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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Bruce_65

  1. 3 month checkup 46 pounds since surgery; 73 pounds since first visit with the surgeon, think I had a vampire though on lab work, 9 vials of blood drawn

  2. The journey continues, down hill on the scale :-)

  3. 4 months since first surgeon visit, 62 lbs lost, 27 in 2 months pre-surgery, 35 in 2 months post surgery, HAPPY CAMPER here

  4. Thinking of this change as a 180 degree change on a compass I've passed 360 lbs. and so everything from here on out is changing he direction that the compass points. Working for a 180 degree change so maybe my goal should be 180 lbs. Weight is not falling off as fast as I'd like but it's falling off every month :-)

  5. Furlough Over, back to work I go

  6. Now at home on furlough .....

  7. 1st FULL day back at work, subway for lunch, well 4 bites of tuna salad

  8. Is the 2-3 week stall over ?

  9. Time for the 2 week post op follow up visit today

  10. 1 week post op, moving forward

  11. Post Surgery, the reality factor is definitely here

  12. Tomorrow is the day

  13. Tomorrow is the day

  14. 3 days to go, let's do it

  15. Pre-Surgery Liquid Diet Day 5, Insurance Approval, Putting my doubts in perspective and knowing why I'm doing this

  16. Pre-Surgery Liquid Diet such fun

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