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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ScottsGirl

  1. ScottsGirl

    Reflux & the Sleeve

    Have you talked to your surgeon about this? Did he/she tell you this? I had minor issues with it in the past, but as soon as I dropped weight (20lbs) on my own, it went away. Do you by chance have a hiatal hernia as well, or are you not sure yet? Have you had an endoscopy yet? I don't see that you wouldn't be a candidate because we have to take acid blockers after the surgery anyway to prevent it. Some ppl don't develop acid reflux until after the VSG. I'm perplexed.
  2. ScottsGirl


    I did the same thing today myself, only they were shorts that I've NEVER been able to even get over my hips, and now I can button them comfortably! Yay for us!!!
  3. ScottsGirl

    Who is going tomorrow?!

    You'll be fine! And, glad that you did it! Don't lose sleep! I wish you all the best... sweet dreams!
  4. ScottsGirl

    Financing PS!

    I'm not there yet, but you can always TRY to get a grant! http://www.wlsfa.org/looking-for-help/how-to-apply-for-a-grant/
  5. ScottsGirl

    Am I dreaming?

    Nope, you're not dreaming! I had the same experience, and am still feeling great! Just make sure you drink your proteins and water as required and walk as much as they will allow you to. I'm gad you're having a positive experience; I've read so many horror stories on here.
  6. ScottsGirl

    stall at 7 weeks post op :(

    Here... http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html
  7. Way to deal!!! Hang tough!
  8. ScottsGirl

    Some sad news

    I work with autistic kids and let me tell you, it's going to be a struggle at times, but SO WORTH IT! I love my students and am glad to learn so much from them; sometimes they teach me! I wish you all the best!
  9. ScottsGirl


    Have you tried pureeing everything and watering it down before you eat it? I'm only 2 weeks in and this is what I am doing and everything goes down smoothly, plus I take a full 30 mins to eat 2-4ozs. You don't want your stomach size to shrink right now or you're going to have major probs eating/drinking anything. Are you able to get all your daily protein (80-120 grams)?
  10. I have to crush or open ALL of my meds to take them for at least 3 MONTHS. My thyroid tab, I crush, and the capsules I open. All of them get mixed (well) into a Tbsp of S&F/F pudding, I simply swallow without tasting and it goes down easily. I haven't had an issue with absorption. You may want to get your labs checked to see if your meds are working for your thyroid (very important). I wish you well!
  11. ScottsGirl

    Her Surgery

    Well said! But I have a little news for you, not bad news, just news. She will always have to consider what she puts in her mouth or she will gain weight back, so dieting is part of the plan, the sleeve just makes it a little easier to do so. That being said, I can vouch for the fact that ALL of my diabetic symptoms are fading fast, a thing of the past! No more medication for that, and I am on the verge of ditching BP meds too! Much luck to you both!
  12. I know this lady was on soft foods when she posted this, but I think it's a good act to follow to stay on track. Thoughts?
  13. Hi, I was wondering if there is anyone else out there that only has 2 incisions sites like myself? One in the belly button, one near my left rib cage that's VERY tiny. Did you have have any complcations or reactions to the glue in your belly button?
  14. ScottsGirl

    The famous question- Alcohol?

    It's honestly too soon. I had to sign an agreement saying that I wouldn't drink for at least three months after surgery. Are the risks worth it to you? I'm sure that you could have a good time without it...?
  15. I agree with tbomb; no dumping with the sleeve. Maybe you ate too much, too fast or it was too rich and your tummy just didn't like it. Your surgery was only 12 days ago, maybe your moving too fast on the soup thing...? If it doesn't go away within an hour or so, I wouldn't hesitate to call the doc, this may be a sign that something is wrong!
  16. ScottsGirl

    Dr Scott Saehun in West LA

    This guy has only 7 years experience, so be careful; he was licensed/graduated in 2006. I know they have to start somewhere, but I don't think I'd want to be a guinea pig! Not even if it were a free surgery!
  17. ScottsGirl

    Pregnant and so tired

    What about drinking Emergen-C, have you tried that? It may stay down much easier! http://www.emergenc.com/index.php/products/immuneplus
  18. ScottsGirl

    Dessert Alternatives?

    I don't see anything wrong with taking 2-3 long, slow bites of anything you like as long as you stop there. I know I'm not going to deprive myself of foods I like, although it will be on rare occasions. I am only doing S/F right now because I am in the early stages, but I am totally anti-artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame, as it can harm you neurologically. My surgeon never said anything about no sweets after 3 months... yours? I think that's mostly to prevent dumping in bypass patients...?
  19. ScottsGirl

    Scared of every hiccup (and burp)

    According to my surgeons post-op paperwork, I am supposed to drink 48ozs of plain Water and at least 64ozs of fluids a day (water included), so maybe you're not drinking enough plain water...? I set a timer for 5-15 minutes to remind me to drink something; I alternate water and Isopure or Protein shakes. Burping is an issue right out of the gate because you're still swollen and air is difficult to get out, but it DOES get better! Ice chips were a godsend for me as it helped a lot with the inflammation (I swallowed them almost whole). Taking short walks and generally just getting up and moving around might help stimulate belching as well. I really hope you find comfort soon!
  20. ScottsGirl

    Carnation instant breakfast.

    What's the purpose of drinking it? Did they say?
  21. Wow, some many different answers! Maybe eventually, only one incision site for everyone...??? Oh, and Vitamin E oil from Walmart works great on ANY scar with loyal use! Bio oil will work too!
  22. ScottsGirl

    Weight Stall?

    Everyone here is going to be different. I'm out about as long as you and have only dropped 7lbs since my surgery date. I weigh myself everyday, but I always have as a way of keeping myself in check. I don't get discouraged if I don't drop a pound everyday, I know the weight-loss will happen! We are all bound to have stalls at different stages, I just consider myself a slow loser, this has been my weight-loss history anyway. My highest weight in life was 280, I lost 60bs on my own BUT it took MANY years and then hit a plateau like no ones business! Once you get back to your regular daily routine and are more active, the pounds will shed. Embrace your stall knowing that it is your body's way of taking a little break. What's most important now, is how you feel. Is your digestive system happier because it's not constantly being over-worked? I'm happy because my diabetes symptoms are all pretty much non-existent and my blood pressure is "normal!" Happy losing!
  23. Wow! ONE? And, no glue? How did the doc suture the incision?
  24. ScottsGirl

    Broke down in tears today when I found out my oop cost

    SO sorry that you are going through this, I feel your credit pain! Fortunately I have really good insurance, but I pay through the nose for it! I wouldn't have had the surgery otherwise. Anyway, have you thought about starting an online fundraiser to help fund your surgery? It just may work for you, you should check it out! Here's a link for example... http://www.giveforward.com/p/online-fundraising/fundraising-online?utm_source=google&utm_medium=gawppc&utm_campaign=_b_online_fundraiser&gclid=COz2kvSzi7kCFS9dQgod634ABQ I hope you get the money you need very soon! Please make sure that you get the surgery done by a reputable surgeon and not one of those assembly-line butchers! Much luck to you!
  25. ScottsGirl

    Sex after surgery

    I did it! I was told it was fine as long as I was up to it; 5 days after for me... you're right on schedule!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
