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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by GMTT

  1. Well' date=' had my surgery on the 19th. Not much pain at all except for gas. I could inflate a blimp right now...lol I had to stay 2 nights and got home this morning. I slept great last night, about 10 hours. So far so good on getting Water and shakes down. How are all my other 8/19 mates doing? Great I hope.[/quote']

    I took a Fiber drink (powder u have to mix with liquid) it really helped (u could get it @ a health food store

  2. This next week is going to be a killer.. I am hoping this week flies by..I am soo anxious

    It will be hard, very hard but at least i know that something good is coming... cant wait to loose those lb's... thinking abt loosing/being healthy, makes it much easier for me not to cheat.

  3. Woop! I'm August 27th' date=' just started my pre-op pure liquid diet and I swear, I'm hittin the bathroom every 2 hours. It's torture but I know it's worth it. I'm already seeing my face, thighs and stomach slim down. The first day was horrible, so much gas D;.[/quote']

    Im August 27th as well, started my pre-op diet last Tuesday, (i could hv 5 Protein Shakes, 2 cups vegetables, diet drinks etc... its hard but trying best not to cheat...

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