Hi, I was very happy to hear someone real and similiar out there. I taught in the ghetto of West Philadelphia for nearly a decade and the weight that used to be a litttle extra on my 5' 9 frame has increased to 310 lbs. over the sadness an horror at what I saw over the years. I left due to illness (Lyme, Fibromyalgia, Asthma, blah, blah, blah), the school district wouldn't allow me back and though I was broken hearted I believe that this is the first step in finding my life again and maybe getting back to myself and saving myself. As you know, in this line of work...our asses are always the last to be attended too. I am rambling on, anyway I too have the fabulously supportive and loving husband (1 1/2 years) and an awesome dog, my Morgan, my baby. He's our baby. Anyway, this is the first day on the forum with this big choice ahead and you really made me feel at ease. Hope you are doing well, Jenny