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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Jerzygurl reacted to john-nj in Wanted to say hello ....   
    I'm 43 years old, 286lbs, got the clearance for surgery, it happens on Oct 22nd at 1pm. I've found alot of useful info on this site so far and I look forward to my future after the sleeve.
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    Jerzygurl got a reaction from Mommie4 in anyone else just get done with preop appointments and waiting for approval?   
    Hmmm..just give it some time and see if it shows up. If it does not call your insurance company and ask how far along in the process it stands. They may surprise you and have an answer.
    Believe me, I know about thinking you're all done with appts..ha ha.. My cardiologist has been the worst. I can't even began to tell you how many "tests" I've had...some I believe to be completely unnecessary too..but I have to bite my tongue because I need the approval, so I can get my surgery as soon as possible. I don't want to upset the apple cart, but normally I'd be pretty darn vocal about things...
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    Jerzygurl got a reaction from MIJourney in Well, I guess this is going to be my gastric sleeve story.   
    If you read around the boards, the "dreaded" 3 week stall seems to be a reality for many. All the advice, I've seen thus far on the topic is... take it easy, keep doing what you're doing, stick to the program and your body will eventually start releasing the weight again. It's an adjustment period and the body needs to adapt.
    You're doing great though... I can't wait to be on the sleeved side of things!!
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    Jerzygurl reacted to ProudGrammy in Well, I guess this is going to be my gastric sleeve story.   
    Ellijay WooHoo
    You did it!!!!
    sorry about your gas issues
    You are doing the right thing by walking, and then walking, and walking some more
    that will help alot
    sorry you are in some discomfort
    since you JUST had WLS, you hopefully/should start to feel improvement hour by hour - then definitely each day will be better
    you have a lot to "take in" - new rules,
    drinking, moderation, eating slowly, chewing thoroughly
    many new things all NEWBIES have to remember - but it will be worth it
    Water, Water, WATER and then more water - all the water rules are very, very important
    right after surgery, for a few days, water is more important than Protein
    get as much water as you can (taking small sips) - if you have no problems with the shakes, thats great
    but if you are having "issues" drinking the shakes, getting your Protein in - don't worry
    can't tell you enough that water is the most important thing
    you don't want to get dehydrated (it happened to me )
    then you have to go back to the hospital for IV's
    i can see the determination and strength in your eyes
    follow your NUT's direct instructions - always, but basically........
    don't eat for about 1/2 an hour before you eat a meal
    never drink while you eat
    don't drink for about 45-60 minutes after you eat
    then start over and drink all day, at least 64 oz
    you, and everyone else hopefullly/probably knows this - but worth repeating
    you are on your way to a healthier, happier, longer life!!!!
    good luck youngun
    speedy recovery
    i'm raising a "prtoein" shake to your health
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    Jerzygurl reacted to VSG AJH in Sabotaged myself w smoking.   
    I'm not a smoker, but I honestly wish you well in your efforts to quit. My mom was a smoker for many years. She started smoking as a teenager, then quit in 2007 after being diagnosed with COPD. Her doc told her after seven years of not smoking, her lungs would essentially clear out and regenerate and function like those of someone who had never smoked.
    She was smoke-free for about three years, then began having a puff, then a cig, here and there with friends as they went out on smoke breaks. The little bit increased to an average amount, and in March 2011, she fell down at work. In hunting for the reason for the random fall, bloodwork showed unusual potassium levels, and one test led to another test that revealed she had Oat Cell Carcinoma -- a difficult to trace, inoperable, super aggressive, and always fatal type of small cell lung cancer found pretty exclusively in smokers. (4% of diagnoses are in people who work in as asbestos mines, 96% of diagnoses are in people who smoke, 0% of diagnoses are random.).
    She was so sure she'd never get lung cancer, but still, she was proactive about her care. Just the month prior, she'd initiated a lung x-ray to verify she was tumor-free. Unfortunately, Oat Cell Carcinoma doesn't show up on X-rays.
    I was her primary caregiver through radiation and chemotherapy as she worked so hard to extend her life, and it was her cancer journey that prompts me to have weight loss surgery now. Her grief in dying was so compounded by the fact that she didn't do enough to change her journey before she got sick. I want to now do WLS now because I don't want to get sick and die from issues related to obesity and feel that same compounded grief. It was unbelievably painful to watch.
    My mom died in my home on July 31, 2012, sixteen months after her initial cancer diagnosis. She was 56.
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    Jerzygurl reacted to LouiseC in 24 hours of NSV's!   
    Yay! Yes. Life is good.
    I went to acupuncture the other day and the therapist filling out the form wrote 'normal' next to the box that asked for my body type. No words were exchanged as she did this but I felt so, so good in that moment!
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    Jerzygurl reacted to cathycnyrs in Sabotaged myself w smoking.   
    I quit 5 1/2 years ago, and I had to go to the Pulmonologist the other day for clearance. I had done the breathing tests, and chest x-ray a week before. I got scared out of my head about that chest x-ray. It was clear, thank goodness! I used to cough all the time. I had to be on antibiotics 3 or 4 times a year... had a few bouts with pneumonia. All that is gone now. It is worth it!
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    Jerzygurl reacted to southernsoul in Sabotaged myself w smoking.   
    I smoked for 30 years prior & I quit on March 1st for this surgery. I was never one of those folks who was always trying to quit. I liked smoking & knew that I would only quit when something was important enough to me. My insurance required me to be smoke free for 90 days, so when making the decision of whether to have this surgery, part of it was to be really sure I was committed to quitting. I used a rechargeable & refillable e-cig vape to transition from cigarettes. I showed it to my surgeon & he OK'd it. After awhile, though, I didn't even use the vape very often...maybe once a week or so.
    My surgery was on June 19 & I have done very well postop. I have lost about 65 lbs so far, I am exercising regularly & genuinely enjoying it (shocker!!), and last night I got into a pair of size 18 jeans. I haven't worn a size that starts with a 1 in YEARS!!! The benefits of the sleeve to my life far outweigh any enjoyment I found in smoking. Good luck to you...it's not always easy, but the rewards are so worth it!!
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    Jerzygurl reacted to gmanbat in Sabotaged myself w smoking.   
    Smoking and sleeving are quite incompatible. My surgeon, one of the best in the nation, is a tyrant about it. He has dealt with smoking related complications, his only near fatality was smoking related.
    I feel your pain. Even now after all these years smoke-free I still get an urge when I smell it when someone is smoking around me. That's when I kick in my logical mind and squash the urge.
    It's like having an ex-lover who did you wrong. You find a new love that treats you like a king but when you see the ex you still have feelings. Then you think of their dirty deeds and compare them to what you have now and the feeling passes like so much gas.
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    Jerzygurl reacted to Melissa#1 in Sabotaged myself w smoking.   
    I know how your feeling:( it's so much harder than some could imagine. I am smoke free since November 12, 2012! I didn't think I could do it but, now it's almost been a year I feel much better & I feel like I am setting a better example for my 5 y.o., 12 y.o. They hated me smoking:( best of luck to you honey!!!!
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    Jerzygurl reacted to mokee in Sabotaged myself w smoking.   
    My husband was diagnosed wiyh lung cancer 3 weeks ago. He goes into surgery next week. He has a lot of health problems and I hope and pray he makes it. This is the main reason to quit besides the WLS. I smoked for 35 yrs and quit cold turkey 13 yrs ago. It was very hard for quite a long time. You can do this if I did.
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    Jerzygurl reacted to Melixxa in Sabotaged myself w smoking.   
    I just wanted to send my support! I quit smoking about ten years ago and it is freaking hard. SO HARD!!!! But I believe you can do it. I know you can! Hang in there! You're worth every ounce of the effort and more!
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    Jerzygurl reacted to J.Diesel in Sabotaged myself w smoking.   
    Remember why you're on this journey...to become a healthier you. I smoked for 20 plus years and I stopped smoking 2 1/2 years ago. I saw my son (4 years old back then) pretending to smoke with a pencil and kept saying I want to be like daddy. That was the last straw for me. Trust me it's really not that hard, as long as you really want to quit. Our minds are extremely powerful if we are motivated enough.
    The first 3 days were the worst, once you pass that it's allot better as long as you truly want to quit.
    Good luck to you!!
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    Jerzygurl reacted to Lorie269 in Sabotaged myself w smoking.   
    I have never smoked so I don't know what you are going through but I wanted to let you know that I believe you can do this. My mom was a 40 yr smoker and didn't even think about quitting until a lung cancer diagnosis in 2012. I know it was the hardest thing she ever had to do but she is now in remission and feels so much better having quit. It really is mind over matter.
    Just remember all of the reasons you decided to have WLS in the first place. I'm sure being a healthier version on yourself is on that list. This is the first step to achieving that goal. Good luck!
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    Jerzygurl reacted to newat52 in 24 hours of NSV's!   
    This morning, I'm going through security at the airport and the TSA agent looks at my license and looks at me, does a double take and says to me, "you lost some weight since this picture was taken, actually, a lot of weight" I was floored! I think that was the highest of the highs I have had since surgery! On top of that, yesterday I purged my closet yet one more time and I now own exactly 3 pairs of pants. 2 recently purchased size 10 jeans and a pair of yoga pants that are big but still stay up!
    Is life great or what?????
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    Jerzygurl reacted to Lealea87 in Any October sleevers?   
    I have my surgery on October 14th! I started my diet last monday, lets just say liquid diets make me a little touchy! lmao- Ive been trying to lose weight since june and im down 65 so far! Im not nervous for the surgery its self Im more nervous for the after math....but I got this. congrats to everyone else!
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    Jerzygurl reacted to Roo101769 in Any October sleevers?   
    All mine is now official and REAL. Surgeon's office called this a.m. She said I had the fastest insurance approval she has ever seen!!! LOL (She submitted around 6pm on Tuesday, before she left for the day. The approval was on her desk when she came in the next day!) I am OFFICIALLY 10/21. I have my EDG scheduled for 10/14 and my pre op surgeon visit 10/17. ( my birthday) I start my liquid diet 10/11. And one day in there I will have my PATs and a class I have to take about the sleeve....Gonna be a busy couple of weeks!
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    Jerzygurl reacted to Powderkeg42 in My Gastric Sleeve Story 9-26-2013   
    Thanks KristyM, you are right the negative feedback came from my daughter, who I know is scared for me. I have to get this weight off of me once and for good. I have been on almost every diet known to man. I don't have any co-morbidities but have a family history of hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease and fatty liver. That is not what I want for my life. I am doing this for me and I won't let anyone stop me. I have several people who Gastric Bypass, but have made the decision for Gastric Sleeve for most of the reasons you already stated. Thanks for the support. By the, I am a very spiritual person and I have been building up my faith. I appreciate you reaching out in support of my decision and journey. BTW - you look AMAZING! I will soon be your sleeve sister.
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    Jerzygurl reacted to KristyM in My Gastric Sleeve Story 9-26-2013   
    Welcome! Welcome! This will be THE BEST thing you will ever do for yourself. Yes, you will have negative folks, but in reality, their negativity is rooted in concern for you: afraid of what might happen to you, in the worst case scenario. But, WLS has come so far since the early days, and I think the Sleeve is the best option, at least for me: it is less invasive, you are able to eat, you won't have the malabsorption issues that other WLS results in, etc. Both of my sisters and a close freind had Bypass, and it just wasn't for me. They are happy with their choice and I am happy for them. It is smart to do research and watch videos, but try to limit those--they scared me and I almost backed out of the surgery after watching some hair loss and excess skin videos.
    Being healthy is the most important motivation for you, I am sure. Yes, it will be a challenge, but you will be so wonderfully surprised how easily you will meet those challenges. You sound prepared, which is one of the most important things to help you during your journey. If you are a woman of faith, being Spiritualy prepared is important, too. If not, finding a group of like minded friends, and this forum, will be an invaluable resource of encouragement to help you prepare. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and do question everything!
    You will not regret this, and you will be so glad you made this decision to change your life!!
    Best wishes!
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    Jerzygurl reacted to Powderkeg42 in My Gastric Sleeve Story 9-26-2013   
    Jerzeygurl, you are certainly much further along thanks me. I will be following you and wishing you well. I have gone to 2 weight loss classes, with one to go. I have to go to 3 support group meeting, I have one down and two in the next two weeks. I have 4 trips to the nutritionist, my second one is in a couple of weeks. I am not looking to be sleeved until around March of 2014. Trying to learn as much as I can. I thank you for reaching out to me. We are close in age, me being older. thanks
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    Jerzygurl reacted to Only1likeme in African American Sleevers   
    I do agree with you. .I found this site last night and almost screamed lol. .. glad there is something here for us. .. not that it's a must but nice to see. .. I've been investigating this survey for 1 year and finally decided to go with it. .. now im patiently awaiting the insurance approval but it's driving me crazy! !
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    Jerzygurl reacted to A_ReNUDE_me in African American Sleevers   
    OMG..I am actually sitting on the side of my bed in tears right now...so excited to see this thread. I had wanted to know if ethnicity created different issues especially as it relates to Hair loss. I AM so appreciative of this thread. Not that we are all not created the same, but just to hear the journey from a personal perspective from a AA is so awesome to know that this site offers. I AM sure after I read through the 200+ pages I will have some specific questions for many..I will send personal messages if that's ok.. (SO EXCITED)
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    Jerzygurl reacted to nettenette 1 in African American Sleevers   
    Vitamin world has all you need for the Bariatric surgery. It better to take liquid vitamin and sublingual. The Biotin is scored. Be Bless!
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    Jerzygurl reacted to Chellemetime in OMG! I cant believe it!   
    My husband and I are going to California next weekend for his 50th Birthday. I went shopping yesterday because I have no jeans that fit me as we don't need them here in Texas in the summertime. I actually bought a size 8!!!! I can't believe it!! From a 22 to an 8!!! I'm SO loving my sleeve!
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    Jerzygurl got a reaction from sixbuttons in Do family & friends think you're doing the right thing?   
    Everyone around me has been supportive. Not one negative comments. I'm very pleased with my support system.

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