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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lindata

  1. lindata

    So absolutely disapointed

    Tish, let us know if/when they'll band you.
  2. lindata

    Customer Service is no more!!!

    WalMart is absolutely terrible in all aspects of customer service. I've had so many bad experiences there - and I'm a nice person, really I am!! I bring my own cloth bags - try and get a WalMart person to use them instead of the plastic! One checkout lady wanted me to do my own price check on something because what she rang in was a wrong price. I mean, I'm in line with a 3 year old kid who does not have patience, and she expects me to run to the back of the store to get an item with the price sticker on it - instead of phoning someone in-store to do it!! The list goes on and on about that place. Okay, now you've got me all riled up again!
  3. lindata

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Aaah, peer pressure!! I bought it just this minute!! And the display too, of course. Gotta have my gadgets. Hey, if I'm not eating, I need a new obsession.
  4. lindata

    Not Enough, Really?

    Jacqui - I have to laugh everytime I see your glittermaker sign!
  5. lindata

    Anyone Jump Rope?

    My thoughts exactly! :biggrin1: Actually, I started getting into jogging a LONG time ago and found a really good bra that straps 'em down but good! A company named Enell does them - they had them on Oprah one day. It's like I don't have boobs when I'm wearing this thing. They're all mushed up into my chin and my armpits and I look flat from the side - not an easy accomplishment, let me tell you! But when you're strapped into this thing, they don't go nowhere!! No more black eyes. Linda
  6. lindata

    Pre-fill instructions

    Ooh, this is good. It should be put up on the, what do they call it, the sticky? The threads permanently at the top? You know what I mean.
  7. Kaycee, a few questions for you. Did he tell you what's in the Head and Shoulders that makes it work? Are you seeing him again? And if you do, would you mind asking him what he thinks of the Nioxin stuff? Thanks! Linda
  8. My left shoulder usually hurts most when I haven't eaten in a while and I'm in the car driving for a while, like while I'm doing a lot of errands. So I don't fit into any of the voting categories. Sometimes it's so bad it's almost like I'll pass out - no, I'm not being dramatic, I have felt it this badly. It feels just like getting a tattoo - sharp, intense pain. Not a good feeling to have while driving.
  9. lindata

    So Angry

    I am so angry with what happened to me today - nothing to do with the lapband, just personal stuff. If you would like to see, please visit Rants and Raves - it's my own thread under "Customer Service No More". If you would like to help spread the word, please do. Linda
  10. lindata

    Customer Service is no more!!!

    Oh, yeah, and they also said about me not receiving the phone message, "If this is true ..." as if I were LYING about not getting the message. I said why would I not call you back about this? Why do you think I wouldn't call back to tell you the information? I WANT these X-mas presents. I've told everyone's parents about them and everyone is quite excited and thinks they're a pretty cool present. So basically they told me I was to BLAME and that I LIED about not receiving the phone message.
  11. lindata

    More Energy Now

    Hello everyone. Just wanted to say I've got so much more energy now, it's just unreal. I've gone from barely able to get off the couch, to doing a painting project with my 3 year old on his bedroom wall! Now, that's some energy, let me tell you. Anybody else have any positive changes?
  12. No way you're 40 - you look 30!! Way to go. I don't think I've ever been in a bikini.
  13. Okay, this is a great place to read what the band actually is and does, and abbreviations, but it doesn't actually have any commonly asked questions and answers. For example, a common pet peeve of everyone's seems to be about the pre and post-op diets. There's no questions in there of, "If I cheat on my diets, will it hurt me?" "Yes, don't do it," or, "I have excruciating pain, should I call my doctor?" (that one boggles my mind:eek:) "Yes," etc, etc, etc. Do you see what I mean? I keep going back to the FAQ's section just to see if I've missed something, but there ARE no FAQ's. If there are repetitive questions, then maybe they should actually get cut and pasted onto there in one thread with big bold letters that say ANSWERS TO COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS HERE.
  14. lindata

    Question Regarding Lady Parts...

    Gunt? Wilhemina? I'm learning something new every day! LOL
  15. Wow, great thread wasabubblebutt! The title should be researching doctors in general, not just Mexican ones though. How I missed this post before picking a surgeon I'll never know. Thank God I like the doc I chose!
  16. Wow, great thread wasabubblebutt! The title should be researching doctors in general, not just Mexican ones though. How I missed this post before picking a surgeon I'll never know. Thank God I like the doc I chose!
  17. lindata

    Reviews of protein powders?

    Ooh, with a spoon of Peanut Butter - that sounds so good! I like Isopure because it's high Protein and zero carbs. It's on sale now at GNC.
  18. Thanks Kaycee - I'll try that as well. I'm currently using Nioxin products, but if a doctor says Head and Shoulders, then I'll try it! Please let us know your progress as you go along.
  19. I posted this elsewhere, but here's a suggestion - "I know that most of the questions have already been asked somewhere before, and sometimes the question has been asked one, two, or three pages in one thread. That I can scroll through. But, I mean, I've got a little kid, a hectic life, it's hard to scroll through HUNDREDS of pages to find the answer sometimes needed. In the FAQ's and References thread, it tells how the lapband works, but it doesn't answer questions like "How does it feel when I get stuck?", those kinds of questions that do get asked repeatedly. Now, if someone were to post really commonly asked questions in this section, I think a lot of the problem of the repetitiveness would be solved.
  20. Woops, this isn't even Rnr. See, another stupid newbie mistake - posting in the wrong thread.
  21. lindata

    So absolutely disapointed

    Oh, Tish, what to say? Tell us as soon as you know what's going on. I'll be thinking of you.
  22. lindata

    Hair loss

    Good point. I forgot I also take a fish oil supplement.
  23. lindata

    Hair loss

    So I have PCOS - one of the side effects is male pattern baldness - and I'm a woman - not nice to have baldness! So I've been taking different things over the years. Here is what I do on a daily basis. Does it work? Who knows for sure. If I stopped taking it I'd hate to see my hair fall out more. All I know is it did thin quite a bit from stress during a move, and now it is growing back in. Nioxin shampoo and conditioner, nioxin leave-in treatment, daily vitamin, biotin (1 capsule/day from Whole Foods), and even before this lapband I drank protein shakes to get in added protein. I've also heard having your hair in a pony tail a LOT can create stress on the folicle and can make some hair fall out that way too. Since I heard that I try not to wear pony tails too much!
  24. Well, as a newbie, can I just say I thoroughly understand how aggravating all the repetitive questions are? I can see that, really! But, since I can still remember what I was like when I joined this board, the first few days or so I was figuring it out, realizing maybe I shouldn't have posted this, said that, finding oh, here's the question I asked in another area, that kind of thing. I'm new, I made mistakes, I asked dumb questions, all the newbies do (maybe I shouldn't say ALL but there you go). I know that most of the questions have already been asked somewhere before, and sometimes the question has been asked one, two, or three pages in one thread. That I can scroll through. But, I mean, I've got a little kid, a hectic life, it's hard to scroll through HUNDREDS of pages to find the answer sometimes needed. In the FAQ's and References thread, it tells how the lapband works, but it doesn't answer questions like "How does it feel when I get stuck?", those kinds of questions that do get asked repeatedly. Now, I don't know exactly how these boards work, but if someone were to post really commonly asked questions in this section, I think a lot of the problem of the repetitiveness would be solved. And don't forget, it's hard being the new kid on the block. You're new, you do stupid things, you're scared of looking like an idiot, but you would really like an opinion to a question, because SOMEONE has been there, done that before, and we just hope our answer isn't answered hurtfully - because we feel pretty darn low and stupid as it is. I think if we can answer the repetitiveness, so you "oldies" don't get so frustrated, everybody may be a lot happier with each other. And, hey, this is the RnR section. Everyone's allowed to vent, gloves off. Can I ask why you really care if someone doesn't "like" what you've said? I mean, isn't this the point here, to say what you want to say, get it off your chest. It's not exactly a place to be all nicey nicey. That's my two cents! Linda
  25. Wow, so many ways to drink water! LOL Hollyberries - I can so relate to re-reading and re-reading the literature. I keep going back to it and seem to find something new everytime. It's a pretty steep learning curve, especially the first week or so. But I don't think I've screwed up too badly yet! I find I get a bit of pain once in a while while drinking Water as well and it seems like captured air (gas bubbles). I know it's not due to food since my stomach is pretty much one continuous rumbling empty entity at the moment!

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