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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. Well, yeah it is drastic. But I have been on a diet since 1976 and wasn't getting anywhere except bigger. I am short, so at 235 this time last year, my spine was found to be collapsing under the weight. I had the sleeve in December 2013, and in spite of a couple of long stalls, have kept the first 55 pounds off. Even my internal systems feel so much better already and it is much less painful to walk. Even my posture is better. You have to do this for yourself. You are worth it whether he agrees or not. Don't wait until AFTER you have a stroke, like I did. I wish you good luck and good health.
  2. Miss Mac

    My fiance is a sweetheart.

    He's a keeper.
  3. I came across this from Dave at Paleohacks.com It is good encouragement for when you are faced with negative and unsupportive people in your life. The story has some great analigies. Hey there! Today I want to share with you a fantastic story and some amazing life advice from a mentor of mine that's helped me in my journey to not only become a healthier person, but a happier & more successful one as well. And it comes in the form of a story of a trip to Alaska... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "How To Remove CRABS From Your Life" By Bedros Keuilian Several years ago while on an adventure trip to Alaska I experienced what I can only call one of life's greatest lessons. Like all great lessons in life, it came unexpected and it came to me exactly at the time when I needed it the most. While taking a walk along the shoreline in Ketchikan, Alaska I noticed several crab fisherman casting their nets, waiting a few moments, and the pulling in couple crabs at a time. One fisherman had a bucketful of five or six crabs in it. It was probably one of those five gallon paint buckets that you'd find at the local Home Depot. There was several inches of Water at the bottom of the bucket and these crabs - some the size of my palm, and others the size of Shaquille O'neal's. As I stood there watching how this crab fisherman went about his trade I noticed that one of his crabs from the bucket was climbing on top of the rest. I couldn't really make out exactly what the crab was up to just yet, but I could tell this one was the more ambitious crabs of the bunch. But I soon figured out exactly what he was up to. This little ambitious crab was attempting to make a getaway! He was climbing on top of the others to gain height, then he slowly extend him front legs upward toward the lip of the bucket to pull himself up. HOLY COW!... this little guy was trying to make a break for it. FREEDOM! More out of curiosity than anything else I asked the crab fisherman if he was aware that this crab was about to hoist himself up and over the edge of the bucket. He calmly said; "watch what happens." As this ambitious crab started pulling himself up to get over the edge of the bucket, all of the other crabs reached up, grabbed his hind legs and pulled him down to the bottom of the bucket. LIFE LESSON! I instantly realized that I had made one of the dumbest mistakes of my life. Earlier that year I had figured out that a few of the people in my life were negative minded individuals who always found a way to squash my dreams each time I'd share it with them. Yet I continued to hang out with them, I kept them in my circle of influence, and shared my most lofty goals with them - only to have my ambitions squashed by their negativity, doubt, and scarcity mindedness. I wanted so badly to soar with the eagles, yet I was hanging out with turkeys. I suppose it was just comfortable to be around the people I knew, even if they did stunt my personal and professional growth, rather than to find a new circle of influence who would support me, challenge me, and encourage me to achieve and surpass my goals. Fear of the unknown stopped me from achieving my dreams sooner. But things changed for me after that day in Ketchikan, Alaska. When I got back home I committed to creating my "bubble" and cutting out all of the crabs and turkeys in my life. I become the gatekeeper of my bubble. I chose who got in and who got kicked out. It wasn't easy to do, but I cut ties with the crabs in my life. No more crabs, no more turkeys... ONLY eagles are allowed into my bubble these days. We've all heard the saying... you are the average of the five people who you surround yourself with the most. But you can also say it this way; your head space, your personal development, your attitude, your contribution to society, your personal and spiritual growth in life are all an average of the five people that you surround yourself the most. If the people in your circle of influence are crabs, energy vampires, and low tone then that's the effect that they're going to have on your life. If the people in your circle are positive, encourage you, support you, inspire you, then there is absolutely no limits on what you can achieve - really. That's what I want for you. You're an eagle, but you'll never soar as high as you can if you hang around with turkeys and crabs. Put yourself around the people who will support, encourage and challenge you to get to your goals. ------------------------------------------------------------------ I NEVER had more opposition in my life than when I became an entrepreneur, switched to Paleo, and started taking care of my health. It quickly became very clear to me who were REALLY my friends and supporters, and who just wanted me to stay the same -- so that THEY could be comfortable with their own failings and insecurities. You better believe those people are no longer a part of my life. And I am a MUCH better, happier, less-stressed person for it. And if you have people like that in your life, that are draining you, holding you back, then one of the most important things you can do is remove them - immediately. This life is not a test run - there are no redos. Every second you spend wasted with negative people is one that you will NEVER get back. Remember that! And think about replacing those negative people with ones who actually inspire and support you -- starting TODAY. Talk soon, Dave
  4. Miss Mac

    Bra Fitting

    At forty pounds down, I went to a foundation shop. I live in a Chicago suburb and had to travel about 15 miles to Berwyn, but it was worth the trip. I had no idea what size I was anymore, and my boobies are deflated now. I guess it was the fat that was keeping them up there. But because of the price ($40) and the fact that I still have a ways to go with my weight loss, I only bought one. I am used to buying my clothing at Walmart, and have never paid more tha $10 for a bra - ever. When I get closer to goal, my daughters want me to venture into a Kohl's, Macy's, or Nordstrom. Talk about fear of the unknown!
  5. I am past five months, going into six. I do not want to jinx a good thing.....and I am mentally prepared for hair loss, but so farrrrrr I have only noticed a few extra strays laying about. At my last visit a couple of weeks ago, my bariatric physician recommended that I continue with my Vitamins, D3, B12, Calcium and Biotin (10,000 mg). My calories are still at 800 +- and my Protein was increased to 8 grams. My Fluid intake is 64-80 ounces. I am keeping my fingers crossed. For a while my nails were shredding and my hair and skin were very dry. That has improved now - a lot. I do not want to drop the biotin right now because it is a hair, skin, and nails product.
  6. Congratulations! Your story is so encouraging, because I was thinking (when I ought to be sleeping), that my latest stall has just made me an utter failure, even though my team says I am right on track. That negative self-talk can really do a number on us. But your experience is a beautiful reminder that our success happens way before reaching our goal weight. You are a success for taking responsibility for your health. You are a success for following the instructions in your plan. You are a success because you are paying it forward by encouraging the rest of us and those at the University of Missouri who will come after you.
  7. Miss Mac

    Nuts and such

    I am five months out and eating nuts of all kinds. Almonds are a chore to chew, though. I am finding that even unsalted nuts are a slider food, though. They are like potato chips to me. An ounce of nuts can quickly turn in to a cup of nuts, so I freeze them now to make them a little less accessable.
  8. At five weeks I got the ok for regular food and got some Wendy's chili on the way home. I can stand a little mild sauce in taco meat, and I can handle onions and garlic. I have not ventured any further than that.
  9. Miss Mac

    Unsupportive Family Member Rant.

    Please don't wait until you are old and gray and can barely walk, breath, and sleep due to your weight. No doubt your mom is worried about you, but who wants a stroke before they are 30? Bad things can happen to people even if they don't have some kind of surgery. You sound like an independant full-grown woman who won't let other people minimize and ridicule her health concerns. Unless you are in a coma, you should be the one in charge of your health care. Love Mom from across town if you have to, but it sounds like you are going to take the next right step for your own future.
  10. Wow...how judgemental. You can tell that she is coming from a place of pain, but there is nothing in her rant about your own health and happiness. A true friend has your back and would not be so hateful. Weight loss surgery is saving so many lives. Once she gets up into her forties, fifties, sixties, all of her accepted fat will take a toll on her health, too. Then she will be asking you for advice. Good for you that you are being proactive about your health. Please do not let anybody minimize your decision to have a better more healthy life.
  11. Miss Mac

    How many carbs?

    I just had a five month nutrition visit last week and was told to minimize carbs as much as possible.....maximum 50, 30 is better. She stressed that Protein is still extremely crucial and is keeping my goal at 80 grams....at least 20 per meal and two protein Snacks. That doesn't leave room for much else except a few low carb veggies. No more than one serving of non-starchy fruit per day. I found out that my idea of serving (like a whole apple) and her idea of serving (1/2 an apple) are very different. The protein is to come from real food not made in a factory, and no more than one shake per day. Read that to mean that one large banana has to last 3 days, but I can have berries nearly to my hearts content. Oh well, I am in this to change my life, so I will just keep plugging away. She also reminded me to do some kind of exercise every day, outdoors to get vitamn D sunshine if possible. Strength training 2X a week. So, I find myself eating meat, cheese, ricotta, yogurt, eggs, nuts, etc, I love tuna, but have trouble swallowing it post-op. It was suggested to try smoked salmon, or to put my tuna in the blender to break it down some more. Last night my boyfriend made baked chicken breast stuffed with ham, swiss, asiago, ricotta and spinach and hollandaise. It was unbelievably delicious and packed with protein. He is so creative and supportive. A couple of weeks ago, he made lasagna, but used roasted zuchinni slices layered in with the meat, cheese, and sauce instead of noodles. He has made pizza with long eggplant slices (roasted) covered with pizza topings and cheese, then baked til the cheese melts. He has shown me that there are many ways to take our old favorites and customize them to suit our new diets. Bread is off the menu. Actually it smells like a brewery to me now. I want to gag when I am around it. He is experimenting to create a recipe for a low carb sugar free ice cream that would be suitable for me. He also made me a dessert made with ricotta, cinnamon, sweetener, and dark chocolate chips. So, even the yummy stuff has protein in it. But even at five months, Miss Tummy reminds me daily that she is not nearly as big as I think she is. My eyes and tastes buds still want the old portions that were rediculous. If I go much past 1/2 cup of food at one sitting, she objects. At one cup, I have a belly ache for four hours. My instructions are to reign in my calories at 800 because my body still resists losing weight if I go much over that. So that comes out to 200 per meal, and two 100 calories snacks. Good luck with your kitchen adventures. Our new eating plans do not have to be boring. Just put your apron and your thinking cap on and get to cooking. Have you ever watched Rachel Ray's show where she cooks a weeks worth of meals in one day? Do that if you can, and make your adjustments during the week. My NUT also said the same thing that jaysleever just said: the more I lose, the slower the weight loss will be. It is normal and expected. I wish the best and suggest that if you come up with something delicious or some happy accident in the kitchen, please share it with us.
  12. My oldest sister (who weighed nearly 400 pounds since she was a teenager) had a gastric bypass about ten years ago at the age of 52, with initial success then a couple of years ago started gaining it back. My next youngest sister (at age 54) had a lapband last year (over 300 pounds) and looks great - unrecognizable - now. My oldest brother died of a heart attack at age 47 and 420 pounds. My mother died at age 67 and weighed 320 pounds and was 5'2". She had an abdominal aortic anerysm. In 2013, my own weight was creeping up on me to the point that I had gone from 150 to 235 in ten years. I was quickly becoming my mother. My spine is collapsing from the weight, as I am short like my mother was. At the end of my rope and looking at spending my near future in a wheel chair, I asked my PCP if he thought I was a good candidate for a lap band. He recommended me to the Bariatric Program at Loyola University Medical Center. It was there that I learned about the gastric sleeve. I had never heard of it before, but believed that was the best option for me. I was sleeved 12/23/2013, and am right on schedule with the expected weight loss. Even my spine surgeon thinks that losing at least 100 pounds will make a significant difference in how my spine responds to current treatments without a full lumbar fusion.
  13. The website for the PB2 manufacturing plant is: www.bellplantation.com. Apparently it is being distributed elsewhere now. Some people really, really like it, but I wasn't impressed. Maybe buy just one jar to start with until you see how it goes over in your house.
  14. PB2 is a powdered Protein product that needs to be reconstiuted with Water. It does not have the fat that Peanut Butter has. You can find it online. They also make a powdered chocolate product. I will look up the web address. I think only the manufacturer sells it. On this other note about Premier Chocolate: My first job in 1969 was as a donut finisher at Dunkin Donuts. My favorite was the chocolate frosted banana cream filled. I guess it doesn't matter now since they haven't had them on the menu for years.
  15. Miss Mac

    medical bracelets for Sleevers?

    I ordered one from American Medical ID online just now . The fact that I could be unconscious and someone could puncture my sleeve with a NG tube scares the dickens out of me.
  16. Never had a problem with scrambled eggs, but hard boiled is like trying to digest a microwaved golf ball. And Peanut Butter....even though I am 4 months out.....still gives me fits. Training your new tummy is a matter of trial and error. Don't be in a hurry to progress. There is a lot of healing going on.
  17. Miss Mac

    Losing lbs but not pant size

    I started out with a 53" waist. It wasn't until I lost 40 pounds that my waist started to respond. I am one of those people that loses fron the top down. At 57 pounds down, I am finally get a discernable waist. This morning it measured 41" So what a difference the next 27 pounds made. It just takes time and patience.
  18. Miss Mac

    Serious Serious Advice!

    The reason that I posted myself as an example is because inappropriate contact with children is waaaaaay more common than we realize, even with the pillars of the church. I applaude you for being pro-active for your daughter. I agree with Butterflyhigh that another option would be to just pull her out of school. A lot of families home school. Because of my abuser's behavior, I had to withhold attending any family functions that he would attend. So, if your daughter tells you something, and the school authorities tell you something different, believe your daughter. Remember, it is OK to question authority.
  19. Bananas are a killer slippery slope for me. Pre-op I could eat 5 or 6 a day. My post-op plan allows for one serving of fruit a day, but it is to my benefit to eat a few berries instead of my beloved banana. To compensate for savoring the flavor, I bought banana flavored Protein powder and add banana flavoring. If I want the strawberry banana kick, then I make my smoothie half strawberry protein and half banana protein. If I feel like it, I make it 1//3 banana, 1/3 strawberry, and 1/3 chocolate. I do not miss swallowing chewed up banana; I miss tasting the banana. I have gone so far as to put a sugar free banana popsicle in my smoothie. So, here's to being creative.
  20. Miss Mac

    Serious Serious Advice!

    Sad to bring up that I was sexually abused from age 5 to age 14. My parents were pillars of the church and refused to deal with it. I was the problem for bringing it up. My abuser was relative, a Sunday School teacher, and a YMCA Indian Guide. Pedators go where the children are. My abuser also abused his own daughter and some of her little friends. He went to prison twice and died in jail awaiting his third trial for sexual abuse of a child. (And why did the state of Indiana let him out twice???) I found out at his funeral that he had also abused my three sisters as well. The reason I have exposed this is to help you become aware of how the mind of an abuser works That teacher does not see your daughter as a student. He sees her as an opportunity. A child psychologist and a lawyer would both be great allies in moving forward......then you can sue the school system for those costs and some pain and suffering. By placing her back in that classroom and allowing other students to torment your daughter, they are contributing to her abuse. I would go so far as to suggest a restraining order to force the school to keep her away from his influence. Shoot, maybe you can transfer her to a private school and sue your current school system for that expense, too. I am so glad that your daughter has you for an advocate and that you threw your ex-boyfriend to the curb so that he could be picked up the trash. She needs you so much right now. My parents have both passed away, but for a long time I harbored painful resentment because they did not believe me or help me. So, I am just saying...nip it in the bud now. You can be angry about this in a classy way. Document visits to a therapist. Document any contact with the Police Department. Document all of your contact with that teacher and the administration at the school. Document all contact with a lawyer. Force that school system to create a No Bullying policy and to require teachers, support staff, and the School Board to attend education sessions on the subjects of the Cycle of Abuse and the damage done by bullying. You may need to keep a journal to help you recall events exactly as they happen day to day. In the end, the one with the most documentation wins. Give your daughter a big hug and let her know that all of this mess is not her fault. Then when you feel that you have acceptable closure on this, find someone to give you a big hug. You need professional allies to bring this to light. I wish the best for you and your daughter.
  21. During my second month ost-op, my fingernails started to break off in little pieces. Also, my skin got very dry and itchy. I started taking Biotin 10,000 mg and a hair, skin, and nails (with gelatin) supplement. With every other shower, I exfoliate every part of me that I can reach and then rub Sweet Almond Oil all over. My nails responded very well, and my skin has healed and feels as soft as a baby. Hair is a different story. During a mid-March visit with my bariatric physician, she told me that it is my turn to start watching the shower drain for falling hair. I have noticed more individual hairs on the furniture and about the house, but haven't seen a clump yet. My boyfriend is very supportive and aware that losing hair is given part of this process, although the volume is different for everybody. He told me that if falling hair reduces me to tears, he would just hold me tighter. For right now, my hair is softer than it has ever been.
  22. On Thursday 5/22/2014, I have a nutrition appointment. I am coming into five months out and am having the same issue. I have already two long stalls. First one during my entire fourth month. That one finally broke and I went down a few more pounds. Now I am in another stall. One thing I am going to address with her is that I feel like I am back in my pre-bariatric life where I am constantly seeking a remedy that will help me lose weight. The nutritionist has me on 80 grams of Protein and 64 ounces of Water. On my own for the last week or so, I am trying to get in 100 grams of protein with 100 ounces of fluids to wash it down. Guess what? Nothing - I am still getting nothing! And it is hard to pull off because there are only so many hours a day, and my calorie limit is 800 per day. 800 calories is not enough to fuel my exercise program porperly. The devil himself must live inside fat cells and will not concede without a knock-down-drag-out brawl in the kitchen. If I come back from this appointment with new knowledge and encouragement, I will post an update to share the results with the forum. I wish you good luck and good health.
  23. Miss Mac

    Low BMI-BCBSNJ ever make exceptions?

    Here are some common co-morbidities that may help yu get over the documentation hurdle. Plus I should mention that in most cases in life, the one with the most documentation wins. When my bariatric team assembled my documentation, I included a heartfelt letter explaining how my weight and co-morbidities were affecting my health and quality of life. I have BCBS Federal Employee and was approved in two days. I hope you get the response that you want. To follow is a list of comorbidities (additional conditions or diseases) related to obesity which may help you in qualifying for weight loss surgery. • Family history of heart disease • Family history of stroke • Family history of diabetes • Family history of heart attacks • Hyperinsulinemia • Diabetes • High blood pressure • Coronary-artery disease • Hypertension • Migraines or headaches directly related to obesity or cranial hypertension • Congestive heart failure • Neoplasia • Dyslipidemia • Anemia • Gallbladder disease • Osteoarthritis • Degenerative arthritis • Degenerative disc • Degenerative joint disease • Recommended joint replacement from specialist • Accelerated degenerative joint disease • Asthma • Repeated pneumonia • Repeated pleurisy • Repeated bronchitis • Lung restriction • Gastroesophageal reflex (GERD) • Excess facial & body hair (Hirsutism) • Rashes • Chronic skin infections • Excess sweating • Frequent yeast infections • Urinary stress incontinence • Menstrual irregularity • Hormonal abnormalities • Polycystic ovaries • Infertility • Carcinoma (breast, colon, uterine cancer) • sleep apnea • Pseudotumor cerebri • Depression • Psychological/sexual dysfunction • Social discrimination • Premature death in the immediate family
  24. Miss Mac

    Low BMI-BCBSNJ ever make exceptions?

    Seems like BMI guideslines are so unfair. I had to look in your info to see how tall you are. I am 5'4" and started 30 pounds less than you, and my BMI was 40.1 to start. And yet, at 5'8" your BMI is 33.6. One thing I can encourage you on is that for many of us, your beginning weight is the figure that is used for final approval and not the lower one after your mandatory program. Do you have co-morbities that will help sway things in your favor?
  25. My sleeve 12/23/2013 was my 12th surgery under anesthetic. Never was I ever awake for tubes or catheters to be inserted.....never.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
