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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by HipsAndLipstick

  1. HipsAndLipstick

    legs legs legs!

    Comparison when I started to current
  2. HipsAndLipstick

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    At this point I am losing an approximate of 6-8lbs a month. I eat 3x a day and 2 Snacks. I eat mostly Protein first then I eat the rest. I work out 3x a week with a personal trainer. I weight myself every 2-3 months therefore I don't really know when I'm stalling. Hope that helps honey!
  3. HipsAndLipstick

    legs legs legs!

    thank you!
  4. HipsAndLipstick

    halloween 2014

    From the album: HipsAndLipstick

  5. HipsAndLipstick

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    thank youuuuu!
  6. HipsAndLipstick

    Does being called "Skinny" offend you?

    I don't like labels. I don't like to be called skinny or curvy or all that.
  7. HipsAndLipstick

    Did your cycles become regular post op?

    Mines are regular now thank god and normal flow. I used to have heavy periods. Im glad that is over.
  8. HipsAndLipstick


    I had the same problem looking for before and after of people with big legs. I found some on ig but here is my before and during... because I still have more to lose. I workout with a trainer 3x a week. I went from a 24 to a 16 in jeans. im aiming for a 10. Im a medium in shirts and a Large in dresses.
  9. HipsAndLipstick

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    106lbs gone!
  10. HipsAndLipstick

    legs legs legs!

    UPDATE: they are going down! woohooo!! HW: 301 SW: 286 CW: 195 GW: 170
  11. HipsAndLipstick

    Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!

    Update: HW: 301 SW: 286 CW: 195 GW: 170
  12. HipsAndLipstick

    106 lbs gone!!

    From the album: HipsAndLipstick

  13. HipsAndLipstick

    Instagram :)

  14. HipsAndLipstick

    21! Instagram :-)

  15. Im officially in ONEDERLAND! 195lbs! 25lbs more to go!!!

  16. HipsAndLipstick

    Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!

    89lbs lost. CW: 212 Height: 5'8" GW: 180
  17. HipsAndLipstick

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    I have lost 81lbs since my surgery on jan 27! Best decision ever made
  18. HipsAndLipstick

    Ability to drink alcohol post-op, your experiences?

    I have lost interest in alcoholic beverages. I use to drink a lot every weekend before surgery im so glad i dont even have the urge to do it now
  19. happy monday to all!

    1. ProudGrammy


      back at ya!!!

      you sure are lookin' good!!! ready to continue your adventures!!!

  20. I will do it again. no regrets!
  21. HipsAndLipstick


    I don't like them but they help a lot so they gotta be done! I can currently do 1.05min
  22. HipsAndLipstick

    Does anyone regret it?

    not at all. best decision ever made.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
