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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lindata

  1. Is anyone else obsessed with their weightloss ticker? I swear, this is the most motivating thing I have ever had with weightloss. I'm an addict to changing the numbers. Whenever I lose even half a pound, I've got to post just to see the ticker go down. I love it. Linda
  2. lindata

    Unique Gifts for Christmas

    Okay, very cool. Do you know the website for the moon property?
  3. Yeah, Tish. I was going to post to see if anyone knew where you had gone to. I love your knew nymph - a little of the old, a little of the new. :confused:
  4. If you order online, how do you know they will fit? I usually have to go through the whole store before I find one pair of pants that fit properly.
  5. lindata

    Tickertape Obsession

    Go to tickerfactory.com and follow the instructions. :confused:
  6. lindata

    Healthier Stocking Stuffers

    How old are they? I can usually find some good stuff at dollar stores. Christmas decoration, crayons, small tubs of play doh, small books, CD's, DVD's, and of course socks! It kinda depends on age and gender. More info please!
  7. lindata

    Please Help! Need suggestions.

    Serious? Wow, I've never heard of this before. Thanks Jack.
  8. lindata

    just some questions

    I take my protein shakes with me in the car in a reusable bottle. I can relate to the no time to eat thing. If I'm in a hurry it's just something easy I can take along in a cup on the way - like cottage cheese.
  9. lindata

    Getting Stuck

    Sorry, I probably didn't make any sense! This is what I understand as well - that it may take many fills to get restriction in that you can't physically eat anymore. What I meant was that at surgery, the band is around your stomach, and it does somewhat restrict things going down - as in, there's a band now where before there wasn't, so it does slow the food somewhat, giving a BIT of restriction in that way. Hmm, I'm starting to confuse myself now!
  10. Thank you so much for all the suggestions. It's also difficult to know where to shop since I've just moved from Canada to the States and there are different stores here. When I first moved here, I went to Kohl's, Dillard's, J.C. Penney, just to see what was in the store - I hadn't a clue what they sold.
  11. lindata

    Unique Gifts for Christmas

    That is the coolest gift I've ever heard of! My original gifts this year were from Kiva.org. You pay kiva, which loans people money in developing countries to create small businesses and get out of poverty. Then when they're up and running they can either pay you back or you can keep lending the money to other people in need. It's pretty cool and made me and everyone I gave it to feel pretty good.
  12. lindata

    Getting Stuck

    I think there's some confusion regarding this point. My doc said when he inserts the band, it does restrict somewhat - now, as to whether or not it gives you a feeling of restriction is another thing. That's how he explained it to me. I wish there was a manual on this, as well as the eating, and every single doc followed it, because it is all rather confusing the different opinions all docs have.
  13. I saw The Golden Compass tonight - excellent movie! What I hate about going to the movies - watching everyone's cell phone light up when they open it to, what, look at their texts? I'm not that technologically advanced to even know how to text on a phone, so I'm assuming that's what they're doing. Anyway, the lighted up display is VERY distracting and annoying. This rant is a little mild - it's because I'm too tired to pick out the right words, not because it's not irritating to me! :angry
  14. You know, I used to do all this stuff in high school when I was THIN! Ceramics, crocheting, knitting, playing music, all of it. And it did keep my mind and hands occupied for hours on end. I've got to get back into all this stuff - start acting like I did when I used to be thin.
  15. lindata

    The All Important Popcorn Thread

    I went, didn't have popcorn, I lived. Barely.
  16. Yes, I know there's a popcorn thread, but I have a new twist on this theme. At 6 weeks post-surgery, what are your opinions on eating popcorn? I e-mailed my nutritionist, but I'm not sure if I'll hear back from her by tomorrow or not. I'd like to go to a movie this weekend and it is a prerequisite to order popcorn at movies. If I can't have popcorn, I'm not going! haha Have any of your doctors advised you on this oh so important food item? Linda
  17. lindata

    Share Recipes Here

    Sorry, I'm not such a great cook. But I've got to try that Ambrosia. Sounds delish!
  18. I have a great idea for all you crocheters out there. Our children's hospital accepts crocheted caps for their patients. They've got really cute instructions online. So that's what I'm going to get into next.
  19. lindata

    First Fill

    Yes, I wish I knew what it will "feel" like. For me right now it's all willpower, and I'm not good at willpower!
  20. lindata

    Share your NSVs!

    I put away two big tubs of plus-sized clothes - banished to the attic! Someone finally noticed and commented on my weightloss today and said I looked terrific!
  21. Would everyone like to get to know each other a little better? Like age, what you do for a living, hobbies, favourite exercise, that kind of thing? I'm 34, a SAHM, favourite hobby is reading, and favourite exercise is roller blading. Also I'm Canadian but just moved to Arkansas.
  22. lindata

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    Down 31 since pre-op diet! WHOOHOOO!!!
  23. lindata

    Walls of Text

    I agree with this. I tend to read posts late at night too, and if everything is in all caps, no caps, no breaks, no paragraphs, I just skip the post entirely. I just can't read it.
  24. lindata

    1st fill

    My first and only fill so far was a little painful (no numbing meds - may ask for that next time), and it felt WEIRD when he pushed the saline in. It was a lot of pressure and I could kind of feel it go in, but no gurgling. Afterward I wasn't sick or nauseated or anything like that though.
  25. lindata

    What do you like best about people?

    Ah yes, the eccentrics, forgot about that one! I LOVE people who are not cookie cutter versions of whatever is popular nowadays. I love the nerds, people covered in tattoos (before tattoos got cool), people who have weird interests and are not scared about sharing them (yes, I do play banjo, and yes, that was before I moved to Arkansas -go figure! haha), the artistic, temperamental, dramatic types, the ones that can make me laugh so much I snort a drink out my nose. Can I be your friend, Phylisc?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
