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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. Miss Mac

    This feeling ...

    I think your stomach is hollering because it's not getting real food. My program dropped the shakes and Protein bars at three months. If you simply just don't know how to cook - learn how. There are videos about everything on You Tube. If your program calls for 60 grams of protein, that is 20 grams of protein for three meals and 10 grams of protein for two Snacks. If your calorie limit is 1,000, that's 250 calories for three meals and 125 calories for two snacks. A good place to start is to try to not eat anything made in a factory. That leaves you with a world of lean meats and veggies (that's like baked chicken breast with green Beans, not chicken and dumplings as a gravy over mashed potatoes). Yeah, my Southern Indiana and Kentucky people eat that. Rather than eat an apple cinnamon protein bar, eat a sliced apple dipped in a tablespoon of Peanut Butter with some cinnamon sprinkled in it. Put your thinking cap on and get creative. So.....put away "factory edibles" and let your tummy and internal body systems absolutely REJOICE with real food coming through. I wish you the best.
  2. Miss Mac

    This feeling ...

    I think your stomach is hollering because it's not getting real food. My program dropped the shakes and Protein bars at three months. If you simply just don't know how to cook - learn how. There are videos about everything on You Tube. If your program calls for 60 grams of protein, that is 20 grams of protein for three meals and 10 grams of protein for two Snacks. If your calorie limit is 1,000, that's 250 calories for three meals and 125 calories for two snacks. A good place to start is to try to not eat anything made in a factory. That leaves you with a world of lean meats and veggies (that's like baked chicken breast with green Beans, not chicken and dumplings as a gravy over mashed potatoes). Yeah, my Southern Indiana and Kentucky people eat that. Rather than eat an apple cinnamon Protein Bar, eat a sliced apple dipped in a tablespoon of Peanut Butter with some cinnamon sprinkled in it. Put your thinking can on and get creative. So.....put away "factory edibles" and let your tummy and internal body systems absolutely REJOICE with real food coming through. I wish you the best.
  3. Miss Mac

    Stairs suck!

    Years ago I lived in Indianapolis and went to the Soldiers and Sailors' Monument. It was 330 steps up and 330 steps down. I could barely walk for a week because my calves were so sore. Just be careful and pace yourself.
  4. I agree that you should have a repeat conversation about how you do not need the temptation right now. Rather than attacking him with accusations, try the "around the barn and back" approach by letting him see that this is about you and that eventually you will be more adept at making good choices, but right now he could earn brownie points by offering a little consideration to your predicament. I love men, but they are so hard to train.
  5. If I may ask, what is your native language? This forum has people from all over the world. Welcome aboard.
  6. Miss Mac

    Spouse advice?

    One of the best things you can do is provide kitchen support. If you are the chief cook and bottle washer in your house, make sure you have that kitchen stocked with foods he can readily eat, like lean Proteins and green veggies. Keep in mind that dessert is now an apple, not apple pie. Seriously, do not tempt him by eating junk in front of him. If you must indulge in something for yourself, take it to another room. Eventually he will have to develop coping skills for eating around other people who do not share his new post-op eating plan, but that comes with time. Learn all you can about healthy post-op eating and support him in following the program laid out by his bariatric team. You are an awesome spouse for being on board. Many bariatric patients face unnecessary opposition from folks who just don't understand what a struggle this is. You are a gift.
  7. Miss Mac

    Cool sculpting

    I looked at a few videos on this. It seems to me like it is a frozen mammogram for your belly fat. The fatty part of your body is mashed between two chilled plates. People have a tendency to bruise really bad from it. That's not for me. I would be better off just laying down with some ice packs on me.
  8. Miss Mac

    Is it normal to be afraid ?

    Doctor's and hospitals would not make any money if they killed all of their patients with the anesthetic. They HAVE to be careful with you and have many checks and balances to assure you the best possible outcome. Not only does your name bracelet get checked through several steps of the procedure to make sure they are taking the right measures with the right patient, they even count the instruments and gauzes to make sure that they leave nothing behind. There are monitors for your blood pressure and oxygen levels and heart rate. My sleeve was my 12th surgery, and I was concerned for my life the same as with the other eleven. Fear of not waking up is quite normal, but I was more afraid of dying before my time from obesity related complications - and I was going downhill fast. Just think of it as a nice nap, and when you wake up you will be able to re-invent yourself. For me, the hardest part of the surgery was the pre-op stuff. The recovery was the easy part. The IV that you get will send some calming peace of mind to your brain so that you won't really care that surgery is just a few minutes away. Once you are on the operating table they may ask you to count backward from 100. 100, 99, 98.....wake up. wake up....you did just fine and we'll have you off to your room shortly. Ta da! The worst is over.
  9. Miss Mac

    Plantar Fasciitis

    I had plantar fascitis in my left foot and got talked into surgery by a doctor at a foot and ankle clinic. It took a lonnnng time to heal. I had it in my right foot several years later and was in a different state with a different doctor who was an orthopedist. He gave me a cortisone shot which was unpleasant for a few minutes but really helped. That doctor also gave me jelly lift inserts for my heels and told me to only wear shoes that had a slight lift - enough to put the pressure on my toes and ball of my foot instead of heels. Within a couple of weeks the inflammation was gone and I have not had a problem with it in 15 years. The most comfortable walking shoes I had were New Balance. Right now I have a new pair of Earth Spirit shoes that I got at Walmart, and I was surprised that they were so soft and cushy and easy to walk on. If I needed to, I could put jelly heels in there and be walking on clouds. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Earth-Spirit-Women-s-Comfort-Slip-on-Casual-Skimmer-Flat/44669892
  10. Miss Mac

    On the go food: cheap date

    I've always been cheap to feed and easy to entertain........cheap and easy!
  11. I had never heard of it, so I looked it up. Apparently, it is a fairly new procedure that has only been performed on humans for about a year and a half. However, I am quite intrigued by the concept and the fact that it can be done without incisions and can be revised more than once, if needed. I am 64 now, and actually, if that had been one of my options when I had my sleeve in 2013, I would have gotten the endoscopic procedure. Totally new concept!
  12. Miss Mac

    Buy Hyacinths

    Trader Joe's is about 20 miles from my house, so we don't go every week. We go maybe every three months or so just because we can, and I cannot resist their selection of unsalted nuts - so I stock up. They are also the only place in this county where I can get Ezekiel Bread or other other high quality whole grain products. I wish they were next door.
  13. Miss Mac


    Over two years out and I STILL get hiccups when Miss Tummy has reached capacity. If not hiccups, then I sneeze six times, no more - no less, go figure. The good news is that reflux is very seldom now.
  14. Miss Mac

    BCBS Federal

    Sent in on a Thursday - approved that next Monday.
  15. Miss Mac

    Haddock and Broccoli Pie (a healthy pie!)

    I am retired, so it's "pants free month" around here.
  16. Miss Mac

    Weight loss in feet

    Mine went from 9 wide to 8 1/2 narrow.
  17. Here is my bariatric study: My brother died of a heart attack at age 47, when he weighed 420 pounds. My mother died at age 67 (just three years older than I am now) of an abdominal aortic aneurysm when she weigh 320 pounds at 5'2" tall. Her mother, who was not overweight died at the age of 98, and she would have lived longer if she had not broken her hip and gotten pneumonia. Other grandparents, aunts, and uncles who were not overweight lived well into their mid-eighties and early nineties. Many of my 60 first cousins have already died of overweight-related health issues in their late forties to early sixties. My older sister weighed about 300 pounds when she graduated high school in 1968 and gained another 100 pounds after that. She got a gastric bypass 15 years ago and is still doing well at age 67 (the age Mother died). I had the sleeve at age 62 because I just do not want to be done yet. I have grandchildren that I want to see grow up. One of my younger sisters who weighed close to 400 pounds got a band three years ago. She lost enough weight to get to a size 12, got a tummy tuck, breast lift and all that - and looks awesome! She is healthier and happier than she has ever been. So, my family is my example for life-span. I know I have greatly increased my odds for a longer life with good quality of life.
  18. Miss Mac

    What if I can't do it?

    Breaking up usually solves more problems than it causes. A year from now you will be healthier and happier, and he will probably be the same jerk he is now.
  19. My integrity and Pollyanna optimism have not changed, but I sure do not accept people's abuse anymore. No more door mat. I have more confidence and am better able to speak up for myself. Since I am healthier, I am happier.
  20. Miss Mac

    Would you move where has someone died?

    Comment #11 reminds me of this place:http://www.deadpeoplesstuff.ca/ Also, my 4th great grandfather on my father's side was Ralph Morgan who was a contemporary and acquaintance of Daniel Boone. He was part of the burying detail after the Battle of Blue Licks Kentucky and buried Daniel's son Israel (and 70 other men) after the Indian/British massacre (August 19, 1782) This was also called the Last Battle of the American Revolution. Anyway, Ralph Morgan (and his wife Priscilla Bryan - a cousin of Boone's wife Rebecca) established their own pioneer station Southeast of MT. Sterling. Morgan's Station was destroyed in an Indian raid on April 1, 1793 and twelve settlers were murdered. There is a brick house on that land, built in 1795 by Morgan's nephew Anthony Swearingen (whose father Thomas Swearingen beat George Washington for a House of Burgesses seat in 1757). The home is still occupied and is on the National Register of Historic Places. All that to say this: You never know what happened on the land where you walk, or who breathed the air that you breath. Go on and enjoy your new home and make it your own. The Swearingen / Morgan House
  21. Miss Mac

    Possible TMI about sexy time

    Basic questions: Why would you love someone who treats you that way? Why are you still communicating with him? (unless exchange of children is involved). The best thing you can do is walk away and don't look back. You have so much potential for happiness and peace of mind ahead of you. One excuse is as good as another when you don't want to do something. It could have been because you burned the toast or he doesn't like for you to wear the color blue.......who knows. He does not want to be there, so kick him to the curb, already. Don't let him suck away your joy. He is a joy-sucker. And by the way, forcing someone to perform sexual acts that they don't want to, is a crime. Basic questions: Why would you love someone who treats you that way? Why are you still communicating with him? (unless exchange of children is involved). The best thing you can do is walk away and don't look back. You have so much potential for happiness and peace of mind ahead of you. One excuse is as good as another when you don't want to do something. It could have been because you burned the toast or he doesn't like for you to wear the color blue.......who knows. He does not want to be there, so kick him to the curb, already. Don't let him suck away your joy. He is a joy-sucker. And by the way, forcing someone to perform sexual acts that they don't want to, is a crime.
  22. Here are the basics: Drink Water until your eyeballs float.......no drinks with calories. Do not eat anything made in a factory. Eat lean Protein first, and lots of it. Eat more veggies than fruit....the greener the better. Don't become part of the sofa. Good luck....and visit us often. Just keep in mind that opinions and tact will vary, but we mean well.
  23. Blue Cross - Blue Shield Federal Employee......start to finish I paid about $150.00.......nothing up-front.
  24. Miss Mac

    Would you move where has someone died?

    Well, dying is part of the circle of life, and if you gotta die somewhere, it may as well be of old age in the comfort of your own home. Maybe you could find out a little bit about her, "to get to know her" sort of.
  25. I practiced using smaller spoons and plates, drinking separately from my meals, and weighing and measuring my portions.

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