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Posts posted by Lealea87

  1. I had my Surgery October 14th 2013, I'm down over 100# since then and 240# all together, I seem to have hit a stall...anyone want to share diets? I can eat anything and do not feel restriction at all anymore, but I'm still eating organic and clean, you ladies look great, any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!

  2. I have the same problem, I am 8 weeks out now. I just put out all of the larger plates in my kitchen and now use the saucers! It worked great! Smaller portions and I do not put seconds on my plate until 30 min has passed. Normally I do not want seconds after that- I usually eat ever 3 hours with those portions. I also invested in a nutribullet to add some different smoothies and meals.

  3. I am 8 weeks out, I have been using it for a several weeks ago , I let my doctor know and he was fine with it. It has helped me alot! its so much easier for me, especially when i get home at night! i use non flavored Protein in it to when I notice im lacking, but normally i have no issues getting my Protein in. Ive lost 60 pound in the first 8 week- I dont know if I would of lost as much with out it! lol!

  4. I had my surgery Oct. 14th less than 2 weeks ago, at 7 days out I had lost 23 pounds since surgery which was great! But now when eating I feel absolutely no restriction, I have alot of weight to lose, I lost almost 100 pre op. I was able to eat 2 scrambled eggs no problem yesterday! That scares me, and I don't know what to do, what I read that is really abnormal- Has anyone else not felt any restriction? Or will restrictions come at the next stage?

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