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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by italian-girl

  1. We are all so different, I for one have the most insane aversion to chocolate flavored anything. I can not put chocolate near my mouth without me wanting to gag. Before surgery I didn't mind chocolate, I preferred the chocolate flavored shakes to the other flavors that were sweet... But once I had surgery and tried a chocolate shake I puked. I realized my body decided it was going to have a dislike to the flavor.. It's weird because I remember that I liked the way certain things tasted that were chocolate... Now I pretty much smell it and I get nausea. It's so weird.. But eh I won't be trying to eat any!!! For some reason I crave fresh veggies like tomatoes and cucumbers and lettuce!!! And I can't have raw foods till December which is according to my plan. So I look forward to December when I can eat those foods. With vinegar. I have a new love for vinegar... I use to like it... But now I just love the tartness of it.. Which is why I had a couple bites of the flesh of a pickle I really wanted that vinegar taste in my mouth.. It's random... I hope everyone knows that it's not the same for everyone and we all have our own struggles. But we are all human and humans aren't perfect we make mistakes and from those we learn and grow... I can only talk about my experiences because its the only thing I know first hand. I haven't tried fried foods in fear of a stomach ache. Plus the smell of really oily foods give me the same reaction I have to chocolate.... So I'm thinking that's not good. Good luck to everyone!!! If you make a mistake learn from it!!
  2. I decided to weigh in once every two weeks... But don't obsess over it. I was 298 in June by the time I started my two week per op diet I was 285 then on the day of surgery I was 264 today at 2 months out I'm at 240. Which I feel ecstatic about.. But in inches I've gone from a tight 26 to a perfect fitting 20 in 2 months....I guess I see my success through my clothing more so than the numbers.. The weight will come off. I track my food to see calories fat sugars carbs and protein and do my daily things.. Every time I look at the scale it does go down even if its not much.. I just figure it didn't take two months to gain all this weight so it's not gonna take two months to lose it all! I have myself 12 months to get to a goal I feel comfortable at.. I didn't put a real number or size on it.. I just figured when I get there I'd know!
  3. I ate at an upscale place in Vegas and my 3.5 oz of fish cost me 45 bucks it was delicious and really the right size but I laughed thinking a regular sized stomach would consider this an appetizer.
  4. I'm only 2 months out. And not eating fresh veggies is driving me nuts! So I ate tomatoes without the seeds and I took a few bites of a pickle because I needed to have pickle! I used a tortilla as a vessel to squeeze my beans up to my mouth while driving... And yeah I took a small bite of the tortilla! But was already full with the few bites of beans it looked like I threw away the whole bean burrito. Oh and I drink green tea iced threw a straw..
  5. Oh and it's sweetened with stevia not artificial sweetener.
  6. I developed an allergy to the whey Protein and the artificial sweeteners so its been a HUGE challenge for me to find a protein shake.. But alas I found one... And it's really good for you as it's completely whey free and gluten free.. And egg free... Hopefully that pic shows up.. It's called 7.2 and its only in vanilla flavor. But if you add PB2 or blueberry or banana it is really good.
  7. italian-girl


    That's such an exciting thought!!!
  8. italian-girl


    Today I was packing for a mini trip to Vegas.. Realized nothing fits me. All my jeans are way too big... So I packed skirts and dresses.. I hit the ca/Nv state line and thought eh ill look at the outlets I'm making great time! I went into the old navy outlet and went over to the jeans.. And the largest size they had was a 20 now all my 26 old navy jeans always fit great and I thought NO WAY were these gonna fit me. But I went to try them on anyway and to my surprise they fit no sucking in the gut or struggling.. I almost screamed! Lol I went into a non plus size store and bought jeans! Me! So ecstatic !!!
  9. italian-girl


    Thank you!!
  10. italian-girl

    Post op question about coffee

    It depends on the surgeon, mine says no caffeine ever again while others say its ok... I think it will depend on you as well. I'd talk to your surgeon about it..
  11. italian-girl

    No weight loss

    I had mine on 8/12 and lost 20 lbs before surgery day of I weighed 268 Today I weigh 245 I don't weigh daily because I just don't really think to.. I weigh in at the dr. So at two weeks i weighed 258 and then 6 weeks.. I weighed 251 ( but had a kidney stone so infection and swelling caused a 6 lb weight gain) after my kidney stone procedure and an office visit only 4 days later.. I was 245 I see inches lost my clothes are almost way too big I can't wear them without them falling off... My dr. Said to not weigh myself more than once a week for the first several months.. But to keep doing measurements on my body to see the difference. But 43 lbs in 2 months (since the two week per op diet) is more than I've ever lost on any diet so I think I'm doing well.
  12. italian-girl

    Crazy Over Eating

    I ate several things I really liked but hardly ever ate because they are terrible for you. But thought may as well eat this now ill probably never eat it again!! I didn't over do it tho. Chili cheese fries Carne Asada nachos Ribs Mac n cheese Pulled pork Yeah the 5 weeks leading up to approval I had 1 thing off that list a week.. I tried to control my desire to binge! But I did eat crap before I was approved
  13. italian-girl

    Dealing with "not fat" friends

    Yeah, I have friends who think they need to either lose weight or get boobs or a nose job or whatever.. It's their issues with something internal, whatever it may be its not your issue.. People tend to try to get into your business because they don't like to admit they have their own issues.. Ignore her.. Be confident wear the clothing you feel amazing in.. If she says something about you wearing cute clothes just say thanks! I love this shirt.. Or pants or whatever it is... You are on this weight loss journey for you not anyone else. Be proud of your success even if people don't like it..
  14. italian-girl

    Negative comments...

    My brother had a bypass 8 almost 9 years ago... And its been great for him! Everyone and every procedure are different... But once you make this decision for you. Then you know what you are willing to do for your health.
  15. italian-girl

    Negative comments...

    Someone always knows someone's who had bad luck with something, just tell them that you thank them for their concern but this is a decision that's yours and they don't have to like it, but they can either support it or keep quiet. Good luck to you. Only you know what will be good for you.
  16. italian-girl

    August sleevers progress

    Ended up having surgery today they removed it. No longer in pain. It was by far the worst pain I've ever felt on my life. The woman next to me was there for bypass complications but has had kidney stones thee times before... Said child birth was better... I tried laughing when she told me but I was in too much pain... I'm just glad it's over.
  17. italian-girl

    August sleevers progress

    Worst pain ever. It's crippling just hope I can pass it soon.
  18. italian-girl

    August sleevers progress

    Turns out not gas it's kidney stones and an infection.... Admitted to the hospital this afternoon.
  19. italian-girl

    August sleevers progress

    I made an appt with my surgeon for today because I thought it was ending but last night the pain was so bad I just kept walking around couldn't get any rest... And I decided that going in to see my dr was the best idea invade its not just gas
  20. italian-girl

    August sleevers progress

    Omg I just had a 48 hour intense battle with gas... I swear I thought I was dying.
  21. italian-girl

    August sleevers progress

    Thank you!

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