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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jcrsmom

  1. I had my surgery in September 2013 and I work for a school system and have 3 kids. I have been around a lot of stomach bugs lately and last winter after surgery at work and in my own house. While everyone else in the house caught it and spent the 24 hours vomiting etc in the last 2 weeks I did not. I did however feel crampy and generally icky. I am wondering if that is now the symptoms of a stomach bug for me or if I have just by some miracle maybe all the Vitamins I take now managed to not catch the bug the last 2 years. I am still catching all the normal icky colds. But was just wondering if other people have experienced something similar at this point?
  2. jcrsmom

    Mirrors and pictures

    I used to hate pictures and rarely took them. Had my daughter take my before picture for me because other then a few from my sisters wedding a few years back I had really been avoiding cameras. I feel bad when I think that my kids wont have very many pics with me because of this. I have since started taking a lot more to the point that I think I am annoying my kids with random selfie shots of me with them etc that hopefully they will appreciate someday
  3. I get this when I go out to eat because I can only handle a few bites and everything else gets boxed to go. If my boyfriend orders and appetizer I generally dont get as may questions I think because people assume I filled up on that. But otherwise I get a lot of is your food ok, is something wrong sort of response from the servers, which I guess are doing their job to make sure the food is ok, but it does get annoying at times.
  4. jcrsmom


    This is at my daughters graduation on June 10, 2014. Down from a size 30 to 16 here
  5. jcrsmom

    I crossed my legs...and I liked it!

    I couldn't sit that way before either, but have been doing it a lot lately at its actually been comfortable. Especially in movie theater chairs which were horribly tight and uncomfortable before and are no roomy. Its those little things that I really appreciate now
  6. jcrsmom

    Hair loss

    I have started having these issues so I picked up Biotin to try today, hoping that will help some. I have always shedded a lot though so its not to bad but I figure I want to do something before it is.
  7. jcrsmom

    boooooobies lol

    I was never blessed in the boobs department so of course that is where my weight loss started, mother nature can be cruel... I was a smaller c cup after 3 kids, now a smaller b cup. If I get body contouring surgery done to deal with skin at some point (wouldn't be until I have finished losing and maintained weight for at least 6 months based on talks with a doctor) I am definitely considering breast augmentation to get me back to a smaller C.
  8. I can't believe it, I am down 100 pounds since mid-September when I started my pre-op liquid diet! I saw the doctor this morning and everything is going well, I had blood work recently and my levels are good, my A1C has continued to go down so I am staying off the metformin. I just cleaned out my closet of stuff that was to big again, and I feel amazing. So happy I did this. I am adjusting to eating and life in general after the sleeve well and I am just happy! About half way to my goal weight but I can't believe the difference in just the little everyday life things like being able to comfortable sit in a booth at a restaurant and have space or a seat at the movies. Just wanted to share this somewhere, thanks for reading this
  9. jcrsmom

    Down 100 pounds! :)

    No real tips, I just try to make sure I get the Protein and Water in, although some days I think I just can't eat that much and fall short and try to keep optimistic and moving forward and so far so good Best of luck to you
  10. jcrsmom

    Sex and a new sleeve?

    A few days, just took it a bit easier then usual I suppose though lol
  11. I personally do disclose it to pretty much anyone. I have had people who noticed my weight loss think maybe I was sick or something and I would rather coworks and such no the truth. As for dating and meeting people I would let them know mainly because dating seems to involve going out to eat and when I go out to eat, I eat so very little it doesnt look like I ate anything most of the time and I wind up taking pretty much the whole meal home in a box. So I find it easier just to give the heads up then have people trying to get me to eat more or feeling weird because they finished their food and mine barely looks touched. But to each their own, whatever makes you comfortable is what you should do
  12. jcrsmom

    Are you COLD?

    not freezing really, but I have always been hot, and lately I find myself cold a lot since having surgery, its weird, but its much better then being hot all the time was as far as I am concerned
  13. jcrsmom

    Nsv that Ive wanted since I was a teen

    Congrats Its those little things that make me feel more accomplished then the numbers on the scale
  14. jcrsmom

    Dying Hair

    I have dyed my hair a few weeks ago and just did so again tonight. No problems either time. My hair tends to not hold dye well even before this though so it fades quickly and I generally get a lot of compliments when its about half faded if only I could figure out what color that was lol
  15. jcrsmom

    Acne prone skin..

    My skin breaks out worse then my 17 year old daughters, but lately its been not to bad since surgery. I have been using the Avon Anew line of products and their blackhead cleaning astringent stuff seems to be working at the moment. Good luck
  16. jcrsmom

    Possible Tmi - Period Question....

    The week of spotting was a darker color then normal.... my period arrived in super overload mode a few hours after my post, complete with crazy cramps..... hope things work more normally next month. Good luck
  17. My period last month after surgery seemed normal. But this month, second month out I have been spotting for a week now and it has yet to kick in and its getting really really annoying..... I am guessing its due to weight loss and my body adjusting to things but was wondering if anyone else had similar issues? Thanks and sorry for the TMI was not sure where else to ask....
  18. jcrsmom

    The girls are sad and deflated!

    I have never had big boobs, always bothered me since I had big everything else, after kids they got better, but apparently mother nature is cruel and that is the first place I lost weight after surgery wtf... I have plenty of weight elsewhere that needs to go and it started there..... *sigh* when all is said and done with weight loss I may invest in a boob job if I need to go under to have skin removed anyhow....
  19. jcrsmom

    Possible Tmi - Period Question....

    Thanks, hopefully it will straighten itself out soon, its getting rather irritating here :S Hope everything works out ok for you!
  20. I am already off my metformin for diabetes and my last blood work was really good. So excited to be off the meds and no longer progressing towards needing insulin shots!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
