I have to do to get them down.
  25. Miss Mac

    Too soon

    My daughter, who is an occupational therapist has told me many times in the past...if it hurts, don't do it. A doctor's titles and prize ribbons don't keep him from being an a**hole. I have recovered from many surgeries and know from experience that I can't just jump in and resume my life like normal after surgery. WLS takes a lot out of you besides your stomach. It takes your energy and strength, too. You may have the motivation to work out, but you need some respect for the insides of you that you cannot see. Even though our larascopic incisions look well, they don't speak for how your insides were brutalized by all of those tools and manipultions during surgery. I say go see your primary at least for some pain relief and back off the lifting for a while. He/she may refer you right back to the surgeon. Also, take your question to the GUYS FORUM on this site, and see what the fellas have to say.

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