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Posts posted by lindata

  1. Shalee - how exciting! That's so funny how you described going with the lowest price on your housing projects. Me and my husband learned the hard way on that too! Definitely go with the best! I bet once you get your Tummy Tuck you'll see a huge difference. And who needs a boob job? Just roll them up and tuck them in a Victoria Secret and away you go! :lol:

    Cindy - I'm so glad you're going to get an unfill. I'm very very happy that I may have prevented for you what happened to me! What really sucks is that I gained 10 pounds with the unfill (totally my fault - pigged right out!). Then I got 1 cc back of the 1.5 cc's taken out. I think I'm going to need another .25 cc's. I got the 1 cc done today and already I don't have much restriction. :crying:

  2. Okay Sades, sounds like you and me need to kick each other's butts. Let's get to the gym, okay? I had been planning this for a few days but keep delaying it. Let's work out tomorrow, no excuses. Are you in?

    So I went to get a fill. I love my doc. He didn't even bat an eye at my weight gain, said I was doing great. Even the nurse. She asked me what do you weigh? (she wasn't the one who did the weighing in) and I said I wasn't going to tell her! Well, of course she can look right on the chart but didn't say a thing.

    It's amazing what ten pounds looks like. I can't believe the difference in my body. I want to get it off!

  3. I'm a non-recovered book addict. :crying: Actually, maybe recovering since my favorite used bookstore closed and I don't have a cheap source anymore. I've read all but the most recent Stephanie Plum book. She has 14 out, not including a couple that aren't part of the number series. I especially loved the first four. After that, they seemed to lose something for me. I still read them when they come out, but don't love them like I used to.

    I've been reading a lot of young adult lately, too. I've read the first three Stephanie Meyer books and awaiting my daughter to finish the fourth so I can have it. I've also enjoyed the first two books in the City of Ember series. Also, I had an audiobook of The Book Thief and thoroughly enjoyed it. If anyone's interested in young adult epics, Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials series is great. I got the audiobooks from the library and they had multiple actors playing the different roles. (I do a lot of audiobooks because I have a 40-mile one-day daily commute. Thank God for libraries!)

    I'll check out City of Ember and The Book Thief. I've read Philip Pullman.

    You might like the Percy Jackson and the Olmpians series. I really did! It's a YA. I also really liked most of the books by Karen Cushman. Aren't young adult books great? Who knew? My friend is a librarian and has a degree in young adult literature, so she's the one who got me hooked.

    Anyone else reading any great books? Has anyone read the book for this month yet or shall we just go back and forth suggesting books to each other? I don't mind either way.

  4. I discovered on the weekend that I have no problem eating potato crisps and chocolate!! quote]

    Don't you just hate discovering what you CAN eat? If I had any advice for a new bandster it would be don't eat one bite of whatever your binge food is - because once you discover you can eat it, then it's downhill from there! :)

  5. Shortgal, I know you can do it! I think we all probably could lose without the band, but we've either forgotten how little to eat or not exercised appropriately. The band has helped in that area. Now that I can see how little I actually need to eat, if I ever lose the band, I will see without my rose-colored glasses exactly what I need to do. It would be harder since the band helps me with my problem - binging. So, with a will of Iron, I could do it, and you will be able to as well, especially since you're down to a good weight now and things just are better. It's easier to maintain a healthy weight when you already are a healthy weight. When I was overweight it was easy to stay that way because all I could look forward to was food, and being skinny was a looonng way away. Now that I'm at a decent weight, exercising and eating right are not hard things to do because my weightloss has opened up a whole world that doesn't involve eating as my only pleasure. I'm glad that you're feeling better and more optimistic. If I ever lost my band, I hope I'd feel comfortable coming back here for support, so I hope you feel the same too!

  6. I'm getting refilled on Tuesday. I am NOT looking forward to the look on my doc's face when he sees how much weight I've gained. I'm not even getting on the scale at home. I'm sure it's at least 10 pounds. ack! I hate myself for the way I eat and I hate my body for the way it clings to calories.

  7. Shortgal - I'm so sorry!!! But you will ALWAYS be a November Nymph. Please check in if you feel you can and don't just lurk, post too! You don't have a band, but you went through bandster hell like all the rest of us. We were in the trenches together! That is a bond that never goes away.

  8. __________________

    We lost the "total pounds lost" again. I'm too malnourished to calculate! :biggrin: Any takers?

    Sure, I'll take pity!

    Total loss is 2312.91!!!! whooooooooohooooo



  9. Cindy, I totally understand. That's where I was too. If I stayed on liquids/mushies I was fine, but I still got that gas bubble. It's uncomfortable. But the weight loss was fantastic! It's hard to get an unfill when you're losing. The only solution is a partial unfill. What I'm wondering is if .25 would be good - or would that just inflame things more?

  10. Thanks, Linda. I appreciate your concern and your unfill experience definitely has me thinking. I'm on day 3 after the fill and still on liquids. Still having a difficult time swallowing. I have to take small sips or it comes back up. I constantly need to burp after drinking too. So annoying, yet I'm losing again. I'm not in pain so I'm going to wait it out. The nurse practioner wants me to have another fill in 2 weeks. I don't think so! This did happen after my last fill back in March which is why I waited so long for another one. It did loosen up eventually but took about a month before I could eat more comfortably. I should have gotten this fill sooner as I have not lost in weeks.


    Well, if you're anything like me, you'll be fine if you're not in pain and as long as you're really super careful, which it sounds like you are! I was not. :wink2: I should have let up at the first instance of pain, but I pushed it too much. I'm glad that you're keeping my little episode in mind. I'd hate to have gone through all that pain for nothing! :)

  11. You're right, Sades. I do worry about having a problem especially since I was able to eat so much lately. This fill definitely stopped my eating in its tracks so I guess its working. I'm still having trouble swallowing liquids comfortably. I did manage to slowly get down a little blended Soup tonight. This is why I hate getting fills but it is fun to watch the scale move down so fast. Unfortunately, I usually hit a plateau after the initial weight loss after a fill.

    How are you feeling? Here I am complaining about a small fill and you're recuperating from surgery! I'm such a baby!! :teeth_smile:

    Hey Cindy, I just hope you're getting enough liquids so you're not dehydrating. When you say this always happens with a fill, does it usually "loosen up" after a while so you're able to eat a bit more?

    I hate to disagree with medical professionals, but I don't know about what your nurse is saying - that you should gauge your fills on how hungry you are rather than how much you can swallow. If you're not able to even swallow liquids, that's not good. I'm just watching your back here - I know you read about my little unfill scenario and I don't want anyone to have to go through what I did. :thumbup: Be careful, okay? :lol:

  12. That was about a week ago, and my mouth is pretty much healed. A couple days after eating that though, eating has started being a big uncomfortable. A bit of pain, but very slight. I'd describe it like feeling like I have the hugest burp ever, but burping doesn't help. Also swallowing Water seems to be slowed down- I used to be able to gulp just fine. I can eat fine but things feel like they are going down slowly.

    I also seem to be able to feel things going down more than normal. I think the cajun sesame sticks of crackdom irritated not only my mouth, but also my esophagus. I'm probably going to go liquids for the next couple of days and see if there's any improvement.


    Yeah, that's how I felt too!

  13. Well, I've finished it, and if there are more I will definitely read them. They were really good. And a real blast from the past - 90's style. Anyone else reading it or about to read it? I can't wait to talk about it.

  14. Thanks everyone for your well wishes!

    Cindy - I was tight in the morning too. I usually didn't eat anything for Breakfast. I should have been a bit more careful than I was though. I just aggravated it too much. You have always sounded very careful, so I know you won't have the same problem I had.

    Sades - I wish I had found a doc like that. There is actually one here that does free fills for 1.5 years after. Shoot! Well, I can't look back now. That's part of the reason I waited so long with my problem, because I didn't want to pay for an unfill. I think my doc should maybe reconsider his policy because I think a lot of people feel this way - don't go in for an unfill because you'll have to pay. That's a little dangerous I think.

    Mstrina - hmm, I think mine's a 10 cc, I had 4.5, got 1.5 taken out

    Cindy - I should have stayed on liquids a bit longer. I think I pushed it a bit too much. If you're careful you should be okay. No, the nurse never does it and she had a hard time - but the doc we found also had a hard time finding it too - there was a lot of poking around going on. So I can't blame her. She did her best and was absolutely wonderful to me. She is a very busy nurse and sat and waited with me for probably an hour in this other doc's office. I'm just grateful all around for the people who helped me! I had the shakes afterward, it was such a traumatic experience.

    Momto1- I was thinking of taking something like an antihistamine. I should have tried it when I was still in my early stages of just having an aggravated tummy instead of when it was too late and I couldn't swallow at all. I'm going to need to get a fill soon too because boy oh boy I am enjoying this unfill a little too much if you get my meaning.

    I've also heard to take, if you're puking from the flu or something, an anti-nausea pill up the butt - sorry, I can't remember the term!! What are those things called again when you take them that way? doh! I've never done that, but I've heard it really helps because you can't swallow things, and swallowing just aggravates things more, but if you "take a pill up the butt" (sorry, that sounds so gross!!!) then it will stop your nausea and help you sleep so you're not aggravating your band. Unfortunately I didn't have any of these and I don't think it would have helped anyway since it wasn't due to illness that I was puking.

  15. Hello everyone. I've a story to share so that you don't need to go through what I did. My last fill was in May. It didn't start to tighten up until a month after that though. I think I had irritated it (maybe not chewing enough, eating too much ... who knows?). Anyway, I ended up PBing up whatever I had. Now, my stomach doesn't just PB, it keeps on puking, just goes on and on until I get acidic stomach contents as well. So then I'd go on liquids for a few days, start eating again, then get stuck again. The cycle continued 3-4 times.

    Then I got really inflamed a few days ago (I think a combo of my period and being a little sick and eating the wrong thing). I spent all of Thursday night in a chair with a spit cup and kept puking up all night long. Friday I went early, my doc was on holidays, the nurse couldn't get into the port. But she helped me get to another doctor who does lapbands and thank God he got 1.5 cc's out of me. I was able to drink water! Hurrah!! Water has never tasted so good.

    The nurse said if I couldn't wait until Monday to get an unfill (when my doc would be back from holidays), I'd have to go to emergency which would be thousands of dollars for me to pay! Yikes! Thank goodness we found a doctor who was very, very wonderful and nice to do it for me.

    I guess my point is I knew I should have probably got a bit of an unfill a long time ago, but I was having great weight loss and was a bit lazy and didn't want to pay the money, so I didn't want to go to get an unfill. Also I thought if I lose more weight I wouldn't need an unfill. So if you feel just a tad too tight, please don't wait until you're really suffering like me. It was such a scary experience, not being able to swallow, puking up everything, and it's so hot out I thought I was going to dehydrate into a prune.

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