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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by MWilliams42

  1. I'm beginning to wonder...how do you know you are having reflux? Can you tell me what that feels like? I experience, after each time I eat, hiccups, gurgling, and occasionally burping or the reaction of burping. How can you tell if it's just the "sleeve" saying stop putting things in me, to this is reflux? HELP!!!

  2. Everyone has "advice", those who have been where we have, and mostly those that haven't! Do what you know is working...we were just talking about planking at work this morning, I personally don't like it, but will start since this does work the core...I know that because many moons ago I had this trainer that swore by those...and they hurt, but are effective! I've heard that if you want to really strengthen the core, and can afford it, Pilates is GREAT...It's a little pricy for me at the moment, since I MADE the hubs get me that gym membership! So I do what I can with what's in front of me... I even did Zumba! SO FUN!!! You get to dance as exercise but you can REALLY feel that you worked yourself out! LOVED IT. Never mind what "jiggly" said to you...do what you are doing and you will look FABULOUS!!!

  3. I received a "bill" yesterday...said I owe -7000.00...why send a bill when I know I owe nothing, paid cash. I looked at the total amount for the surgery, and even though my rate was pre-negotiated, it stated it was $42,000...that is WAY more than my cash price...I didn't know they could up the cost that much, they must do it to see what they can get insurances to pay. Although I didn't pull out my insurance card once, paid cash, no balance billing but I was still shocked at the price. You should really check that out, that seems like they shouldn't have billed both insurances, I'd ask them why they thought they should bill both.

  4. I just thought...maybe I should have blogged that!!! LOL...oh and she told me that I started a lot lighter than most of the patients and I am not going to lose as fast, my body is still freaking out from losing what I have and it will kick in soon! Ok, now I'm DONE!!! :rolleyes:

  5. I just found out something today! I've been frustrated with this "stall" and called the doctors office. While my mom said, since seeing pics of me today, that I look like I'm turning into a different version of me, and to relax it will all catch up. to which I replied...RELAX...ME!!!! HA!!! Well, the nutritionist said I am not eating enough calories! HMMMM, no one has EVER told me I'm NOT eating ENOUGH!!! I backed up, sat down and said, you have the list in front of you of what I am trying to eat and I can never eat the whole portion...she stated I needed some good calories, like a spoon of nut butter, or banana in my protein...and up the calories a bit to boost the metabolism. Who knew that I would NOT be eating enough!!! I'm just stunned! My mom said she can see that I am losing inches, and the RELAX comment is really sticking in my head! Plus the nutritionist said ONLY weigh myself ONCE a WEEK, NOT every day or it will consume your mind! I said too late for that piece of genious!!! Too late lady!!! lol...well I feel better now! Have a blessed night!

  6. Finally broke my stall!!! I'm so excited! 2 more lbs... Gone. On another good note, this weekend I went shopping with my husband and discovered I can now wear a size large top! It's so weird because at my heaviest I was a 2xl. I've always thought those who could wear size large were normal sized women. It's hard to think of myself that way... I'm still amazed that I can even fit into a size large! The best is yet to come :)

    What broke your stall? I've upped the Protein a bit and nothing seems to help right now. The scale has stayed the same for 2 and a 1/2 weeks now...super irritating.

  7. Is anyone at 5 weeks out not really loosing weight? I slowed to a stop at three weeks which I assumed was the "dreaded 3 week" stall. But I am still not loosing. I have lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks. I am eating around 700-750 calories, I burn at least 200 of those daily with excercise Anyone have any advice. I am seeing the nut tomorrow to go over my fitness pal. I track everything. I don't want 26 pounds to be it.

    I was just getting frustrated about that too. I am getting out daily to do some sort of exercise, I am eating my Protein and some vegetables, plus drinking all my liquids and I am stuck, been stuck for almost 3 weeks now. I am 5 weeks out and this is frustrating, I'll be upset if I just lose the 21 pounds and nothing else. hoping my body catches up. FRUSTATING

  8. I got sushi last night and took it out of the rice. Yummy salmon, cream cheese and avocado. One package of a roll from publix lasted for three meals. I am struggling to get in more than 60 grams of Protein and the fluids. The fluids especially since we can't drink for so long before and after meals. Anyone else struggling with this? By the way, I was sleeved on July 17th. SW: 274 CW: 256.

    Not drinking with the meal is ok for me...it's right before and right after, I guess I need to actually time my meals! I always forget the 30 minutes before and after...You get thirsty when you eat!!! So that has been a little hard to get used to!

  9. Nice job. You look terrific and I know you must feel the same.

    On your READ THIS...you put ALL that in one shake? I already put a lot of Kale in mine, love the taste, and what do the chia seeds do? It actually sounds good. Is spirulina ok to have, I noticed it has a lot of sugar, I'm so used to reading about sugars, being diabetic...does it taste really sweet? I'm very sensitive to sweet right now!

  10. Ok...here goes...(and I can't get this thing to STOP underlining my words!!! Still figuring this site out! I would be so HEALTHY if I would just lose weight. The weight and my food choices, of course, are what got me in this mess, not watching what I put in my mouth is what helped my Diabetes come out in full force, and now...I just told my husband last night, I am learning to eat to live, I no longer feel that I live to eat. Food was my buddy, my pal, exercise was my enemy for two reasons, 1 because I couldn't breathe when I did it, and 2 because even with a trainer I didn't drop a pound in 6 months and I was in the gym all the time. Now that I look back, yes I was working out, but I wasn't watching what was going in my mouth. Hmmm...you think THAT might have been the issue!!! So now, I don't really enjoy eating, it's hard to eat when you aren't hungry, and I am exercising, and I think(judging by my clothing) that I am losing inches because the darn scale isn't moving, at the moment!!! But my clothes are fitting different. I want to be a healthy person, make the right choices and live a lot longer than where I was headed. I used to be athletic, back in the day, and when I work out with people they are surprised at what I actually CAN do...yep the chunky girl still has it!!! I just have to realize that and work to get that back!!! I want this tummy gone, I hate NOT being pregnant and people asking when the baby is due, when I reply 7 YEARS AGO, they look at me confused then stick their foot in their mouth!!! Makes me chuckle a bit!!! So, onward in this journey we go!!! Replacing the love affair with food with a new love, a healthy love...a love for ourselves because we have realized that we ARE worth it!!!

  11. Do you go to any other type of Doc? I go, regularly to an Endocrinologist, I don't see a PCP on a regular basis. The Endo was ON BOARD and wrote me the letter that same day. If not that can be a part of your visit with the new PCP, it may happen on the 2nd visit, and if they are scheduling that far out, check your in-network docs and find one that is taking new patients immediately. It takes a bit of work, but persistence pays off. Believe me I do this for a living, I'm a Patient Advocate and we get people in all the time, you can even suggest to be on a cancellation list for them to call you and in the meantime call daily for any cancellations!

  12. Was sleeved on 07/25 and have lost 15lbs since, including the 3-day pre op diet loss. Thats about 3-4 lbs a week. But I have only lost a pound or two in the past 2 weeks. :(

    Don't know what's going on...but I guess something is better than nothing. Weight loss seems to be slowing significantly at an average of 500 calories a day. I average around 13g of (good/pure) carbs a day, and about 49g (sooo low...waaah) of Protein a day. And fat is controlled too, and only to the good and saturated variety.

    Meh...the story of my life. LOL

    I'm at this stall point too. I'm 4 weeks out and the scale hasn't moved in a week...yet I'm exercising, and eating so little, I'm also retaining Water...monthly! I talked to my nurse last night and she said not to get frustrated, all women go through this, and it can be a little exacerbated this time of the month, especially because this surgery changes up some hormones as well. I'm happy I'm not gaining, but frustrated the scale isn't moving, maybe its broken!!!(I could tell myself that)...I did put on a pair of pants this morning that went straight to the giveaway pile, they were tight a month ago and wouldn't even stay up this morning!!! Little successes, focus on that, it seems to help me!

  13. Me too! I feel like ima burst. Saw the doc yesterday. Smooth Move is fine. Thankfully, so are midol and tension tamer tea.

    IF I'm reading correctly...I CAN take Midol??????????????????? OMG, that would be awesome, I hurt so bad today, cramps are a b....!!! IF that is the case YOU just MADE my day!!! Pill form, or do they have capsules? I usually take the pill form.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
