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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by HipsAndLipstick

  1. HipsAndLipstick

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    congrats to all of you guys!
  2. HipsAndLipstick

    date changed BUT I'M APPROVED!

    thanks love!
  3. HipsAndLipstick

    How long till medicaid approval

    I have Fidelis thru medicaid and it was about 10 days! and they called me directly before calling my surgeons office.
  4. HipsAndLipstick

    January 2014 Sleevers

    surgery date changed to the 27th but Im finally approved by the insurance!
  5. approved by insurance! all set for the 27th!

    1. mona832


      Awesome!Well wishes for your upcoming surgery!!! Keep us posted

  6. HipsAndLipstick

    Finally Got A Date

    thank you lovee!!
  7. HipsAndLipstick

    Finally Got A Date

    So finally after all those hoops I had to jump thru.. I GOT A DATE! January 20th is the date! I am no longer anemic but my iron count is still low. Dr send me to see another hematologist who also cleared me for surgery. I am beyond happy right now.. ! I cant wait to see my life change and to have the oportunity of enjoy life with my kids. No words can describe my feelings right now.! yayyyyyy to me!!
  8. HipsAndLipstick

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    my date got changed to the following monday due to martin luther king's bday! but its fine! I got approved already by the insurance. quick approval! so happy!
  9. HipsAndLipstick

    January 2014 Sleevers

    Hi! Im scheduled for January 20th with Dr Koshy at St Luke's. CW is 290 and so far only 2 day liquid diet.
  10. HipsAndLipstick

    Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!

    well I had my 1st born at 16 and when I became pregnant I was 167lbs and was skinny dipping. I see pictures and I say "omg I was so skinny" that's why Im aiming at 180 at least.
  11. HipsAndLipstick

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    OMG congrats!!!
  12. HipsAndLipstick

    Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!

    Im 5'8" and my CW is 290. I do not want to be any less from 175-180 but my surgeon is talking about 160 maybe 150. I don't want to look unhealthy.
  13. HipsAndLipstick

    Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!

    you look really nice!!! you look awesome!!!!!!!!!!! congrats!
  14. Jan 14 the date for my last pre-op lab work and meet with nurse and anesthesiologist

  15. HipsAndLipstick

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    I told close friends and a few family members only as of right now. I have not been told about it now but as far as Im concerned its a 48hr liquid diet only congrats!!! welcome and congrats congrats! Me too. 20th January and Very excited and nervous tooI'm in Auckland, New Zealand Nz and am self pay. yayy! Im scheduled with Koshy too. He's a very nice doctor. Good luck hun!
  16. HipsAndLipstick

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    nice! so excited for you guys too!!
  17. HipsAndLipstick

    Finally Got A Date

    thank you!!!
  18. January 20th is the date!!

  19. HipsAndLipstick

    Will you lie about the surgery?

    I wouldn't lie about the surgery. I would like to encourage others to get theirs done if possible. I don't pay mind to negative comments or let it affect me. I want to be someone's inspiration to do this like others have been to me. I've been lied to before on regards to the wls and its kind of disappointing to find out at the end the truth, just because I thought I could never do it. I wouldn't want others to feel the same. That's my personal opinion.
  20. HipsAndLipstick

    Personal trainer?

    I personally don't think its too early. It will be better for you in the long run. congrats on your weight loss!
  21. hematologist cleared me for surgery! everything ok to get a date on the 17! yayy!

  22. HipsAndLipstick

    Today is the day!

    good luck!
  23. HipsAndLipstick


    you look gorgeous !

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