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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ScubaSleeve72

  1. ScubaSleeve72

    2013 November Sleevers

    4 days to go. The 20th will soon be here. I thing I am ready for the change.
  2. ScubaSleeve72

    How long to be approved?

    I have UHC Optum Health, approved in less than 1 week. Surgery scheduled for 20 November.
  3. ScubaSleeve72

    2013 November Sleevers

    The countdown has started.....9 days and counting to my sleeve on November 20th 2013.
  4. ScubaSleeve72

    2013 November Sleevers

    Just got my approval from UHC today. Under 1 week. Tentative date of 20 November. I am stoked.
  5. ScubaSleeve72

    Dallas, Texas Sleevers! !

    Ft. Worth here. Surgery hopefully on November 20th.
  6. ScubaSleeve72

    2013 November Sleevers

    Tentatively 20 November in Ft. Worth, Texas. Can't wait.
  7. ScubaSleeve72

    DFW TX Surgeon selection? (Dallas / Ft. Worth)

    My surgeon is Dr. Michael L. Green Jr. with the Live by Losing clinic in Fort Worth. He has great bedside manner and is honestly concerned. My surgery will be at Plaza Medical Center, Ft. Worth. I had to choose a Bariatric Center of Excellence for insurance to cover.
  8. ScubaSleeve72

    November buddies where are you?

    Just submitted to insurance, and got a tentative date 20 November 2013. I am so excited!
  9. I have told my clinical manager, but other than that I will be taking a vacation. I have lost a rather large amount of weight in the work up and have drastically changed my eating habits. So hopefully I will just move forward without any questions. If I do get questioned I will just day that I have lost many things, including weight.
  10. ScubaSleeve72

    One step closer

    Good luck! We are all behind you.
  11. ScubaSleeve72

    Nervous about EGD coming up!

    Probably the easiest, painless, comfortable procedures I have ever had. Once the proprfol hit my brain. Milk of amnesia is a blessing!!!! The results... a hiatus hernia, and all negative pathology. One very easy hurdle to clear.
  12. ScubaSleeve72

    In Sleep Study Hell!

    I can relate to this topic on so many levels. I have been a registered respiratory therapist for roughly 15 years now and have comforted hundreds of patients going on CPAP for the first time. I would have never thought that I could potentially be one of them. After my first in center sleep study I got a call from the center that my doctor had requested a titration study. What, why? I don't have OSA-CSA. The surgeons office said that hypopnea index was indicitive of moderate sleep apnea. What! Okay, what ever. Lets do this. I had my titration last night, what a disaster. The bed was uncomfortable, the heater on the CPAP turned off early. The mask did not have the best fit, based on a few simple factors. Way too close to lip, and It leaked in my eyes. To top that off I spent most of the night listening to the CPAP for any change in pressure. Sometimes my own knowledge makes things reall hard on me. Ugh. We will see. It is my hope that weight loss will fix this sleep apnea thing (central or obstructive).
  13. ScubaSleeve72


    Waiting is bad, but not hearing anything from my surgeon in weeks is not fun. I just need to relax and keep my eye on the prize.
  14. ScubaSleeve72


    My surgeon has not submitted for insurance that I am aware of. I am in constant contact with my nurse coordinator with Optum health. My surgeon is a very good doctor with a very pleasant bedside manner, but his office staff cannot share the same accolades. Apparently his office does not assign or utilize care coordinators. So I will just relax and wait until my next appointment in November. All is well, just need to get this done before 2014, not sure how my company health insurance will change. Seize the moment.
  15. ScubaSleeve72

    Nervous about EGD coming up!

    My EGD is tomorrow morning. I look forward to clearing that hurdle. I have assisted in many EGD's, they have all gone very well. As long as the drugs are onboard, the patients do very well.
  16. I treat children that are in a chronic malabsorptive state due to their disease process. To put my body in that same state on purpose is honestly frightening. I also understand that passing away morbidly obese and not attempting to do nothing about it is just not me. So VSG it is.
  17. ScubaSleeve72

    psych eval

    Mine went well, and was relatively quick. We spent more time laughing at my childhood antics than anything.
  18. My main inspiration for the sleeve is to take control of my health, and make it better. I want to be able to sit in any chair without thinking "is this going to be the day that I embarrass myself and my beautiful wife by breaking the chair, falling to the floor, and needing help to right myself?". It stops, NOW! And from that point I anxiously await my date with the best surgeon, minus the dinner and a movie.
  19. ScubaSleeve72


    Monday is my initial consultation with the surgeon. Has anybody had to pay a fee for educational materials before the surgeon would see them. I find this strange, but I am accepting it because the competition in my area is fierce among bariatric surgeons.
  20. ScubaSleeve72


    So my initial consult went well. I like the team and am ready to get started. I have to clear a psych eval, cardiology visit, and an EGD. Not too bad.
  21. ScubaSleeve72


    So the information session if free, but I will have to pay 250.00 for educational materials and enrollment into their weight loss program. This fee is non-refundable, and not covered by insurance. Maybe I will get a Nook or Kendle out of it. Not likely though. Ooh well he is a wonderful doctor and my insurance is really good. So we will see.
  22. ScubaSleeve72

    Sex... Oh My God... Sex!

    That is ironic, Susan is reminding another female about posting in a men's forum. I am not offended. Just found that peculiar.
  23. ScubaSleeve72

    Very Aggervated!

    Hang in there brother, it will happen in due time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
