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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lindata

  1. I'm about to get banded in Nov and I've heard other people's doctors are giving them 18 months of free fills. My doc said the first 90 days! Am I getting gypped (sp?) or what?:angry What's everyone else's doc giving them? Linda
  2. lindata

    No one in Nov?

    shinenstar - well, when I was nine months pregnant, a pharmacist was giving me some medicine and I could tell she wanted to ask me if I was pregnant (because the medicine wouldn't be good to take if you were pregnant) but she couldn't get her nerve up because she didn't want to offend me in case I was just overweight. So I let her out of he misery and said yes, I'm pregnant. So, even nine months pregnant people couldn't tell, just thought I was fat - how awful is that? I know what you mean about going out with friends. Even though I'm married, I'm not dead! and I'd like to be looked at as though I was good looking instead of a toad. Linda
  3. lindata

    Arkansas Bansters!!!

    SGAC - yes, I'm excited -but also dreading it if you know what I mean. It's going to be lifechanging and I only hope I don't screw it up. I didn't really have to do anything because I'm self-pay. I'm seeing Dr. Gibbs on Tues for a consult and the dietician and someone else (quite a whirlwind day), then two weeks of liquid diet, and then surgery on nov 2. I googled Dr. Gibbs and there's a lot of good feedback about him, so I think I picked a good one - but it seems down here (In the U.S.) there are a lot of good doctors to choose from. Linda
  4. lindata

    slippage and erosion

    wasabubblebut - I hope someone answers those questions - all very interesting, and I would like to know as well! Penni - That's great that you're maintaining your 20 pound lost at least. For me it's a great accomplishment to maintain instead of gain. I know what you mean about it being a lifelong thing. I know it's going to be that way for me, whether the LB thing works or not. Linda
  5. lindata


    Hypnosis didn't work for me AT ALL! The way I look at it is I'm a foodaholic. Literally. I really, truly feel like I'm addicted to junk food. I've done this over and over again. If I have ONE tiny bit of 'bad' food (chocolate, ice cream, chips), tomorrow I'll have two, then I'll have four, and it spirals until I am literally out of control. When I decide to go on a diet, I initially get the shakes from withdrawal. When I get banded in Nov, I'll have to do that liquid diet. That will be the 'getting clean' portion. Once all the junk is out of my system, this is it, I am not going to have one bit of junk ever again. I've done it before and I've gotten more and more out of control over the years. It's as though I have to 'stay clean' just like alcoholics do. I'm not paying $16,000 to then F it up. I'm sick of it already. I don't know why I eat the way I do but I know when I have a long amount of time when I'm 'clean' of the bad stuff, it's easy to eat well. Anyway, does this have any relevance at all to the topic at hand? It's late, I'm tired. I just know this is the end of the road for me, my last shot at losing the weight - nothing else has worked, this is it, I've got to do it the best way I possibly can. Linda
  6. lindata

    Arkansas Bansters!!!

    okay, I see two people lurking here. Will you post something so I can talk to someone other than myself?
  7. lindata

    No one in Nov?

    Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one. That's exactly how I feel about being the last time to eat - it's like my last supper - except it's a very long, drawn-out last supper, lasting a month! My body's reacting bad as well - I've actually cut down quite a bit on the junk food - but at first it was as if I couldn't get enough - some kind of psychological thing going on there. Other reason for wanting the weight off - just to 'blend in'. I don't care if I'm sexy (well, of course I'm hoping!), but just to be looked at in the eye as if I'm a part of humanity and not ignored and looked past as if I'm not even there - I mean, hello, how can you miss me, but nobody looks at me or acknowledges me. Linda
  8. lindata

    slippage and erosion

    PB - oh, gross! But good to know! Penni, I've seen you around the boards and I'm wondering how you are doing. Are you going to get banded again? Did you lose much weight with it? Did you like it while you had it? Are you keeping the weight off now without it. What did you think of the whole thing? - just interested if you want to tell me. Linda
  9. lindata

    Arkansas Bansters!!!

    SG, I live in Maumelle. We're so close! I'm booked Nov 2 with Dr. Gibbs. He hasn't done many lap bands but has done MANY gastric bypass and actually teaches the gastric bypass procedure (which is much simpler than lapband). His staff seem very nice and approachable and all that. I haven't looked into any other doctors. Linda
  10. lindata

    No one in Nov?

    <p> </p> <p>The adventurous self who sky-dived, scuba dived, rock climbed, bungee jumped. All those things there's no way I would do now.</p> <p> </p> <p>BTW, I'm scheduled for Nov 2. Anyone else on that day? I'm so glad to have found this board and can't wait to shrink with all of you!</p> <p>Linda</p> P.S., It looks like some of you have already lost weight. Is anyone else scarfing everything down like crazy. I feel like I got to 'get it in now while I have the chance.' Sick, I know. Anyone else doing this?
  11. lindata

    slippage and erosion

    thanks everyone for the replies. what is PB? Linda
  12. lindata

    I hate a lot of you. I really do.

    Gibson, okay, this probably won't help you and you'll probably feel like puking when I'm done - BUT, and I kid you not, to me (even when I was thin and pretty and popular), pretty people weren't pretty unless they were genuinely nice people. There were a lot of 'gorgeous' people around who I found to be greatly unattractive because of their horrible personality. It was like I could always detect this in people the moment I met them - maybe this 'talent' for seeing this is some kind of residual gypsyness left in me, I don't know - but I swear to God it's true. I ALWAYS find the most attractive people are the ones that are truly nice, talented, the ones that want to help others, that truly care for others, the ones that have fun and have a great personality and make me laugh. Really. I'm not making this up. My hairdresser, who is one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen (could be a movie star), I actually like because she is a genuinely NICE person. There aren't many gorgeous people I know who I like because they know they're hot and they have a horrible personality. Does all this help? I don't know. I just know that when you're content with yourself and love yourself and know you're a good person, other people can see that in you. Linda
  13. lindata

    Self pay so moving fast

    Hi, everyone! I'm a self-pay and getting my surgery on Nov 2. Very excited, nervous, not sure what the heck I'm getting myself into. But I swear to God I'm going to keep gaining weight if I don't do something drastic. It's either this or wire my jaws shut - I am not kidding. My sister-in-law got hers done last year and she looks like a movie star now - gorgeous! So it's helpful knowing someone 'on the inside'. I'm also nervous about not chewing my food enough and having it get caught. But s-i-l says do it a few times and you'll learn fast! It is not the best feeling in the world. Does anyone else feel really nervous in terms of the surgery itself. Does anyone feel (and this is very dramatic) like they might die? I'm just so worried. Okay, that sounds very stupid, but there it is - my main worry, dying on the operating table. Since I was self-pay, they booked me in so quick (like I see a few others here as well) and it does seem like my head is spinning a bit too (can't remember who said that). Can't quite get used to the idea that this is really happening. Anyway, I'm so glad that there's this board and that we can all follow each other's progress and encourage each other since we're all doing this at the same time. Michee - I noticed your surgeon was from Canada. Where are you from? I'm originally from Sask - just moved this year to Arkansas. Goldie - Do you mean 48 as in years old and you feel that's too old? If so, are you crazy, girl? Didn't you know the 40's are the new 30's? Look at Oprah. How old is she - in her 50's or something - and she looks so awesome. You are going to be beginning a whole new life and you'll probably feel like you're in your 30's when all the weight comes off. Glad to have found this board and all of you to chat with. Can someone tell me how to do the ticker tape thingy? Keep in mind all I know how to do on the computer is type - not very computer savvy. Linda
  14. lindata

    November Surgery Dates

    november date 1stPattyPoo Nessa3678 brandymom1234 Mom_of_Chuy 2nd lizzie_07 lindata 5th DLW Hungryforchange Forestcat 6th ndmom 7th Goldie1109 susieq125 shadst83 8th anw5102 9th Banded4Life neen7171 maccy mariaxoxo4u 10th Selisejohnson omlagirl 12th jrsyshoregrl684 suebob 27th 731Shawty 29th Sassafras
  15. lindata

    Arkansas Bansters!!!

    Arkie, I know it's only ONE day later, but how did it go? Linda
  16. lindata

    Arkansas Bansters!!!

    arkie- what's copd? terri - oh, good, a long-term bandster. i would be VERY interested in anything you can tell me about life two years into this. ouachitaman, are you still there? how are you doing? it's nice to see more and more people from AR on this thread. it was a bit sparse before! i can't believe I'm actually going to do this. it seems a bit surreal. i didn't think i could do it - they said my bmi was too low - but apparently my PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) qualifies as being a comorbidity. so I'm getting it done on nov 2. eek i'm sure i'll be posting like crazy in the next month. i'm seeing my doctor in two weeks. any thoughts on anything i should ask him? i'm the type that has 100 questions after the fact when it's too late to ask. Linda
  17. A few questions here. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!!!! Has anyone had the lap band done in Arkansas, specifically Little Rock? Or in the neighbouring states? Any good recommendations? Any rumors, good or bad? How do you go about investigating doctors? I have a feeling I have to pay for this myself. How much did your operation cost? Linda:kiss2:
  18. Hi there. Wondering if anyone has removed their band after goal weight because they wanted to, not due to medical reasons. And also how easy was it to maintain your weight after the removal? How hungry were you? Did you feel like you were starving in order to maintain? Linda
  19. lindata

    Hair Loss??

    Hi, I haven't had the surgery yet, but have heard some people have hair loss. I already have some hair loss and I don't want to lose anymore. I'm wondering what people are doing to maintain their hair. Linda:)
  20. lindata

    Hair Loss??

    THanks for the posts. Faith, you're right, I do want info now!! haha I did see another one of the posts just a second ago. I have been doing a bit of research since my post and found that any kind of traumatic event will trigger it and it will start falling out 3-6 months after this event. So that probably explains why people doing any kind of surgery gets hair loss after the event. I've been using Nioxin stuff for about two years now, and I'm on my way tonight to buy some flax seed oil. I didn't realize you could get Biotin supplements, I'll give that a try - heard that on another post - oh, and the protein, I think I'll try some protein shakes. I swear to God I'm getting a comb-over look on top though. It's really bad. eek.
  21. lindata

    Arkansas Bansters!!!

    Jaybee, I should would appreciate if you could find out which surgeon and the details. Do you think you could do this for me? I am also considering the surgery, and haven't finalized on any doctors yet. Linda
  22. lindata

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hi, all. I was invited to come here from the Arkansas board. I'm near Little Rock and considering getting banded here but people have been posting saying they really like Drs. Hekier and Keilin. I'm sure you've posted a lot about them here which I should read but .. there's like 50 pages!! Can anyone or all give me the goods on these doctors and their experiences (good and/or bad) there? This is a very, very hard decision for me where to get my operation done. Any comments would be welcome. Linda
  23. lindata

    Arkansas Bansters!!!

    Dr. Hekier, do you do surgeries, self-pay, with BMIs of around 35/36? How many LBs have you and your partner performed, and what is your percentage of complications? Linda
  24. lindata

    Removed Band After Goal Weight?

    Sarah, that's an excellent idea! I never thought of that. Thank you Linda

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