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Black Diamond

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Black Diamond

  1. Black Diamond

    August Sleevers?

    I slvd 8/6 I'm at 46 lb loss nw..n yes its slow n I'm fine with it...its like giving me the chance to adjust to a change..
  2. Black Diamond


    Yes my sister suggests I gt a second opinion ..I'm nt to keen on hv that camera bk dwn my nose...but ill hv to suk it up if nd b..... thnx yall.. I'm tkin one pound at a time...
  3. Black Diamond


    Being in the high three hundreds for oh so very long.. I hit 349 and damn near did a cart wheel... I can use a regular scale..its a slow loss but I'm cool with this..my only concern is it feels like something is in the bk of my throat. ..hw ever the ent said his camera shows no blockages. ..confused. slvd 8/6 hw 393 sw 377 cw 349
  4. Black Diamond


    [ATTACH]18785[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18786[/ATTACH]
  5. Black Diamond


    This is really sad.. I posted the pictures for a reason. .to c if folk eat these..plain n simple.. not to start DRAMA.. ok now I no many don't...jesus. I'm not trying to go back to the way I use to eat...I'm not here to sabatoge my self...damn...I'm not looking for approval either. .. ill continue to read and post...if I do something right or wrong I'm still human and it is human to error...common sense ain't got shyt to do wit it...
  6. Black Diamond


    Everyone has a right to their opinion. ..and the pictures were fm a previous post..I made about the veggie sticks. ..I am new at this sleeved 8/6.. & I'm learning...wut I can or should b eating...u smart mouth dip shyt... im positive no one knew how to eat perfectly in the begining or in the end fore no one Is perfect. .so in the future if u feel like u nd to say some fuuked up words of wisdom swallow.. a load
  7. Black Diamond

    the chips

    Here r the chips I ws talkin bout
  8. Black Diamond

    the chips

    Look now..sry nu to wrkin the page
  9. Black Diamond

    first time

    It ws fine..a test if u will..me n scrambled egg in the past dt mesh. .but since I'm tryin to gt protein fm food I figured this Is a nu option. ..I only had half the muffin wich is grain or wheat
  10. Black Diamond

    first time

    So yesterday I had the McDonald's yogert for brkfast. egg and the egg white muffin meal... for lunch I ws able to eat it ova period of time..half of the coffee n half of the hash brown...really feeling my way around now..I hope I cn gt this shyt togta
  11. Black Diamond

    Divorce/ break up post sleeve?

    I'm glad u dumped his ass. ..folk dt miss the water til the well runs dry...
  12. Black Diamond


    Btw boils r not jus prone to fat people. .. any one can gt hs
  13. Black Diamond


    I did there like ..made fm natural items..potato paste tomato powder, tamarind, myb 130 on cal if that....post it win I go bk to wrk
  14. Black Diamond


    So I hv ben introduced to veggie chips. ..cn u say card board..no flavor but dammit they will do...lil
  15. Black Diamond


    THIS I HOPE HELPS. ESV2000 ...I only use dial antibacterial soap on the private areas..the soap has no perfumes. .OR SCENT...and as for my arms I use a clear gel..unscented.deodorant...ALSO SQUEEZE THE UNDER ARM TO UNBLOCK THE PORES..WICH CAN TURN INTO INGROWN HAIRS WICH WILL CAUSE A BOIL..keep the area clean..make sure she drys off very well..n no tight cloths. ..especially underwears..I also change wash and dry towels often..
  16. Black Diamond


    Oh my lord..I had hs to in remission i hope...all I can say is pain painful and more pain. ..prayers, tears, begging god to help me. Stress causes my body to get boils... many yrs ago it effected both underarms... my arms r permanently scared..very little hair. ..then it progressed to the groin/vaginal area...I hv had three diferrernt surgeries to remove the glands...I pray this will last...n stay dormant..those who never had one will never under stand the pain
  17. Giggled @ evangelist. ..four strawberry bars. ...shoot I'm scared to touch anything chocolate. ..I had a McDonald's coffee wit the sugar free carmel flavor...n to splenda..it ws ok but I ws nervous
  18. So I'm starvin I decide oh its cool..grab the shrimp fm Popeye. ..well my goofy as is out of line. ..first off I didn't peel the coating off... I had some of the bread...I'm like ok I'm doing ok...got my blk as home n I'm feelin sum kinda way...so I sip water to flush the crap dwn...MISTAKE. ..FIVE MINS LTR IM EARLING...NO FRIED FOODS YET..EAT SLOW. .OR IMMA BRAKE YR AS DWN AGAIN ..BELLY ONE... BLK ZERO. ..
  19. Black Diamond

    well well well

    Yep..I did somethin on impulse... I tried my luck plain n simple..eatin n talkin n hvin a grand ole time..oh yes I like the saute shrimp. .since I'm nt using the protein shakes I'm tryin to eat seafoods, chix, I had pork n Turkey once...tryin to gt my levels up
  20. Black Diamond

    well well well

    Wifeofdes as u can c the comment ws ignored...I'm not the first nor the last to admit I had something that ws fried or fm a restaurant. .so its a wut ever... again the ones who hv negative remarks will eat sumthin n b ashamed to post...gud luck on earlin up yo guts
  21. Black Diamond

    well well well

    Oh I dt care wut folk say...fore each and every one will eat sum shyt the sleeve will won't like...this ws my first experience since goin on regular food I had a issue. ..the shrimp were fine but eatin them to fast with the coating showed me I nd to leave it along still....grill or saute my shrimp..is wut I will continue to do..my stage is trial n error. .. rite nw
  22. Black Diamond


    So yesterday I was able to eat a thin cut pork chop , sum navy beans and a peace of hot water corn bread...a few sweet potatoes but they were gross so I tossed them I'm guessing u can't cook wit truvia...damn
  23. Black Diamond

    Omg i want to die

    Make sure everything u put in yr mouth is sugar free
  24. Call them. . Call them n stay focused
  25. Black Diamond


    Sooo now I'm on reg food.. I hv noticed hv ben chewin then bfore I no it its swallowed. .. important memo...chew chew chew n go slow...pick up utensil place food put dwn utensil then chew the holli hell out wut ever I'm eating then swallow slow.....learning to push the plate bk to also help slowing dwn

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