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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by chrissythemoo

  1. Omg! So glad you are doing better! It was my biggest fear during recovery' date=' that I would harm my sleeve in some way...now I realize it is still a possibility. I am about to hit my 7 week anniversary tomorrow, and will be much more careful when chewing, etc. thanks so much for sharing, and I hope you recover fully soon.


    Well. I think the damage had been done earlier and I only got the symptoms at week 6. But it shows that things can be going on that you don't know about.

  2. Hi guys, I've just got home from hospital Been in for 3 weeks. Sadly I either had a very small leak that sorted itself or I had a bleed. Just 2 days before my 6 week anniversary I got these awful sharp pains in my left side so contacted my surgeon. They admitted me and sent me for a CT scan as they thought I had a pulmonary embolism. Turns out I had a collection of Fluid under my left lung. They had to insert a drain which I still have. The stuff coming out looked gross and stank. Still, at least I'm still here. The output is now minimal sand hopeful they'll take it out Friday. They did say I was one of the luckier unlucky ones as some people are really ill with it for 3 months! Good grief! Couldn't eat while in hospital as felt sick all the time and lost 9.5lbs in 3 weeks. Got dehydrated too. I just feel lucky I didn't ignore it as might have developed sepsis! So let me be a warning to you all. Even if you think you're out of the woods, if you get any sharp pains in your side get in touch with your surgeon quick!

  3. Well, I'm back in hospital. Called my surgeon after a terrible night and was advised to l attend outpatients as an emergency walk-in. From there I was admitted and have undergone a barrage of tests. Turns out I have a build up of Fluid under my left lung. They are going to drain it either today or tomorrow. I was sooo looking forward to the soft food stage and an now back to nil by mouth. :-(

  4. Hey guys, I am 6 weeks out today and have developed some abnormal sensations. Right after surgery the only indication I had that there was gas in my torso was a pain in my left side when I tried to take a deep breath. That was it. I seem to have progressed normally but the other day I started to experience pain from my stomach every time I swallowed something and immediately after I burped. This got worse yesterday but seems to have eased off a little today, although it's still there. It seemed to start after I accidentally ate my lunch too fast and was nearly sick. My temperature is normal and I am sure this is all gas related but why at this stage? Im sure the pain is my stomach being stretched and am worried this might permanently stretch it. Any advice? Has anyone else had this? It's putting me off eating.

  5. [quote=holidayexpressions]Are y'all getting on the scale everyday? If so why??? If your on a stall take the batteries out of the scale and throw them across the street. If you keep seeing that stall every morning when you step up on the scale it's going to keep you discouraged. I weighed Sunday for the first time in two week. Keep off the scale!

    I agree. I was doing a Bridget Jones myself and when things slowed down I got really down. I made a decision the other day to only weigh in once a week. I have to admit that after years of jumping on the scales before I step in the shower its become a habit and it's really hard not stepping on them. But im staying strong and staying off them. :-)

  6. I was sleeved 8/12. Down 16 lbs since surgery. I lost 17 lbs in the months leading up to surgery. Pre-surgery 219.8 current 203.4. I'm basically eating regular foods. Except no beef or pork' date=' no fruit, no raw veggies per doctor. So, my family and I have come up with TONS of stuffed/rolled chicken recipes. Favorites so far: bruschetta stuffed chicken, asparagus and Swiss stuffed chicken, and spaghetti squash stuffed with turkey burger, quinoa, fire roasted tomatoes and various cheeses.

    Man, our grocery bill has been radically reduced! My hubby was sleeved 12/31.

    It makes me laugh that a chicken breast lasts me 2-3 meals.

    Ladies: I struggled this month, right before my cycle with a chocolate craving. This is about better choices, so went and got an 86% cacao chocolate bar that has 5grams of sugar in 1/2 a bar. All I needed was a corner (that bar will last MONTHS!) and the craving was gone!! I also (as usual) could not get enough food, felt like I was starving! Nut said it was ok to add some calorie content those few days, but to listen to my body and cut it back again because I didn't really need it anymore. This helped a lot. I added a mini meal in between Breakfast and lunch and another after dinner, for 2days, now I'm good again and no hunger.

    I haven't lost a lot, relative to many. But for me, it's more than I would have otherwise. I have determined that I will no longer put CRAP into my body. If it doesn't serve a nutritional need it doesn't go in!

    I struggle drinking Water, but went back to the Protein Fruit Drinks I used the first week, mixed in 1liter of water, and I can get 2 liters in a day plus sometimes.

    I also miss chewing crunchy things most. Has anyone found any good crunchy stuff? Not as a snack but to augment a meal?

    Thanks for reading my rambling, sorry!


    Ramble away, it's interesting stuff. I was sleeved 8/11. I was nil by mouth for 24 hours then on to water for the next 24 hours before moving on to full liquids. I was so down as I was sooo hungry. But then, 48 hours after surgery I got my period. After I moved on to puree my hunger really settled down. But, that time of the month rolled around and the hunger was back! I have PCOS so the hunger is before, during and for a couple of days after. Im so glad to know i'm not alone in this. And its good to hear what your NUT advised. Isnt it funny how we can eat more without discomfort at 'that' time... Thankfully, with PCOS the less you weigh the milder the symptoms. So I'm hoping that the hunger will decrease in severity as time goes on. What is really bugging me though is this incessant wind! I have never tooted so much and when I eat and drink I gargle like an old drain. When will this stop..... Lol!

  7. Well went for my two week follow up and I have lost 10 pounds since surgery and total of 25 pounds since starting this journey. I am now on soft foods and very happy about that but still having to deal with gas and reflux after meals and drinks. My doctor says its ok and it will pass so I won't worry about it. He also told me that me worrying about trying to wait 30 mins after eating is something I don't have to do. He just does not want me drinking with meals. So with that being said I did a lot better today with liquids and food today. Very happy that I have made this choice.

    Did he say when the gas after meals passes? Im almost 5 weeks our and still getting it.

  8. Thanks everyone for your replies and input. I might be blessed' date=' as, I don't have a problem with any foods, and I have not had any heartburn, and I seemed to accurately identify the feelings of hunger, or thirst (very subtle).

    Some folks have stated that tracking is especially good during stalls...good point. This can something I can have in my back pocket, and when I reach a stall (I haven't yet), I can pull it out.

    My desire, is to get away from counting, and back to choosing the right foods, eating in the right order (Protein first), and stopping when I am satisfied. For years, I would clean my plate (and have more). It may not work, and I may need to measure and track...and that's OK too![/quote']

    Eat slowly. It takes your stomach 20 minutes to register fullness. I try to take 20 mins to finish my meals.

  9. OMG! I am in week two and about to start mechanical soft diet tomorrow. The full liquid diet has been killing me! My guts gurgle and churn CONSTANTLY! I know this is gross' date=' but I'd just like to be able to have a solid BM![/quote']

    Im not sure why your stools are loose. Mine were fine from about day 5 and I was on full liquids for 3 weeks. Im on the pureed stage and still get the gurgling etc. In fact, has anyone seen The Grudge? I sound like I have that thing in my stomach! Sadly, I burp alot after eating and drinking too. It doesn't seem to matter how slowly I do it. What is this 'mechanical soft' I keep hearing. I am intrigued.

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