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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ScottsGirl

  1. ScottsGirl

    Need to loose ten pounds

    Night-time was my problem to!!! I would always eat a large bowl of Cereal or something. Yeah, well, that definitely has to STOP. Eat or drink protein to curb your mental hunger, it helps! You can do this!
  2. ScottsGirl

    Invisible Weight Loss

    In my experience after going back to work (I work at a middle school, had the summer off), I notice that a few women have made positive comments, BUT, only a handful. As far as men, NONE of them have said a word and I think it's because they know that they could say something that may come out wrong or get them in trouble, like, "Oh, you lost weight, you look really good now!" As if I didn't before? LOL They know there is no winning either way, so they just say nothing. YOU notice and that's more important than anyone else! Happy admiring yourself day!
  3. ScottsGirl

    Birth control

    Why no birth control? There have been several pregnancies on here recently, you should do a forum search for "pregnancy" to see how their experiences can help you with your questions. I personally would not invite pregnancy in the early stages after the sleeve as it could be counterproductive and/or could cause major problems with getting enough nutrients. Just too dangerous for a baby's health if you think about it. Good luck!
  4. ScottsGirl

    Post op with kids

    You won't be able to lift/push/pull over ten pounds for a while, and the only exercise you can do is walk. Maybe your 2.5 year old will have to become a little more independent and be a helper to mommy; that's a tough situation, I remember dealing with mine at that age (he's 22 years now) and I'm not sure how you're going to deal. Hopefully someone with current experience, little ones and the sleeve, will take time to comment. Much luck to you!
  5. ScottsGirl

    Need to loose ten pounds

    Their suggestion should work, it worked for me. I had more time than you, but I actually dropped 20 because I was eating much less, and several times a day; sort of like I do now. I don't know what your schedule is like, but if you can set a timer for every 5 minutes, and take 1-3 bites of food each time, it really helps you to eat less. Stop eating after 20-30 minutes. Also, try to consume as much Protein during the day as possible, and drink a glass of Water about 10 minutes before you eat and try not to drink while eating. Only eat when you are actually hungry. Hope this helps!
  6. I didn't need any pain meds at all, not even in the hospital! The pain you're going to feel is from the air they pump into your abdomen, and very sore stomach muscles. Now, I opted not to have meds and I told my doctor before surgery that I didn't want them; I requested muscle relaxers and only took one (Soma). I had a surgery a month prior to the VSG and had meds then (Dilaudid) - BIG mistake! I felt nauseated, it took me long to recover, and slowed me down! I hate feeling like that. With the sleeve, I was drinking my liquids as soon as I was out of recovery and walking around the very same day, and was cut loose by 5pm the next day. I was very happy to go home, my bed is so much more comfortable! Do what you think is best for YOU, you know yourself better than anybody. Take the meds home, use them if you need them. If you don't, even better. Best wishes!
  7. ScottsGirl

    26 weeks preg W twins Glucose test

    SAME range (65-99). You're good! You don't have to do anything you don't want to do!!! If your glucose levels are normal and your A1C is under 6.0, then you are fine! You know your body better than any doctor.
  8. ScottsGirl

    pureed foods

    I ate chili during the puree stage, even added cheese! Eat it in very small doses at first (2-3ozs) and take doll-sized bites; and savor the flavor. In order to meet my Protein requirements, besides drinking it, I cook lentils in veggie broth with lots of spices, puree them well and add it to everything I eat; they are delicious in mashed potatoes (add Water or milk to thin!). I pureed anything I could (Soups, Beans, soft-cooked veggies etc.) and thinned it out with 1% milk and/or water. Malto Meal is great and has a little more protein than Cream of Wheat. I also pureed uncooked WHOLE oats and then cooked them with milk. Just use your imagination. Anything goes as long as it can be pureed and thinned out and isn't crunchy. I wouldn't suggest eating pureed foods without thinning them out a little bit at least as they may not go down well or may make you too full and put too much pressure on your sleeve sutures. Oh, I was allow to have ice cream, yogurt, and applesauce, sugar-free is best to lose maximum weight, but I opt for low sugar or reg as I can't eat much of it anyway! Sugar-free choc pudding tastes great too! Enjoy!
  9. ScottsGirl

    Honest Opinion time!

    Jealous of your accomplishment! Give it time, see what develops; just go about your life - one day at a time.
  10. Totally normal! If you gain more than 5 pounds, THEN you are doing something wrong. At this point your body is adjusting and healing. You are very swollen and Water retaining right out of the gate, so you're going to lose mostly water weight right away. You might not see major results for a month or so, you have to let your system adjust to the change. Plus, when you are doing strictly Fluid, your body may go into starvation mode and may hold onto weight (NOT everyone!). Once you start moving more (walking), the scale may move in your direction and when you start eating more than just Protein, you may see a more significant change there as well. Don't get discouraged, I hear that if you lose it slower, your chances of keeping it off are better, and that you may not lose as much hair as someone that loses weight very quickly. Hang in there - it's going to happen for you!
  11. ScottsGirl

    Self pay and hiatal hernia

    Sorry to hear that! I would call the surgical center as you are right, they would know the exact coding to use to get the majority covered.
  12. ScottsGirl

    Self pay and hiatal hernia

    Why won't your insurance pay for the sleeve???
  13. ScottsGirl

    excruiating pain

    Not normal at 2 weeks, you should see your doc ASAP or go to ER if it gets unbearable! Better SAFE than REALLY SORRY!
  14. ScottsGirl

    Did I just cry at work?

    Moan, b***h, complain, rant - ALL YOU WANT! That's what part of this forum is for, let it out, and make it loud! It will get better in time, hang tough, you didn't get where you are by being a total wimp... I can tell
  15. ScottsGirl

    Ready to call ot quits

    Please don't get discouraged! You need to remember that the scale doesn't always move but most of the time, the inches are shrinking, especially when you're exercising! Even just walking increases muscle mass - in all the right places!!! Protein also increases muscle mass. So keep up the good fight, if you gain 10lbs then you know you're doing something wrong. Measure your waist every other week instead of watching the scale, this may make you smile a lot more!
  16. ScottsGirl

    Incisional pain?

    I wouldn't lift/push/pull anything over 10lbs until your surgeon OK's it! You are still in a crucial healing stage and def need to take it easy. You had a major surgery! If it is incision pain, then it could just mean that it is healing (itching is also a sign). You may have just overused muscle that is weak. I say if it doesn't subside some by Friday/Saturday, then you need to go see your PCP. You may also want to just advise your surgeon of your pain. Protein will aide in healing, but yes, you need to take it easy at home. If you have ppl to help you - use them!
  17. ScottsGirl

    Fruits after post op...

    I am allowed soft/canned fruit and well cooked veggies right now (4th week); will be reg foods in two weeks. After surgery you will always need to focus on protein intake as a priority. You will be able to eat fruit again, just not that many types in one sitting and ANY meal you have. should include protein. I have a 1/2 (or whole depending on hunger) of a Lite Babybel cheese with things like fruit or foods low in protein/high in sugar. Get creative, I promise you won't feel deprived - ALL things in moderation!
  18. ScottsGirl

    Loose skin in 40s?

    Watch this video thoroughly, you'll see just how possible it is to look great considering the massive loss!
  19. ScottsGirl

    If I replace 1 meal with a protein shake pre op

    We've all tried to lose it on our own... right? I for one have lost 60lbs on my own in the past and kept it off, BUT have been down and up another 20lbs for the last several years - major plateau! The reason the surgeon wants you to lose weight before surgery is to mostly shrink your liver so that it's not too much of an issue during surgery. You have quite a bit of weight to lose, so I wouldn't worry about not being able to lose after surgery; the more you have to lose, the faster it comes off for some reason. I understand your concerns about losing your stomach, it IS a valid concern. I can honestly say that although I had the same concerns, I am SO happy that I did it!!! I believe you will be too! You have to ask yourself what you are truly afraid of... losing your stomach or having to radically change your lifestyle for the greater good...? How badly do you want to keep the next 121lbs off? Look at your weight-loss history. Were you able to keep it all off? How many years have you tried? I have hypothyroidism too, but it isn't my reason for such an insurmountable weight gain in my life, it was a small part of it. I'm thinner now than I was in 1989, and I STILL have hypothyroidism. Oh, and my diabetic symptoms - gone! My doc required me to lose 10lbs before surgery, I lost 20 as of the morning of surgery. I could have kept going, and I know I would have lost a bit more, but I know me, it would have crept back on in my moments of weakness! If you continue to replace meals with shakes, you may lose quite a bit by December. This may result in you losing it slower after surgery, but why does it matter? I know that for me, I am a slow loser anyway, but I prefer it that way, less probs with skin hanging and will be more apt to keep it off for good. Much luck to you in your journey!
  20. ScottsGirl

    Hating everything in my life

    Sounds like you're just in a funk. Something good will happen that will change your attitude. Unfortunately, we tend to allow outside events determine our emotional forecast! This is an issue def meant for your therapist and I'm glad you have one to moan, b***h and complain to, not everyone does. I'm also happy to be part of your sounding board, give me your best shot!!! Since you've lost so much weight, your hormones have probably been up and down, have you thought about meds or maybe changing them if you already take them?? At least until your body is done losing the weight and your hormones balance out. I hope your life changes to a point where you are happy again and that your true friends love you 'unconditionally' and will help you mend the relationship(s) most important to you.
  21. ScottsGirl

    Panniculectomy troubles :/

    OMG, I knew there was something wrong! If you didn't have problems before the panni was done, then it's probs a new issue; hopefully they are able to remedy the bleed quickly! Keep us updated, please. Sending positive thoughts your way, Aaron!
  22. ScottsGirl

    Frustrated I need guidance

    I'm a slow loser too. No IUD or any other type of bc for me. I say the inches are more important than pounds, especially if you are working out! 61lbs is more than you would have lost without the surgery, correct? Just keep up the hard work and all the weight will come off, just don't eat more calories than what you are burning.
  23. ScottsGirl

    wanna start

    Sorry to hear about your challenges, but I'm so glad that you're still here to voice your concerns with us! I know walking is boring at times, but it is the only form of exercise that you can really do right now. Start slowly, and walk through the pain; without further injuring yourself of course! I started off with very short 5 minute walks and woked my way up to an hour, although my nurse said that was too much at one time. She said that I only need to walk 15-20 mins at a time a couple times a day. Walking makes me feel better, but like you, I have a hard time getting motivated to do it everyday. I try to walk around the stores instead, a little more interesting than walking down the street with my IPod! I really hope you can get moving soon, I know that you will feel better and heal faster once you do; plus the weight comes off a lil quicker and muscle mass multiplies more as well! Be well!
  24. ScottsGirl

    two weeks po

    At this stage you should be able to eat grits, BUT you have to make sure they are very runny, add F/F or 1% milk, and/or Water. Same goes with Malto Meal, Cream of Wheat, pureed oatmeal, etc; I put the Whole Oats in the food processor b4 cooking them. Instant oats have too much sugar so beware! I pretty much puree anything that can be pureed and eat it! I start soft foods tomorrow, so excited, I miss my scrambled egg whites! I sort of cheated last night and ate some Pirate Booty because I wanted popcorn really bad, but it was fine, this stuff melts down to nothing in my mouth... so good! Hope this helps!
  25. ScottsGirl

    August peeps...

    S/F Jello, S/F popsicles (I ate reg, shh, don't tell!), restaurant Soup (STRAINED), ice chips. Don't get full on this stuff, you don't want to put too much pressure on your sleeve. Anything that you can see through in a melted or natural state is up for grabs! I drank the chocolate Premier shakes with the permission of my surgeon, the more Protein you consume the less your hungry. Happy sipping!

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