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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ScottsGirl

  1. Hopefully there won't be a next time, but if there is, just tell them that you gave birth "yesterday" to a 10 pound brown baby and you had it in the toilet. That happened to me when I was 80lbs heavier, so I know how you feel, although I was more embarrassed for the lady that asked because she turned a bright shade of red when I told her that I gave birth to him 5 years ago! LOL Chin up, you are BEAUTIFUL!!!
  2. ScottsGirl

    Harder to swallow today?

    Even though these foods are on your puree list, they need to be thinned out as much as you can tolerate them to insure that there are no swallowing issues. Try thinning your cottage cheese with either fat free or 1% milk. I've been adding milk and a little grapeseed oil to my pureed beans; the oil has a lot of Omega benefits! Best of luck!
  3. ScottsGirl

    Panniculectomy troubles :/

    It's a start! I really hope you feel better soon!!!
  4. ScottsGirl

    Panniculectomy troubles :/

    They draw blood?
  5. ScottsGirl

    Mashes potatoes

    Wow, I had to be on liquids a full two weeks! I'm just now doing pureed food. So not fair
  6. ScottsGirl

    New snack/lunch

    What's the brand name?
  7. ScottsGirl

    Cold/ No surgery!?!

    I had bronchitis the week before surgery, didn't tell my doc. I went to urgent care, got an inhaler and didn't go away until the day before surgery - lucked out! Just drink plenty of Water, blow your nose a lot, take Emergen-C twice a day if you can (or other powerful vitamins), and sleep as much as you can at night. I wouldn't exercise much if I were you. You should be fine in a week. I rarely ever get sick, so it was weird that I got bronchitis and now I have a friggin cold due to being in the hospital overnight! Best of luck to you!
  8. ScottsGirl

    Saw surgeon 2day 4 date

    What type of hernia? Hiatal?
  9. ScottsGirl

    Free Quest Bar from GNC

    Hey, THANKS!
  10. ScottsGirl

    Too Small :(

    Everyone is different and will have different experiences! You should stop worrying about the "what-ifs." Otherwise, what if you don't lose enough weight? Live in the present. There are several ways to stop losing, but you really need to focus on what you need to do right now.
  11. ScottsGirl

    sept 9th

    Congrats! How long do you have to be on pre-op liquids? I only had to do 1 day, so not bad.
  12. ScottsGirl

    Back to work

    My doctor said that it doesn't matter what I do for a living, no work for a minimum of 2 weeks, maybe three. This is to make sure that your healing isn't compromised and to ensure that you consume the required fluids and protein; to get into the habit. When was your surgery?
  13. ScottsGirl

    Stent Tomorrow

    You'll be fine and will feel much better afterward... put your faith where you feel it belongs. Sending positive thoughts your way
  14. ScottsGirl

    Panniculectomy troubles :/

    I would go to the emergency room, dizziness & losing your sight can't be a good thing! Sounds like your potassium is dangerously low!!! GO!
  15. ScottsGirl

    Crushing meds

    I have to crush tabs and open capsules for 3 MONTHS! I found a way to alleviate the nastiness. I mix all of them in S&F/F choc pudding, just one heaping tablespoon, and swallow it without really tasting it. It works SO WELL! I don't taste the meds and no problems with absorption.
  16. ScottsGirl


    I'm a week behind you and I don't have the pain issue, although I can feel everything go down my throat especially very cold or hot foods. It sounds like your esophagus is still pretty swollen. Have you tried swallowing small ice chips to relieve the swelling? Or drinking something really cold? I hope it gets better quickly!
  17. Is it Blue Cross or Blue Shield? They are not one in the same. I have Blue Shield of California, and THIPA is my network provider and they are the facility that authorize or deny any procedure. I think you should be okay, I don't think that your network provider would authorize all of you pre-op procedures if they weren't going to authorize your main procedure. Make sense? If they deny you, then it would be because you didn't do something that you were supposed to, like lose the required amount of weight before surgery. Even then, I know ppl that lost a lot less than they were told to and were still approved. This procedure will not only save lives, it will save the insurance company a lot in claims in the long-term. They are about making a profit! Keep us updated
  18. ScottsGirl

    Divorce rate..post op

    Like I said, you may just be his inspiration, but it will be in HIS time, not yours. You sound like you have your mind made up already and that you aren't willing to give him the time he needs. Set a time goal; ie 1 or 2 years etc..
  19. ScottsGirl


    So, you had surgery on August 16th and you're eating food already??? That was only six days ago, you should be on liquids only still... right? Does your doc know that you're back at work already? My doc says 2weeks MINIMUM off work. Maybe you're coming down with something; ie. cold etc. ???? Maybe you should notify your doctor and see what he says.
  20. ScottsGirl


    No sugar added means artificial sweetener. No sugar added means the food is in it's natural state. Unsweetened means only natural sugar that is produced by the food itself (Same as "no sugar added"). I wouldn't eat artificially sweetened fruit, it might make you sick! Are you at least 3 weeks out to be eating this?
  21. ScottsGirl

    Drinking Water - 3 weeks Post op

    I had mine 8/7 and can drink at least 3-4 ozs at a time as long as there is no food in my stomach. Your doc must be anxious to advance you so quickly to soft food, I'm not there until the 3rd week. My nurse just reminded me that we're not supposed to feel full yet, if we do, then we're consuming too much and this can breach the staple line which would be a big problem! Fluids go through quickly for me, so I'm a water/protein shake drinkin' fool!
  22. It happens everywhere, not just Mexico. There's info on VSG deaths all over the web. Stories about blood clots and surgical error. It's always a possibility but it's still safer than driving a car!
  23. ScottsGirl

    Divorce rate..post op

    I understand how you're feeling, but you married him knowing this about him. Right? Perhaps he needs more time and he very well may be astonished AND inspired by your END results. Divorce should only be an option when there are no other options available. You married him for a reason... love...? He loved you and picked you to marry him and accepted you just the way you were...??? Let me know if I'm wrong. Don't get discouraged, have faith and patience; sometimes men are like children and both of these traits will help you get through the muck! Cheer up, it does get better IN TIME. ACCEPTANCE/FAITH/PATIENCE
  24. ScottsGirl

    I'm New!/ Dr. Wants 5 lbs lost

    Drink lots of water and DON'T EAT SALTY STUFF, this will make you retain fluid; be mindful of what goes in. Walk at least 20 mins a day. The 5lbs will be water weight, and will come off quickly if your careful. You only need to lose 1.67lbs a week... Much luck to you!
  25. ScottsGirl

    Finally going back 2 surgeon

    Fingers crossed! Keep us updated

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