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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CouchToHealthy

  1. CouchToHealthy

    Fecal Impaction... tmi... HELP!

    Thanks everyone! I'll be picking up some mag citrate and a fleet's enema today. Hopefully I can just make it through the day without any issues. I feel much better, although the milk of mag hasn't really worked.
  2. CouchToHealthy


    That's good to hear! I'm getting better about drinking water. I have felt absolutely great from day 1, but getting all my water in is still an issue. Not because my stomach can HTC handle the volume but bc I'm just not used to drinking so much. I go back to work Saturday. It should be interesting trying to get all my water in while at work (I work retail and cant have drinks on the floor).
  3. CouchToHealthy


    Hey Bella. I was sleeved on the 8th! How have you been feeling? I am surprised that I actually still feel hunger... just not as bad. And I do get full quickly but can eat more than I thought I would be able to. I'm just curious about your experience so far since it seems our surgeons have similar dietary rules. Btw I also had a meatball (yesterday) and was fine lol. I ate the whole thing though. It was a small cocktail sized meatball. I chewed it really well and only took small bites. I figured the consistency wasnt much different than the other things I've been eating.
  4. CouchToHealthy


    Great! Thanks Amy. I'll try Miralax.
  5. Hey y'all! I've been browsing topics long before getting sleeved, but hadn't made an account since others have pretty much asked and answered most of my questions. However, I can't seem to find anything specific to this. I'm 4 days post op and woke up feeling great! I went for a walk in the morning, drank Water since waking, had a Protein shake ( 1st day on full liquids, etc. Until today I felt like I was feeling significantly better than expected. My dad even couldn't believe how great I looked for someone who just had surgery. Anyway, late morning I began to experience a sharp pain on my left side where my ribs are, right under my left breast. Since there aren't any incisions there I figured it wasn't serious. It also seems to be kinda far from where my new pouch would lie. The pain is more to the side. Anyone know what this may be? I have a follow up visit on Wednesday so I don't know if to ride it out until then or call the dr in the morning asap. Any advice or suggestions would greatly help. Thanks to all! -A
  6. CouchToHealthy

    Sharp pain on ribs... not sure what to do

    Yes!!! That's exactly what it feels like!!! When did it go away? What was it? What you do to make it better? Thankfully I woke up feeling better. I took gas x, stool softener, liquid lortab, and applied a heating pad for a while. Not sure which one did the trick, but I'm so glad the pain is gone this morning.
  7. CouchToHealthy


    The first 2 days post op I was itching all over really bad. On my arms, chest, back, legs, and face... It was terrible. I was told that it would get better once I started drinking lots of Water. Maybe you're slightly dehydrated. Try drinking lots and putting lotion on. Hope that helps!
  8. CouchToHealthy

    Sharp pain on ribs... not sure what to do

    Thank you for the advice ladies! I just took 2 chewable gas x and pulled out the heating pad from the winter stuff box lol. I'm definitely hoping this helps. thankfully I haven't experienced any other symptoms like nausea or fever. Thanks again!

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