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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lindata

  1. lindata

    First Fill

    Hi everyone. I'll let you know what my diet is for fills: Day of fill - liquids until two hours before fill - and then nothing ingested After fill: liquids two days, pureed food two days, soft food two days, regular food. Well, I'm not actually on regular food yet because I'm still technically in the soft food stage, but that's what my doc said to do. Yet again, another difference in diets. What is WITH that? I'd be way more comfortable if there was a common theme across the board with all doctors. I don't GET this at all!
  2. lindata

    How can it be?

    Girl, I'm from Saskatchewn (VERY cold in winter), and when I lived there I used to walk in the winter all the time. Put on your long underwear, scarf and toque and go for it! And just imagine all the extra calories your body will burn by just trying to stay warm!!
  3. lindata

    Wanted a fill. Doc said no. I'm HUNGRY

    Got my first fill today. The doc was very happy with the weight loss and said maybe we don't need to do a fill - I said NO WAY, I'm STARVING! Then he gave me the fill. It's all been willpower, no feeling of fullness, so I definitely needed to get the ball rolling on fills, and so he listened to me and did it. If you're starving and need it, then tell him/her that and hopefully they'll listen.
  4. lindata

    Need gift ideas, please.

    I have two PERFECT suggestions for you. kiva.org and heiferinternational.org (I can't remember if it's .org or .com). Anyway, I gave a kiva gift to my brother who is very into 'green' with his girlfriend. They loved it. I also gave to my father-in-law who needs absolutely nothing!! Kiva lends money to people in developing nations so they can start up a business. Then they can either give the money back to you or loan it to another person - and the gift continues. Heifer international is an Arkansas group where you can buy livestock for people in developing nations - same premise, but with animals. I think how it works is the first offspring is given to another needy person, and the cycle continues. They both are AWESOME ways to give gifts in someone's name, where you can really make a difference in someone's life, and to give to someone who really doesn't NEED more stuff. I hope you consider these 'green' gifts! Linda
  5. lindata

    Old Friends, New Friends, No Friends

    We are on a similar path. I used to be thin, popular, pretty, all of that. So I know what that feels like. I also feel the humility that comes along with being fat. Not many thin people really want to get to know you to become friends with you. I have one really, really good friend, and I could count on one hand my other friends. I know lots of people, just wouldn't count them as friends, someone I tell my deepest, darkest secrets to. Some people aren't happy unless they have a whole bunch of friends, but I'm happy with what I have. At least they're genuine. When I'm thin I plan on being a better/kinder skinny bitch - a bitch to all the other skinnies who are mean to the fatties!
  6. lindata

    First Fill

    Had my first fill today! I found out I have a 10 cc band, with 3 cc's already in from surgery. He put 1 cc in. The doc was VERY happy with my weightloss. He says I'm on par so far with his bypass patients! And he didn't want to give me a fill - I said no way, I'm hungry! So he did. It wasn't that bad. He didn't give me any numbing medication or anything, and it hurt a bit, then a bit of pressure, but it wasn't intolerable or anything. Now that I know what it feels like, the next one won't be as bad.
  7. I would like to, but I've heard that pregnancy can change your prescription - so I'm waiting until I'm sure we're either having or not having another kid, and then I will!
  8. I am so SICK TO DEATH of there being no customer service ANYWHERE anymore!!! This is the story of the straw that broke the camel's back: I ordered books from IDENTITY DIRECT in OCTOBER for all the kids I know for X-mas. They're personalized books with the kids names, birthdays, friend's names and city they live in. I ordered TEN books at $170. I called today to see where they were as I was leaving for home December 18 (on an airplane). They said they phoned me in October to tell me I had left out one piece of information, and since then they haven't done any of the order because they can't process it all until they have all the information. So NONE of the books are done and there's a pretty good chance I won't get any of them by the time I leave. I said I didn't receive a message on my answering machine. They said it's written right down that they called me. I said well, you didn't - and this little circle of conversation went on for five minutes. I kept saying I'm not going to get them in time and this is not MY fault, it's YOURS, and what are you going to do about it. They kept "apologizing" (yeah, that's what they said - "I apologize" - but did it sound like one? NO) and said well, we didn't receive all the information and it takes 21 days to process. They would not budge. I said I wanted to talk to the manager. No manager. After five more minutes of me complaining, surprise, they found the supervisor to talk to. The supervisor said I WAS PARTLY TO BLAME since I ordered it in October and I was just calling now!!!!! AND I was also partly to blame since I left out one piece of information (my kid's birthday). I couldn't believe the gall of this person to say I was partly to blame. How am I to blame? I'm the CUSTOMER!!! If I left something out, someone should have contacted me!!! I said I didn't receive the message - maybe they DID call SOMEONE and left a message, but it wasn't on MY machine. Then she said usually they send a letter out if they don't get a call back. I DIDN"T GET A LETTER!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!! She said they can e-mail too. I said I DIDN'T GET AN E-MAIL!!!!! So basically they left a message on SOMEONE's machine somewhere, no one called back (this is ONE MONTH AGO), and they left it at that. They have my money, but they're not going to even try to get a hold of me again to see what's up. I said it's a good thing I did call now to see where my stuff was. And I swear to God, this whole conversation went around and around in circles. We kept saying the same things. They didn't suggest trying to get it out earlier, they didn't suggest sending it via courier (even at my expense which I probably would have paid for seeing how it's X-mas presents for LITTLE CHILDREN!!!), they "apologized" but you know how those apologies are - they are NOT apologies - and I told them that too. I said, "You're not apologizing, if you were apologizing you'd sound sorry and try to do something about it. So that's where it's at - ABSO"F"INGLUTELY NOWHERE!!!!!!!! So they F'd up MY X-mas presents to my kid, my nieces, nephews, friend's kids, and that's it. I told them I am VERY upset, I will NEVER order anything from them again, and I will tell EVERYONE I know. So I'm starting with you. Please warn everyone you know. IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!!!
  9. Okay, ONE more post. I didn't think of it that way - that the carpet was more important than the guests. I just don't like dirt getting tracked in, that's all. Is that why Americans don't take their shoes off, because they feel like they're guests, ergo more important than carpet? What is the reason?
  10. Okay, last post, I promise! I HATE my bra. I had a good two years solid at one point in my life when I never wore it - I worked from home so could get away with it. And I HATE wearing jeans at home. I'm always in stretchy things at home. Totally agree with you Wheetsin!
  11. Yes, always! Anyway, if it's summertime and you're in flip flops, it's probably too nice to be indoors anyway, so you're out on the back deck, in which case no one has to smell any smelly feet. :biggrin1:
  12. I'll amend my above post. That is, unless you're Jack, in which case I'd rather him keep his shoes on than have a naked, one-legged guy running through my house!
  13. In Canada we always removed our shoes - even in the middle of winter when you come in with snow on your shoes and it's all melted in a puddle at the front door, you still take off your shoes at the front entrance. Now in the U.S. no one takes off their shoes and the first time someone came over and didn't take off their shoes it made me very uncomfortable. My kid plays on the floor - the floor they're stepping all over with their dirty, pesticide/herbicide/dog poop/bug guts-covered soles. Bleck!! It's bad enough my dog gets his wet feet all over the floor after coming in and making tracks - much less people doing it too. I have enough to do without washing the floor every bloody day. I don't care if they want me to keep my shoes on - I always take them off. I just don't feel comfortable going to someone's house and potentially making it dirty with whatever is on the bottom of my shoes.
  14. lindata

    No one in Nov?

    Totally agree with this! Hey everyone, I'm in onederland!!! Linda
  15. lindata

    Countdown to Onederland!

    I DID IT!!!! Today 199.5!!!!
  16. I also wonder about this. I want to know what it feels like when I have to stop. I don't want to go too far. Anybody else find any nutritious fast food things to eat? I was thinking the yogurt parfait from McDonalds would be good too. Sometimes you're hungry and you just gotta get it fast. What I eat (which is not the same as everyone) is 2 tablespoons/meal of pureed something or other or soft food and two Protein shakes for Snacks in between meals. It works out to around 600-700 or so calories/day. Did your doctor give you something to follow?
  17. I'm walking for an hour around 5 times/week. It's actually pretty tough - a lot of hilly terrain. And I do the recumbent (?) bike around 5 times a week for an hour too. Linda
  18. lindata

    My Worst Fat Day EVER!

    Airplane and bus bathrooms are just too small - period!! I don't know how anyone at any weight fits into them. And try changing a toddler on an airplane bathroom change table - yeah, right - even my baby didn't fit! Here's my fat horror story. Me and dh were walking one day for exercise a few years ago and some punka** kids were walking by, looked at me, and one of them sang, "Lowered expectations." I can't remember what TV show that's from - but that song intro belonged to a scene where a large man and woman were walking along a beach. I didn't realize what they meant for a minute, and then I cried all the way home - about 2 miles!! It was so awful. Missmonaaz, you're a talented, beautiful woman, and if you've got this much confidence radiating from you now, then look out world when you lose the weight you want to go back to singing. I can't wait to see it! Is there a city you usually perform at? You'll have to let us all know.
  19. lindata


    Well, what I REALLY like is that it tells what I'm burning, ME, not an average that a machine spits out. So I can tell, for my body, whether I need more exercise to burn the calories or less exercise, etc. That's the main reason I got it. And it's also very motivating. It's got a thingy on the watch that shows how many steps you've walked - and I find myself walking on the spot a lot just to get in the 10,000 steps a day you should be getting. There's a bunch of other features on the watch I haven't figured out yet - I'll tell you about them in a couple of days as I figure it out better. And also (and this doesn't make any sense, I know), when I spend a lot of money (i.e. the band, the bugg), then I'll use it!! Just how my weird quirky brain works.
  20. lindata


    Yeah, I know there's another bodybugg site - I read all 50 pages or so of them! egad. I just thought it would be nice to post in the Nov group as well. How are the actitrainers? I was just figuring it out today and while I like gadgets, I don't get them at first - it takes a lot of wrong turns for me to get it right. So, after a lot of swearing and looking up the help button, I think I pretty much figured it out. I know it's going to keep me on track - just because you have to enter every little morsel you eat. And I really like how it shows on a graph where you burn calories. It's pretty cool. I'm glad I got it.
  21. lindata

    Anyone Jump On The Trampoline?

    Don't you know that's what duct tape is for? :biggrin1:
  22. lindata

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Got my bodybugg today, and I'm going to slog through all 44 pages on this thread to see what the heck to do with it!
  23. lindata

    More notes from LapBandland

    Now I've got a question. What's tahini?
  24. lindata

    Kicking the addiction...

    I have absolutely no willpower at all either - over anything bad really. I've decided dh needs to do the grocery shopping from now on because just the other day when I went in I got something I shouldn't have. I'm just not strong enough - yet.
  25. I think that's great. I used to do all kinds of handiwork when I was younger and the key to good stuff is clean hands - so you can't be eating chips and crocheting or doing needlepoint or else you'll get all the oil from the food onto your work. By the way, my old gym teacher (a man) used to do needlepoint. I've been thinking of taking something like that up again. I've been on this computer ALL the time!!! And I got the bodybugg today, so I plan on checking that out all the livelong day.

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